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Instructions to AuthorsMay 2019-712915-569784AUSTRALIAN TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING (ATAP) GUIDELINESINSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORSMay 2019Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc8678346 \h 12.Output types PAGEREF _Toc8678347 \h 13.Document types PAGEREF _Toc8678348 \h 14.Document templates PAGEREF _Toc8678349 \h 25.1 Word template PAGEREF _Toc8678350 \h 25.2 Excel template – for graphs and charts PAGEREF _Toc8678351 \h 25.3 PowerPoint (PPT) template – for diagrams PAGEREF _Toc8678352 \h 25.File names PAGEREF _Toc8678353 \h 26.Managing files - Version control and security PAGEREF _Toc8678354 \h 27.Content development principles PAGEREF _Toc8678355 \h 38.Structure of documents PAGEREF _Toc8678356 \h 39.Cross-referencing terminology - categories, parts, chapters and sections PAGEREF _Toc8678357 \h 410.Technical terms PAGEREF _Toc8678358 \h 411.Writing clearly PAGEREF _Toc8678359 \h 512.Writing style levels PAGEREF _Toc8678360 \h 513.Style consistency PAGEREF _Toc8678361 \h 514.Importing text, tables and figures into Word PAGEREF _Toc8678362 \h 515.Checking and editing PAGEREF _Toc8678363 \h 616.Editorial team PAGEREF _Toc8678364 \h 617.Queries PAGEREF _Toc8678365 \h 618.Access to materials PAGEREF _Toc8678367 \h 6IntroductionThe Australian Transport Assessment and Planning (ATAP) Guidelines (or the Guidelines) provide guidance for transport planning and assessment in Australia. The Guidelines can be accessed at: .This document provides Instructions to Authors, with reference to associated Content Templates, to assist authors drafting content for the Guidelines. Their use ensures consistency in style, tone, punctuation, grammar, terminology and format across Guidelines documents. They also assist the compilation and integration of final content that is readable and accessible. All authors are required to follow these instructions and use the content templates. Authors can direct queries to the ATAP editing team (see items 16 and 17 below).An author checklist is provided in Appendix C Output typesThe ATAP Guidelines uses three types of outputs:Guidance documents: These outline recommended practice for Australian transport planning and assessment practitioners. The Guidelines provide guidance for a wide range of aspects of practice and make up the primary content of the Guidelines.Research reports: In some cases the ATAP Steering Committee may undertake specific pieces of research on issues related to the Guidelines. These will be reported as standalone ATAP Research Reports. Research reports should not include recommendations unless these were required in the project brief.Technical reports: Technical reports will arise when a piece of Guidance, or a Research Report, require a separate supporting report of a higher level of technical detail. The content is wholly technical and intended for a specific expert audience. Their content should not be contentious or be subject to different positions by ATAP Steering Committee member organisations. Technical reports may be interim reports of multi staged projects which will eventuate in a research report. Technical reports do not include recommendations. The instructions provided here apply to all these output types. The only differences in instructions across these output types is in writing styles as discussed in Appendix A. The type of output(s) required for any given ATAP project or work item will be specified by the ATAP Steering Committee.Document typesAuthors are required to use three Microsoft Office products as follows:ItemMicrosoft Office Program To UseTextMS WordData-based graphs and chartsMS ExcelDiagramsMS PowerpointDocument templatesATAP Word, Excel and PowerPoint templates have been developed for consistent use across all content development. Authors are required to use these templates. The templates are available from the ATAP website (see item 18). The existing guidance on the ATAP website demonstrates how the templates are used to produce final content.4.1 Word template The ATAP Word template locks authors into specific heading levels, table styles and colours, font style and colours and other formatting features.When opening the template, authors will see Detailed Formatting Instructions that will guide them in using the template.4.2 Excel template – for graphs and chartsThe ATAP Excel template allows authors to build data-based graphs and charts in a consistent ATAP colour scheme and style across the documents.4.3 PowerPoint (PPT) template – for diagramsThe ATAP Powerpoint template allows authors to build diagrams such as flow charts or any other figures (excluding data-based graphs and charts – see 4.2 above) in a consistent ATAP colour scheme and style across the documents. Authors should not create diagrams in Word. Filenaming protocolAuthors should adopt the following ATAP file naming protocol for the main documents and their associated files: ATAP – document name – v# - 20YY-MM-DD.docx or .xlsx or .pptx etc.The ‘document name’ should include the label associated with the location on the ATAP website where the content will reside (once provided by the Project Manager),e.g. ATAP – F2 problem identification – v3 – 2016-05-13.docx .Managing files - Version control and securityUntil authors submit their document for review, they are responsible for maintaining both:Version control (following the ATAP file naming protocol in item 5 above, and Document security.Authors should back-up their documents regularly to minimise the loss of content should a document become corrupted from importing external material. The editing team (see item 16) may be able to assist where a document becomes seriously unstable or corrupted. Authors must retain all original files from which they produce text, graphs, charts or diagrams and ensure that they are named in accordance with the ATAP file naming protocol (see item 5). Authors are required to provide these associated files when submitting their documents for review.Content development principlesAuthors should develop their drafts in accordance with the following principles:The Guidelines will be as easy to understand, use and practical as possible, while at the same time being rigorous and reliable, and providing a comprehensive level of supporting detailed technical informationThe Guidelines will recognise that there may be situations where it is necessary to consider variations in methodologies and values, and will contain suggestions for approaches to deal with such situations in a consistent mannerWherever possible, new and revised Guidelines content will build on existing ATAP text, adding value, rather than starting from scratchCross-referencing between different parts of the Guidelines is important for their overall effectiveness.Structure of documentsThe ATAP Word template locks authors into a specific structure for individual documents consisting of:Title pagePublication pageContents pageAt a glance boxChaptersAppendicesReferences list. This allows consistency across the Guidelines as a whole. The sequence of chapters will vary between documents.‘At a glance’ boxThe ‘At a glance’ text box in each document summarises the document in bullet points, providing a very brief overview and snapshot for the reader. A version of this text may appear on the ATAP website to facilitate user navigation and application of the guidelines. The ‘At a glance’ box should be written in the ‘Level 1’ writing style (see Appendix A).Where authors feel the nature of their document makes inclusion of an ‘At a glance’ box inappropriate or redundant, they should obtain the approval of the relevant Work Stream Leader and ATAP Technical Coordinator to omit this feature. Authors should bear in mind that where this feature is not used, they may still be asked to provide a summary to assist in document integration and website navigation.Cross-referencing terminology - categories, parts, chapters and sectionsAuthors should use the specific ATAP website terminology outlined below for cross-referencing:The website has four levels:Level 1 Category [Framework for example]Level 2 Part [Framework Part 0.1: Part 0.1 Policy Choices and System Planning]Level 3 Chapter [Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Policy choices or settings, Chapter 3: Integrated transport and land use planning, Chapter 4: Multi-modal network planning]Level 4 Section [Section 4.1: Steps in multi-modal network planning]Examples of in-text referencing would be something like the following:If, for example, you are in Framework Part 0.1: ”See Section 4.1 for an outline of the steps in multi-modal network planning.”If you are in a different part: “See Framework Part 0.1, Section 4.1, for an outline of the steps in multi-modal network planning.” Or “See Framework Part 0.1, Chapter 4 for detailed guidance on multi-modal network planning.”If you need to refer to the Category …”The Framework category consists of nine parts.” Or “The Tools and Techniques category includes guidance on travel demand modelling, cost benefit analysis and wider economic benefits.” Or “The Tools and Techniques category includes six Parts: T1 Travel Demand Modelling, T2 Cost-Benefit Analysis; etc”Technical terms ATAP Part A2 Glossary of Terms in the About category of the ATAP website defines key terms used across the ATAP Guidelines. These definitions, and their consistent use across ATAP documents, have been endorsed by the ATAP Steering Committee.Where an author identifies a technical term that requires definition they should:Check A2 Glossary of Terms on the ATAP website and ensure they write content that is consistent with itProvide the Project Manager and the ATAP Technical Coordinator any terms and associated definitions that need to be added to the ATAP GlossaryRaise any issues with the Project Manager and Technical Coordinator.Assessment, appraisal, evaluationThese are key terms in the Guidelines. They are often used interchangeably to mean the determination of the overall merits and impacts of an initiative. In the ATAP Guidelines, these terms are used specifically as follows:Assessment: a generic term referring to quantitative and qualitative analysis of data to produce information to aid decision-makingAppraisal: the process of determining the impacts and overall merit of a proposed initiative, including the presentation of relevant information for consideration by the decision-makerEvaluation: the specific process of reviewing the outcome and performance of an initiative after it has been implemented.Writing clearlyEven expert readers value simple text that speaks in plain English. Content is easier to read and understand if authors: Keep sentences shortUse the simplest word (e.g. before – not prior to ; so – not accordingly ; start – not commence)Use verbs rather than complicated sentence constructions (e.g. explain – not provide an explanation ; apply – not make an application)Use active voice (e.g. the Guidelines are – not will be ; many commuters use the train – not the train is used by many commuters).Writing style levelsAuthors are required to use three writing style levels in developing ATAP content. These are explained in Appendix A.Style consistency'Style' matters include the consistent use of punctuation (such as capitals and italics for particular terms, titles or phrases) and consistent references to particular people, organisations, publications and activities.The editorial team will use the Commonwealth Government Style Manual (6th edition) for guidance on punctuation, typographical styles and other drafting conventions. Authors are not expected to be familiar with or to use this manual: that is the responsibility of the editors. However, authors are asked to use a consistent style in a small number of key areas as set out in the ATAP Style Guide in Appendix B.Any significant style issues should be raised with the editorial team through the Project Manager to whom the author is reporting.Importing text, tables and figures into Word Authors are asked to take particular care when importing text, tables, charts and diagrams into Word from external sources to ensure the material is unformatted when importing it. The Detailed Formatting Instructions in the Word template provides guidance on how to import material correctly. Some authors may be required to use text, figures or tables from the 2006 National Guidelines for Transport System Management (NGTSM) Volumes or from the Austroads Guide to Project Evaluation. In these cases:Versions of these documents that have been converted to ATAP format can be obtained from the ATAP editing team (see item 16). Using these files will make it easier for authors to import text from those earlier guidelines into the documents they are producingAuthors should determine that the figure remains valid and does not need updating. Where a diagram, graph or chart needs updating and/or reformatting, this should be discussed with the relevant Work Stream Leader and ATAP Technical Coordinator. Authors should note that all figures in the 2006 NGTSM are in JPEG or TIFF formats and need to be imported into Word as pictures (as set out in the instructions in the Word template).Checking and editing Before submitting documents, authors are required to use the ATAP Author Checklist in Appendix C to ensure they meet ATAP’s basic requirements. Authors should note that the ATAP Steering Committee will not accept for review any draft outputs that have not been properly checked for spelling errors, missing text or missing references, or gross grammatical errors. Non-compliance will result in material being returned to the author for appropriate amendments at the consultant’s own cost. To ensure draft material meets this standard, before submitting drafts for review, authors expected to:Use Microsoft Word ‘spell-check’Read drafts thoroughly.All edits to content drafts (by authors, Work Stream Leaders and the editing team) must be made in tracked changes to assist reviewers in seeing changes that have been made.A professional editor is also engaged by the Steering Committee before Guidelines content is finalised.The Author Checklist in Appendix C also indicates the requirements at the end of the development of an ATAP work item. For consultancies the final payment is subject to full compliance with the checklist.Editorial team The editorial team comprises the following ATAP team members:Secretariat Coordinator (Peter Stafford)Technical Coordinator (Peter Tisato)Work Stream LeaderProject ManagerProfessional editor engaged by the Steering Committee.QueriesAuthors can direct any queries as follows:Type of QueryContactInstructions to Authors, templates, formatting, style, access to text in previous publications (e.g. NGTSM)Technical CoordinatorProject contentWork Stream Leader / Project ManagerOtherProject ManagerAccess to materials All material required by authors, including these Instructions to Authors and the ATAP Templates can be accessed in the About category of the ATAP website at: . Any other requirements should be discussed with the ATAP editorial team.Some authors may be required to use text, figures or tables from the 2006 National Guidelines for Transport System Management (NGTSM) Volumes or from the Austroads Guide to Project Evaluation. Versions of these documents that have been converted to ATAP format. Using these converted files will make it easier for authors to import text from those earlier guidelines into the documents they are producing. The ATAP Technical Coordinator can provide access to these converted documents.Appendix AATAP three levels of writing styleIntroductionATAP content for any given topic will use up to three integrated writing levels:IntroductoryCook book guidanceDetailed and technical material.Level 1 is the simplest writing style and Level 3 the most complex. Authors need to make appropriate use of these three styles as they develop content for the Guidelines. This will ensure clarity and readability of ATAP content for a wide range of audiences.Authors are able to seek advice from the ATAP Technical Coordinator regarding use of the writing levels.The Three Writing Style LevelsLevel 1 – IntroductoryThe first level involves writing introductory content that is very much aimed at the layperson. It must be easy to read and understand, have minimal jargon, and focus on explaining in simple terms what the topic is about and why it is relevant.Level 2 – Cook-Book GuidanceThe second level involves writing guidance for people who need to actually implement the various methodologies, techniques and instructions in the Guidelines. These would primarily be professional staff required to undertake the planning, assessments, appraisals and evaluations covered by the Guidelines.The guidance must be ‘cook-book’ in nature. That is, the guidance material must be primarily focused on explaining how the person can successfully undertake the work required. Level 3 – Detailed and Technical MaterialThe third level involves writing material that is more in-depth. It may provide a more technical explanation of a concept, provide more detailed or rigorous supporting explanations of level 2 text, etc. This level ensures that the Guidelines have strong rigorous and evidence-based foundations, so that a reviewer or auditor can conclude that there is genuine strength and substance to the Guidelines. Use in ATAP OutputsAt a Glance box, Introductions, Conclusions – These sections of ATAP documents should all be written in Level 1 style.Guidance documents – Guidance will primarily be written using Level 1 and Level 2 styles, with appropriate use of footnotes and text boxes being helpful. It may also contain some Level 3 text in support of the Levels 1 and 2 text. Where Level 3 text is used, it should be presented so that it does not disrupt the readability of the Guidance for the reader – primarily by use of appendices, but also footnotes, boxes, etc where appropriate.Note that, whilst the Guidelines may provide Level 3 detailed supporting material, it will sometimes be sufficient to refer to relevant supporting material already published and available elsewhere outside of the Guidelines.Research and Technical Reports – The content of these reports will contain Level 1 and Level 3 text. Where Level 3 text is written in the body of the report, it still needs to be written in a manner that can be generally followed by the lay reader, and fully understood by experts.Writing Style Example – Discount RateLevel 1 – “The use of a discount rate in the economic assessment of an investment project is required to account for the observation that a dollar today is considered more valuable than a dollar tomorrow.”Level 2 – “The recommended discount rate to use can vary from one jurisdiction to the next. In general, however, values between 4% and 10% are often used in Australia. As a default, the figures recommended by Infrastructure Australia can be used, namely 7% for the main assessment, and 4% and 10% for sensitivity testing.”Level 3 – At this level, the text could cover such concepts and the opportunity cost of capital, the rate of time preference, and the role of both of these in choosing a discount rate. It could summarise what the literature says on the topic, and the state of any relevant debates. With respect to discount rates, for example, Mark Harvey has written several pieces of relevant level 3 content. Appendix BATAP Style GuideAuthors are asked to adopt these basic style conventions to assist in the editorial process. Queries about style should be raised with the editing team. Bullet listsAuthors should use a consistent style for bullet lists: Start each bullet point with a capital letterNo punctuation at end of each bullet pointExcept for the final item, which ends with a full stop.Where a bullet list features items that are complete sentences (not a running list), then each item should end with a full stop.Capital lettersThere are many ‘rules’ regarding capitalisation. Authors need not be overly concerned about these rules, as the editors will address inconsistencies at the editing stage. However, authors should avoid unnecessary use of capital letters. Proper names (of people and organisations) should be capitalised. Only the first word in a heading should be capitalised.Some specific examples for ATAP documents: The word government should be capitalised as part of a formal title (the Australian Government or the Victorian Government), but lower case should be used elsewhere (the governments of Victoria and Queensland).The word federal should be capitalised only if it forms part of an official title (the Federal Court of Australia). The federal government (a broad term for the Commonwealth Government) does not need to be capitalised.Similarly, use capitals for the words state and territory for official titles (the Australian Capital Territory), but not for generic references (action taken by the states and territories / the state government). The word Commonwealth is almost always capitalised in Australian documents (Commonwealth of Australia / Commonwealth Government / Commonwealth programs and responsibilities).In all documents, Guidelines should be capitalised when referring to the Guidelines (e.g. the Guidelines are an important part of transport planning / when following the Guidelines, planners should be aware of…).NumbersThe following conventions should be adopted: When starting a sentence, a number should always be expressed in words (Fifty people attended the meeting, not 50 people attended the meeting).Single digit numbers should be expressed in words; numbers over nine should be expressed as numerals. Percentages should be expressed as numerals followed by the ‘%’ symbol, with no space (8% / 25%).Use numerals for numbers accompanied by a symbol (250?m / 8?km / 23°C / 40?kg / 25?m2). A ‘thin space’ should be inserted between the number and symbol. For ease of formatting in the ATAP Word template, authors should insert this space by holding down the Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar?keys.No space or comma should be used for four digit numbers (8700 / 4568). A thin space and no comma should be used to separate groups of three digits within a larger number ($100?000 / 563?000 / 12?000 / 5?250?000). As above, authors should use the Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar?hotkey combination to insert these spaces.Sources and citationsAuthors should follow the author-date (Harvard) style of referencing. Brief citations should be inserted into the text in brackets, giving the author’s name, date of publication and where appropriate a page reference: (Jones 2003) (Jones 2003; Rogers 1998) (Collins 2001, p.24)(Collins 2001a, p.24; 2001b, p.56) – for multiple works published in the same year by the same author.In-text citations should be placed at the end of a sentence, before the final full stop. However, if a citation refers to only part of a sentence, it should be placed after the phrase to which it relates. Where the name of an author is included in the sentence, the citation (date and perhaps a page reference) should be placed immediately after the author’s name. A references list of all sources cited in the text should be placed at the end of the document in the following format:For books: Jones, R 2003, Transport planning can be fun, 3rd edn, Macmillian Education Australia, MelbourneFor articles: Andrews, KT & Rogers, TF 1998, ‘Cycling grows in popularity’, Transport Planning Journal, vol 43, pp. 34-56For websites: Department of Finance and Administration 2004, Canberra, viewed 5 August 2013, list should be in alphabetical order. There are many ‘rules’ for citing different types of sources. Authors should focus on placing the bracketed citation accurately within the text and that all sources cited appear in the references list at the end of the document.SpacingA single space should be used after a full stop. Double spacing after full stops should be avoided.Appendix CATAP author checklist For DraftsDocument is in ATAP Word template?Data-based graphs and charts created in ATAP Excel template?Diagrams created in ATAP Powerpoint template?References section included and includes all references?Files named in accordance with ATAP file naming protocol?For revised drafts, all edits made in Tracked Changes?Spell check done?For Final VersionDocument is complete (no missing sections) ?References list is complete – all reference included and properly formatted?Definitions used in the document comply with ATAP Glossary of Terms and any new definitions to be added to the Glossary have been provided to the Technical Coordinator?All final changes have been madeDocument complies with ATAP Style Guide ?Final spell check done?Associated Excel, PPT and other files accurately labelled and named in accordance with ATAP file naming protocol and provided to the Technical Coordinator?Payment of the final (10%) invoice for a work item will be conditional on this checklist being completed. ................

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