FSL Writing Rubric - Weebly

Grade 5 Intensive French Writing Rubric

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Mechanics |Contains many and serious|Contains many errors of |Contains only occasional |Virtually free of |

| |errors of punctuation |punctuation and/or |punctuation and/or |punctuation, |

| |and/or capitalization. |capitalization, incorrect|capitalization errors |capitalization and |

| |Communication is |in most occasions. | |abbreviation errors |

| |hindered. | | | |

|Application | Using a model transfers |Using a model transfers |Using a model, transfers |Independently transfers |

| |knowledge |knowledge |knowledge |knowledge |

| |and skills to new |and skills to new |and skills to new |and skills to new |

| |contexts with limited |contexts with some |contexts with |contexts with considerable|

| |effectiveness |effectiveness |considerable |effectiveness |

| | | |effectiveness | |

|Comprehensibi-lity |Incomprehensible |Reader can understand |Reader can understand |Reader can always |

| |throughout. Uses |less than half of what |most of what the writer |understand what the writer|

| |unrecognizable words |writer is trying to |is trying to communicate.|is trying to communicate. |

| |throughout. |communicate. Incorrect |Mostly correct use of |Correct use of French |

| | |use of French vocabulary |French vocabulary and |vocabulary and |

| | |and expressions. |expressions. |expressions. |

|Creativity | The project shows |The project shows |The project shows |The project shows |

| |very poor / no |some creativity in |good creativity in |excellent creativity in |

| |creativity in design. |design. |design.. |design. |

Name: _____________________________ Titre du projet:______________________


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