
My Life 1

Teaching Programme

Modern Foreign Languages


Starter Unit


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask someone’s name, say what their name is, spell their name.

Understand the alphabet and numbers to give basic information and spell where necessary.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand basic information in which people introduce themselves.

Understand and answer a cultural Quiz.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply elements of grammar correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and value a foreign language as an instrument to communicate in the classroom and with people from other cultures.

Use appropriate ways and good manners when asking and giving personal information.



Verb to be: singular and plural.

Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its.

Lexical sets

Numbers 1-100.

Countries and nationalities.

Compass points.

Days of the week.


Use the alphabet and numbers to give basic information and spell where necessary.

Reflection on learning

Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning

Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.


Linguistic competence

Exchange basic information and clarify spelling.

Understanding the alphabet, numbers, days of the week and basic personal information including countries of origin and nationality.

Recognising and using the present simple of the verb to be and the singular possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its.

Mathematical competence

Using cardinal numbers 1 to 100.

Performing basic mathematical calculations.

Data processing and digital competence

Design a Web page.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Understanding how to express opinions appropriately and how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 4 to 9

v. Evaluation


Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversation

To use and pronounce the English alphabet correctly.

To recognise the letters of the alphabet and the numbers when used to spell and give basic information.

To understand basic information on presentations others made about themselves.

To understand and answer a cultural form.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

To fill in a Quiz about places in the world.

To complete dialogs with the singular form of the verb to be.

To build simple phrases the singular form of the to be.

To ask and answer questions using the plural form of the verb to be.

To put together possessive adjectives (my / your / his / her / its) with their corresponding personal pronoun.

To order the days of the week.


To appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired learning to use the phonetics aspects of rhythm and intonation.

To reflect over their own learning.

To evaluate if the basic strategies that favour the learning process are been used.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify some cultural and geographical characteristics of a country and the cultures where a foreign language is spoken: to use appropriate ways to give and ask personal information.

Unit 1: My Life


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions about the contents of their school bags.

Ask and answer basic questions about themselves.

Understand someone talking about things that are important in their life.

Listen for specific information about prices.

Understand a conversation in a shop.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand the contents of a personal webpage.

Understand a real life story about birthday presents including day-to-day conversations.

Write a webpage about what’s important to them.

Write a descriptive paragraph about them.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

Acknowledging mistakes as part of the learning process maintaining a positive attitude to overcome them.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.



The indefinite article: a / an.

Regular noun plural endings: -s, -es.

Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, theses, those.

Genitive ’s (singular) and s’ (plural).

Possessive adjectives: our, your, their.

Can (for requests).

Lexical sets

Common objects.


Fast food and drink.

British money.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to comments and questions.

Understand a menu and order and pay for food and drink.


Identify and produce the schwa /ə/ sound.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Keep talking and not worry about making mistakes when they speak.

Capital letters.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging personal information about objects and things important to the speaker.

Understand personal information about possessions and friends and also transactional information including prices.

Recognising and using the indefinite article a, regular noun plurals and demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those), genitive ’s y plural possessive adjectives (our, your, their) and can for requests.

Pronounce the /ə/ sound correctly.

Mathematical competence

Working with prices and units of currency.

Data processing and digital competence

Design a web page.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Understanding how to express opinions appropriately and how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 10 to 19

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 12 to 14

Reading and Listening pages 40 to 42

Writing page 68

Motivator pages 78 to 82

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 1, 2 y 3 (pages 34-35).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 94-95).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 106).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions about themselves and their surroundings.

To talk about things that are important in their lives.

To listen and understand a conversation in a daily context.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand the context of a webpage.

To write a webpage and a paragraph about themselves.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language


To match vocabulary Word with their picture.

To match vocabulary words of common objects with their picture.

To match numbers with coloured codes.

To match pictures that represents fast food and drink, and their prizes.


To choose an indefinite article a /an correctly to differentiate words.

To build phrases using the demonstrative pronouns this / that / these / those.

To use the genitive’s in singular and plural in different situations.

To complete phrases with the possessive pronouns our / your / their.

To ask questions in order to request food, drinks and the prize in an establishment.


To appreciate the capacity to apply their knowledge to use the sounds, rhythm and intonation aspects of the English language.

To pronounce the /ə/ sound correctly.

Reflect on learning

To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 2: Families


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions about people’s appearance.

Ask and answer questions about birthdays and signs.

Understand factual information about famous people.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand texts about different family units.

Understand a conversation about films and film stars.

Understand a conversation about birthdays and horoscopes.

Write about famous film star’s appearances.

Write a descriptive paragraph about a famous actor.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.

To create a project about their families (pages 36-37).



Have got.

Irregular plurals.

Preposition of time: in, on.

Lexical sets



Months and seasons.

Star signs.

Ordinal numbers.


Talk about their families and alternative family units.

Use appropriate phrases to respond to other’s comments and questions.


Produce the /θ/ sound.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Don’t panic when listening for the first time.

Pay attention to punctuation and use capital letters and full spots correctly.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging information about families, relationships between family members, personal descriptions and birthdays.

Understanding information about families both similar and different to your own and physical descriptions of people.

Recognising and using have got and prepositions of time in and on.

Pronouncing the sound /θ/ correctly.

Mathematical competence

Using ordinal numbers from 1stto 31st for days of the month and relating these to their correspondent cardinal numbers.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Considering alternative family units and multicultural families.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook page 20

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 15 to 17

Reading and Listening pages 43 to 45

Writing page 69

Motivator pages 83 to 87

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 1, 2 y 3 (pages 34-35).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 95-96).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 106).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and give information about someone’s appearance.

To understand information about famous people.

Participate conversations where people exchange personal information.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written texts.

Writing about someone else appearance.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language


Complete a family tree.

Understand descriptions about someone’s appearance.


Complete a phrase with an adequate use of the verb have got.

Answer questions with the verb have got.

Write a description about Scarlett Johansson and Mario Casas.

Order the months of the year.

Build phrases with the month of the year and the star signs.

Ask and answer questions about dates, using in / on correctly.


Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation.

Correct pronunciation the /θ/ sound.

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 3: Work


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions about their nationality, where they live and the languages they speak.

Ask and answer questions about their likes and dislikes.

Understand a radio quiz and guess a job.

Understand a talk about recycling.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a conversation about nationalities.

Understand and article about street art.

Understand a conversation expressing likes and dislikes.

Understand a text about creative recycling.

Write about the jobs which family members do and their places of work.

Write a descriptive paragraph about another person.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognise their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.



Present simple.

Objects pronouns.

Lexical sets


Places of work.

Like, love y hate.

Adjective of opinion: good, bad, awful, great, funny, etc.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to others’ comments and questions.

Exchange opinions and express likes and dislikes.


Identify and produce the /8/ sound.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage of learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Keep Reading and guess new words from context before using a dictionary or consulting their teacher.

Organise information in a description, thinking about the order, detail and connectors.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging information about yourself and those close to you in relation to your work, origins and simple opinions.

Understanding information about people’s jobs, places of work, origins, places of residence and their opinions about others.

Recognising and using the present simple, verbs of preference (like, love, hate) and object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

Pronouncing the /8/ sound.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Considering the importance of recycling and learning about more creative and less conventional forms of recycling.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Understanding how to express exchange and ask for opinions and respond appropriately both positive and negative.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learn about a British street artist.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 30 to 39

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 18 to 20

Reading and Listening pages 46 to 48

Writing page 70

Motivator pages 88 to 92

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 1, 2 y 3 (pages 34-35).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 96-97).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 106).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions about personal information.

To understand simple texts orally in different contexts of communication related to the content of the unit.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written texts with the vocabulary of the unit.

Write a description.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language


Match pictures with the corresponding job.

Match jobs with the places of work.


Complete phrases with the correct form of a present simple verb.

Replace the marked words with their respective pronoun..

Write questions and answers using the present simple.

Identify if an adjective is positive or negative.

Write phrases to give an opinion.


Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation

Correct pronunciation of the /8/ sound.

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 4: Daily life


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions about times.

Ask and answer questions about their daily routine.

Ask and answer questions about good and bad habits.

Talk about their habits and the habits of their friends and family.

Understand information about others’ daily routines.

Understand information about others’ habits.

Listen for specific information to correct mistakes in summary texts.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a conversation about football.

Understand a text about a daily routine.

Understand information about part-time jobs for teenagers.

Write about your partner’s daily routine.

Complete a form with information about a job.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.

Acknowledging mistakes as part of the learning process and to keep a positive attitude to overcome them.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.

Prepare a project: a blog about a day in school (pages 64-65).



Present simple with fixed times.

Preposition of time: at.

Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never.

Adverbials phrases of frequency: once a week, twice a day, etc.

Lexical sets

Clock times.

Daily routines.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to others’ comments and questions.

Express surprise and comment both positively and negatively.

Express what actions are thought of as good or bad in a difficult situation.


Identify and produce the /“/ sound.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organize personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Speak clearly and look the person they are talking to in the eye.

Fill in information.


Linguistic competence

Exchange information on lifestyle, routines and habits.

Understanding information about times, routines, the frequency of these and possible positive and negative effects on health.

Recognising and using the present simple with fixed times, the preposition of time at and adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency.

Pronouncing the /“/ sound correctly.

Mathematical competence

Telling the time.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Evaluating different courses of action in problematic situations.

Understanding how to express surprise and comment both positively and negatively.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 40 to 49

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 21 to 23

Reading and Listening pages 49 to 51

Writing page 71

Motivator pages 93 to 97

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 4, 5 y 6 (pages 62-63).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 97-98).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 106).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions about habits and daily routines.

To understand simple texts orally in different contexts of communication related to the content of the unit.

To participate in conversations: asking and giving the time.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written texts.

Fill in information.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language


To answer questions about the time.

Identify different daily routines.


Ask and answer questions using the present simple and the preposition at.

Ask and answer questions with the correct adverb of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes and never.

Complete a Quiz building adverbial phrases.

Build phrases combining different adverbial phrases: every day, once a week, twice a month, three times a year, etc.


Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation.

Correct pronunciation of the sound /“/.

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 5: Homes


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions about what there is in their homes.

Ask and answer questions about an imaginary club room.

Ask and answer questions about the location of objects.

Talk about their ideal home.

Understand a conversation about a room in a hotel.

Listen for specific information to correct mistakes in a picture.

Understand a radio interview about where a person lives.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand texts about where people live.

Understand a conversation about a youth club.

Understand a conversation about where personal objects can be found.

Write a descriptive paragraph about their home.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.



There is / are.

Definite article: the.

Some and any with plural nouns.

Prepositions of place: in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to.

Lexical sets

Rooms, parts of a house and fittings.


Describing where you live.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to others’ comments and questions.

Make and respond to requests.


Identify and produce the /∫/ sound.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Predicting content before doing a listening activity.

Pay attention to punctuation and use of commas, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging information about your home, your ideal home and other spaces around you.

Understanding spoken and written information about people’s home and other spaces around you.

Recognising and using there is / are, the definite article for a previously defined noun, some / any with plural nouns, and prepositions of place: in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to.

Using correct punctuation in written English: commas, question marks and exclamation marks.

Pronouncing the /∫/ sound correctly.

Mathematical competence

Understanding and processing statistics from a written document.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Learning about differences between homes in the UK and the USA.

Understanding how to make requests and agree or refuse appropriately.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Using diagrams and pictures to help assimilate vocabulary.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 50 to 59

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 24 to 25

Reading and Listening pages 52 to 54

Writing page 72

Motivator pages 98 to 102

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 4, 5 y 6 (pages. 62-63).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 98-99).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 106).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions about their surroundings.

To understand simple texts orally in different contexts of communication related to the content of the unit.

To understand a radio interview.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written texts.

Write a description about their homes.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language


To identify the names of the parts of a house.

To identify the name of furniture and place it correctly in the rooms of their house.


To write affirmative and negative phrases using there is and the definite article the.

To ask and answer questions about their own home and their peers using there is.

To complete phrases using there are y some / any accordingly.

To describe a picture using the prepositions of place: in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to properly.

Write True or False in statements about a picture.

To answer questions about the proper place for different objects.


Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation.

To identify and produce the sound /∫/.

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 6: Sport


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about which sports they do and the frequency and duration of these activities.

Ask and answer questions about their families.

Understand a conversation about activities in progress.

Listen for specific information about abilities.

Answer specific questions about a conversation.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand an article about a football academy.

Understand a conversation about leisure activities.

Understand a conversation about abilities and preferences.

Understand an article about sports and the human body.

Write a postcard to a friend.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.



Present continuous.

Can (abilities).

Lexical sets


Leisure activities.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to others’ comments and questions.

Make and respond to suggestions.


Produce the /b/ and the /v/ sounds.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Predict content from pictures and titles before Reading to help them understand better.

Check tenses in their written work.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging information about the sports and physical activities you do habitually, the duration of these, your ability to do certain physical activities and whether such actions are occasional or regular.

Understanding information about sports and physical activities, people’s capacity to do these things and how frequently they do them.

Recognising the present continuous and can for abilities.

Pronouncing the sounds /b/ and /v/ correctly.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Considering the benefits of physical sports and exercise in the human body.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Understanding how to make suggestions and respond both positively and negatively.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 60 to 69

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 27 to 29

Reading and Listening pages 55 to 57

Writing page 73

Motivator pages 103 to 107

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 4, 5 y 6 (pages 62-63).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 99-100).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 106).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To talk about sports.

To understand simple texts orally in different contexts of communication related to the content of the unit.

Participate in conversations about: sports and different activities.

To talk about abilities..

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written texts.

Understand conversations about daily events.

Write a postcard.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language (Module 6 Test-page 10)


Identify different sports.

Recognise different leisure time activities.


To write phrases using the present continuous positive or negative using the vocabulary of the unit.

To complete a dialogue using the present continuous in simple questions.

Write True, False or Not Sure in statements that use the vocabulary of the unit.

To ask and answer questions using the present continuous.

To write phrases using can / can’t appropriately.

To ask and answer questions can / can’t.


Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation

Correct pronunciation of the sounds /b/ and /v/.

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 7: People


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about their last weekend.

Say what people are wearing.

Talk about what was in a picture.

Describe their things in their bedrooms.

Express their opinions on good or bad ideas.

Understand and respond to specific questions related to a picture.

Understand a conversation in which people interact in a difficult situation.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a text about a brave teenager.

Understand a conversation about someone’s clothes.

Understand other’s people thoughts or speech based on a dialog.

Understand a difficult situation and some tips for how to react.

Write a descriptive text about a picnic or a party.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.



Past simple of to be.

There was / were.

Some / any.

What’s something like?

Positions of adjectives.

Lexical sets

Personality adjectives.


Common adjectives.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to others’ comments and questions.

Pay and respond to compliments.


Produce the weak /wəz/ and/wə/ sounds.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Look at the person they are talking to in the eye.

Include adjectives to make descriptions more interesting.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging information to describe objects and events both in the present and in the past and also describing people in terms of both character and dress.

Understand a semi-detailed description of people, places and activities both in the present and in the past.

Recognising and using the past simple of to be, there was / were, some / any, What’s it like? and the correct position of adjectives.

Pronouncing the weak forms /wəz/ and /wə/ correctly.

Data processing and digital competence

Write an email.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 70 to 79

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 30 to 32

Reading and Listening pages 58 to 60

Writing page 74

Motivator pages 108 to 112

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 7, 8 y 9 (pages 90-91).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 100-101).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 107).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To talk about leisure activities and describe other people.

To express their opinions on good or bad ideas.

To understand simple texts orally in different contexts of communication related to the content of the unit.

To participate in a variety of conversations: solve a difficult situation.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written texts.

To write a description about a party or a picnic.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language


To complete sentences using different adjectives of personality correctly.

To identify vocabulary about clothes and write phrases properly.

To match different adjectives with their antonym or opposites.


Write phrases: affirmatives, negatives and interrogatives with the past time of the verb to be: was /wasn’t.

To complete a dialogue choosing was / were accordingly.

Change phrases into the past simple of positives and negatives.

To complete questions and answer them about something that happened in the past.

To complete a dialogue using there was / there were, some /any in positive and negative.

Describe a scene placing in the correct place different adjectives.

Write phrases using the content of a chart.

To describe themselves using the vocabulary of the unit.

Write small dialogues using pay compliments.


Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation

Pronounce correctly the soft sound of /wəz/ and /wə/.

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 8: Animals


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about what they did yesterday.

Give and follow instructions.

Ask and answer questions about pets.

Understand and follow ten specific instructions.

Listen for specific information about and exotic pet.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand a text about an unusual bird.

Understand a conversation about wild animals.

Understand a series of instructions to teach a dog to sit.

Understand a webpage about the British and their pets.

Write an email to a friend.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.



Past simple of regular and irregular verbs.


Lexical sets

Common regular verbs.

Wild animals.

Common irregular verbs.

Parts of the body.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to others’ comments and questions.

Make apologies and respond appropriately.


Identify and produce the regular past simple ending –ed correctly.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Use headings for quick understanding.

Check the structure of a written passage to improve clarity.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging information about activities in the past and about your pets, and giving instructions.

Understanding stories which took place in the past, common instructions and information about both domestic and wild animals.

Recognising and using imperative, the past simple of both regular and irregular verbs.

Pronouncing the past simple –ed ending correctly.

Competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Thinking about the close relationships between the human and animal kingdoms.

Data processing and digital competence

Write an email.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Learning about the British and their sometimes eccentric love of animals.

Understand how to make and respond to apologies.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 80 to 89

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 33 to 35

Reading and Listening pages 61 to 63

Writing page 75

Motivator pages 113 to 117

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 7, 8 y 9 (pages 90-91).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (page 102).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 107).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Talk about what they did yesterday.

Talk about pets.

To understand simple texts orally in different contexts of communication related to the content of the unit.

To participate in a variety of conversations: give and receive instructions.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written texts about animals.

Write an email to a friend.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language (Module 8 Test-page 10)


To identify the name of different wild animals.

Identify and recognise the different parts of the body.


Complete sentences using the past simple in positive and negative form.

Complete a text using a past event changing the verbs given in present form into past simple.

Correct the verbal tense of some sentences.

Complete some questions using the past simple correctly.

Write sentences about discipline and respond in an adequate form.

To complete a text using the imperative of the verbs available.


Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation.

To pronounce correctly the ending sound –ed of past simple.

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.

Unit 9: Holidays


BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

Ask and answer questions about what activities they typically do on holiday and the frequency of these animals.

Talk about the weather both in the present and in the past.

Give rules for public places.

Give clues in order for others to guess a country.

Answer specific questions about a conversation.

Understand key information from a personal podcast.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand an email talking about holiday family plans.

Understand a conversation about people’s intentions.

Understand conversations about rules.

Understand information from a magazine article about World English.

Understand a webpage containing personal information.

Write answers to basic questions for a website.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language

Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.

Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.

To use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognising their importance.

Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.

Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation. BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.

Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language to their own.

To create a project: a poster about imaginary holidays, doing a small presentation for the class (pages 92-93).



Going to for plans and intentions.

Must / mustn’t for rules.

Lexical sets

Holiday activities.


Future time markers.


Use appropriate phrases to respond to others’ comments and questions.

Say goodbye and respond appropriately.


Identify rising and falling information in questions.

Reflection on learning

Show interest and curiosity to expand their knowledge related to the English language.

Organise personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.

Interest in taking advantage if learning opportunities created inside and out of the classroom.

Active participation in group activities.

Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.


Scan a text for key information.

Use the linking words and, but and or correctly.


Linguistic competence

Exchanging information about common holiday activities and how frequently you do them.

Understanding information about future plans in general and particularly relating to holidays activities; the weather in the present and past; common rules and regulations.

Recognising and using going to for plans and intentions and must / mustn’t for rules.

Using appropriate intonation in questions.

Data processing and digital competence

Writing personal information for a website.

Interpersonal, social and civic competences

Building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner regardless of their background.

Learning about other countries and languages and the role of English in the world.

Understanding how to make and respond to parting comments.

Cultural and artistic competence

Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of the English-speaking world.

Learning to learn

Developing effective language-learning practices.

Learning to evaluate your own learning.

iv. Attention to diversity

Extra-practice and extension activities

Workbook pages 90 to 99

Teacher’s Resource File

Grammar and Vocabulary pages 36 to 38

Reading and Listening pages 64 to 66

Writing page 76

Motivator pages 118 to 122

v. Evaluation


My Life 1 Student’s book. Revision: Units 7, 8 y 9 (pages 90-91).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra practice. (pages 103-104).

My Life 1 Student’s book. Extra pronunciation. (page 107).

My Life 1 Test book (page 125).

Evaluation criteria

BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation

To ask and answer questions about the holidays.

To understand simple texts orally in different contexts of communication related to the content of the unit.

To talk about conversations about the weather.

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

Understand simple written text.

To understand daily live conversations.

To answer simple questions.

BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language


Recognise and use vocabulary proper of the activities that take place during the holidays. Identify vocabulary about the weather.

To answer questions about the weather.


To write sentences about their holiday plans using going to.

To match a statement with a possible plan or intention using going to.

To choose the right options to complete a dialogue.

To answer simple questions about plans and intentions.

To ask simple questions about plans and intentions, then write a sentence to ask for more information

To write sentences about the rules in a swimming pool and a hotel using must / mustn’t.

To practise dialogues about saying goodbye.


To appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation

To use the right intonation when asking questions

Reflect on learning

Evaluate if the basic strategies are used in order to favour the learning process.

BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognise the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.

To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.


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