WWI: The Scrapbooks

WWI: The Scrapbooks

Use the WWI scrapbooks to complete the following questions on a separate piece of paper.

Trench Warfare (p. 8-9)

1. List three reasons why life in the trenches was difficult.

2. Describe "no man's land" and "over the top".

3. Describe the effects of poison gas.

4. How long would men spend in the trenches? How long did they get to rest?

Life in the Front Lines (p. 12-15)

5. What was another name for lice? Why were some of the methods to avoid lice unrealistic for soldiers' in the trenches?

6. What was "trench foot"? How would a soldier get this ailment? How could it be prevented?

7. Examine the articles on page 15.

a) What evidence is there that the Canadians were quite friendly with the enemy during the first war time Christmas in 1914?

b) What evidence is there that the Canadians were much less friendly at Christmas in 1916?

Propaganda (p. 33)

8. Read the section "Enemy Atrocities reported...". What emotions would these stories produce in their readers?

9. Examine the poster, "Daddy, what did you do...". What do you think this "Daddy" did in the war? Who is this poster aimed at?

10. Read the poster, "To the Women of Canada". What is the message of the poster? Its it effective and why / why not?

11. Read the "Under the Defence of the Realm Act". What kind of stories could newspapers NOT published during the war? Why not, do you think?

Fighting the War on the Homefront (p. 34-35)

12. List three ways how Canadians, young and old, contributed to the war effort.

13. According to the Food Controller 1917, what four things were to be produced, consumed and never wasted? Why?

Women and the War Effort (p. 36-37)

14. Name five ways women contributed to the war effort.

Paying for a War (p. 40-41)

15. What three methods were used to raise money to help pay for the war?

16. In 1918, how much did the war cost Canada per day?

17. My 1919, how much had the war cost Canada in total?

Conscription (p. 42-43)

18. Examine the Enlistment / Casualty rate for 1917. Why would Prime Minister Borden introduce conscription?

19. According to the "Military Service Act", who was eligible for conscription? Who was exempted?

20. Examine the "Wartime Elections Act". Who was granted the vote? Who was denied the vote?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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