Items for May/June 2009 Tascribe


State Newsletter: Print Post Number PP 733781/00010

The Fellowship of Australian Writers Tasmania Inc



ISSUE No. 1 JAN/FEB 2013

Patron: Wal Eastman OAM

2012 Committee

Karen Armstrong, President; Robyn Mathison Secretary/Public Officer; Jen Gibson, Treasurer

John Biggs, Solveig Hamilton & Yvonne Stadler Committee Members

Forthcoming Meetings

Friends Meeting House, 395 Argyle Street, North Hobart. All welcome

Saturday, February 9th at 2 pm: Annual General Meeting.

Business: (1) Notice of Motion (Jen Gibson/ Solveig Hamilton) that annual membership subscriptions for the 2014 financial year be raised to $35 – individual; $45 – family or group; and $20 – full-time students.

(2) Presentation of 2012 annual reports and balance sheets.

(3) Election of 2013 committee. (A nomination form appears at the end of this newsletter. Please post completed forms to reach the Secretary by January 21st.)

An ordinary general meeting of members’ readings will follow the AGM.


Meeting Reports

Saturday, December 8th: Judges’ reports were presented and results of the three Christmas Competitions for FAW members were announced, as follows:

Jacqueline Cooke Short Story Award judged by Robert Cox: 1st Prize – #3 The Picture Dictionary by Ben Walter; 2nd Prize – #9 To Spite the Malice by Emma Lester; 3rd Prize – #8 Fair Play by Leigh Swinbourne. Stories #4 by Yvonne Saw and #12 by Gillian Crosby were commended.

Emma Lester’s mother read Emma’s prize-winning story for us. We hope that Ben Walter and Leigh Swinbourne will be able to read us their stories at a future meeting for members’ readings.

Norma & Colin Knight Poetry Award judged by Karen Knight: 1st Prize – #24 Five Senses of Distaste by Liz McQuilkin; 2nd Prize – #7 Sunday Morning by Yvonne Saw; 3rd Prize – #16 Villanelle for a Yellow Sky by Fran Graham. Poems #18 and #22, both by Liz McQuilkin, were commended.

Karen Knight read Yvonne Saw’s and Fran Graham’s poems. We hope Liz McQuilkin will read her winning poem at a meeting for members’ readings.

Barney Roberts Non-fiction Award judged by Anne Collins: 1st Prize – #4 Behind Closed Doors by Beryl Griffiths; 2nd Prize – #2 A Pirate in the Family Tree by Jim Bashfield; 3rd Prize – Hermitage Road by Lydia Peacock. Entry #3 by Yvonne Stadler was commended.

Jim Bashfield and Lydia Peacock read their prize-winning entries and Yvonne Stadler read her commended memoir about our late beloved member, Betty Nicholson. We hope Beryl Griffiths will be able to read her entry at a future meeting.

News & Views

Warm welcome to new members Margaret Rose Blake, David and Anne Brelsford Penny Cohen and Emma Skalicky

* 2013 subscriptions were due on January 1st. We thank all members who have renewed already. Please remember to fill in and return your membership form with your payment, which can be made at a meeting or be posted to FAW at PO Box 234 North Hobart TAS 7002.

* Our Patron Wal Eastman has sent the following message: ‘Hello Fellowshippers! I do apologise for making you wait so long for more Patron’s Puzzlers, but I have now given Robyn a year’s supply. I’ll give a Fiver prize to the two best entries each time – and an extra one if there are too many super entries!’

Details of Puzzler No.1 follow. Reading the entries for this will begin the meeting on Saturday, March 9th. If you wish to participate but can’t attend the meeting, send in your entry to reach PO Box 234, North Hobart 7002 by Friday, March 8th and another member will be asked to read it for you

Patron’s Puzzler No. 1: Each letter in the name of many large organisations begins a word of a sentence about that organisation – not necessarily complimentary! A few examples:

ALITALIA: Aircraft Landing In Tokyo. All Luggage In Amsterdam.

HARRODS: Have A Rolls Royce On Daddy, Sweetie.

WOOLWORTHS: We Overwork Old Ladies, Wickedly Overcharge, & Rule The High Street.

Have creative fun by writing some of your own.

* In September 2012 Tatler’s Writing Group’s second anthology Inspired Pursuit: volume 11 was launched in Launceston. At the launch Anne Layton-Bennett read an excerpt from one of her three essays in the book. Jacqueline Lonsdale-Cuerton was another contributor.

* Megan Schaffner thanks members for their patience. The selection process for the non-fiction anthology is progressing well and Megan hopes to announce the names of successful contributors in March.

* In the October 2012 issue of the UTAS magazine Togatus, Caitlin Richardson has a well- illustrated article about Karen Knight and Karen’s award-winning poetry collection Postcards from the Asylum [Pardalote Press, 2008]. Caitlin discovered the book in the Morris Miller Library. She says, ‘I casually opened the cover, but ended up perched awkwardly on a stool, completely transfixed until I had read it all.’ This inspired her to seek out and interview Karen. As well as quoting excerpts from this interview and describing conditions at The Royal Derwent Hospital over forty years ago, Caitlin’s article also serves as a sensitive, positive review of this collection. We remind members that we have copies of this book available at meetings for $20 each, or by post for $21.50. Please make cheques or money orders payable to FAW Tasmania Inc.

* Esther Ottaway launched Peter Kay’s novel Blood [Interactive Press, 2012] at the Lark Distillery on November 14th. The manuscript of this novel, which deals with the bombing of Darwin during WW11 (among many other things!), won both the 2012 IP Picks Award and a residency for Peter at Varuna.

* The Jillaroo Jam, Sue Scott’s collection of prose and poetry, beautifully produced by Artemis Publishing Consultants, was launched in Oatlands on November 25th. Copies are available at shops in Oatlands or for $10 posted from Susan G. Scott, PO Box 19A, Tunnack TAS 7120.

* Liz Winfield announced in December that she will be organising readings at the Republic Bar & Café only once a quarter in 2013. They will be held on the first Sunday afternoons of March, June, September and December.

* Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch & Forty South Publishing, 2012], an anthology of 37 stories and poems by 16 members of FAW NW Branch, was launched on December 8th. The book is available from FAW NW Branch, PO Box 538 Ulverstone Tas 7315 for $12 plus $2.70 postage.

* NW Branch member Mary Kay has had her third book of local history published. The J. S. Lee Story is about the man who established the first sawmill in Circular Head in 1884, expanded to Strahan, established an export business and, as well as building 80 miles of tram tracks in the region, employed over 600 men. Copies are available at Smithton newsagency or from Mary: phone 6452 2059.

* Tasmanian Sagacity is a glossy Tasmanian magazine available from some bookshops and newsagencies. The focus of the “Know Your Island’ section in Issue No.4 is the City of Clarence. Also in this issue are very favourable reviews of Night Watch & other medical stories by Solveig Foss (Hamilton) and Robyn Mathison’s poetry collection To Be Eaten By Mice. Rose Frankcombe’s short story The Farewell won the competition for issue No. 3 and is published in this issue. See Opportunities on page 7 of this newsletter for further information about the regular Sagacity competitions.

* Pete Hay launched Famous Reporter 44 at Hobart Bookshop on December 20th. Ralph Wessman, editor and publisher of this literary magazine for the last 25 years, has been producing Famous Reporter in Hobart since issue 3 came out in 1989. Many Tasmanian writers were first published in its pages and went on to become regular contributors. So we are very sad to report that this is the final issue. We’d like to thank Ralph for the enormous contribution he and his Famous Reporter have made to Australian and Tasmanian literature and we wish him great success with the books that Walleah Press will continue to publish.

* We also report that Poetrix, published by Western Women Writers in Victoria, will accept submissions until February 28th, 2013 but Poetrix 40, due out in May, will be the final issue of this little magazine, too. We thank Tracey Rolfe and the editorial committee for twenty years of publishing work by women poets.

* Poppy Day, published by Ginninderra Press in December, is the second collection of short stories by Solveig Hamilton (Foss). Solveig invites all members to its launch at Fullers Bookshop, Hobart at 5 for 5.30 pm on Thursday, February 28th.

Members’ Credits

Marilyn Arnold: 2 poems Highly Commended & 1 Commended, Manly & Peninsula 2012 Annual Competition. Jenny Barnard: Prizewinner, December Republic reading. Jim Bashfield: 2nd Prize, Barney Roberts Non-fiction Award. Margaret Rose Blake: Merlin’s School for Ordinary Children – The Ring of Curses launched, Pasini’s Restaurant, Bicheno. David Brelsford: 1st Prize 2012 Iris Milutinovic Short Story Award. Graeme Bourke: 2 stories & article, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Jan Colville: Prizewinner, December Republic reading. Christiane Conésa-Bostock: Prizewinner, December Republic reading; poem Famous Reporter 44. Pat Coy: 2 poems, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Gillian Crosby: Story commended Jacqueline Cooke Award. Marj Davey: Article, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Sarah Day: Poem, The Best Australian Poems 2012 Ed. John Tranter [Black Inc, 2012]. Maurice Evans: 2 poems, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Yvonne Fogarty: 3 articles, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Solveig Foss (Hamilton): Night Watch and other medical stories [Ginninderra Press, 2012] reviewed Tasmanian Sagacity No. 4; Poppy Day [Ginninderra Press, 2012] published. Rose Frankcombe: Winner, Tasmanian Sagacity Short Story Competition, published No. 4; obituary for Annabelle McEntyre; one book review each SWWT Stylus, Oct/Nov & Dec/Jan. Jen Gibson: Reader, Republic Bar & Café, December. Gina-Louise: 3 poems, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Fran Graham: Poem, The Best Australian Poems 2012; poem, 3rd Prize Norma & Colin Knight Award. Beryl Griffiths: 1st Prize, Barney Roberts Non-fiction Award. Lorraine Haig: Reader & prizewinner, December Republic reading; 2 tanka, Eucalypt 13. Graeme Hetherington: Poem, The Mozzie; 3 poems, Valley Micropress (NZ), October; 2 poems Valley Micropress, November: poem, Famous Reporter #44; 2 poems, Centralink 2012; poem, Poetry Matters 17. Danijela Hlis: Poem, SWWT Stylus, Oct/Nov. Allan Jamieson: 3 stories, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Mary Kay: The J.S. Lee Story published & launched in Smithton. Peter Kay: Novel Blood (Interactive Press, 2012] launched at The Lark; reader, Republic Bar & Café, December. Karen Knight: Poem, The Best Australian Poems 2012 [Black Ink]. Anne Layton-Bennett: 3 essays, Inspired Pursuit: volume 11 [Tatler’s Writing Group, 2012]. Emma Lester: Story, 2nd Prize, Jacqueline Cooke Award. Jacqueline Lonsdale-Cuerton: Story 3rd prize, article encouragement award & haiku commended, SWWQ Competition; article, Brisbane Seniors Paper. Judy McCauley: Story & article, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Betty McKenzie-Tubb: Poem, Poetry Matters 17. Meg McLaren: Poem, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Ivan McLeod: Story & article, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012] Liz McQuilkin: Prizewinner, December Republic reading; 3 Poems, 1st Prize and 2 commended, Norma & Colin Knight Award. Robyn Mathison: To Be Eaten By Mice [Ginninderra Press, 2009] reviewed, Tasmanian Sagacity No.4 & Studio #125; poem, Valley Micropress (NZ), November. Gina Mercer: Winner, 2012 FAW Jean Stone Poetry Award, published, Writers Voice, December. Anne Morgan: Reader, Bruny Island Bird Festival. Louise Oxley: 1st Prize, 2012 Shoalhaven Literary Award for Poetry. Lydia Peacock: 3rd Prize, Barney Roberts Non-fiction Award. Marilyn Quirk: Echoes from the Wild West Coast of Tasmania 1894 – 1901 reviewed, SWWT Stylus, Dec/Jan; story & article, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Yvonne Saw: Story commended Jacqueline Cooke Award; Poem, 2nd Prize Norma & Colin Knight Award. Megan Schaffner: Prizewinner, December Republic reading. Sue Scott: The Jillaroo Jam launched, Oatlands Community House. Brenda Slavoff: Story & 2 poems, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Edith Speers: 2 poems, The Dalhousie Review (Halifax, Nova Scotia). Yvonne Stadler: Commended Barney Roberts Non-fiction Award. Leigh Swinbourne: Story, 3rd Prize Jacqueline Cooke Award. Marion Thomson: Story & 2 articles, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Kate Tongs: Poem The Mozzie, November. Nancy Walker: Poem, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Ben Walter: Story, 1st Prize. Jacqueline Cooke Award; poem, Famous Reporter 44. Faie Dana Watson: Article commended, 2012 Port Macquarie-Hastings FAW Literary Competition Laurie Barber Award. Kathleen Watson: Story, article & poem, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]. Ralph Wessman: Article, Famous Reporter 44. Terry Whitebeach: Article, Famous Reporter 44. Jane Williams: Reader Bruny Island Bird Festival. Margaret Wilmot: Prizewinner, December Republic reading. Pauline Wright: 2 stories & poem, Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch, 2012]

FAW Library

We thank donors of the following material added to the library recently:

Lionel Abrahams: Chaos Theory of the Heart and other poems [Roaring 40s Press, 2005]

Kerry Biram, Diane Brown & Jenny Craig Editors: Editors in Conversation [Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2007]

Carole Ferrier, Editor: Hecate Vol 17 No. 2, 1991; Vol 18 No. 2, 1992 & Vol 36 No.1 & 2, 2010

FAW NW Branch: Finding a Voice [FAW NW Branch & Forty South Publishing, 2012]

Rose Frankcombe, Editor: Stylus [Society of Women Writers Tasmania] June/July 2012, Aug/Sept 2012,

Oct/Nov. 2012, Dec 2012/Jan 2013.

Alexandra Gibson, Editor Togatus [Tasmania University Union] October 2012

Sherna Berger Gluck & Daphne Patai, Editors: Women’s Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History [Routledge, 1991]

Carolyn G. Heilbrun: Writing a Woman’s Life [The Women’s Press, 1989]

Pamela Scott: What the Left Hand Knew [Creek Publishing, 2009]

Susan G. Scott: The Jillaroo Jam [Artemis Publishing, 2012]

John Stephens & Ruth Waterhouse: Literature, Language and Change From Chaucer to the Present [Routledge, 1990]

Algimantas Taskunas, Editor: Lithuanian Papers Vol 26 – 2012 [Lithuanian Studies Society at the University of Tasmania]

Rhonda Whitton & Sheila Hollingworth: Mission Possible: How to Make Money from Your Writing [Common Ground Publishing, 2002]

Jane Williams, Editor: Ars Poetica Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4.

A list of FAW library holdings is now on our web page. See Robyn Mathison at meetings or phone her on 6234 4418 (after 2 pm) about borrowing material.

FAW Tasmania NW Branch

The Branch meets at the Catholic Church meeting room, Alexandra Rd, Ulverstone on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are open to anyone interested in writing in any form. Enquiries: The Secretary. PO Box 538, Ulverstone 7315, email fawtas@ or



Please note that Normal Competition Conditions are listed on our website .au

Always make out cheques or postal orders exactly as shown in competition guidelines.

January 25th: 40º South Publishing Tasmanian Writer’s Prize 2013 for stories of no more than 3000 words. 1st Prize $500 and publication in 40º South Magazine and a selection of the best entries will be published in 40º South Short Story Anthology 2013. Details and entry form: .au

January 26th: Sydney City FAW Writing Competition for non-fiction, fiction or poetry on the subject of Sydney Past, Present or Future, open to Australian residents only. Articles and stories should be no longer than 1500 words and poems up to 40 lines. 1st Prize $500; 2nd $150; four commendations $50 each. Entry fee$5 per entry, cheques/money orders payable to Sydney City FAW. Entries should be typed on one side only and title only to appear on the manuscript. Give title/s of work, author’s name, address, and phone/email contact on a separate cover sheet. Send to Sydney Life, c/- Sydney City FAW, GPO Box 1273, Sydney NSW 2001. Sydney City FAW reserves the right to publish the winning entries in the latest issue of Sydney Life 2013. Entries will not be returned. Further information on

January 31st: Wildcare Tasmania Nature Writing Prize 2013 – literary prose nature-writing competition for fiction or non-fiction. 1st Prize $5000 and a wilderness residency in Tasmania. .au

January 31st: The Ampersand Project competition for young adult manuscripts, all genres and word- counts, though 50 – 80,000 words is most suitable. Entrants should not have had a young-adult novel published under their own name with a mainstream trade publisher. .au

March 31st: FAW Tasmania Nairda Lyne Award, open to all writers resident in Australia, is for a story of no more than 1000 words, suitable for children aged 8 – 12 years. Prize $100 and name engraved on plaque in Launceston Library. There is also a Hobart Bookshop voucher prize for the best Tasmanian entry. Stories must be original, unpublished and must not have won a prize in any other competition. Work must be typed in plain font, 1.5 or double-spaced, on one side only of white A4 paper, with pages numbered and stapled in top left-hand corner. Only the story title is to appear on the manuscript. Author’s name and contact details and title/s of work entered are to appear on a separate sheet. Keep a copy of work, as entries will be shredded after judging. Entry fee: $5 per story. Please make cheque or money order payable to FAW Tasmania Inc. Send entries to FAW Tasmania, PO Box 234, North Hobart TAS 7002. Results will be announced at the FAW May meeting.

June 30th: FAW Tasmania 2013 Henry Savery Award, open to all writers resident in Australia, is for a short story of no more than 2500 words. 1st Prize $400; 2nd $100. Stories must be original, unpublished and must not have won a prize in any other competition. Work must be typed in pain font, 1.5 or double-spaced, on one side only of white A4 paper, with pages numbered and stapled in top left-hand corner. Only the story title is to appear on the manuscript. Author’s name, contact details and title/s of work entered are to appear on a separate sheet. Keep a copy of work, as entries will be shredded after judging. Entry fee: $5 per story. Pease make cheque or money order payable to FAW Tasmania Inc. Send entries to FAW Tasmania, PO Box 234, North Hobart TAS 7002. Results will be announced at the FAW August meeting.

June 30th: 2013 FAWNS Vibrant Verse Poetry Competition for unpublished work that has not won a cash prize and is not entered elsewhere. Category A – Free verse.. Category B – Traditional, rhymed or structured verse. Both categories open style, open theme, maximum 60 lines; 1st Prize $200; 2nd $100. Entry fee $5 per poem, cheques/ money orders payable to Fellowship of Australian Writers North Shore Branch. Entries must be typed, single-spaced in 12-pt plain font on one side only of A4 paper, no bold, ClipArt or decorations of any kind. Title and text only to appear on manuscript. Separate cover sheet should show title, Category (A or B), line count, author’s name, address, phone/email address. Enclose ssae for results and judge’s report. Send entries to Competition Convenor, FAWNS Vibrant Verse, 5 Clement St, Strathfield South NSW 2136.

August 31st: FAW Tasmania 2013 Poetry Prize, open to all writers resident in Australia, is for a poem of up to 60 lines. 1st Prize $150; 2nd $50. Poems are to be typed, single-spaced, in plain font, on one side only of white A4 paper with pages of longer poems stapled in top left-hand corner. Only the title is to appear on the poem. Author’s name, contact details and title/s of work entered are to appear on a separate sheet. Keep a copy of work, as all entries will be shredded after judging. Entry Fee: $5 per poem. Please make cheque or money order payable to FAW Tasmania Inc. Send entries to FAW Tasmania, PO Box 234, North Hobart TAS 7002. Results will be announced at the FAW October meeting.


100 Years from Gallipoli Poetry Project aims to use new poetry by today’s poets to illustrate the diversity of current views about Australia’s and New Zealand’s commemorations of military history. A publication of 200 poems – 100 newly written, unpublished poems and 100 older poems – will be produced. In addition a competition, 100 Years from Gallipoli Poetry Project Prize will be conducted. Full details are on the website or are available with SSAE from the Co-ordinating Editor, PO Box 170, Deloraine TAS 7304. Ph 6362 4390.

2013 Australian Writers Marketplace A new edition of this popular directory is now available at the RRP of $49.95. It is also available from the Tasmanian Writers’ Centre for TWC members’ price: $45 a copy.

ABC Open 500 Words Writing Challenge for short-form online writing with the chance to be published on the ABC website. January theme: Like it Or Not. Details on the ABC website.

Eucalypt: a tanka journal: Submissions of up to 6 tanka close on March 31st and September 30th each year. Include a statement that your work is original, unpublished, not broadcast or under consideration elsewhere. Send with ssae to Beverley George PO Box 37 Pearl Beach NSW 2256 or email to editor@.

History Magazine, the quarterly journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, accepts and pays for freelance articles, fillers, interviews, reviews and cartoons. Contact first by phone (02) 9247 8001 or email Information on .au

Magabala Books Indigenous publishing house seeks manuscripts and art works from Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander writers, storytellers, artists and graphic designers. Magabala publishes a range of genres, traditional and contemporary, particularly memoirs, social history, young adult fiction and children’s stories. Submission guidelines from or Jacqui Wright on 08 9192 1991.

.Positive Words Magazine offers monthly challenges. Prize is publication + a six-month subscription. Poetry & prose submissions on any theme are also welcome at any time. Send (with ssae) to the Editor Sandra James PO Box 798, Heathcote VIC 3523. Send $2.40 in unused stamps for a sample copy.

Pulp Fiction Press seeks ‘great storytelling in the genre of crime fiction or mystery, exciting tales of science fiction, fantasy, dark fantasy or horror, and innovative fiction for young adults’. Please read Publisher’s notes before making a submission. They require the first 50 – 60 pages in 12 point Courier or Times New Roman, 2 pp synopsis which includes type of story, names, motivations, conflicts and crises of main characters, setting (keen on Australian or NZ based novels, but strong sense of place necessary), plot (entire main story line, show how central conflict and any sub-plots are resolved); a brief letter with personal details and publication history, if any; and SSAE for return of manuscript or reply only. Send by Express Post to the Acquisitions Editor, Diane Waters, Pulp Fiction Press, GPO Box 297, Brisbane Q 4001.

Studio welcomes unsolicited submissions of poetry up to 100 lines; short stories, literary articles and other prose up to 3,000 words; letters and reviews. Payment is a complimentary copy of the issue in which work appears. Send with ssae to Studio, 727 Peel Street, Albury NSW 2640.

Tasmanian Sagacity bi-monthly magazine runs ongoing, short story competitions. These are open to all Tasmanian writers of fiction or creative non-fiction, with no entry fee and no restriction on subject or theme. Stories of 1800-word maximum must be either unpublished or not previously published within the last ten years. Winners will receive $100 from Tasmanian Sagacity + a $100 book voucher and publication in the magazine, which is sold in newsagents and goes to a number of subscribers in Tasmania and beyond. Entries should be emailed to with the subject title ‘Short Story Comp.’ Enquiries to the same email address.


Thursday, February 7th: 5.30 pm at Hobart Bookshop – launch of Paddy Burges Watson’s Moving On

Saturday, February 9th: 2 pm at Friends’ Meeting House – FAW AGM & members’ readings meeting

Tuesday, February 12th: 5.30 pm at Hobart Bookshop – launch of Annette Young’s A Distant Prospect

Friday, February 15th: 5.30 pm at Hobart Bookshop – launch of book by C. Cooper

Thursday, February 28th: 5 pm at Fullers Bookshop, Hobart – launch of Solveig Hamilton’s Poppy Day

Hobart Bookshop 22 Salamanca Square gives FAW members 10% discount on all purchases.

Email to be placed on their list for regular notices of events.

March/April Tascribe deadline: Friday, February 15th. News and credits to the postal address. please.

Nomination Form for 2013 Committee of FAW Tasmania Inc

Please return completed forms to PO Box 234 North Hobart TAS 7002 by 21st of January

Positions: President, Secretary, Treasurer + Committee Members

I ……………………………………….accept nomination for the position of ………………………… on the 2013 Committee of FAW Tasmania Inc.

Signature……………………………. Date…………………………….

Proposer: Name………………………………………. Signature……………………………………

Seconder: Name ……………………………………… Signature……………………………………

Nominee, proposer and seconder must all be current financial members FAW Tasmania Inc.

To be eligible to stand for the position of President, Secretary or Treasurer a member must have at least three years uninterrupted financial membership of the Fellowship.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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