Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular ...

SECTION 1 – PROCESS FOR ESTABLISHING A NEW FRATERNITYSee page 38, 39 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Setting Up Newly Forming GroupsSee page 39 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Specifics for St. Joan of Arc RegionThe sponsoring fraternity council and the newly forming group or its representatives shall meet at the initiation of the formation period to dialog and determine the expectations, objectives and goals for both parties. Documentation of these goals will allow an accurate means to evaluate compliance and the efficacy of the group formation programThe newly forming group will submit a quarterly report, minimum, to the sponsoring fraternity. Representative of the group should attend the Regional Council meetings and others are welcome.The Regional Executive Council will be apprised of the progress of the group by the sponsoring fraternity with the submission of quarterly report to the Regional minister two weeks prior to the Executive Council Meeting. The sponsoring fraternity minister is responsible for the completion of the form but may delegate this responsibility i.e. formation director. Developing Emerging FraternitiesSee pages 39,40 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the SecularFranciscan Order 2012Specifics for St. Joan of Arc RegionThe sponsoring fraternity council and the emerging fraternity council shall meet at the initiation of the formation period to dialog and determine the expectations, objectives, goals for both parties. Documentation of these goals will allow an accurate means to evaluate the compliance and efficacy of the formation period.The minister pro-tem, and other members as well, are expected to attend the Regional Council meetings and the minister will submit a quarterly report to the sponsoring fraternity.The Regional Executive Council will be apprised of the progress of the emerging fraternity by the sponsoring fraternity with the submission of the Quarterly Report to the Regional minister two weeks prior to the Executive Council Meeting. The sponsoring fraternity is responsible for the completion of the report.The Emerging Fraternity Council is chosen by its members and is approved by the sponsoring fraternity Council.Canonically Establishing a Fraternity See page 41 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Fraternity See Page 37, in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Page BreakSECTION 2 – GUIDELINES FOR RE-ACTIVATING AN ESTABLISHED FRATERNITY See page 45 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012SECTION 3 – GUIDELINES FOR DE-ACTIVATING AN ESTABLISHED FRATERNITYSee page 44 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Specifics for the Region:The Fraternity Register, Establishment Document, and other pertinent papers will be forwarded to the current Regional Minister Page BreakSECTION 4 – GUIDELINES FOR ATTACHING A DISINTEGRATING FRATERNITY TO AN ACTIVE FRATERNITY A disintegrating fraternity (one which would fall under the qualifications for de-activation according to the National Guidelines established by NAFRA) that does not wish to completely disband could attach itself to an active existing fraternity in a variety of ways: (taken from the first Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 1996, page 359)The members of the disintegrating fraternity may have their own fraternity de-activated, transfer their membership to the active fraternity, and become full participating members of that fraternity. This is recommended.The members of the disintegrating fraternity may, have their own fraternity de-activated, transfer their membership to the active fraternity, participate ordinarily in that fraternity’s activities, but may maintain some self-autonomy by meeting occasionally in the spirit of Article 34 of the General Constitutions and according to the norms or guidelines established by the regional fraternity.The members of the disintegrating fraternity may have their own fraternity de-activated, transfer their membership to the active fraternity, and may establish themselves as an autonomous satellite or all community of the active fraternity in the spirit of Article 34 of the General Constitutions and according to norms or guidelines established by the regional fraternity.Page BreakSECTION 5 – GUIDELINES FOR CELL GROUPS IN A FRATERNITY See page 42 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Francis-can Order 2012 Regional Specifics The Cell Community shall have a minimum of five professed members who meet regularly one to two times a month. Members of the Cell community shall meet with the active fraternity at least quarterly and for special celebrations, professions, days of recollection, retreats, elections and visitations. The Cell community will contribute their fair share to the active fraternityThe creation of the Cell community shall be approved by the local fraternity council and the Regional Executive council. As professed members of the fraternity, Cell community members have active and passive voice. Article 77.1 of the General ConstitutionsSECTION 6 – GUIDELINES FOR SUSPENDING A CANONICALLY ESTABLISHED FRATERNITYSee pages 46, 47, 48 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Page BreakSECTION 7 – GUIDELINES FOR TRANSFERRING A CANONICALLY ESTABLISHED FRATERNITY TO THE “ALTIUS MODERAMEN” OF ANOTHER FRIAR ENTITY See page 49 in the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012SECTION 8 – THE RITUAL OF THE SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER Taken from the Handbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2005The Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order was printed in 1985 by St. Anthony Messenger Press. Benet Fonck OFM, was General Spiritual Assistant at the time and guided its development together with the International Franciscan Liturgical Commission. CNSA was commissioned to produce and distribute the Ritual in English.David Eckelkamp OFM has this to say in the Forward to the Ritual:…it is within the competence of national councils to supplement and enrich ceremonies by incorporating appropriate expressions of their cultures and peoples.Franciscan communities who use this book are urged to enrich their local celebrations with signs, symbols, gestures, music and whatever practices are appropriate to enhance the spirit of prayer of their worshipping community.Ritual page viThe Preface to the Ritual has some fine material on profession and the way in which the Ritual can be used. We recommend that pages 2 to 8 be read in order to understand more fully the use of the Ritual and the nature of profession in the Secular Franciscan Order.The Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order is the official ritual for liturgical services of the OFS. However, it can be adjusted and changed except for the words of Perpetual Profession (Page 20).The Ritual texts may be reworked to fit local needs or the needs of a particular Rite, language or culture. In making such changes it is recommended that the spirit of the Ritual be retained while the language may be changed. Good liturgical principles need to be followed so that the prayers and scriptural texts fit the situation and draw people to God (cf pages 7-8 in the Ritual).Our Franciscan life is blessed by our common prayer. Using the Ritual should enhance our common prayer and give praise and glory to God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.It is good to acquaint newcomers to the Secular Franciscan Order with the Ritual near the end of inquiry. Especially important is for them to read the Preface from pages 2 – 8. The rites and prayers presented in these celebrations are inspired by the tradition of the Secular Franciscan and by the rituals used experimentally in the various nations. They need to be adapted to the mentality and to the different circumstances of the fraternities scattered in so many parts of the world. It is the task of the Secular Franciscan Order National Councils particularly to carry out this work of adaptation.Ritual of the OFS – page 3 (Preface) Available from Smoky Valley Printing, Box 189, Lindsborg, KS 67456 785-227-2364, Fax 785-227-3360, Email lindabce@Rev of Guidelines for the Organization of the Secular Franciscan Order 9/12Page BreakSECTION 9 – ELECTIONSSee Pages 55-57 in Handbook for Spiritual Assistance of the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Elections are held every three years. Election ProceduresBefore the Elections, the presider:makes sure the environment is suitable for the procedurereviews the nominations to make sure that they conform to the requirements of NAFRAappoints a secretary of the elective chapter and two tellersannounces that the friar representing the Conference of Assistants of the next higher level is the official ecclesiastical witness for the electionsThe Friar Witness begins the prayer service from the Ritual (page 41), reads a selection from the Scriptures or writings of Francis, gives a homily or instructionThe presider says the opening prayer from the Ritual (page 41) and calls for complete silenceThe Friar witness takes his place before the assembled fraternity to the right or left of the presiderDuring the Elections, the presiderconfirms the number of voters, separates non-voting members from voters, and announces the number for electionsthe Presider, with the help of the tellers, counts out the same number of ballots as votersThe presider asks three times for additional nominations from the floor, then declares that nominations are closedThe tellers distribute ballots to votersThe presider instructs the voters to mark only one name on the ballotThe tellers collect the ballots and facing the assembly, count out loud the total number of ballotsThe tellers tally the votes out loud, while the secretary, presider and Friar Witness confirm and record the talliesWhen someone is elected, it is officially announced by the secretary according to the Ritual.The presider asks if he/she accepts the mandate (Ritual, p 42)If there is no absolute majority vote for minister on the first ballot, repeat d. through h. See Article 78 of the General Constitutionsthe balloting continues for vice-minister following the same procedurecontinue the same procedure for the other offices; if there is no absolute majority on the first ballot, then a second ballot is taken for which only a relative majority is neededAfter the elections, the installation of the newly elected council takes place immediatelyRev. 9/12The installation begins when the newly elected minister makes the Profession of Faith by reciting the Creed in the name of the newly elected council.The whole council together commits itself to its ministry of service according to the Ritual (p 42)The presider confirms the installation according to the Ritual (p 43)The Friar Witness begins the common prayer according to the Ritual (p 43) beginning with "Let us pray... "Following the common prayer, the Ritual For Transfer of Records is begun. The Ritual For Transfer of Records is located as the last page in the section on Elections.Following the transfer of records, all come forward to greet and congratulate the newly elected council.The ceremony may conclude with the blessing of the Friar witness.Specifics for the RegionIt is the responsibility of the fraternity minister to request the elections.Elections and Visitations should be done at eighteen-month intervals to provide more contact with the regional and local fraternities.The request is made to the Regional Minister a minimum of three months prior to the preferred date, include an alternate date.The initial request may be verbal but follow up with a written request. (Form Available on-line)The Regional Minister will confirm the date in writing.The Regional Minister will arrange for the Friar Witness.The Regional Minister is the usual presider but may delegate to a council member.The Regional Spiritual Assistant is the usual friar witness but may delegate this duty. The Friar witness may not witness elections in a fraternity to which he/she is Spiritual Assistant unless dispensation is granted.The Verification of Elections form (Form Available on-line) will be completed at the time of elections. A copy will be retained in the Regional local fraternity file. It will be sent to the Regional Secretary who will distribute copies to:the local fraternity file maintained by the Regionthe local fraternitythe Regional ministerthe Regional Spiritual Assistantthe National Fraternity Ministerthe Provincial Spiritual AssistantThe Verification of Elections form will be signed by:the two tellersthe secretary of electionsthe presiderthe Friar witnessThe Record of Elections and Statistics form (Form Available on-line) will be completed by the local fraternity secretary and sent to the Regional Secretary within two weeks following the elections. The form will be retained in the Regional local fraternity file. This information assists with maintaining an accurate and current Region Directory and should include name, address, e-mail address and phone numbers.It is the responsibility of the Minister and Council to forward all appropriate Manuals, records, documents and Binders to the new officers.Election of Delegate — refer to Article 8 in the National StatutesTo ensure that each local fraternity has a voice at the Regional meetings, and to vote in the absence of the Fraternity Minister and Fraternity Vice minister, a delegate should be elected by the local fraternity members. This can be done at the time of elections but it is not a part of the Council election.The delegate should be knowledgeable in and conform to the wishes of the fraternityThe delegate should be willing and able to travel to the meetings.The delegate's name will be listed on the Fraternity page in the Regional Directory.This will dispense with the need to write a letter when the delegate is needed.“Ritual for the Transfer of Records” can be found in Franciscan Prayers and Ceremonies of this SJA Handbook.Page BreakSECTION 10 – VISITATIONSPurposeTo comply with Article 26 of the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order.To comply with Articles 92 — 95 of the General ConstitutionsGoals of VisitationTo promote fidelity to the Franciscan CharismTo promote observance of the RuleTo provide support to the life of the fraternityTo help the fraternity to evaluate itselfTo provide inspiration and informationTo provide an experience of unity with the Province/ National Fraternity/ Region/Local FraternitiesOperations of Visitations See Pastoral Visitation of Fraternities on All Levels, pages 28-29 in theHandbook for Spiritual Assistance to the Secular Franciscan Order 2012Visitations should be made every three years alternating at eighteen-month intervals with Elections. This provides more contact with the Fraternity levels.Ideally, the Pastoral and Fraternal visitations should be conducted jointly. Prior to the visitation, the visitors should meet for a planning session.5212081067123The Pastoral and Fraternal visitors should not conduct a visitation of his/her own fraternity.The usual Pastoral visitor is the Spiritual Assistant of the Province/Region but may delegate this duty.The usual Fraternal visitor is the minister of the higher Fraternity but may delegate this duty to an Executive Council member.The Regional Minister will arrange the visitation with the Pastoral VisitorBefore the visitation, the pastoral and fraternal visitors should meet with the Council of the Fraternity.Responsibilities of the Fraternal VisitorRead the fraternity minutes, review records, fraternity register to see the organizational style of the fraternity.Examine the financial records of the fraternity and evaluate the fiscal status.Discuss the style and quality of leadership of the fraternityAre there position descriptions? Are they followed?Does the council function harmoniously?Does the council animate the fraternity? Appraise the style and quality of socializing, communication and community building.Go over the Minister's check-off sheet with the minister and councilExamine the structure and effect of the monthly meeting.Evaluate the manner in which the local fraternity promotes new membership and informs local media and parishes about fraternity life and activities.Discuss the fraternity's participation in Regional and National organizations.Listen carefully and be attentive to the needs of individuals and the community.Volunteer helpful hints and suggestions for leadership, fiscal responsibility, organization and community building.Encourage ongoing development of a solid spiritual life in the plement the pastoral ministry of the friar visitor and integrate the two aspects of visitation for the purpose of improving the life and the work of the fraternity.Discuss what is happening in the National Regional and Provincial levels.Review the services offered by the higher levels.Identify and address any lack of communication between the levels.Form a bond of unity and dialogue with the local fraternity minister.Encourage potential leaders in the fraternity to allow themselves to be called forth to positions of fraternity service.Work with the fraternity council to set at least one organizational goal and one spiritual goal for the coming year that is appropriate for the local needs. Specifics for the RegionIt is the responsibility of the minister to request the visitation.The request for the visitation is made to the Regional Minister a minimum of three months prior to the preferred date.The initial request may be verbal but follow up with a written request.(Form Available on-line)Mail orScan and e-mailThe minister will confirm the date in writing.Check-Off Sheet for Fraternity Ministers in Preparation for a Visitation (Form Available on-line)Two months prior to the visitation, the Regional minister will send the form to the fraternity minister.This form will be completed by the fraternity minister and council prior to the visitation.It will be made available to the visitors at the time of visitation.It is to be retained by the minister and kept in the Minister's Binder.The Pre-Visit Questionnaire for the Local Fraternity Council (Form Available on-line)Two months prior to the visitation, the Regional Minister/delegate will send this form to the fraternity minister. It is to be completed collaboratively by the entire fraternity council. A copy of the completed Questionnaire should be returned to the Regional Minister a minimum of three weeks prior to the visitation. The Fraternal Visitor will share Its contents the Pastoral Visitor.A copy should be kept for the fraternity records.Fraternity/Council Self Evaluation (Form Available on-line)As a preparation for the Visitation and completion of the Pre-Visit Questionnaire, each council member should prayerfully, honestly and individually respond to the questions.The minister should send the form to the council members two months before the visitation.After completing the form, the council member should send the form directly to the Regional Minister at least three weeks prior to the visitation. This allows the council member to feel free to express his/her thoughts honestly if there is friction on a Council.The Visitation Record (Form Available on-line) Will be completed and signed at the time of visitation and sent to the Regional Secretary who will distribute copies to the following: Fraternity file maintained by the Region Regional Minster Regional Spiritual Assistant Fraternity MinisterThe Pastoral and Fraternal Visitation Report to the-Fraternity (Form Available on-line) Contentscompleted by Fraternal Visitorstate of records and suppliesquality of leadershipstructure and quality of meetingquality of life and work in the fraternity vocation promotion in the fraternityparticipation in Regional activitiescompleted by pastoral visitorstate of fraternity growthquality of spiritual growth and incorporation of the Franciscan Charismrelationship of fraternity with the wider Churchappraisal of the fraternity's spiritual assistancecompleted jointly by the visitorsstyle and quality of community lifestyle and quality of community prayerquality of apostolic ministryquality and content of the Fraternity's initial and ongoing formationspecific recommendations to the fraternityWill be completed within one month of the visitation and sent to the Regional Secretary who will distribute copies to:fraternity file maintained by the RegionRegional Minister and Regional Spiritual AssistantFraternity Minister and Fraternity Spiritual AssistantProvincial Spiritual AssistantRev. 9/12 ................

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