WND commentary submission - Tom Kovach

WND news submission


Tom Kovach

1483 N. Mt. Juliet Rd. Ste. 209

Mount Juliet, TN 37122-3315

h: (615) 773-1709

c: (615) 417-2308

e-mail: author@TomKovach.us


Tom Kovach lives near Nashville, is a former USAF Blue Beret, and has written for several online publications. He recently published his first book. Tom is an inventor, a horse wrangler, a certified paralegal, and a talk-show host. He has also run for Congress. To learn more, visit: TomKovach.us.


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Soldier's mom releases album

just in time for DC event

by: Tom Kovach

Angela Lashley, the soldier's mother that stepped onto the national stage with the song 'So Brave', and her appearance at the Gathering of Eagles in March, has just released a new album, Soldiers' Moms. The album is already becoming popular via , a music download site with connections to world-famous Music Row.

Angela Lashley's new album, Soldiers' Moms

(Image courtesy of Angela Lashley Music Publishing.)

The album's release comes just in time for Angela's upcoming appearance at another Gathering of Eagles event next weekend. Again, it will be on the National Mall in Washington, DC. And, again, tens of thousands of veterans will gather to protect the war memorials from being defaced by anti-war (and anti-troop) protesters. Both the new title song, and the established "So Brave", are non-political tributes to our troops and the families that stand behind them.

In addition to the album, a new music video has appeared on the site You Tube. The video was produced by Mike Connelly, a co-founder of Eagles Up. Several patriotic organizations have endorsed Angela Lashley's music. Another endorsement has come from famous actor and musician Gary Sinise, the founder of the Lt Dan Band. The band is named after "Lieutenant Dan", the character that Sinise portrayed in the blockbuster movie Forest Gump. Lashley appeared at the VIP reception of the first annual GI Film Festival, at the invitation of Sinise, last Memorial Day. Angela also performed at the festival's closing cermony. Lashley is also a founding member of "The Band of Mothers", a group that provides moral support for our troops. They also seek to provide financial support for the Wounded Warrior Project, which has helped troops that have returned from combat zones with severe burns and amputations. In his endorsement, Gary Sinise said, "Angela is doing a great thing not just for her son, but for all soldiers in this war and she has my support."


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