BUS 101



Course Identification

Instructor: Valerie Jones

Course Title: Business Principles

Office: 225 AC

Office Phone: 373-7820

Office Hours:

10:45-11:45 M 1:00-2:00 W

11:15-11:45 T, R 3:40-4:40 T (or by appointment)

Email: vjones@kvcc.edu

Text: Understanding Business, Nickels, McGraw-Hill 6th Ed., ©2002

Course Description

A survey of the functions related to general business operations such as the role of business in the community, the forms of ownership, the means of production in modern industry, the relationship of labor and management, the trends in contemporary business, the system of marketing and the dimensions of business finance.

Note: This class is transferable to Western Michigan University. You must receive a minimum 2.0 grade for the course to transfer. You should see a counselor to discuss any other requirements or guidelines related to transferability.

Purpose of the Course

To provide an overview of business and its functions from the standpoint of the skills needed within the various areas that collectively make up a growing enterprise.

Course Objectives

1. Know basic concepts

❑ Define terms and concepts

❑ Identify different forms of business ownership

❑ Describe the functions of management

❑ List various environmental variables that impact business

2. Comprehend facts and principles

❑ Summarize the environmental variables that impact business decisions

❑ Explain each environmental variable

❑ Distinguish among the environmental variables

❑ Give examples of how each environmental variable impacts business decisions

3. Apply business concepts to real-world issues

❑ Prepare a stock project

❑ Relate business concepts to the selected cases in the textbook

4. Participate in class discussion

❑ Discuss topic

❑ Answer questions posed by teacher/classmates during class discussion

❑ Write responses to discussion questions

5. Participate in groups

❑ Discuss topic/assignment with other group members

❑ Help other members of the group understand assignments and complete assignments correctly and completely

❑ Answer questions of assignment given to group completely and on schedule

❑ Present group's responses to assignment to class when called upon

Grading Scale

990-1100 = A (90-100%) 770-824 = C (70-74%)

935- 989= B+ (85-89%) 715-769 = D+ (65-69%)

880-934 = B (80-84%) 660-714 = D (60-64%)

825-879 = C+ (75-79%) 659>= F ( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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