Writing Prompt - Mrs. Wilinski's Class

Writing Prompt


Every individual has power: the power to affect change in his or her own life, the lives of friends and family, the community, and the world. Using individual power can take the form of changing your own or someone else’s mind about prejudice, campaigning for a worthy cause, or doing your part in limiting the Greenhouse Effect.

Write about the theme: The Power of the Individual

Do one of the following:

➢ Describe something you have done individually to affect change.


➢ Tell how a person you admire has worked to affect change.


➢ Persuade the reader that taking a stand to affect change is important in life.


➢ Write about the theme in your own way.

Use examples from real life, from what you have read or watched, or from your imagination. Your writing will be read by interested adults.

You may use paper for notes, freewriting, outlining, clustering, or writing your rough draft, but you are only submitting the final copy for a grade. If you need to make a correction, cross out the error and write the correction above or next to it.

You should give careful thought to revision (rethinking ideas) and proofreading (correcting spelling, capitalization, and punctuation).


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