Daily Writing Prompts- February

Daily Writing Prompts- January

January 1

On this day in 1892, Ellis Island opened. Put yourself in the shoes of those first immigrants to the United States. What do you think were some of their feeling, their hopes, and their fears?

On January 1, 1752, Betsy Ross was born. As you may know, she sewed the first American flag. If you were asked to create a new flag for the United States, what would it look like? Explain why you made your design choices.

January 2

The drinking straw was patented on this day 1888. You have been asked to organize the first ever “Drinking Straw Olympics.” What type of events would be you create for the event? Remember… the main item for all events has to be the straw.

January 3

Author J.R.R. Tolkien was born on this day 1892. Tolkien is best known as the author of “The Lord of the Rings.” This book recently became a movie. Many people, possibly even you, enjoy comparing the original book to the movie. Which do you think people should do first? Read the book or see the movie?

January 4

Jacob Grimm was born on this day in 1785. Jacob and his brother are known for the “Grimm Fairy Tales.” Which two fairy tales would you like to see combined? Make a writing plan of how you would combine the characters, setting, plot, problem, and solution. (If you have time, you may want to write the actual story.)

January 4th is Trivia Day. Using resources in the classroom, find some facts of your own to share with a classmate. Try to find facts that that aren’t well known and that may even surprise someone.

January 5

On January 5, 1925, the first woman governor Nellie Ross, was inaugurated in Wyoming. Would you like to be the governor of your state? Why or why not?

Today is National Bird Day. Keep track of all the birds you see today. Use the Internet or a bird identification book to identify them.

January 6

Poet Carl Sandburg was born on this day in 1878. Select your favorite style (e.g. haiku, free verse, cinquain, etc.) of poetry and write poem.

January 7

In 1789, the first U.S. Presidential election was held. If you were running for President at that time, what issue(s) would you have based your campaign on?

Today is Old Rock Day. List all the possible uses for a rock.

January 8

Elvis Pressley was born on this day in 1935. Presley is well known as “The King of Rock and Roll.” Do you have a certain song or type of music you listen to depending on your feelings? Explain why you listen to this song or type of music.

January 9

The 1st U.S, balloon flight occurred on this day in 1793. Would you like to take a ride in a hot air balloon? Why or Why not?

January 9 is National Static Electricity Day. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the cause of static electricity and summarize them in your own words

January 10

The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly occurred on this day in London in1946. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the United Nations and summarize them in your own words.

January 11

Today is Secret Pal Day. Select someone in your classroom or school. Write that person a short letter explaining why you appreciate them. Remember… don’t sign your name. Have someone else to deliver your special message.

January 12

January 12th is Work Harder Day. Think of a way that you can work harder today. This can either be at a school or at home. Write about your plan.

January 13

Today is “Make Your Dreams Come True Day.” What are your dreams? Write about the dreams you have for your future. Explain how you are going to make them come true.

January 14

January 14th is “National Dress-Up Your Pet Day.” How do you think our pets feel when we dress them up in clothing? Describe what may be going on in a pet’s head while they are being dressed-up.

January 15

On this day in 1967, the first Supper Bowl played. Green Bay defeated Kansas City by score of 35 to 10. To make it to the Super Bowl, football teams must work together. What do you think is the most difficult part of working with other students, or in teams, at school? What are the advantages of working with others?

January 16

Today is” National Do Nothing Day.” If you could invent you own day, what would it be called? What would you want people to do on your special day?

January 17

On this day in 1706, Benjamin Franklin was born. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Benjamin Franklin and summarize them in your own words.

January 18

On January 18, 1803, the first official exploration of unknown spaces was undertaken by the United States government. This exploration was conducted by Lewis and Clark. Would you like to have joined these two on their adventure? Why or Why not?

January 19

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. King was born in 1929. He delivered his famous” I have a Dream” speech in 1963. Beginning with those same words, write your own speech about your hopes for our world and its people.

January is “National Thank You Month.” Take a minute and create a list of everyone who you could send a Thank You Card/Letter. (This doesn’t have to be for a gift.) Select at least one of these people and write them a card or letter.

January 20

Today our new President will be inaugurated or sworn into office. If you could be President for one day, what would you like to accomplish?

Today is “Cheese Day.” Describe all the different ways you could eat cheese.

January 21

Today is “National Hugging Day.” Make a list of the people you would like to hug.

January 22

January 22nd is “Popcorn Day.” If you could invent your own flavor of popcorn, what would it be and why?

January 23

Today is “National Measure Your Feet Day.” Have everyone in your class measure their feet, collect the measurements and then find the following landmarks in your data: mean, mode, median, maximum, and minimum.

January 24

On this day in 1848, gold was discovered in California at Sutter’s Mill by John Marshall. Would you have liked to have been an early miner? Why or why not? What do you think?

Life was like for these men?

January 25

On January 25, 1924, the first Winter Olympics were held. What is your favorite event to watch during the Winter Olympics? Explain your answer.

January 26

Today is “Chinese New Year” and the beginning of the Year of the Ox. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about Chinese New Year and summarize them in your own words.

Today is “Australia Day.” It marks the date that Australia was first settled in 1788. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about Australia and summarize them in your own words.

January 27

On this day in 1832, author Lewis Carroll was born. His most famous piece of work was Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Who is your favorite character in this book and why?

January 28

Today is the birthday of Sesame Street character, Ernie’s birthday. If you could create a television show for kids, what type of a show would it be? What is its name? What type of information would it contain?

January 29

Today is” National Puzzle Day.” What is your favorite type of puzzle to solve and why?

January 30

On January 23, 1882, the 23rd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was born. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about Roosevelt and summarize them in your own words.

January 31

On this day in 1919, baseball great Jackie Robinson was born. What do you think it takes to be a great athlete? Write about the characteristics and qualities it takes for someone to reach a level of greatness in a sport.


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