Essay Writing Unit - Weebly

Essay Writing Unit- Ms. Ashley- English 11

The major source of reference for this unit is The Act of Writing.

Part One.

Read the introduction (p1- 20) carefully. Note clearly that writing is a process. A process means that in order to be successful at it, you need to follow a series of steps. The word “essay” comes from the French essai, a try or an attempt. The essay is an attempt to communicate information, or feeling, and usually it presents an argument about a topic. If you wonder how essay writing will help you in “the real world”, remember that the skills you learn in thinking, organizing, researching and writing will be required in most careers. There will always be expository reports to write and arguments to present, even if it is just to persuade someone to hire you rather than Jane Doe.

Writing is a complex process. It is a learned craft that requires much practice to perfect. No formula can guarantee a good essay, but certain procedures have been found to be beneficial. It is important that no matter what style of essay is being written, that the basic writing process is followed. The process can vary somewhat between essay types but in its simplest form it follows the basic writing process as follows: Choosing a topic, Narrowing it down to a thesis, Brainstorming or Reading/Research (if needed), creating an outline, Writing a first draft, Revising (editing/proofreading) and a final draft. As you see, there is a pre-writing, a writing and a post-writing phrase.

Types of essays: (Notes taken from The Act of Writing)

Narration: Essays arranged in simple time order, from the first event to the last event, telling a story that

illustrates the point.

Example: Give one in-depth example that explains the point, or a number of shorter examples.

Description: Recreate for your reader, through vivid language, your own or someone else’s experience that illustrates the point.

Cause and effect: Explain by showing how one situation or event causes another.

Comparison and contrast: Explain by showing how two things are like or unlike one another.

Analogy and related devices: In comparing two things, use the one to explain the other.

Classification: Make a point by dividing your subject into parts, then explaining each in turn.

Process Analysis: Show how something is done or how something happens.

Argumentation and persuasion: Making a point through logic and/or emotion. The persuasive essay must choose a side, make a case for it, consider and refute alternative arguments, and prove to the reader that the opinion it presents is the best one. You must be aware of other sides and be fair to them. Dismissing them completely will weaken your argument.

Assignments/Work you will be expected to accomplish

1. Complete an example of each type of opening and closing given in the introduction. Choose your best opening and best closing and hand in rough and good copies of each. You must identify what type of opening or closing it is, and give reasons for why you think it is the best one you wrote. You must also explain how it is an example of the type of opening or closing it represents.

2. Read through the introduction for all nine types of essays. For each essay, complete the questions attached.

3. Read through at least two examples of each of the nine types of essays in The Act of Writing. You must complete an evaluation for one of those two essays. You will have nine evaluations in all. A guide handout is attached to this handout.

4. Write a rough draft for four different types of essays. Follow the various steps. Each stage must be accounted for. However, you are not expected to complete a published copy. Include a cover page for each of these essays. The cover page must include which format you used; which essay in The Act of Writing served as your template and why. If none, why? You must also indicate what type of opening and closing (or combinations) you used, and why. Comment on how your essay is structured. Merely saying that there is an introduction, body and conclusion is not sufficient to get you any marks. (think about how you chose the order, what points you made, where emphasis was put etc.)

5. You will then have to revise and proofread your argumentation essay as well as one other essay of your choice from the other rough drafts you have written. These piecew will be evaluated as exemplars of your capabilities.

6. You must also complete a self- evaluation of your final essay. (see attached format)

How do I know what to write about?

After each of the essays in The Act of Writing there is a section titled “ Ideas for discussion and Writing”. Also, the end of each unit has a section called, “ Topics for Writing”. Use any of these topics. If you would like to use a different topic just ask me for permission to see if it would be appropriate.

Choices in terms of essays to write

You are to write drafts of four of the nine types of essays discussed. These must be four different types of essays. You must complete one from each block.

Block A.




Block B.

Cause and effect

Comparison and contrast

Block C.

Analogy and related devices


Process analysis

Block D.

Argumentation and persuasion.

Due Dates for Assignments/Work * indicates that these assignments must be handed in –others will be checked for completion and marked off on your essay unit checklist. Discussions will be marked.

1. Introductory questions

2. Good copy and explanations of best opening and closing*

3. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay evaluation- Narrative. (discussion on narrative essay)

4. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay evaluation- Example. (discussion on example essay)

5. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay evaluation- Description. (discussion on descriptive essay)

6. Introduction to essays questions/Essay evaluation-Cause/Effect.discussion on cause/effect essay)

7. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay evaluation-Compare/Contrast.(disc. on comp/cont essay)

8. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay evaluation- Analogy. (discussion on analogy essay)

9. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay evaluation- Classification.(discussion on class. essay)

10. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay evaluation- Process Analysis.(disc.n on proc anal. essay)

11. Introduction to essays questions/ Essay eval.-Argumentation/Persuasion.(disc on arg./pers.essay)

12. Block A rough draft and cover page*

13. Block B rough draft and cover page* These can be done in any order

14. Block C rough draft and cover page* by dates given.

15. Block D rough draft and cover page*

16. Final good copy of argumentation essay and self evaluation.*

17. Final good copy of chosen essay and self evaluation*.

18. In class persuasive essay evaluation.*

Act of Writing textbook

Introductory questions

A.Instructions: Read To the student-pgs. xxvii-xxviii-

1. Summarize what it recommends for students.

B.Instructions: Read the Introduction- pgs. 1-18

2. Summarize all 5 misconceptions and explain each one.

3. Summarize the 4 questions that help when writing an essay and explain each one.

4. Summarize the Prewriting steps.

5. List the methods suggested for opening your essay.

6. Summarize the Body portion of an essay.

7. What are the 9 types of essays? Describe each.

8. Explain why transitions are important.

9. Summarize the Closing portion of an essay.

10. Describe the 9 methods suggested for closing an essay.

11. What is recommended for drafts/rough copies of essays?

Questions for the Introductions to each type of essay

1. Write down the type of essay this introduction is discussing.

2. Give an explanation of what this type of essay is.

3. Summarize the main elements for this type of essay.

4. Summarize any crucial features for this type of essay.

5. What transitional devices are best used with this type of essay? What connections are necessary?

6. What are some helpful hints for writing this type of essay.

7. Is this a type of essay that appeals to you and/or suits your personal writing style? Why or why not?

Guide to Use When Evaluating Essays in The Act of Writing

It is imperative that you read the introduction for the different types of essays thoroughly before doing these evaluations.

1. Give the title of the essay, the author, the type of essay (eg. Description) and the page number where it can be found in The Act of Writing.

2. What is the thesis? (You may not be able to point to an actual sentence. If the thesis is implied, write a statement that tells the main idea the writer wants to communicate.)

3. There is a “Structure” and “Style” section with questions after each essay. You are to write down the page or pages where these sections can be found. Answer any three questions under the “Structure” section and any one under the “Style” section. Number the questions correctly.

4. Do you feel the writer has effectively communicated their thesis through their essay? Why or why not?

Self-evaluation of published essay

You must include a self-evaluation for the final published essay.

1. What did you hope to achieve in this essay? Did you meet your goals? Why or why not?

2. What organizing structure did you ultimately choose? Why?

3. What do you consider the highlights of the essay? Why?

4. What specific sections were challenging? Why?


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