5th Grade Autobiography Project - Weebly

5th Grade Autobiography Project

As a culminating project for fifth grade, you will be writing an autobiography—a book about YOUR LIFE and it is written by YOU. You are the expert at your life because you know more about yourself than anyone else does. This project is a treasure that you will want to keep for a lifetime. Please be careful and do your best work.

Listed below are chapter topics for your book. Each chapter should be at least 2 paragraphs long. (You are welcome to add more chapters to your book AFTER you have completed the required chapters.) Please type your autobiography on the computer. I will have days available for students to work on their project after school for those who do not have computer access. I am also able to print projects (black ink only) for students with no printer access.

Your autobiography should look like a book when completed. Grading will be based on presentation of book, writing, and your creativity. Include pictures and drawings in your book. Neatness counts! I will be looking for organizational structure, completing each of the requirements, complete sentences, varied sentences, proper grammar, correct spelling and capitalization and punctuation. Each chapter should be both enjoyable to look at and read. You are the author! Enjoy writing YOUR autobiography!


• Table of Contents – List all chapter titles and page numbers. (Up to 5 Bonus Points)

• Dedication – Write a dedication to someone who has had an impact on your life. (1 Bonus Point)

**MUST DO (50 points)**

• Chapter 1 – Who Am I

▪ Include your name, age, physical description, things you like / dislike about yourself.

• Chapter 2 – My Family

▪ Name the members of your household and tell something about each one of them.

• Chapter 3 – Happy Birthday!

▪ Give the date and tell about what this date means to you. Tell about your best birthday so far. This should be in poem form (** WILL BE DONE IN CLASS **)

• Chapter 4 – My Favorite Things

▪ Tell about things that make you happy, excited, etc.

• Chapter 5 – Way Back When

o Tell something about when you were young. Ask your parents for some ideas.


• Chapter 6 – Happy Holiday

▪ What is your favorite holiday? Why? Describe what you do on that special day.

• Chapter 7 – A Great Moment or I Wish

▪ Tell about something in your life that you will never forget OR tell about your special wish.

• Chapter 8 – A Special Person

▪ Write a letter to someone who means a lot to you. Tell them why he or she is important in your life.

• Chapter 9 – My Pet or My Treasure (if you do not have a pet)

▪ Describe your pet and tell all about it. Or describe your treasure and tell all about it.

• Chapter 10 – The Best Book I Ever Read

▪ Name the book and tell why you think it was the best book ever.

• Chapter 11 – Changing Places

▪ If you could change places with anyone in your family, who would you choose to be? What is the first thing you would do as that person?

• Chapter 12 – Words to Live by

▪ What is your favorite proverb/adage or quote and why? How does it help the way you live?

• Chapter 13 – 20/20

▪ Where will you be in 8 years? What do you think you will be doing then? What will your life be like then?

Organization, Creativity (20 points)

Digital Storytelling: My Life

(An Interactive Autobiography)

As a culminating project for fifth grade, you will be making a short movie about your life. This movie will be composed of still images, titles, video clips, and music. This project option is ONLY for students who have experience using video editing programs, such as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.

Students should follow the same topics as listed in the autobiography project. However, students will verbally narrate the information on their movie rather than write it out. Each section should be divided by “Parts” using a title page. Grading will be based on content, organization, and creativity. Videos should be a minimum of 10 minutes long. Please try not to exceed 15 minutes.


• Dedication – Write a dedication to someone who has had an impact on your life. (1 Bonus Point)

• Closing Credits – Create a closing credits page listing any resources you used to create your video. For example, if you used a picture from , you would need to list this in your credits. (Up to 5 Bonus Points)

**MUST DO (50 points)**

• Part 1 – Who Am I

▪ Include your name, address, age, physical description, things you like / dislike about yourself.

• Part 2 – My Family

▪ Name each member of your family and tell something about each one of them.

• Part 3 – Happy Birthday!

▪ Give the date and tell about what this date means to you. Tell about your best birthday so far. (** WILL BE DONE IN CLASS **)

• Part 4 – My Favorite Things

▪ Tell about things that make you happy, excited, etc.

• Part 5 – Way Back When

o Tell something about when you were young. Ask your parents for some ideas.


• Part 6 – Happy Holiday

▪ What is your favorite holiday? Why? Describe what you do on that special day.

• Part 7 – A Great Moment or I Wish

▪ Tell about something in your life that you will never forget OR tell about your special wish.

• Part 8 – A Special Person

▪ Write a letter to someone who means a lot to you. Tell them why he or she is important in your life.

• Part 9 – My Pet or My Treasure (if you do not have a pet)

▪ Describe your pet and tell all about it. Or describe your treasure and tell all about it.

• Part 10 – The Best Book I Ever Read

▪ Name the book and tell why you think it was the best book ever.

• Part 11 – Changing Places

▪ If you could change places with anyone in your family, who would you choose to be? What is the first thing you would do as that person?

• Part 12 – Words to Live by

▪ What is your favorite proverb or quote and why? How does it help the way you live?

• Part 13 – 20/20

▪ Where will you be in 8 years? What do you think you will be doing then? What will your life be like then?

Organization, Creativity (20 points)



Please detach, sign, & return the following to acknowledge you have received information on the autobiography project. Also, please specify which project option your child will be completing. Feel free to email me about any questions/concerns (elizabeth.favors@).

Circle Project Option: Written or Interactive

Parent Signature:

Student Name:



Please detach, sign, & return the following to acknowledge you have received information on the autobiography project. Also, please specify which project option your child will be completing. Feel free to email me about any questions/concerns (elizabeth.favors@).

Circle Project Option: Written or Interactive

Parent Signature:

Student Name:



Please detach, sign, & return the following to acknowledge you have received information on the autobiography project. Also, please specify which project option your child will be completing. Feel free to email me about any questions/concerns (elizabeth.favors@).

Circle Project Option: Written or Interactive

Parent Signature:

Student Name:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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