US History – Chapter 8 Study Guide – The First World War ...

US History – Chapter 8 Study Guide: World War I – 100 Points (110 max)

Terms to know & define:

1. Archduke Franz-Ferdinand

2. Militarism

3. Imperialism

4. Nationalism

5. Kaiser Wilhelm II

6. Triple Alliance

7. Triple Entente

8. Schlieffen Plan

9. Balance of Power

10. Central Powers

11. Allies

12. 1st Battle of Marne

13. Stalemate

14. Western Front

15. Eastern Front

16. Trench Warfare

17. Lusitania

18. Woodrow Wilson

19. Isolationism

20. U-boat

21. Sussex Pledge

22. Zimmerman Note

23. Selective Service Act

24. Conscientious Objector

25. AEF

26. John Pershing

27. Convoy System

28. Bolsheviks

29. Hello Girls

30. 2nd Battle of Marne

31. Alvin York

32. Liberty Bond

33. War Industries Board

34. Bernard Baruch

35. Herbert Hoover

36. Fuel Administration

37. National War Labor Board

38. Committee on Public Info.

39. Propaganda

40. Sedition Act 1917

41. Espionage Act 1917

42. Schenck v. US

43. Fourteen Points

44. Self-Determination

45. League of Nations

46. Big Four

47. Treaty of Versailles

48. Reparations

49. Irreconcilable

50. Reservationist

Homework Grid on the back >>>>>

Homework Grid:

|A1. Define all the terms above in |B. How have the American people |C. Interview a veteran who actively |D. Analyze the Schenck case |

|3-column note form (50 points) |participated in war while at home, |served in a war & write a 1-2 page |(p.253) & other related ‘free |

| |then and now? Write a 1-2 page essay |report that describes & compares |speech’ cases. Write a 1-2 page |

|And / OR |that compares & contrasts the home |their experiences with those of WW1. |essay that clearly gives and |

| |front adjustments during WW1 to the |Include visual proof service, a copy |supports your opinion to the |

|plete the daily class notes with|current situation with the War on |of the Qs & asked & answers given AND|following question: |

|EQ, Do Now, Notes and EQ Answer |Terror. |a 1/8 to 1/4 page map of where they |Should Congress constitutionally |

|(5 points per day) |(25 points) |served. |restrict Americans’ right to speak|

| | |(25 points) |against government actions? |

| | | |(25 Points) |

|E. Create, write & perform a 3 minute |F. Write a 1-page POINT-COUNTERPT. |G. Create an original WW1 Era |H. Create an acrostic that clearly|

|NEWSCAST or monologue of a WW1 related|ARTICLE that clearly explains the |propaganda poster that compels the |communicates the role the US |

|event. It can be either live or on |reasons for the USA to support AND |reader to join the war effort in some|military & citizens played in |

|video. It must clearly explain the |reject the Treaty of Versailles. |way – to enlist in the military, to |winning WW1 AND the impact WW1 had|

|event’s causes, course, short & long |Remember to create a character for |give in some way to support the |on the world. Use the following |

|term effects. |each side & write each point of view |troops, or to do something on a |stem for your sentences: |

|(25 points) |in letter format. Include your |personal level to help the cause. |THE USA IN WORLD WAR ONE. Use at |

| |opinion of the issue along the bottom|Include a compelling visual, a moving|least one key term in each |

| |of the page |caption & a clear call to action. |sentence & underline it. |

| |(15 points) |Include a paragraph on the back that |(25 points) |

| | |explains your poster fully (15 | |

| | |points) | |


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