World War One: Events

World War One: Events


1. 1914

a. 6/28 – Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated by Princip

b. Think about the symbolism: Nationalist killing heir to A-H throne

c. 7/28 – Austrian gunboats assault Belgrade (Serbia)

d. War declared by the major powers

e. 8/4 – Germany invades Belgium

f. Germany defeats Russian army at Tannenburg

g. 8/30 – Paris bombed by Zeppelin

h. 9/5-9/9 – First Battle of the Marne halts German advance - “Digging in”

i. 10/30-11/24 – Battle of Ypres stops German attempt at occupying Channel

* A-H & Serbia Worksheet

2. 1915

a. Britain blockades Germany (Neth., Denmark, Sweden)

b. London bombed by Zeppelin

c. 2/18 - Germany begins sub blockade of GB and France

d. Ottoman Empire begins genocide of Armenians

e. 4/22 – 5/25 – Second Battle of Ypres

i. First use of poison gas (French: xylyl bromide - irritant, not to kill)

iii. Chlorine, Phosgene, Mustard gas

iv. Gas masks (makeshift ones used first)

f. 4/25 – Allied forces land in Gallipoli, Turkey (3/22/1916 – they leave)

g. 5/7 – Lusitania (British ocean liner) sunk, 1198 die, 128 US citizens

i. Hearst’s “yellow journalism”

h. 5/22 – Italy joins Allied powers and declares war on Central Powers

i. 9/1 – Germany issues “Arabic Pledge” – no more sinking of unarmed liners

3. 1916

a. 2/21 – Battle of Verdun

b. Germany issues “Sussex Pledge” – stop unrestricted sub warfare

c. Battle of Jutland – only major naval battle – Germany retreats, mutual losses

d. 7/1 – 11/18 – Battle of the Some

i. British/French offensive – 1.1 million killed on all sides

ii. 9/15 – First use of tank by Great Britain

4. 1917

a. 1/22 – Woodrow Wilson’s last offering to be negotiator or peace

b. 2/1 – Germany resumes unrestricted sub warfare

c. Zimmerman telegram – gets US involved in war

d. 3/11 – Brits capture Baghdad

e. 3/15 – Provisional Government takes control (Kerenksy)

f. 4/5 – German withdrawal after Verdun

g. 4/6 – US declares war on Germany

h. 7/6 – T.E. Lawrence – takes charge of Arab revolt against Turks

i. 7/31 – Third Battle of Ypres (Battle of Passchendaele)

j. 11/7 – Bolshevik Revolution

k. 11/8 – Balfour Declaration (British Palestinian state)

l. 12/9 – British take control

m. 12/15 – Armistice between Russia and Germany ends fighting on the E. Front

5. 1918

a. Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” – idealistic basis for peace? (worksheet)

b. 3/3 - Russia surrenders to Germany in Treaty of Brest Litovsk

c. 7/15-8/7 – Second battle of the Marne – last German offensive

d. 7/16 – Nicholas II executed by Bolsheviks

e. 9/28 – German navy mutinies when ordered out to sea

f. 10/3 – Ottoman signs armistice/ 11/3 – A-H signs armistice

g. 11/7 – Revolution in Germany, 11/9 – Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates, Germany a republic

h. 11/11/1918 – Germany signs armistice

6. 1919

a. January – Paris Peace Conference

i. League of Nations founded

b. 6/28 – Treaty of Versailles signed by Germany (Article 231)


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