English 8th Grade

English 8

Wurtland Middle School


|Instructor Information |Course Information |

| | |

|Instructor: Bobbi Chaffin |Course: English 8th |

|Phone: 836-1023 |Course # 8230105 |

|Planning Period: 7:55 – 8:55 | |

|Email: bobbi.chaffin@greenup.kyschools.us |Webpage: |


McDougal Littell:

Language of Literature Language Network


Literature Online Text:

Language Network Online Text:

(No textbooks are issued to students, but they made checkout books temporarily)

Course Description:


Eighth grade English curriculum is based on the Kentucky Standards and the Common Core Standards. Students will develop the essential skills and strategies used in the four arts of the English Language: reading, writing, listening, & speaking. The integration of inquiry skills and technology with the other strands allows students to continue to discover and communicate ideas and information. At the end of the eighth grade year, students are formally assessed on the K-PREP in reading and on-demand writing.

Course Learning Outcomes:

• Students read a variety of increasingly complex texts with grade-specific skills and understandings.

• Students demonstrate increasing sophistication in all aspects of language use, from vocabulary and syntax to the development and organization of ideas in specific written forms: narration, informational, argumentative.


Grading Scale: Grade Weights:

100. A Final Assessments: 50%

(Tests, On Demand, Essays, AR)

89. B Learning Checks/Quizzes: 30%

79. C Daily Work/HW/Binder: 20%

69. D

59 and below F

Graded Assignments:

Accelerated Reader Requirements, Reading Response Tasks, Book Projects, Weekly Conventions Quiz, Learning Checks, Tests, Process Writing Compositions, On-Demand Writing (timed & extended), Weekly Vocabulary/Spelling Tests, Daily Work/Binder

If any student receives three zeroes in the same quarter or repeatedly does not have his or her work or materials assigned and needed for class, such as the English Binder or AR book, I will notify someone at home by a phone call or note sent home to be signed.

Course Policies and Rules:

Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when you knowingly submit someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Plagiarism is an act of intentional deception that not only is dishonest, but it robs you of the most important product of education---the actual learning. Should I suspect that you have plagiarized, I will talk with you one-on –one and ask you to prove that the work in question is your own. If you are found guilty of academic dishonesty, you will automatically fail that assignment. If you are caught plagiarizing again, you will fail this class.

Attendance, Absent & Late Work: Should you miss class, it is your responsibility to make up all the work done that day as well as get the notes for that class period from a peer in the class. Excused absence make-up work is due in the same number of days missed plus one extra day. Absent work must be turned into the absent tray. If you missed a quiz or test it is up to the student to reschedule a make-up test time with me. Turn in assignments when they are due. NO LATE WORK OR MAKEUP WORK IS GIVEN OR ACCEPTED WITHOUT A VALID EXCUSED ABSENCE!!

Adhere to the Rules of Conduct:

• Follow the Greenup County Schools Code of Conduct contained and explained in your school packet.

• Follow ALL school-wide rules & our KYCID/PRIDE expectations.

• Follow my classroom rules that I have explained to you & posted in the classroom.

English 8: Year-At-A-Glance:


|Weeks 1-2 |-- KYCID Review |

|August 5- 16 |-- Review Class Syllabus, Expectations, & Routines |

| |-- Pre-assessments: MAPS, Monthly Reader Requirements & Star Reading|

| |(AR) |

| |-- Establish Student Writing Folders/Portfolios & Class Binders |

| |-- Start Review of Basic English Writing Conventions & Weekly |

| |Conventions/Mechanics Quizzes & begin Unit 1: Narratives |

❖ Ongoing Throughout the Year: Conventions of English Language MUG

(Conventions are: mechanics, usage, & grammar

❖ Unit 1: Literature/Narratives Unit Reading & Writing: Aug - Sept

❖ Unit 2: Informative/Explanatory Reading & Writing: Oct - Nov

❖ Unit 3: Argumentative Reading & Writing: Jan – April

The following are Reading & Writing requirements for each Unit above:

READING: Students are required to demonstrate proficient reading skills, strategies, & comprehension as readers of grade level narrative, informative, & argumentative texts.

WRITING: Students are required to compose proficient original narrative, informative, & argumentative compositions through process writing and using the stages of the writing process (organizer/pre-write to final copy).

ON DEMAND: Students are required to demonstrate proficient On Demand written responses (both timed & extended) from a given narrative, informative, & argumentative prompts in various forms.

Class Information, Requirements, Expectations:

1. Bell Work: MUG (mechanics, usage, & grammar): First 10 minutes of each class is spent on English Conventions lesson, review, & practice. Students receive new bell work MUG sheets on Mondays, mini-lessons & practice throughout the week, & MUG quiz every Friday.

2. Vocabulary/Spelling Lists: Students receive new vocabulary/spelling sentence list every Friday after the weekly MUG quiz. Study and practice for vocab/spelling quiz every Thursday.

3. Accelerated Reader Requirements: Students take the Star Reading Test to establish his or her individual reading level, which determine each student’s reading level.

NEW 8th grade AR Requirements:

▪ Read 2 books within your reading level: 1 must be fiction & 1 must be non-fiction

▪ Pass AR Tests on both books

▪ Complete and present your choice of a book project on 1 of these books

Students will have time in class for independent reading and weekly library visits. However, it is important that each student bring their chosen AR book home and read for 20 minutes each night. Students are expected to have their AR book with them EVERYDAY in class. If a student frequently does not have their AR book with them in class, an AR book will be assigned to that student.

4. English Binder: Students are required to have a three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper and 5 dividers for each of the following sections: MUG, Vocab/Spelling, Reading, Writing, On Demand. The binder is a record of learning, as well as, an ongoing grade for this class. The binder must be with students EVERYDAY in class. If there is no homework to be completed, students may store their binders in the classroom until next class. The binder is a great source of information for you as a parent to see what we are doing in this class.

5. Use of correct standard English: At all times, students are expected to speak and write in correct standard English to the best of his or her ability. Students will continue to learn correct standard English usage all year long, both written and spoken, and are expected to apply lessons and corrections. We all use slang at times, however, it is important for students who have not yet mastered correct standard English to use it at all times. During this time, please encourage your child to both speak and write in correct standard English.


Student Name: _____________________________

I, as a parent/guardian, have read and understand the expectations, rules, & policies contained on the Syllabus for my child’s 2013-2014 Year English 8th Class with Ms. Chaffin.

________________________________________ Parent Signature

______________________ Date

I, as a student, have read and understand the expectations, rules, & policies contained on the Syllabus for my 2013-2014 Year English 8th Class with Ms. Chaffin.

________________________________________ Student Signature

______________________ Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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