Taped-Words Intervention

Direct Instruction Writing Program:

Expressive Writing Intervention

Description: Direct instruction (DI) writing programs include fast-paced, well-sequenced, highly focused lessons. Students are instructed in small groups and are given several opportunities to respond together and individually, with immediate feedback using specific correction procedures. Expressive Writing is a DI intervention program designed to accelerate the skills of students who are significantly behind in written expression. The program has 50 lessons and presents the key components of the writing process, including sentence and paragraph writing, drafting, revising, and editing for clarity. Activities in this program are designed to provide an introductory approach with many opportunities for practice and review over time.


• Expressive Writing I student book and the teacher presentation book

Steps in Implementing this Intervention:

• Step 1: State the learning objectives and inform students of performance expectations. Learning objectives throughout the program include:

← Mechanics (writing sentences beginning with capital letters, using commas, using quotation marks, capitalizing proper nouns)

← Sentence writing (writing and correctly punctuating sentences, using introductory phrases)

← Paragraph and story writing (using varied sentence types)

← Editing (editing for punctuation and tense agreement, editing for run-on sentences)

• Step 2: Review the skills necessary to understand the concept.

• Step 3: Present the information, giving examples and demonstrating the concepts.

• Step 4: Pose questions to the students and assess their level of understanding.

• Step 5: Provide writing opportunities for distributed practice and review. Give immediate feedback, including praise and corrective feedback.


• Use CBM probes to assess student progress.

• Provide prompts for student writing samples.


Walker, B., Shippen, M. E., Alberto, P., Houchins, D. E., & Cihak, D. F. (2005). Using the Expressive Writing program to improve the writing skills of high school students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 20(3), 175-183.


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