Wsl graphical interface


Wsl graphical interface

The subsystem for Linux initially had only the goal of running a Linux shell, together with the most important command line tools, natively under Windows. With version 2, it made a big leap forward by getting its own Linux kernel running in a utility VM. In addition, it uses a native EXT4 file system. In the fall of 2020, Microsoft announced plans to allow graphical Linux programs to run under WSL. The first publicly available version is now available as an early preview in build 21364 of Windows 10. Wayland instead of X11 ^Traditionally, graphical Unix programs were based on X11, but most newer applications use the modern Wayland platform. Compatibility with X11 is ensured by XWayland.Microsoft apparently considered remoting the Wayland protocol from Linux to the host OS and displaying the programs' output there via a Wayland compositor developed specifically for Windows. Instead, the manufacturer decided to use the Wayland reference implementation Weston and run it in its own WSL system distro. This is a CBLMariner that is maintained by Microsoft itself. Windows integration over RDP ^Weston has an RDP backend based on FreeRDP to display Linux programs via remote desktop. WSLg thus uses a mechanism similar to Hyper-V, where the VM console is displayed on the host OS desktop via RDP.Microsoft upgraded Weston's RDP capabilities with technologies used in Windows Virtual Desktop (remote application integrated locally, or RDP RAIL) and Application Guard (virtualized application integrated locally, or RDP VAIL).The Wayland implementation based on Weston runs in the Linux VM and Windows integration is done via RDPThey ensure that graphical Linux programs appear in their own windows on the Windows desktop. WSLg also supports multi-monitor configurations, audio input and output via a PulseAudio server, and copy/paste between Linux and Windows applications. There are also hardware-accelerated graphics on GPUs with support for WDDMv3.0.An RDP plugin integrates Linux applications automatically into the Windows 10 Start menu, where Linux distros also show up once added under WSL. Installation of WSLg ^In newer versions, wsl.exe offers an extended set of commands, which also includes the --update parameter. If the subsystem for Linux is already installed, then you simply executewsl.exe --shutdown wsl.exe --update For a new installation, runwsl.exe --install The latter performs all the steps you had to do manually in the past, from enabling optional features to downloading the distribution. As an additional action, the tool now downloads and installs GUI app support.The installation of WSL including support for GUI application is now completely handled by wsl.exeIf you do not use the d switch to instruct the installation command as to which Linux you want, you will automatically get Ubuntu. You can find out which other distros are available viawsl.exe -l -o It is also important that you run the selected distribution under WSL 2; version 1 does not support WSLg. With the commandwsl.exe -l -v you can see the version of all installed distros. If necessary, you can convert them withwsl.exe --set-version 2 After completing this preliminary work, you will find an icon for the installed distros in the Start menu.Installed distros and their applications appear in the Windows 10 Start menuWhen you run Linux for the first time, WSL integrates it into the system. There, you have to set up an initial account and password.During my test in a virtual machine, the registration of several distros failed with the error "The parameter is incorrect". Although the issue is known, currently there seems to be no solution. If you want to be able to use WSL2, at least without a GUI, create a file named .wslconfig in the user's profile and add the following entry:[wsl2] guiapplications=false Then restart the subsystem withwsl.exe --shutdown If WSL fails with an incorrect parameter message you can reactivate the subsystem via the configuration file Adding graphical Linux programs ^If you start up Linux, you don't end up on the graphical desktop, as you are used to from a native installation on bare metal or in a VM. Rather, as before, only a command shell opens from which you first have to install GUI programs.A package manager is used for this, as is common in Linux. In the case of Ubuntu, this is apt. First you update the package list withsudo apt update Then, you can start to install the desired applications. If you want to search for the right software first, you can do that usingapt search For example, the popular editor gedit could be added like this:apt install gedit When a GUI program is first installed apt downloads a large number of dependenciesAfter the successful installation, an icon for the tool should appear in the Start menu. Conclusion ^The Linux subsystem is one of the most interesting Windows innovations in years for developers and DevOps. It offers tight integration of the two operating systems on several levels, such as the coexistence of file systems and the ability to start native Windows and Linux programs from the command line.WSLg continues this development by being able to run graphical Linux programs seamlessly on the Windows desktop. This feature is primarily intended for developer tools rather than for setting up Libre Office for end users.The hardware acceleration of graphical operations, as well as the support for multi-monitor systems, show that Microsoft's ambitions for the integration of Linux go further than just offering a makeshift solution for occasional use. I've had a very positive experience with VcXsrv on Win 10 Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial x86_64 Linux 4.4.0-17074-Microsoft). I did not focus on running Unity desktop as it is useless and resource consuming. I just simply ran apps from bash in GUI mode from Windows10 desktop using XServer. Install VcXsrv from here on Sourceforge Run the VcXsrv app directly, do not launch XLaunch. You should see localhost:0.0 - 0 clients when you hover over the icon on Win10 Taskbar Open Ubuntu Bash: cd /mnt (results in localhost@localhost:/mnt$) cd .. (localhost@localhost:/$ meaning this commands brings you to the beginning of the hard-drive as far as WSL can see...) sudo apt-get install dbus synaptic nautilus --install-suggests --show-progress (this will install "dbus" to create virtual connector for GUI, "Synaptic Package Manager" and "Nautilus" file explorer for unity-desktop cd /usr/share/dbus-1 && sudo vi session.conf (When session.conf opens in vi editor) Press i to enter insert mode and add to preserve original rules than add: tcp:host=localhost,bind=,port=0 EXTERNAL DBUS_COOKIE_SHA1 allow_anonymous Press ESC when you are done editing file and :wq to save the file. Run these commands and check their output: $ export DISPLAY=localhost:0 $ sudo service dbus start * Starting system message bus dbus [OK] $ echo $DISPLAY localhost:0 You are done! Now just run synaptic, nautilus or firefox from Bash and they should load on Win10 desktop. GUI options like this are buggy but operational. You can install ubuntu-desktop, unity, ccsm, compiz and try to run Unity Desktop for Ubuntu. I did not try to set the "Steam" because I am still suffering rrying to run "Unreal", Good luck :) If someone knows how to run gnome-terminal on XServer instead of XTerm please share... P.S You can add VcXsrv as a Win10 bootable To max your sources with "Steam" as specified in original post, tune your Windows a little for network package management (to lower latency) and CPU/GPU prioritization to make a Win10XBox... :) Although you will run "Steam" under "Unix" the shell is still "Windows" which allows you to launch "Steam" on "Unix" ... Tcp Prep:; In regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces Here you need to go through the list of sub-keys to locate the network adapter entry that is used to connect to the Internet. If you are using DHCP, you need to look for DhcpIPAdddress entry (with system data values NOT : to find the correct adapter. Once you have located the correct key right-click it and select New > Dword (32-bit) Value. Name it TcpFrequency and click ok. Double-click the value afterwards and set its Decimal value to 1. (To restore the default setting, change the value to 2 or delete the key) Now navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ Right-click on the key again and select New > Dword (32-bit) Value. Name the new parameter TcpDelay Double-click it afterwards and change its Decimal value to 1. (To restore the key at a later point in time change it to 0 or delete the key) Nagle's Algorithm Nagle's algorithm combines several small packets into a single, larger packet for more efficient transmissions. This is designed to improve throughput efficiency of data transmission. Disabling "nagling" can help reduce latency/ping in some games. Nagle's algorithm is enabled in Windows by default. To implement this tweak, modify the following registry keys. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{NIC-id} For the {NIC-id}, look for the one with your IP address listed; under this {NIC-id} key create following DWORD value: TcpFrequency and set it to 1 to disable "nagling" for gaming. TCPDelay and set it also to 1 to disable "nagling" TcpTicks and set it to 0 Note: Some reports say that the tweaks did reduce latency when playing Dota 2 and League of Legends but it doesn't work for some. I have tried it and my latency improved from 110 to 90ms (SEA Server) when playing Dota 2. Network Throttling Index Windows implements a network throttling mechanism, the idea behind such throttling is that processing of network packets can be a resource-intensive task. It is beneficial to turn off such throttling for achieving maximum throughput. To implement this tweak, run regedit and modify the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile. Under SystemProfile, create a DWORD value and name it to NetworkThrottlingIndex then set its Hexadecimal value to ffffffff for gaming and max throughput: ffffffff completely disables throttling. System Gaming Responsiveness (Not so sure about this one :) Multimedia streaming and some games that uses "Multimedia Class Scheduler" service (MMCSS) can only utilize up to 80% of the CPU. The "Multimedia Class Scheduler" service (MMCSS) ensures prioritized access to CPU resources, without denying CPU resources to lower-priority background applications. To implement this tweak, run regedit and modify the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile. From there, create a new DWORD and name it to SystemResponsiveness set its decimal value to 00000000 for pure gaming/streaming. In the same Registry hive as the above tweak, you can also change the priority of Games. To implement this tweak, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks\Games and change the following registry values: "GPU Priority" change its values to 8 for gaming. "Priority" set to 1 for gaming. All cheers for "unknown" (pardon me was a while since I copied your directions) author of this Windows=Xbox tweak... PPS: If XServer fails on what you would like to do try to find the workaround with Docker. [WSL_Apache_Roolez][1] [Throttling_a_'mm'_:0][2] [You've Got Mail!!!][3] Microsoft announced the green light for WSL 2 GUI: wsl 2 graphical interface. wsl ubuntu graphical interface

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