Written Communication Rubric


Expectations: Student work at the graduate level is expected to focus on mastery of advanced discipline-specific frameworks, professional practices, and tools.

|Criteria |Exemplary (A)) |Accomplished (B) |Proficient (C) |Partially Proficient (D) |Unacceptable (F) |

|EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION |Demonstrates outstanding or |Demonstrates sound or accomplished|Demonstrates adequate or |Demonstrates inadequate or |Demonstrates unacceptable |

|Approach and Purpose, Organization, Style, |exemplary application of written,|application of written, visual, or|proficient application of written,|partially proficient application |application of written, visual, |

|Grammar, Mechanics, Format, Presentation and |visual, or oral skills. |oral skills. |visual, or oral skills. |of written, visual, or oral |or oral skills. |

|Delivery (where applicable) |Demonstrates outstanding |Demonstrates sound or accomplished|Demonstrates adequate expression |skills. |Demonstrates unacceptable, |

| |expression of topic, main idea, |expression of topic, main idea, |of topic, main idea, and purpose. |Demonstrates inadequate or |unclear expression of topic, main|

| |and purpose. |and purpose. |Audience is generally addressed |partial expression of topic, main|idea, and purpose. |

| |Audience is addressed |Audience is usually addressed |appropriately. |idea, and purpose. |Audience is not addressed |

| |appropriately. |appropriately. |Language is adequate, generally |Audience is often not addressed |appropriately. |

| |Language clearly and effectively |Language does not interfere with |communicating ideas and content |appropriately. |Language does not clearly and |

| |communicates ideas and content |the communication of ideas and |relevant to the assignment. |Language often impedes the |effectively communicate ideas and|

| |relevant to the assignment. |content relevant to the |Errors in grammar, spelling, and |communication of ideas and |content relevant to the |

| |Errors in grammar, spelling, and |assignment. |sentence structure are present and|content relevant to the |assignment. |

| |sentence structure are minimal. |Errors in grammar, spelling, and |sometimes distract from meaning or|assignment. |Errors in grammar, spelling, and |

| |Organization is clear. |sentence structure are present, |presentation. |Errors in grammar, spelling, and |sentence structure are pervasive |

| |Format is consistently |but do not distract. |Organization is adequate, though |sentence structure are frequent |and consistently distracting. |

| |appropriate to assignment. |Organization is apparent and |confusing or unclear at times. |and often distract from meaning |Format is absent or consistently |

| |Presentation and delivery are |mostly clear. |Format is adequate, but |or presentation. |appropriate to assignment. |

| |confident and persuasive (where |Format is appropriate to |inconsistent. |Organization is inadequate, |Organization is not apparent and |

| |applicable). |assignment, but not entirely |Presentation and delivery are |confusing, and distracting. |completely inadequate. |

| | |consistent. |adequate, with evident lack of |Format is inadequate and obscures|Presentation and delivery are |

| | |Presentation and delivery are |confidence and persuasive power |meaning. |unacceptable, with little or no |

| | |mostly confident and persuasive |(where applicable). |Presentation and delivery are |confidence and persuasive power |

| | |(where applicable). | |inadequate, lacking confidence |(where applicable). |

| | | | |and persuasive power (where | |

| | | | |applicable). | |

|CRITICAL ANALYSIS |Demonstrates outstanding or |Demonstrates sound or accomplished|Demonstrates adequate or |Demonstrates inadequate or |Demonstrates unacceptable ability|

|Evaluative, Integrative, Creative Thinking |exemplary ability to evaluate, |ability to evaluate, integrate, |proficient ability to evaluate, |partially proficient ability to |to evaluate, integrate, and |

| |integrate, and critique a wide |and critique a variety of |integrate, and critique some |evaluate, integrate, and critique|critique opinions, beliefs, |

| |range of opinions, beliefs, |opinions, beliefs, abstract ideas,|opinions, beliefs, abstract ideas,|some opinions, beliefs, abstract |abstract ideas, and data to |

| |abstract ideas, and data to |and data to inform judgment, |and data to inform judgment, |ideas, and data to inform |inform judgment, identify and |

| |inform judgment, identify and |identify and solve problems, and, |identify and solve problems, and, |judgment, identify and solve |solve problems, and, where |

| |solve problems and, where |where appropriate, propose new |where appropriate, propose new |problems, and, where appropriate,|appropriate, propose new |

| |appropriate, propose new |hypotheses. |hypotheses. Shows some weaknesses |propose new hypotheses. Shows |hypotheses. Shows pervasive |

| |hypotheses. | |in evaluation and problem-solving.|many weaknesses in evaluation and|weaknesses in evaluation and |

| | | | |problem-solving. |problem-solving. |

|RESEARCH AND INFORMATION LITERACY |Demonstrates outstanding |Demonstrates sound selection and |Demonstrates adequate selection |Demonstrates inadequate selection|Demonstrates unacceptable |

|Sources and Support for Assignment |selection and use of high |use of credible, relevant sources |and use of credible and/or |and use of sources to support |selection and use of sources to |

| |quality, credible, and relevant |to support ideas that are |relevant sources to support ideas |ideas in the assignment. |support ideas in the assignment. |

| |sources to develop ideas that are|appropriate to the assignment. |that are appropriate to the |Sources are inconsistently cited |Sources are not cited according |

| |appropriate to the assignment. |Sources are generally cited |assignment. |according to required |to required documentation (e.g., |

| |Sources are consistently cited |according to required |Sources are cited according to |documentation (e.g., APA), with |APA). |

| |according to required |documentation (e.g., APA), with |required documentation (e.g., |frequent errors. | |

| |documentation (e.g., APA), with |few errors. |APA), with some errors. | | |

| |almost no errors. | | | | |


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