Abbreviations - University of Cambridge

Table of Contents

|Abbreviations & General Notes |2 - 3 |

| | |

|Photographs: Flat Box Index |4 |

| | |

|Flat Box 1- 43 |5 - 61 |

|Description of Content | |

| | |

|Lever Arch Files Index |62 |

| | |

|Lever Arch File 1- 16 |63 - 100 |

|Description of Content | |

| | |

|Slide Box 1- 7 |101 - 117 |

|Description of Content | |

| | |

|Photographs in Index Box 1 - 6 |118 - 122 |

|Index Box | |

|Description of Content | |

|Framed Photographs |123 - 124 |

|Description of Content | |

| | |

|Other |125 |

|Description of Content | |

| | |

|Publications and Articles Box |126 |

|Description of Content | |

| |

|Second Accession – June 2008 (additional Catherine Cooke visual material found in UL) |

|Flat Box 44-56 |129-136 |

|Description of Content | |

|Postcard Box 1-6 |137-156 |

|Description of Content | |

|Unboxed Items |158 |

|Description of Material | |

Abbreviations & General Notes









GWC = Gillian Wise CIOBOTARU




• CA- Современная Архитектура, Sovremennaia Arkhitektura

• Kom.Delo – Коммунальное Дело, Kommunal’noe Delo

• Tekh. Stroi. Prom- Техника Строительство и Промышленность, Tekhnika Stroitel’stvo i Promyshlennost’

• KomKh- Коммунальное Хозяство, Kommunal’noe Khoziastvo

• VKKh-

• StrP- Строительная Промышленность, Stroitel’naia Promyshlennost’

• StrM- Строительство Москвы, Stroitel’stvo Moskvy

• AJ- The Architect’s Journal

• СоРеГор- За Социалистическую Реконструкцию Городов, SoReGor

• PSG- Планировка и строительство городов

• BD- Building Design

• Khan-Mag book- Khan-Magomedov’s “Rodchenko” or “Inkhuk i ranii konstruktivizma”

• Еже ОАХ- Journal of ‘Obshchestvo arkhitekturov i khudozhnikov’

• Еже МАО – Journal of ‘Moskovsksoe arkhitekturnoe obshchestvo’


• PoC- Palace of Culture (Worker’s club)

• PoS- Palace of the Soviets

• PoL- Palace of Labour

• Avtostroi- car production centre and city commune

• Ф-к – factory

• HB- High Buildings [see CUSA lectures]

• M&M- Muir & Merrilies/Meriliz/Merrilees


• Sets of images as arranged by CC have been kept together and put in order. Where the same image appears in more than one set, they’ve been left there for the sake of both sets’ completeness. Therefore some images appear in more than one box etc.

• The names of architects and artists are capitalised, for the purpose of easy reference. Not all other people’s names are. Names that are used as the title of a building by CC or myself are not capitalised, except for the RIABUSHINSKII house, because there is so much material on it.

• The box ‘Misc, well labelled’ contains photographs etc, which have been labelled by either CC or me. They are in this box simply because they had no immediately obvious ‘home’, but are not mysteries! Likewise many of the ‘mystery’ slides in the small black box are labelled but must for example have a category created for them. Other ‘Misc.’ boxes’ contents pose more of a problem.

• Any ‘see also’ notes are not exhaustive.

• References to ‘CC’s Russian Avant-Garde’ refer to her book with the subtitle ‘Theories of art, architecture and the city’, a copy of which is in the MML library. A very large number of the images in the collection appear in this book, not just the ones I’ve marked as such.

• Images in boxes are black and white and on glossy paper if not otherwise stated.

Photographs: Flat Box Index

|1 |Татлин: Против Кубизма |

| |PUNIN’s book on TATLIN (1921) |

|2 |Победа над солнцем, опера А. Крученых музыка М. Матюшкина |

|3 |Ателье magazine № 1, 1923 |

|4 |Советское Исскуство № 1,2,3 April-June 1925 |

| |Любовь Попова. Искусство и манифести Article by Е. Ракитина from Советский Художник 1975 |

| |Иукусство в Быту 36 таблиц |

|5 |Vignola 1712 |

|6 |Строительство Москвы 1929 № 1, 4,5 |

|7 |Pages from Современная Архитектура |

|8 |Pages from Современная Архитектура- specific architects/ groups |

|9 |Pages from Современная Архитектура (various editions) |

|10 |Pages from Современная Архитектура and other journals |

|11 |Russia West Publication |

|12 |Russia East Publication |

|13 |St Petersburg-Leningrad 1900s-1930s |

|14 |Set prepared for Journal of Design History |

|15 |Copies of postcards, street scenes |

|16 |Prints made for David Buxton article: “~Traditional Russian life” |

|17 |1917 Revolution scenes and people, Muir & Mirrilees |

|18 |Festivals & Agitation, Pre-1917 & Soviet |

|19 |Petrine & pre-Petrine Baroque, CC’s Naryshkinskii Baroque photos |

|20 |SR General Stock |

|21 |Typography and Graphic design |

|22 |Schools: their buildings, adverts etc |

| |Theorists/ Theories |

| |Student architectural projects |

|23 |Constructivist sundry- people, exhibitions, abstract works, theatre |

|24 |Constructivism |

|25 |MITURICH Exhibition, Pushkin Museum, Moscow |

| |LUBETKIN sites, Moscow |

| |LUBETKIN sites etc, Leningrad, June 1992 |


|27 |MALEVICH and other Suprematists |


|29 |CC’s PhD thesis: GINZBURG |

|30 |SHEKTEL’ |

|31 |UK: Finsbury & Bexhill, French series |

|32 |Journal covers and related |

|33 |Vienna Architectural Design |

|34 |Palace of the Soviets |

|35 |SoReGor & PSG pages re. Sverdlovsk & Novosibirsk |

|36 |Garden cities, Города Будушего |

|37 |Diagrams of construction in Russia and abroad |

|38 |CHERNIKOV 1 |

|39 |CHERNIKOV 2 |

|40 |CHERNIKOV 3 |

|41 |CHERNIKOV 4 |

|42 |CHERNIKOV 5 |

|43 |Large b/w prints: Ekaterinburg/ Novosibirsk/ Uralmarsh, St Petersburg |

Flat Boxes 1-6

|Box No. |Contents |Complete? |No. pages |Format |Other contents |

|1 |Татлин: Против Кубизма |yes(?) |41 |b/w photograp-hed |44 b/w transparencies |

| |Punin’s book on Tatlin (1921)| | |pages |of pages from the book,|

| | | | | |incl. portrait and |

| | | | | |Tatlin’s works |

|2 |Победа над солнцем, опера А. |Yes(?) |30 (some repeated) |b/w photograp-hed | |

| |Крученых музыка М. Матюшкина | | |pages | |

|3 |Ателье magazine № 1, 1923 |No (?) |58 complete |b/w photograp-hed | |

| | | |13 fragments |pages some pages | |

| | | |some repeated |slightly brown | |

|4 |Советское Исскуство № 1,2,3 |No |44 pages, in number |b/w photograp-hed | |

| |April-June 1925 | |order but editions |pages | |

| | | |mixed | | |

|4 |Любовь Попова. Искусство и |Yes |15 of article |b/w photograp-hed | |

| |манифести Article by Е. | |4 of enlarged |pages | |

| |Ракитина from Советский | |illustrations | | |

| |Художник 1975 | | | | |

|4 |Иукусство в Быту 36 таблиц |No |26 complete |b/w photograp-hed |3 b/w A4 photocopies of|

| | | |6 fragments |pages |dress-making pages |

|5 |Vignola 1712 |Yes Pages at |139 complete |b/w photograp-hed | |

| | |end confused? |pp1-101 i.e. some |pages | |

| | | |repeated | | |

|6 |Строительство Москвы 1929 № |No- sections of|60 complete |b/w photograp-hed | |

| |1, 4,5 |several |32 fragments |pages | |

| | |editions | | | |

Flat Box 7- Pages from Современная Архитектура

Contents in separate bags, in order from the bottom up, but not numbered (titles of articles etc fairly obvious)

| |Edition |№ of pages |Contents |

|1 |СА № 3 1926 |20 |Механизация Строительства |

|2 |СА № 3 1926 |8 complete |Aeroplane article |

| | |1 fragment | |

|3 |СА № ? 1926 |2 (incomplete) |Новая Архитехтура в Европе |

|4 |СА № 4 1926 |8 (both articles |Анкета о плоской крыше |

| | |incomplete) |Анкета: окно |

|5 |CA № 3 1928 |2 |Конструктивизм и конструктивисты на местах |

| |рр 103-4 | |В.К. |

|6 |СА № 6 1928 |18 complete |Проблемы Современной Архитектуры |

| |pp 170-6 |42 fragments |Н. Красильников |

| | |(article incomplete?) | |

|7 |CA № 4 1929 |9 pages |Дом Коммуна, Барщ & Владимиров |

| | | |К проэкту здания Коминтерна |

|8 |СА № 5 1929 |7 |Планетарий, Барщ & Синявский |

|9 |СА № 6 1929 |7 complete |Днепрострой |

| | |2 fragments | |

|10 |CA №4 1930 |16 complete |Проэкт здания гостиницы (в Москве), Веснины |

| | |1 fragment |Здание ВКИ (в Москве), Никольский |

| | | |Проэкт Дома Книги (в Москве), Афанасьев |

|11 |СА № 6 1930 |16 complete |Общежитие, семейный коллектив, товарищеская |

| | | |коммуна, индивидуальное жилище |

|12 |Что такое конструктивизм? |5 complete | |

| |Алексей Ган | | |

| |Конструктивизм в рекламе Родченко | | |

| |Конструктивизм в наборе и верстке [?] Ган | | |

|13 |Lenin Library |3 complete | |

|14 |Дискуссионный отдел |7 complete |Кубизм, как живописный метод, И.В. Клюн |

Flat Box 8- Pages from Современная Архитектура- specific architects/ groups

See note for box 7

| |Architect/group |№ of pages |Contents |

|1 |I.N. SOBOLEV |3 complete |Хлебная фабрика |

| | |3 fragments |Дворец труда |

|2 |I.I. LEONIDOV |24 complete |Кинофабрика (1927) |

| | |4 fragments |Клуб нового социального типа |

| | | |Институт Ленина (1927) |

|3 |LE CORBUSIER |2 complete |«Урбанизм» |

| | |2 fragments |Вилла в Гарш (СА № 5 1929) |

|4 |MALEVICH |3 complete |Ленинград |

| | |1 fragments | |

|5 |NIKOL’SKII |16 complete |Клуб с залом за 500 чел. |

| | |7 fragments |Зал общественных собраний на 1.000 и на |

| | | |500 чел. |

| | | |Новая школа |

| | | |Бани в московско-нарвском районе |

| | | |Переустройство церкви...под клуб «красный|

| | | |путиловец» |

|6 |A. BUNIN |3 complete |«Параболичный дом» |

|7 |G.B. KRASIN |4 complete |Шатурская электростанция эстокада |

| | |1 fragment | |

|8 |Vkhutemas |5 complete |Пашков- проэкт центральной |

| | |2 fragments |государственной библиотеки имени В.И. |

| | | |Ленина в Москве |

| | | |Конференция во Вхутемасе |

| | | |Дипломная работа Вхутемаса- дворец труда |

Flat Box 9- Pages from Современная Архитектура (various editions)

Several editions but pages in number order

Title pages

| |Edition |№ of copies |

|1 |№ 2, year? |1 |

|2 |№ 3, year? |2 |

|3 |CA’s third year of publishing |2 |

|4 |№ 3 1930 |2 |

|5 |№ 4 1930 |1 |

|6 |First Exhibition |1 |

|7 |№ 6 1930 |3 |

|8 |№ 5, year? |3 |

75 pages in total, including;

LEONIDOV, VESNINS, Doma Tekstilei, ARCOS, Leningradskaia Pravda, Telegraf

Flat Box 10- Pages from Современная Архитектура and other journals

| |Content/title |№ of pages |

|1 |VESNINS, PoL etc |4 |

|2 |Khronika Leningrad, Odessa, Saratov |4 |

|3 |Article by MILINIS |3 |

|4 |MOSTORG costs |3 |

|5 |Professors’ hostel & communal housing in Erevan |2 |

|6 |Rationalisation of production- article |2 |

|7 |Bricks and construction |2 |

|8 |Opyt |6 |

|9 |Brigada ARU |10 |

|10 |Images- interiors etc |3 |

|rest |Other pages (incl. fragments) |61 |

Flat Box 11- Russia West Publication

Blank rows mean that a photograph with a sticker marking it as from the same set was not found (and possibly was not CC’s): the photograph can however be seen in the publication named above, which is in the ‘Publications and articles’ box.


| |Building |Architect(s) |Date |№ of pages/images |

|1 |Izvestiia newspaper building |Grigorii & Mikhail BARKHIN|1925-27 |3 pages |

| | |(engineer Artur LOLEIT) | |1 artist’s drawing |

| | | | |1 CA page |

| | | | |1 photograph |

| | | | |all b/w |

|2 |Gostorg Building |Boris VELIKOVSKII with |1925-27 |1 |

| | |Mikhail BARSHCH, Georgii | | |

| | |VEGMAN & Maria GAKEN | | |

|3 |Mostorg department store |Leonid VESNIN with |1927-28 |2 |

| | |Aleksandr & Victor VESNIN | | |

|4 |Workers’ Club named for I.V. |Konstantin MEL’NIKOV |1927-29 |1 soon after completion |

| |Rusakov | | | |

|5 |MEL’NIKOV House |Konstantin MEL’NIKOV |1927-29 |2 |

|6 | | | | |

|7 | | | | |

|8 | | | | |

|9 |Tsentrosoiuz Building |LE CORBUSIER & Pierre |1928-36 |1 picture of model |

| | |JEANNERET with Nikolai | |(b/w) |

| | |KOLLI | |1 drawing |

|10 |Communal House for Textile |Ivan NIKOLAEV |1929-30 |2 photographs (b/w) |

| |Institute students | | |2 pages of architect’s sketches |

| | | | |(b/w) |

Total: 14 images

St. Petersburg

|1 |Palace of Culture named for |Aleksandr GEGELLO & David |1925-27 |2 (1989) |

| |A.M. Gorkii |KRICHEVSKII | | |

|2 |Secondary School named for |Aleksandr NIKOL’SKII |1925-27 |1 |

| |the 10th Anniversary of the | | | |

| |October Revolution | | | |

|3 |Red Banner/Knitwear factory |Erich MENDELSOHN |1926-37 |2 |

|4 |Secondary School for the |Georgii SIMONOV |1927-29 |17 |

| |Tkachei district | | | |

|5 |Public Baths for the Lesnoe |Aleksandr NIKOL’SKII with |1927-30 |4 |

| |District |Vladimir GALPERIN, Nikolai | | |

| | |DEMKOV & Aleksandr KRESTIN | | |

|6 |Viborgskii District Factory |Armen BARUTCHEV, Isidor |1928-30 |28 pages: |

| |Kitchen |GILTER, Iosif MEERZON & | |19 exteriors (b/w photographs, |

| | |Iakov RUBANCHIK | |various views) |

| | | | |9 sketches of interior and plans |

| | | | |(b/w) |

|7 |Kirovskii district |Armen BARUTCHEV, Isidor |1929-31 |17 pages: |

| |department store and factory|GILTER, Iosif MEERZON & | |12 exteriors (b/w photographs, |

| |kitchen |Iakov RUBANCHIK | |various views) |

| | | | |5 pictures of model and façade |

| | | | |details (b/w) |

|8 |Bread factory |Aleksandr NIKOL’SKII & |Early 1930s |5 |

| | |studio | | |

|9 |Headquarters of Kirovskii |Noi TROTSKII |1930-34 |1 |

| |District Soviet | | | |

|10 |Communal housing (Дом |Georgii SIMONOV, with Pavel|1929-33 |2 |

| |Коммуна) of the Society for |ABROSIMOV & Aleksandr | | |

| |Tsarist Political Prisoners |KHRIKOV | | |

| |and Deportees | | | |

Total: 79 images

Box 11

Flat Box 12- Russia East Publication

Blank rows mean that a photograph with a sticker marking it as from the same set was not found (and possibly was not CC’s): the photograph can however be seen in the publication named above, which is in the ‘Publications and articles’ box.


|Cover |Housing complex for Urals |Moisei GINZBURG & |1929-31 |17, CC- 1998 |

| |Regional Economic Council |Aleksandr PASTERNAK | | |

| |(Уралоблсовнархоз) | | | |

|1 |Water Tower for the socialist |M.V. REISHER |1928-29 |11 (various views) |

| |town (Соцгород) of Uralmash | | | |

|2 |Institute of Physiotherapy and |Georgii GOLUBEV |1929-30 |5 |

| |Occupational diseases | | | |

|3 |House of Justice (Дом Юстиции) |S. ZAKHAROV |1929-30 |7 |

|4 |Urals Worker publishing house |Georgii GOLUBEV |1929-30 |5 |

| |(“House of the press”) | | | |

|5 |See ‘Cover’ | | | |

|6 |Workers Club for the Builders’ |Iakov KORNFELD |1929-33 |1 |

| |Union | | |(PLUS 3?) |

|7 | | | | |

|8 |Residential quarter for members |I.P. ANTONOV, Veniamin |1929-36 |7 |

| |of the Cheka (“Городок Чехистов”)|SOKOLOV & Arsenii TUMBASOV| | |

|9 |Housing district for workers at |Petr ORANSKII |1930-31 |5 |

| |Uralmarsh | | | |

|10 |House of Communications (Дом |Kazian SOLOMONOV |1931-33 |15 (various views and sizes) |

| |Связы) | | | |

Total: 73 (+3?)


|1 | | | | |

|2 |First City Polyclinic |P. SHCHEKIN |1927-28 |7 |

|3 | | | | |

|4 |Club for workers of the Soviet |Ivan BURLAKOV |1928 |2 (detail) |

| |Trade organisation (Совторг) | | | |

|5 | | | | |

|6 | | | | |

|7 | | | | |

|8 |Regional Supply Committee building|Sergei TURGENEV, Boris |1931-34 |1 |

| | |GORDEEV & Nikolai NIKITIN | | |

|9 | | | | |

|10 | | | | |

Total: 10 images

Flat Box 13

St Petersburg-Leningrad 1900s-1930s

Also: 8 mostly numbered photographs that probably belong to this set but aren’t labelled

| |Building |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images |

|1 |Singer building |SUIZOR |1902-4 |6 |

|2 |Yeliseev brothers’ commercial |BARANOVSKII |1902-3 |3: |

| |building | | |2 exteriors |

| | | | |1 detail |

|3 |Vitebskii station |BRZHOZOVSKII, MINASH |1902-4 |4: |

| | | | |2 exteriors |

| | | | |2 details |

|4 |Suvorov Museum |VON GOGEN, GRIMM |1901-4 |4 |

|5 | | | | |

|6 | | | | |

|7 |Kshesinska’s mansion |VON GOGEN |1904-6 |9: |

| | | | |6 exteriors |

| | | | |3 details |

|7a |Savina’s mansion |GEISLER |1905-7 |2 |

|8 |Chaev mansion |APYSHKOV |1906-7 |2 |

|9 |Building on Avstriiskaia Square |SHAUB |1901-6 |2 |

|10 |LIDVALS’ housing complex |LIDVAL |1899-1904 |9 |

|11 |Meltsers’ building |LIDVAL |1904-5 |2 |

|12 |Putilova’s building |PRETRO |1906-7 |2 |

|13 |BUBYR’s apartment house |VASILEV, BUBYR |1906-7 |6 (doorway detail) |

|14 |Tolstoy’s apartment house |LIDVAL |1910-12 |4 |

|15 |Nobel employees housing |LIDVAL |1910-11 |2 |

|16 |Gavanskii workers’ settlement |DMITRIEV, FEDOROV |1904-6 |2 |

|17 |Dept. store of the Guards Trading |VIRRIKH, VASILEV, KRICHINSKII et |1908-9, 1912-13 |11: |

| |Society |al | |8 exteriors |

| | | | |3 interiors |

|18 | | | | |

|19 |French Church |BENOIS, PERETIATKOVICH |1903-9 |4 |

|20 |Mosque |VASILEV, KRICHINSKII |1910-1920 |5: |

| | | | |2 exteriors |

| | | | |3 of VASILEV’s original |

| | | | |drawing |

|21 |Ethnography Museum |SVININ |1900-11 |4 |

|22 |Azov-Don bank |LIDVAL |1912-13 |2 |

|23 |Hotel Astoria |LIDVAL |1911-12 |2 |

|24 |German Embassy |BEHRENS |1911-13 |5 |

|25 |Mertens Commercial building |LIALEVICH |1911-12 |2 |

|26 |Vavelberg building |PERETIATKOVICH |1911-12 |4 |

|27 |Russian Trading and Indl Bank |PERETIATKOVICH |1912-14 |7: |

| | | | |2 exteriors |

| | | | |5 details |

|28 |College named for Peter the Great |DMITRIEV |1909-11 |4: |

| | | | |2 exteriors |

| | | | |2 interiors (soon after |

| | | | |completion) |

|29 |Polovtsev mansion |FOMIN |1911-13 |5: |

| | | | |3 exteriors |

| | | | |2 interiors |

|30 |Markov’s apartment house |SHCHUKO |1909-11 |7 (2 views) |

|31 |Rozenshtein’s building |BELOGRUD |1913-15 |4 (of drawings) |

|32 |Apartment building of Russian |BENOIS |1911-14 |2 |

| |Insurance Society | | | |

|33 |Abamalek-Lazarev mansion |VOROTILOV: |1907-9 |6: |

| | |FOMIN: |1913-14 |2 exteriors |

| | | | |2 detail: main entrance |

| | | | |2 detail vestibule |

|34 |New Petersburg |FOMIN, LIDVAL |1912-14 |2 (of original scheme) |

|35 |Field of Mars, monument to the |RUDNEV, FOMIN |1917-20 |4 |

| |dead of the revolution | | | |

|36 |Smolnii propylea |SHCHUKO, GELFREIKH |1923-24 |4 |

|36a |Kuznechuskii market |OVSINIKOV, PRONIN |1922-27 |2 |

|37 |Tractor Street housing |GEGELLO, NIKOL’SKII, SIMONOV |1925-27 |2 (of drawing) |

|38 | | | | |

|39 |Gorkii Palace of Culture |GEGELLO, KRICHEVSKII |1925-27 |10: |

| | | | |8 exteriors |

| | | | |2 from CA pages? |

|40 | | | | |

|41 |Headquarters of Kirovskii district|Noi TROTSKII |1930-34 |1 (see Russia West |

| |soviet | | |publication) |

|42 | | | | |

|43 | | | | |

|44 | | | | |

|45 |First housing complex of Lensoviet|LEVINSON, FOMIN |1931-35 |5: |

| | | | |3 exteriors |

| | | | |2 of model |

|46 | | | | |

|47 | | | | |

|48 | | | | |

|49 | | | | |

|50 | | | | |

|51 | | | | |

|52 | | | | |

|53 |Moscow District Soviet |FOMIN et al |1931-35 |2 |

|54 |Palace of Culture named for Kirov |TROTSKII, KOZAK |1930-37 |12: |

| | | | |5 exteriors |

| | | | |5 interiors: sketches |

| | | | |2 details: column |

|55 |Water tower |CHERNIKOV |1930 |3 |

|56 |Bolshoi Dom of NKVD, OGPU, KGB |TROTSKII, GEGELLO, OL’ | |2 |

|57 |Frunzenskaia Department Store |KATONIN et al |1934-38 |4 |

|58 |House of Soviets |TROTSKII |1936-40 |3 |

|59 | | | | |

|60 |“Moscow” Cinema |KHIDEKEL |1937-39 |2 |

|61 | | | | |

|62 | | | | |

|63 |Housing buildings in Avtovo |OL’ et al |1930s |4 |

|64 |Housing buildings for the VIEM |LANSERE |1935-36 |2 |

Total: 197 images

Flat Box 14

Set prepared for Journal of Design History. Well labelled & in order. Blank rows mean that a similarly labelled image of that number was not found.

| |Contents/building |Architect(s)/ edition |Date |№ of images/copies |

|1 |Cartoon showing the Soviet |From Arkhitektura SSSR | |2 |

| |architectural profession setting off|November 1955 | | |

| |‘to a new shore’ | | | |

|2 |Apartment building ‘on the |Ivan ZHOLTOVSKII |1934 |2 |

| |Mokhovaia’, Moscow | | | |

|3 |Revolution Square metro station |Aleksei DUSHKIN, architect|1935-38 |5 |

| | |& Matvei MANIZER, sculptor| | |

|4 | | | | |

|5 |Headquarters building for Soviet |Il’ia GOLOSOV |Project of 1935 featured |3 |

| |news agency TASS, at Nikol’skii | |in the official book on | |

| |gates, central Moscow | |the Moscow 1935 plan | |

|6 |Standard design for a two-screen |V. KALMYKOV |Pub. In Arkhitekturnaia |4 |

| |cinema for Nukus, Central Asia | |gazeta supplement, 1935 №| |

| | | |60 | |

|7 |Graffito decorations using tree and |Decorations: Vladimir |1936 |7 |

| |leaf themes on the apartment |FAVORSKII, | |(Main entrance) |

| |building for employees of the |Building: Andrei BUROV | | |

| |People’s Commissariat of Forestry | | | |

| |Industries, Gorkii St., Moscow | | | |

|8 |Ceiling fresco on the theme of the |Vladimir FAVORSKII |1935-6 |2 |

| |May Day fly-past over Red Square, in| | | |

| |the theatre of the Central House of | | | |

| |Young Pioneers, Moscow | | | |

|9 |Panneau entitled “The Cross-Country |Panneau: Aleksandr |From Arkhitekturnaia |10 |

| |Race” in the sports hall of the Red |DEINEKA, |gazeta supplement, 1937, | |

| |Army Club, Minsk, with circular |Panels: Georgi MOTOVILOV |№ 71 | |

| |bas-relief panels | | | |

|10 |Palace of Soviets, final version, |Boris IOFAN et al |Special fold out in |5 |

| |1934, in painting of mid-30s showing| |Atarov, Dvorets Sovetov, | |

| |“Leaders of the Party and Government| |1940 | |

| |viewing the model” | | | |

|11 |Postcard of 1957: Moscow citizens on|Building: CHECHULIN |Building: completed 1952 |4 |

| |a riverboat passing the High | | | |

| |Building of apartment housing on | | | |

| |Kotelnicheskaia Embankment | | | |

|12 |Palace of Soviets (later |Station: Aleksei DUSHKIN |Arkhitekturnaia gazeta |3 |

| |Kropotkinskaia) metro station: | |supplement 1935, № 13 | |

| |central platform hall | | | |

|13 |Prize winning apartment building in |Georgi VEGMAN |Building: 1949 |2 |

| |Zaporozhe (Ukraine) | |Photo from Arkhitektura | |

| | | |SSSR Feb 1951 | |

|14 |Apartment block on Smolenskaia |Ivan ZHOLTOVSKII |Orig. designed 1940, |6 |

| |Square, Moscow | |completed 1951 & coloured| |

| | | |perspective pub. in | |

| | | |Arkhitektura SSSR Jan | |

| | | |1951 | |

|15 |Interior of apartments on Bol’shaia |Ivan ZHOLTOVSKII |Building: 1949 |4 |

| |Kaluzhskaia street, Moscow | |Photo pub in Gorodskoe | |

| | | |Khoziaistvo Moskvy July | |

| | | |1950 | |

|16 |Building of Civic Administration, | |1796-1819 |2 |

| |Kaluga | | | |

|17 |Headquarters of the Supreme Soviet |Vladimir ZABOLOTNY |1940 |2 |

| |of the Ukraine, Kiev | | | |

|18* |Headquarters of Moscow District |Noi TROTSKII |1936-40 |2 |

| |Soviet | | | |

|19 |Country Estate (Usadba) of | |Late 18th Century |2 |

| |Vvedenskoe, near Moscow | | | |

|20 |Apartment housing on Moscow highway,|Evgenii LEVINSON & |1948 |3 |

| |Leningrad |Vladimir ASS | | |

|21 |Competition design for 11-storeyed |Ivan ZHOLTOVSKII |1952 |4 |

| |housing, to be constructed on ‘large| | | |

| |panel’ system | | | |

|22 |Number 10 Locks on the Volga-Don |Leonid POLIAKOV, Georgi |Scheme: 1950-52 |4 |

| |ship canal: perspective |MOTOVILOV & team from | | |

| | |Moscow College of Applied | | |

| | |Arts | | |

|23 |Painting: “Relay race on the |Aleksandr DEINEKA |1947 |5 |

| |Sadovaia Ring” | | | |

|24 |Plan for standard one-bedroom |Ivan ZHOLTOVSKII |1940 |1 |

| |apartment (of kind shown in № 14, | | | |

| |15) | | | |

Total: 84 images

Other contents : letter from Journal of Design History, accompanying returned set

* Also Box 13 № 58

Flat Box 15

Copies of postcards, street scenes


| |Content |Artist/architect/ details |Date |No. of images/ copies |

|1 |English church interior view |Christmas card from M. |1902? |7 |

| | |Willis to England | | |

|2 |Back of above postcard, showing address |” |” |2 |

|3 |View of Gostinii Dvor |Christmas card |? |2 |

|4 |Cossack standing on horse’s back | |1902? |1 |

|5 |The English Embankment |Postcard note in Russian | |3 |

|6 |Nevskii Prospekt |Postcard by G.K.A., note in |Before the First World|1 |

| | |French and Russian |War | |

|7 |Sofiia- Glavnata Gara |Postcard | |1 |

|8 |Nertchinsk- silver and lead mines |Note in French and Russian | |1 |

|9 |Vukovar | | |1 |

|10 |View of flood damage in St Petersburg |Russian Postcard by B. BULLA|From flood set, 1924 |5 |

|11 |The city clinic in ‘Kujalnizky Limau’ in|German postcard | |4 |

| |Odessa | | | |

|12 |Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow |French postcard |1. c. 1902/5 (CC’s |5 |

| | |Building: TON, 1832, built |notes differ from each | |

| | |1839-83 |other) | |

| | |2 different postcards |2. ? | |

|13 |Red Square |French postcard: historical | |7 |

| | |museum & GUM | | |

| | |French postcard: St Basil’s | | |

|14 |GUM |Russian note |Pre-Revolution (GUM |4 |

| | | |still Верхные Ряды) | |

|15 |“Moscow in the Future” |One of a series. This shows |1912/13 |7 |

| | |the impact of motorcars and | | |

| | |aerial transport on Red | | |

| | |Square | | |

|16 |«Тверь. № 11» |Note in French and Russian, | |3 |

| | |market | | |

|17 |«Типы России. № 32» |Note in French and Russian, | |4 |

| | |family on cart | | |

|18 |View of cement factory | | |2 |

|19 |Tiraspol in Kherson district near |Note in French and Russian |c. 1908 |4 |

| |Odessa: typical street market | | | |

|20 |Staraia Russa near Novgorod: street view|Note in Russian | |4 |

| |with warehouse and firestation | | | |

|21 |Statue on top of government buildings |Note in French | |2 |

| |opposite Hermitage, St Petersburg | | | |

Total: 70 images

Also see Box 14 № 11

Street scenes

| |Content |Artist/architect/ details |Date |No. of images/ copies & |

| | | | |see also |

|1 |Coaling at Popov | |? |1 |

|2 |Peasant labourer |Photo by Petersburg-Scottish |Photo of 1870s |2 |

| | |photographer William CARRICK | | |

|3 |Nevskii Prospekt |From D.L. MORDOVTSEV & F.V. |c.1900 |3 |

| | |DOMBROVSKII Views of Petersburg: | | |

| | |to mark the city’s forthcoming | | |

| | |200th anniversary (1901) | | |

|4 |The New Admiralty: view of part|From D.L. MORDOVTSEV & F.V. |c. 1900 |2 |

| |of the English Embankment |DOMBROVSKII Views of Petersburg: | | |

| | |to mark the city’s forthcoming | | |

| | |200th anniversary (1901 | | |

|5 |The Moscow River by the Kremlin| |1911 |4 |

|6 |Griboedov Canal, by the Church | |1912 |6 |

| |on the Blood, St Petersburg | | | |

|7 |Crowds on Nevskii Prospekt | |1912 |6 |

|8 |The prosperous bourgeois | |1912 |7 |

| |cities: street cleaner & | | | |

| |waiting cab-men on Red Square | | | |

|9 |Tverskaia (Gorkii) Street as it| | |8 |

| |was in the 1920s, before | | |p74 of CC’s Russian |

| |widening and straightening in | | |Avant-Garde |

| |the 1930s | | | |

Total: 39 images


| |Content |Artist/architect/ details |Date |No. of images/ copies & |

| | | | |see also |

|1 |Street corner churches, round | |Drawn 1610 |3 |

| |towers, Moscow, drawing | | |p 142 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|2 |Simonov Monastery, Moscow, | |16th-17th Century |5 |

| |circular brick tower | | |p 142 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|3 |Typical 17th Century Moscow | |1635-53 |2 |

| |street church: Trinity in | | |p 149 of CC’s Russian |

| |Nikitnikakh | | |Avant-Garde |

|4 |Poteshnii Palace, Kremlin, | |1652-79 |4 |

| |cantilevers | | |p 145 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|5 |Sukharev Tower, Moscow | |1692-1701 |3 |

| | | | |p145 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|6 |Pashkov Mansion |Vasilii BAZHENOV |1784-6 |3 |

| | | | |p76 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|7 |Rostral Column, Vasilevskii |DE TOMON |1810 |5 |

| |Island, St. Petersburg | | |p 205 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|8 |Bol’shoi Theatre |BOVE> |>1820s |10 |

| | |KAVOS> |>1850s |p 145 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|9 |Embedded corner rotunda of |K. BYKOVSKII |1901 |3 |

| |Moscow University Library | | |p 147 of CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde |

|10 |Telegraph building |RERBERG | |7 |

|11 |Statue on Red Square, St | | |5 |

| |Basil’s and GUM also visible | | | |

Total: 50 images

Flat Box 16

prints made for David Buxton article: “~Traditional Russian life”

| |Content |№ of images/copies |

|1 |Woman carrying water |5 |

|2 |Man, woman, boy |7 |

|3 |Man and woman outside shed |8 |

|4 |Labourer |2 |

|5 |Fields, windmills in background |2 |

|6 |Izbas & children |6 |

|7 |Labourers and haystacks |6 |

|8 |Riverbank, boat and spire |4 |

|9 |Buggy and izba |3 |

|10 |Labourers, horses and haystacks |3 |

Total: 46 images

Flat Box 17

1917 Revolution scenes and people, Muir & Meriliz


| |Subject |Date |Details |№ of images/copies |

|1 |V.I.Lenin |1917 |Taken to mark his becoming |4 |

| | | |Chairman of the People’s | |

| | | |Commissars just after the | |

| | | |Revolution | |

|2 |Lenin with his sister |July 1918 | |6 |

| |in a Moscow street | | | |

|3 |Lenin and Trotsky(?) | | |2 pages, each with 2 b/w photos of |

| | | | |each |

|4 |Anatoli Lunacharskii |1920 | |2 (see p19 CC’s Russian |

| | | | |Avant-Garde) |

|5 |“Lenin addressing the |1929 |Painting by Isaac BRODSKII |2 (see p19 CC’s Russian |

| |workers at the Putilov | | |Avant-Garde) |

| |Factory, Leningrad, in | | | |

| |May 1917” | | | |

|6 |Felix Dzerzhinskii | | |1 |

Total: 17 images

Street scenes & interiors

| |Scene |From? |Date/event |№ of images/copies |

|1 |Parade of workers demanding “power to |From Lenin 1870-1924, Ogiz |May Day 1917 |2 b/w photos |

| |the Soviets”, land reform and “Glory to|political literature, | |1 photocopy |

| |the revolutionary martyrs” |Moscow-Leningrad 1939 | | |

|2 |Crowd demonstrating on the Field of | |May Day 1917 |2 |

| |Mars | | | |

|3 |Part of the demonstration on the Field | |May Day 1917 |3 |

| |of Mars | | | |

|4 |Demonstrating crowd scattering | |1917 |3 |

|5 |Representatives of the rural poor | |Autumn 1917 |4 |

| |assembled in a room of the Winter | | | |

| |Palace to discuss their demands | | | |

|6 |Red Guards on street patrol, Petrograd | |1917 |5 |

|7 |Troops of the Red Army and others | |Autumn 1917 |6 |

| |guarding the Smolnii Institute | | | |

|8 |Troops loyal to Kerenskii surrounding | |21st July 1917 |1 |

| |disarmed men of the 1st Machine-Gun | | | |

| |Regiment on Palace Square | | | |

|9 |Kerenskii at his desk in the Winter | |21st August 1917 |2 |

| |Palace | | | |

|10 |Crowd with banner reading “Proletariats|A frame from a newsreel film |April 1917 |6 |

| |of the world: unite!” |showing a street demonstration on | | |

| | |Nevskii Prospekt. | | |

|11 |Crowd with banner reading “Eternal |Petrograd soldiers and civilians | |2 |

| |memory to those who died as fighters |gathered in memory of those who | | |

| |for freedom” |died in the February revolution of| | |

| | |1917 | | |

|12 |Lenin speaking from the Tribune in Red |From Lenin 1870-1924, Ogiz |7th November 1918 |3 |

| |Square |political literature, | | |

| | |Moscow-Leningrad 1939 | | |

|13 |Moscow tram, troupe of actors dressed | |May Day 1930 |3 |

| |as idealised peasants entertaining | | | |

| |crowd. | | | |

|14 |3 soldiers | | |2 |

|15 |Group of 4 sailors consulting paper | | |5 |

|16 |Banners to Lenin | | |1 b/w photos |

| | | | |1 photocopy |

|17 |Crowd with banner, “Long Live the | | |1 |

| |…International!” | | | |

Total: 53 images


• To citizens of Russia (К гражданам России) 25th October 1917 (2)

• Decree on land (Декрет о земле) 26th October 1917 (1)

Total: 3

Muir & Mirrilees

| |Content |Details |Date |№ of images/copies |

|1 |View of exterior | | |7 |

|2 |Advertising tram on Red Square | |c.1910 |2 |

|3 |M&M’s factory, view | | |2 |

|4 |Advertisement for M&M with drawing | | |11 |

|5 |Enlarged drawing (see above) | | |2 |

|6 |Photocopies of above pages, and others, | | |5 photocopies |

| |incl. Portraits, postcards & a Christmas| | | |

| |card from 1882 | | | |

Total: 29 images

Flat Box 18

Festivals & Agitation, Pre-1917 & Soviet


| |Content |Source, artist |Edition |№ of copies/images |

|1 |Cartoon: “The comic entry of solo-clown Mr |PEROUN |№ 3, 12th January 1906, |5 |

| |Menshikov from P.P.P. (concerning the |From Octopus: an |front cover | |

| |election campaign) |Artistic and Satirical | | |

| | |journal | | |

|2 |Cartoon: “The popularly elected |Anon |№ 9, February 1906, p4 |2 |

| |representatives assemble in the Duma” |From Octopus: an | | |

| | |Artistic and Satirical | | |

| | |journal | | |

|3 |Newspaper article: “Members of the State |Ogonek |17th (30th) July 1916 |2 |

| |Duma in England” | | | |

Total: 9 images

Festivals pre-1917

| |Content |Artist/architect |Date |№ of images/copies |

|1 |Installation with fireworks 20th |Anon. |Contemporary engraving |1 |

| |September 1720 to celebrate | | | |

| |victory over the Swedes at | | | |

| |Gronham | | | |

|2 |A Great Masquerade in Moscow, |Metalograph by A.I.SHARLEMAN |1860s |4 |

| |31st Jan-4th Feb 1722 | | | |

|3 |Firework display in Moscow 1st |SHKHONEBEK | |2 |

| |January 1704 on occasion of the | | | |

| |capture of the Kantsev in 1703 | | | |

|4 |Firework display and |A. ZUBOV |1720s |1 |

| |illuminations on 1st Jan 1726 in | | | |

| |St Petersburg | | | |

|5 |Engraving of Tsar’s triumphal | | |1 |

| |procession to Moscow, 1729 | | | |

|6 |Popular festivities in Sokol’niki|From early 19th Century engraving | |4 |

| |Park, Moscow on May Day | | | |

|7 |View of Admiralty Square & the |Engraving from a drawing by V.F. TIMM|1851 |2 |

| |Great Slide, in St Petersburg | | | |

| |during Shrovetide festivities | | | |

|8 |Illuminations on the Moika, |V. SADOVNIKOV |1856 |2 |

| |Petersburg | | | |

|9 |Traditional Orthodox procession |Ilarion PRIANSHNIKOV |c.1890 |1 |

| |of Icons, “Procession of the | | | |

| |Cross” in a country village | | | |

|10 |Crowds gathered in Palace Square,| |c.1900 |1 |

| |St Petersburg, during celebratory| | | |

| |divine service around the | | | |

| |Alexander Column | | | |

|11 |Design drawing for a Triumphal |Vladimir SHCHUKO |For 1913 celebrations |3 |

| |Arch to decorate the Trinity | |of 300th jubilee of | |

| |Bridge, St Petersburg (today | |Romanov dynasty, 1912 | |

| |Kirovskii Bridge) | | | |

Total: 22 images

3,6,7 from A.F. Nekrylova, “Russkie narodnye prazdniki, uveseleniia I zrelishcha, konets XVIII-nachalo XX veka”

3,4,8,11 from O. Nemiro, “Prazdnichnyi gorod: iskusstvo oformleniia prazdnikov- istoriia I sovremennost’”


| |Content |Artist/architect |Event |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Demonstration by socialists during period | |May Day 1917 |2 |

| |of Provisional Government | | | |

|2 |Moscow Union of Circus Artists’ float in | |May Day 1918 |3 |

| |May Day procession, Red Square | | | |

|3 |Suprematist students of MALEVICH, | |1920 |3 |

| |agitational panel to decorate a Vitebsk | | | |

| |tram for the May Day celebrations | | | |

|4 |Installation in front of the former Muir &|Anon. |May Day 1921 |3 |

| |Mirrilees department store, Moscow | | | |

|5 |Cut-out figures of Lloyd George, | |17th June 1921 |4 |

| |Millerand, Kerenskii in Red Square, | | | |

| |caricatured as “The Heroes of the Entente”| | | |

|6 |Display honouring Soviet production of |N.A.MUSATOV et al |May Day 1933 |2 |

| |motorised tractors in front of Bol’shoi | | | |

| |Theatre, Moscow | | | |

|7 |A “mockery procession” with “red priest” | | |3 |

| |in place of the traditional “Procession of| | | |

| |the Cross” | | | |

Total: 20 images

Revolutionary Festivals in Petrograd/Leningrad:

1st anniversary of the Revolution: 7th November 1918

| |Content |Artist/architect |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Headquarters of Central Executive Committee|Panel by I.I. ZAKHAROV |5 |

| |of the Party (former Metropol hotel), | | |

| |decorated for the first anniversary of the | | |

| |revolution | | |

|2 |Design for decoration of Palace Square for |Natan ALTMAN |1 |

| |1st Anniversary of Revolution | | |

|3 |Decorations around the Alexander Column in |Natan ALTMAN |2 |

| |Palace square | | |

|4 |Children’s communes from the Petrograd |Natan ALTMAN |2 |

| |region pose around the base of Altman’s | | |

| |decoration | | |

Total: 10 images

10th Anniversary of the Revolution: 7th November 1927

| |Content |Artist/architect |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |“The apotheosis of the October Revolution”,|P.S. DUPLITSKII |2 |

| |illuminated installation outside Finland | | |

| |Station | | |

|2 |Installation on the Equality Bridge |Oleg LIALIN, Igor’ FOMIN|2 |

|3 |Installation around the Kshesinska mansion |TROTSKII |3 |

| |and its belvedere (by then the Museum of | | |

| |the Revolution) | | |

|4 |Detail of № 3 | |3 |

Total: 10 images

14th Anniversary of the Revolution: 7th November 1931

| |Content |Artist/architect |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Procession of Moscow building workers, | |2 |

| |bearing model of one of city’s housing | | |

| |blocks | | |

|2 |Decorations in front of the Winter Palace |M.S. BRODSKII and others|3 |

Total: 5 images

May Day 1932

| |Content |Artist/architect |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Installation on Okhotnii Riad opposite |N.A. MUSATOV et al |2 |

| |Kremlin | | |

|2 |“The Drowning Capitalist” floating |E.LISKOVICH |4 |

| |installation on the Obvodnyi Canal, | | |

| |Leningrad | | |

Total: 6 images

Flat Box 19

Petrine & pre-Petrine Baroque, CC’s Naryshkinskii Baroque photos

Peter the Great

| |Content |Date |№ of images/copies |

|1 |His coat | |4 |

|2 |His sailing boat in St Petersburg |c.1710 |4 b/w drawings |

|3 |Portrait as a ship’s carpenter | |3 b/w drawings |

Total: 11 images

• Pages from Vignola(1712): 50 b/w photos

6 b/w photocopies

(smaller format)

[see Box 5]

• Sketches of buildings, scenes and garden plans (38 b/w) including:

TRESSINI’s SS Peter and Paul fortress (3)

M. ZEMTSOV’s project for summer palace (2)

Façade of Peter’s library (3)

The Winter Palace (1)

Gostinii Dvor(?) (2)

• Engraving of beard-shaving (2 b/w)

• B/w photographs of buildings (12) including:

SS Peter and Paul (2)


• Church of the Trinity at Troitse-Lykovo near Moscow, 1698-1704 (29 b/w photos, mostly of cupolas, different views)

• Other churches and buildings, views of (23 b/w photos)

Flat Box 20

“SR general stock”

| |Content |Artist/architect |Details |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |House of the Red Army in Minsk |I.G. ANGBARD | |2 |

|2 |Project of the Palace of the Show(?) in |A. and G. PERRE |2 views |4 on 2 pages |

| |Paris | | | |

|3 |Plan of factory on Kirov Prospekt | |2 views- perspective and|4 |

| | | |fragment | |

|4 |Project of the Komvuz in Moscow |From Архитектурная Газета |Views of whole façade> |>2 b/w photos |

| | | |Auditorium> |>6 b/w photos |

| | | |Perspective of the |>1 b/w photos |

| | | |whole> | |

|5 |Lenin State Library soon after |Vladimir SHCHUKO & Vladimir |1928-9, completed 1941 |1 |

| |completion |GELFREIKH | | |

|6 |Apartment block for Rostovskii |Aleksei SHCHUSEV |Proposed within 1935 |2 |

| |embankment of Moscow River | |plan for Moscow | |

|7 |House of Government of Armenian |Aleksandr TAMANIAN |1928-40 |3 |

| |Republic, Erevan | | | |

|8 |Ukraina Hotel, Moscow |Arkadii MORDVINOV & Viacheslav |Perspective 1950 |1 |


|9 |Ministry of Communications building at |Aleksei DUSHKIN et al |1949-53, photo early |3 |

| |the Red Gates, Moscow | |1980s | |

|10 |Smolenskaia Square, Moscow, with |Photo: Marc Garanger/ SIPA | |1 |

| |Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 50s and |press | | |

| |“Belogrud” hotel of 70s | | | |

|11 |Kirovskaia Metro station | | |1 |

|12 |Family apartment housing at Liublino, |D.M. SOBOLOV |1948 |6 |

| |Moscow | | | |

Total: 37 images

Narkomtiazhprom competition 16 whole pages, fragments (b/w), from CA(?):


Flat Box 21

Typography and Graphic design

| |Content |Artist |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Cover of a book by Lunacharskii and others,|Sergei CHEKHONIN |1927? |3 |

| |The Revolution in Art and Literature | | | |

| |1917-27 | | | |

|2 |Cover of the popular weekly magazine Worker| |Pub. 7th December 1926 |5 |

| |and Theatre, №49 | | | |

|3* |Cover of a set of postcards to record the | |Autumn 1924 |5 |

| |flood of 23rd September 1924 and scenes of | | | |

| |the clear-up operation | | | |

|4 |Cover of a guide to Leningrad and its | |1929 |3 |

| |services for the citizens | | | |

Total: 16 images

* See Box 15, №10 in postcard table

Graphics from journal Nashi Dostizheniia ed. GORKII

|1 |Celebrating achievements in raising |№ 1, 1931 |6 |

| |cultural standards, esp. literacy, across | | |

| |USSR | | |

|2 |Showing Palaces of Culture as centres of |№ 1, 1931 |5 |

| |leisure and literacy for ‘the working | | |

| |youth’ of all Soviet Nationalities | | |

|3 |Showing projected ‘machine building abroad |1931 |4 |

| |and in the USSR in 1931 as percentages of | | |

| |1929 outputs’ | | |

|4 |Showing increase in housing construction in|Jan 1932 |3 |

| |USSR 1929-31 | | |

|5 |Showing rise in number of meals served in |Jan 1932 |10 |

| |public dining rooms and factory-kitchens in| | |

| |the USSR 1929-31 | | |

|6 |Showing take-off in Soviet production of |Jan 1932 |4 |

| |motorcars and lorries 1930 & total | | |

| |production 1917-31 | | |

|7 |Showing rise in public expenditure per |Jan 1932 |9 |

| |child in school 1914-31 | | |

|8 |Showing graph ‘rost ugledob’chi’ up to 1926| |3 |

Total: 44 images


| |Content |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |RODCHENKO’s cover LEF June July 1923, №3, |3 |

| |LEF as an aeroplane fires pens at an ape | |

| |with an arrow | |

|2 |Cover of LEF March 1923 |3 |

|3 |RODCHENKO’s cover of LEF №2 April-May 1923 |1 |

Total: 7 images

Строительство Москвы covers (2)

№ 10 1929 (1)

№ 3 1930 (1)

Современная Архитектура (21)

• Cover pages:

№ 2 1926 (4)

№ 2 1927 (1)

№ 3 1927 (1)

№ 6 1928 (2)

• Cartoons (2)

• Graphics & typography (some in CC’s Russian Avant-Garde)

Other graphics & typography, mostly in CC’s Russian Avant-Garde: 30, including:

• Cartoon/model “Kul’tfront Novyi Byt” (4)

Flat Box 22

Schools: their buildings, adverts etc

Theorists/ Theories

Student architectural projects


| |Subject |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Mikhail BYKOVSKII | |5 |

|2 |? with signature | |5 |

|3 |Aleksei GASTEV | |4 |

Total: 14 images


| |Building |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Building by Count Sergei STROGANOV | |1565 |3 |

|2 |Imperial St Petersburg Academy of Arts |KOKORINOV & DE LA MOTHE |1764-88 |5 |

|3 |STROGANOV College of Applied Arts | |Picture of 1910 |2 |

Total: 10 images

Adverts & articles

|1 |Civil Architecture, title page to volume 2 |Apollinari KRASOVSKII |1851 |4 |

|2 |Advert for ladies’ building courses |Launched by Ivan FOMIN |1902 |4 |

| | |from SHEKTEL’’s office | | |

| | |in Moscow | | |

|3 |The rational in modern architecture |V. APYSHKOV |1905 |2 |

|4 |Advert for women’s architectural courses |E.F. BAGAEVA |1909 |6 |

|5 |GROPIUS’ Dessau Bauhaus |By EL LISITSKII | |2 copies |

Total: 18 images

Projects & diagrams

| |Content |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |L’art Russe title page and concept of a |VIOLLET-LE-DUC |1877 |6 |

| |modern Russian architecture using iron | | | |

|2 |Russkoe Iskusstvo |VIOLLET-LE-DUC |1879 |1 |

|3 |Pattern |VIOLLET-LE-DUC | |4 |

|4 |On the problem of the city |Mikhail OKHITOVICH |From CA 1929 № 4 |17 |

|5 |Filming of a hammer swing |Aleksei GASTEV | |6 (photos) |

|6 |Diagram of chisel movement |Aleksei GASTEV | |2 |

Total: 36 images

Student projects

| |Building/ project |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Iron foundry |Anatolii FISENKO |1925 |2 |

|2 |Central railway station for Moscow |Andrei BUROV |1925 |2 |

|3 |Film studios and production complex |Aleksei ZALTSMAN |1926 |1 |

|4 |Commercial building |LUKIANOV |1926 |1 |

|5 |Covered market complex |LAVRINOVICH |c.1926 |4 |

|6 |Covered market and office development |BARSHCH & SINIAVSKII |1926 |3 (variants) |

|7 |Printing house and editorial offices for |Aleksandr KUROVSKII |1926 |4 |

| |Izvestiia | | | |

|8 |Workers’ club |Lazar KHIDEKEL |1926 |4 |

|9 |Sulphuric acid plant |V.R. TSABEL |1926 |1 |

|10 |Mechanised bread factory |Ivan SOBOLEV |1926 |4 |

|11 |House |GRECHINA |1926? |2 |

|12 |Plan for city of Baku |T.A. CHIZHIKOVA |1926? |6 |

|13 |Workers’ club project |BELDOVSKII, GALPERIN, |1927 |1 |

| | |KRESTIN | | |

|14 |Sugar refinery, Volga region |V.A. ERSHOV |1927 |3 |

|15 |Central building of a new campus for the |Georgii KRUTIKOV |1927 |1 |

| |Higher Art School | | | |

|16 |F&Co. |VKhUTIN |1927 |5 |

|17 |Headquarters building for Comintern, plan|Lidiia KOMAROVA |1929 |1 |

|18 |Club with 500-seat auditorium |A. IVANOVA |1929/30 |1 |

Total: 46 images

Pages from Строительство Москвы, Строительная Проимышленность (& CA?) on other projects: (7)

Flat Box 23

Constructivist sundry- people, exhibitions, abstract works, theatre


| |Subject(s) |Date/ details |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Varvara STEPANOVA & Liubov’ POPOVA |Taken by RODCHENKO, 1924 |3 |

|2 |Lidiia KOMAROVA |1922 |9 |

|3 |Group of VKHUTEMAS students |1920s |6 |

|4 |OSA at their first conference and others | |6 + numbered identification |

| | | |plan |

|5 |Aleksei GAN |1924 |5 |

|5 |Aleksandr RODCHENKO | |3 |

|6 |LE CORBUSIER with one of the Vesnin brothers |Autumn 1928 |2 |

| | |(detail of 7) | |

|7 |LE CORBUSIER with the other Constructivists in | Autumn 1928 |3 |

| |Aleksandr VESNIN’s apartment | | |

|7 |Ivan LEONIDOV (seated lowest) with fellow students of|1927 |5 |

| |Aleksandr VESNIN’s studio, in the Vkhutemas School, | | |

| |Moscow | | |

|8 |LE CORBUSIER, Andrei BUROV, Georgii GOLTS, Nikolai |October 1928 |2 |

| |KOLLI | | |

|9 |Andrei BUROV, Sergei EISENSTEIN, LE CORBUSIER |October 1928 |2 |

|10 |Moisei GINZBURG | |6: 4 (late twenties) & 2 other |

|11 |LE CORBUSIER lecturing on “contemporary architecture”|13th October 1928 |3 |

| |at the State Academy of Artist Science, GAKhN, Moscow| | |

|12 |LE CORBUSIER with others (from 8?) |October 1928? |3 |

|13 |Vladimir MAIAKOVSKII | |2 |

Total: 60 images


| |Building |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Project for the ‘upper zone’ of a future|RODCHENKO |1920 |5 |

| |city | | | |

|2 |Workers’ club (for Russian section of |RODCHENKO | |14 |

| |Paris exhibition 1925) | | | |

|3 |Article on above |RODCHENKO | |2 |

|4 |Kiosk for the State Publishing House at |A.M. LAVINSKII |1923 |3 |

| |the All-Russian Agricultural and | | | |

| |Handicraft Exhibition in Moscow | | | |

|5 |Design for a transformer station |Nikolai KOLLI |From GINZBURG’s Style |1 |

| | | |and Epoch, 1924 | |

|6 |Street kiosk to sell the books of |Aleksei GAN |From GINZBURG’s Style |4 |

| |Vserokompom, in its open form | |and Epoch, 1924 | |

|7 |Book cover for his Konstruktivizm |Aleksei GAN | |1 |

Total: 30 images

First Exhibition of Modern Architecture, June 1927

| |Content |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Pictures of rooms and work including |72 |

| |that by OSA, VKHUTEMAS, Bauhaus, LIGI, | |

| |MVTU | |

|2 |Large picture of LEONIDOV’s diploma |1 |

| |model | |

|3 |Строительство Москвы № 7 page 8 |2 |

|4 |Строительство Москвы № 7 page 11 |1 |

|5 |Graphics and pages from CA about the |11 |

| |Exhibition | |

Total: 87 images

Constructivist Furniture

| |Content |Architect(s) |Date/ source |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Folding bed |SOBOLEV, VKHUTEMAS |From CA 1926 № 2 |2 + whole page + 1 |

| | | | |photocopy of whole page |

|2 |Bed-armchair |SOBOLEV |From LEF 1923 |2 |

|3 |Multi-purpose table |MOROZOV, VKHUTEMAS |From CA 1926 № 2 |7 + 2 whole pages |

|4 |Lightweight lamp |Anton LAVINSKII |Before 1925 |1 |

|5 |Folding chair |Boris ZEMLIANITSYN |1927-8 |5 |

|6 |Folding shelves for books |GALAKTIONOV | |3 |

|7 |Folding bed |GALAKTIONOV |From LEF 1923 |1 |

|8 |Chess tables |M. ARUTCHIAN |1929-31 |2 |

|9 |Chess suite |RODCHENKO |c.1925 |3: |

| | | | |2 photos |

| | | | |1 original drawing |

|10 |Model of folding bed/chair | | |1 |

Total: 31 images

Flat Box 24


Stage sets and models

POPOVA designs for MEIERKHOL’D’s The Magnanimous Cuckold

| |Content |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Costumes for actors 3>6 |6, incl. |

| | |3 photocopies |

|2 |Construction for the theatre |1 |

|3 |Whole set, 1922 |1 |

|4 |Poster? |1 |

Total: 9 images

POPOVA, colour transparencies (and note)

| |Title |Date |

|1 |Composition |1917 |

|2 |Composition (Arkhitekturnika) |1917-19 |

|3 |Composition |1917-19 |

|4 |Spatial Force Construction |1921 |

Total: 4 images


| |Title/ description of work |Occasion |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Construction | |1919 |2 |

|2 |Hanging spatial constructions (and |Obmokhu exhibition, |1921 |7 |

| |standing spatial constructions by the |Moscow | | |

| |Stenberg brothers) | | | |

|3 |Constructions of identical and similar | |Early 1920s |2 |

| |elements | | | |

|4 |colour transparencies | |1917 |2 |

Total: 13 images


| |Title/ description of work |Date/ occasion |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Choice of materials | |3 |

|2 |Hanging Corner Relief |1916 |7 |

|3 |Photographs of Choice of Materials in | |8 |

| |exhibition | | |

|4 |Photographs of Tower model being paraded|May Day celebrations |3 |

| |through the streets of Leningrad |1925 | |

Total: 21 images


| |Title/ description of work |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Construction of a spatial structure |Vladimir STENBERG |1920 |2 |

|2 |Scene at the Kamernyi Teatr- “Groza” |V. & G. STENBERG |1924 |1 |

|3 |Scene at the Kamernyi Teatr “Sviataia |V. & G. STENBERG |1924 |1 |

| |Ioanna Bernarda Shou” | | | |

Total: 4 images

Other stage sets and models

| |Work |Architect/ artist |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Red and black demountable agitational |Gustav KLUTSIS |1922 |1 |

| |stand | | | |

|2 |Stage ‘structures’ for MEIERKHOL’D’s |Varvara STEPANOVA | |1 |

| |production of Tarelkin’s Death with | | | |

| |actors in costume | | | |

Total: 2 images


| |Work |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Lenin institute of Library Sciences, |1927 |1 |

| |Moscow | | |

|2 |Competition project for the |1930 |1 |

| |Proletarskii District Palace of | | |

| |Culture, Moscow | | |

Total: 2 images

• Charcoal drawings of “Artist’s Son Alexander” 1925 (7)

• Photographs (2) of Aleksandr VESNIN and POPOVA (hat with pompom) with VKHUTEMAS students 1922

• Photographs of pages of various books for CC’s constructivism book- mainly historical photos from German book about the Revolution

• LEONIDOV sketch (1)

Flat Box 25

MITURICH Exhibition, Pushkin Museum, Moscow

LUBETKIN sites, Moscow

LUBETKIN sites etc, Leningrad, June 1992

• MITURICH exhibition: 26 photos

• LUBETKIN’s Moscow School: 13 photos of interiors, details

• LUBETKIN, St Petersburg June 1992: Ves’ Leningrad- 7 photos

3 exteriors (of Moscow School?)

Flat Box 26


Many in CC’s Russian Avant-Garde


| |Work |Details |Date | № of images/ copies |

|1 |Project for a Temple of Intercourse | |1919 |3 |

| |between Nations | | | |

|2 |Project for a tribune | |1921 |3 |

|3 |‘Ploglazometer’ |Teaching examples, see |From Stroitel’naia |5 |

| | |p185 CC’s Russian |Promyshlennost’ 1928 № 5 | |

| | |Avant-Garde | | |

|4 |Other ‘teaching examples’ | | |38, mini |

|5 |Exercise in volumentric composition |(or LADOVSKII or a | |2 |

| | |student?) | | |

|6 |VSNKh tower | | |8 |

Total: 59 images


| |Work |Source/ occasion |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Temple of Communication between Nations |Project executed in |1919 |2 |

| | |Zhivskulptarkh | | |

|2 |Project for MOSPS theatre |model |1930 |1 |

|3 |Passenger entrance to the Red Gates metro | |1934-5 |2 |

| |station, Moscow | | | |

|4 |Equipment in his Psychotechnical |From Stroitel’stvo |c.1927 |11 |

| |Laboratory, incl. ‘Oglazometr’, |Moskvy 1928 № 10 | | |

| |‘Uglazometr’, ‘Prostrometr’ | | | |

Total: 16 images


| |Work |Details |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Project for a series of ‘sky hooks’ around |map |1923 |6 |

| |central Moscow | | | |

|2 |Project for a series of ‘sky hooks’ around |Drawing |1925 |10 |

| |central Moscow | | | |

|3 |Project for a Lenin Tribune | |1920-24 |5 |

Total: 21 images

ASNOVA documents [see ‘Publications and articles’ box]

| |Content |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Asnova stamp/logo |2 |

|2 |Letter to OSA |4 |

|3 |Pages from Izvestiia Asnova 1926 (only |8 |

| |edition) | |

|4 |Foundations for building a theory of |4 |

| |architecture (under the banner of | |

| |rationalist aesthetics) fig 3. 4. & 6. | |

Total: 18 images

Student projects

| |Work |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Structuring a solid: example of |PETROV, |1920 |6 |

| |‘Construction’ as understood by LADOVSKII|VKHUTEMAS | | |

|2 |Functionally specific task in the |I. LAMTSOV under LADOVSKII, |1921 |5 |

| |manifestation of volume (above) and space|VKHUTEMAS second course | | |

| |(below) in the building of a water tower | | | |

|3 |‘productive’ exercise ‘volume and space |GRUSHCHENKO under LADOVSKII |1922 |1 |

| |in a soda-processing plant’ | | | |

|4 |‘Dynamic and rhythm in vertical’ |LOPATIN, |1924 |2, see p 163 CC’s |

| | |2nd year work under LADOVSKII| |Russian Avant-Garde |

|5 |Sportsmen’s hostel |Valentin POPOV |1924 |2 |

| | |Work under KRINSKII (?) | | |

|6 |‘Manifestation of Dynamism’ |SILCHENKO |1924 |1 |

| | |2nd year work under LADOVSKII| | |

|7 |Exercises in the manifestation of mass |VKHUTEMAS second course |1924-5 |1 |

| |and weight with the subject ‘Silicate | | | |

| |pavilion for the USSR’ | | | |

|8 |‘Abstract architectural exercise in |Arkadii ARKIN, 1st year |1925 |1 |

| |manifestation of mass, weight and |student under KRINSKII or | | |

| |equilibrium’ |LADOVSKII | | |

|9 |Aircraft factory |T.N. VARENTSOV |1926 |1 |

| | |VKHUTEMAS fourth course | | |

|10 | |V.LAVROV |1926 |1 |

| | |VKHUTEMAS under LADOVSKII | | |

|11 |New complex for the Higher Arts School, |V. LAVROV |1927 |1 |

| |Moscow |Work under LADOVSKII | | |

|12 |‘building for VKHUTEMAS’ |GELFELD, 4th year work under |1927 |2, see p 164 CC’s |

| | |VESNIN | |Russian Avant-Garde |

|13 |Communal Housing complex (dom kommuna) in|V. LAVROV |1928 |4 |

| |a new city |Work under LADOVSKII | | |

|14 |Communal Housing complex (dom kommuna) in|Valentin POPOV under Nikolai |1928 |6 |

| |a new city |DOKUCHAEV | | |

|15 |Administrative district of a new city |Trifon VARENTSOV under |1928 |3 |

| | |Nikolai DOKUCHAEV | | |

|16 |Space discipline- basic course under | |mid-20s |1 (see KRINSKII |

| |Ladovskii & Krinskii | | |teaching examples) |

|17 |Palace of Labour for Moscow |V. KALMYKOV & D. OSIPOV |1932 |5 |

|18 |Plans incl. by BABUROV, BALYSHEVSKII, | | |13 |

| |MAZMANIAN | | | |

Total: 56 images

Flat Box 27

MALEVICH and other Suprematists


| |Subject(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Kazimir MALEVICH, Mikhail MATIUSHKIN, |1925 |6 |

| |Nikolai PUNIN | | |

|2 |MALEVICH and students (incl. ERMOLAEVA, | |4 |

| |IUDIN) in his studio | | |

Total: 10 images

• MALEVICH exhibition, and conference (?): 6

• UNOVIS № 2 pages: 20

• Tables and diagrams, notes in German: 38

• Coloured transparency- front and back covers for the first “Conference of the Committees for Peasant Poverty, Northern Region, 1918”


| |Title |Artist(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |MALEVICH’s room in the exhibition “0.10” | |1915 |6 |

| |with his first public showing of | | | |

| |Suprematist work and Black Square in the | | | |

| |icon corner | | | |

|2 |Exhibition room (same?) |MALEVICH? | |5 |

|2 |Suprematist painting |MALEVICH |1916 |8 |

|3 |Pottery |N.M. SUETIN (?) and I.G.| |4 (3 complete pages) |

| | |CHASHNIK | | |

|4 |Other paintings |(all MALEVICH?) | |7 |

|5 |Suprematist Arkhitekton (vertical) & |MALEVICH | |18 |

| |Suprematist Arkhitekton, Beta | | | |

Total: 48 images

• Pages from CA, articles on Kazimir MALEVICH (by GAN) and by K.M., incl. orig. Suprematist Arkhitektons- 9

Flat Box 28


• Development of ideas in the ‘functional method’ through his writings of 1923-4 to 1927: resumé: (1)

• GINZBURG et al, Socialist Settlement Group: linear ribbon of settlement runs through landscape along a regional highway: (8)

• ‘rhythmic’ distribution of all facilities along such (see above) a Disurbanist ribbon: (2)

• cover device of Style and Epoch (1)


• Colour in architecture (Цвет в архитектуре) (2, СА )

• Aims in Contemporary Architecture (Целевая установка в современной архитектуре) (1, СА 1927 № 1)

Narkomfin building, with/for Ignatii MILIUTIN, 1928-30

| |Content |Artist/ architect/ |№ of images/ copies |

| | |author | |

|1 |Plans and drawings | |17 |

|2 |Exterior views | |12 (incl. 1 b/w |

| | | |transparency) |

|3 |Interior views | |1 |

|4 |Floor construction | |4 |

|5 |Pages from journals, especially CA № 5 | |17 |

| |1930 | | |

|6 |Article “Original Construction and |Vladimir REZVIN |1 |

| |actual condition of Narkomfin flats” | | |

|7 |Kathy MILIUTINA’s reminiscences | |1 |

|8 |Article by GINZBURG and photocopies of | |23 + fragments |

| |plans, photos etc | | |

|9 |CC’s “pamphlet” | |17 + original pages |

Total: 93 images

Dom Gosstrakha, Moscow, 1926-7

| |Content |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Exterior views |3 |

|2 |Pages from journals Stroitel’stvo Moskvy|13 |

| |and CA | |

|3 |Folding ‘cupboard bed’ |1 |

|4 |Plans and drawings |1 |

Total: 18 images

Other projects

| |Content |Location |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Model of house type A-1 | |1927 |3 |

|2 |Competition project for Orgametal |Moscow |1928 |1 |

| |Headquarters | | | |

|3 |Competition project for the House of | |1928 |5, models |

| |Government of the Kazakh Republic, | | | |

| |Alma-Ata | | | |

| |GINZBURG with MILINIS | | | |

|4 |Housing in Sverdlovsk (attached to other| | |1 |

| |projects) | | | |

|5 |Project for a market hall | |1927? |2 |

|6 |“Proftekhkombinat cheliabtraktorstroia” | | |2 |

Total: 14 images

Other plans and drawings: 14

Flat Box 29

CC’s PhD thesis

| |Building/ project/ contents |Architect |Source |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Dom Gosstrakha |GINZBURG |CA 1927 |5 |

|2 |RSFSR’s types of buildings, types A-2,3;| |CA? |13 (incl. fragments) |

| |B-2; E-1,2,3; F-1 | | | |

|3 |RSFSR’s “Rationalisation of the kitchen”| | |1 |

|4 |The problem of colour in architecture, |GINZBURG? | |1 |

| |drawings | | | |

|5 |Newspaper articles | | |3 |

|6 |24 brown envelopes, contents include, On| | | |

| |the problem of the city, OKHITOVICH, | | | |

| |airships, cartoons, CA pages, | | | |

| |Magnitor’e, | | | |

Total: 23 images

(+ envelopes)

Flat Box 30



| |Colour |B/w |

|RIABUSHINSKII house |2 (details) |2 (exterior, interior) |

|Church at Barakavo, Saratov |2 |0 |

|Second house |2 (plan & sketch) |0 |

|Derozhinskaia mansion |9 |4 (exteriors, interiors) |

|Levinson house |1 |0 |

|Iaroslavl station |2 |1 |

|MOROZOV house |8 (mostly details) |5 (mostly interiors) |

|MOROZOV apartment |0 |2 (interiors) |

|Cinemas |3 |1 |

|Pokrovskoe Rimskogo [?] |1 |0 |

|Church |1 |1 |

Total: 47 images

• 3 colour photographs, interiors of Derozhinskaia property?

• Menu designed by SHEKTEL’ for house warming party, 6th Feb 1903: 2 b/w, 1 colour transparency

• Plaque for exhibition (1)


|Content |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|Offices and showrooms of the Moscow |1910, photo c. 1911 |2 |

|Trading Society | | |

|RIABUSHINSKII house |1900-1902 |2 |

|Exteriors of Derozhinskaia house | |7 |

|Interiors of Derozhinskaia house [?] | |7 |

|Other exteriors | |4 |

|plan | |1 |

Total: 23 images

Flat Box 31

UK MoMo by CC + odds for Docomomo registers book

• Set: “The optimism of the pre-war period of the Modern Movement reflected in the faces of those who were part of it”- 11 b/w photos & photocopies

• 23 b/w photos and drawings, incl. Finsbury Health Club


|1 |Villa Seurat |2 |

|2 |Maison de Verre (stair) |2 |

|3 |Maison de Verre (section) |2 |

|4 |Rue Mallet-Stevens |2 |

|5 |Hotel Nord-Sud |2 |

|6 |Villa Savoye |2 |

|7 |Maison du Peuple |1 |

Total: 13 images

Flat Box 32

Journal covers & related

| |Journal title |Edition/ date |Author/ editor/ details |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Из Книг | |F. SHEKTEL’ |6 |

| | | |Corner of central | |

| | | |pavilion at Brighton | |

|2 |The Builder |Sept. 14th 1901 |Russian Mining Pavilion:|4 |

| | | |Glasgow Exhibition | |

|3 |Wendingun | | |3 (2 editions) |

|4 |The West African Builder and Architect |Vol. 2. № 1. Jan/Feb | |2 |

| | |1962 | | |

|5 |Das Werk |Various | |5 pages |

|6 |Вещь 3 |Berlin 1922 | |2 |

|7 |Wasmuths Monatshefte für Baukunst |1926 | |4 |

|8 |Vers une architecture | |CORBUSIER |2 |

|9 |Die Wohnung für das Existenzminimum | | |2 |

|10 |Internationale Architektur | | |2 |

|11 |Bouwen | |Ir.j.b.van LOGHEM.b.i. |2 |

| | | |(ed.) | |

|12 |Arquitectura mexico 102 | | |2 |

|13 |De Styl | | |2 |

|14 |Nuestra arquitectura 335 |1957 | |4 |

|15 |The japan architect |Dec 1961 | |2 |

|16 |South African Architectural Record |Dec 1968 | |4 |

|17 |CA |1927 № 3 | |4 |

|18 |Architectural Design |Sept. 1955 Vol. 25 | |4 |

|19 |ABC |1926 № 1 | |3 |

|20 |Architectural Record |Jan 1953 | |2 |

|21 | |Dec 1963 | |2 |

|22 |Devětsil |1922 | |2 |

|23 |Architecture in Australia |Sept 1966 | |2 |

|24 |L’architettura |1957 | |2 |

|25 |Arkkitehti |5-6 1943 | |4 |

|26 |Arkkitehti Alvar Aalto |1-2 1958 | |3 |

|27 |ARK |12/1959 | |2 |

|28 |Arquitectos de méxico | | |2 |

|29 |Proa |Julio 1965 | |3 |

|30 |Architectural Design |№ 3,1964 | |2 |

| |Italy/The work of MANGIAROTTI & MORASSUTI &| | | |

| |Gino VALLE | | | |

|31 |Forum | 1 1933 | |2 |

|32 |Bauten der Arbeit und des Verkehrs aus | | |6 |

| |Deutscher Gegenwart | | | |

|33 |Bauhausbücher 10, Holländische Architektur | |J.J.P.OUD |2 |

|34 |The New Architecture and The Bauhaus | |Walter GROPIUS |4 |

|35 |Строительство Москвы |№ 10 1929 | |2 |

|36 |Строительство Москвы |№ 3 1930 | |1 |

|37 |Строительство Москвы |№ 12 1931 | |2 |

|38 |Bauhaus |Juli-Sept 1929 | |1 |

|39 |Auca |12 | |2 |

|40 |A.I.A. Journal |Sept 1966 | |2 |

|41 |RIBS Journal |Dec 1964 | |2 |

|42 |Journal of the Indian Institute of |Oct/Dec 1970 | |2 |

| |Architects | | | |

|43 |arquitetura | | |4 |

|44 |arquitectura | | |2 |

|45 |No title | | |2 |

Total: 120 images

Buildings, photos and drawings: 9

Flat Box 33

Vienna Architectural Design

Works by architects including:

|2 Title pages | |

|Joseph HOFFMANN |23 |

|Oskar STRNAD |2 |

|Fritz NAGEL |3 |

|Robert OERLEY |1 |

|Joseph FRANK |8 |

|Lorenz BOGATAJ |1 |

|Ferd. STEINER |2 |

|Otto PRUTSCHER |2 |

|Otakar NAVOTNY |1 |

|Ernst WIMMER |2 |

|Rudolf GRIMM |3 |

|W. MÜLLER |1 |

|Karl WITZMANN |1 |

|Also: household items | |

Total: 71 pages

• 2 mounted images

• 2 b/w transparencies

• 2 fragments

Flat Box 34

Palace of the Soviets

Including projects by:







• IOFAN (2)









• VESNINs (2)





Total pages and fragments: 94

Article: Kakym dolzhen byt’ dvorets sovetov? 5

Portrait: IOFAN working on his project

Labelled projects

|1 |IOFAN |Stage 1 (of PoS |CA 1932 № 2-3 |2 |

| | |competition) | | |

|2 |IOFAN |Stage 1, section |CA 1932 № 2-3 |2 |

|3 |ZHOLTOVSKII |Stage 2 |StrM 1933 № 5-6 |1 |

|4 |SHCHUSEV |Stage 2 |StrM 1933 № 5-6 |1 |

|5 |SHCHUKO & GEL’FREIKH |Stage 2 |StrM 1933 № 5-6 |2 |

|6 |SHCHUKO |Perspective drawing of |From exhibition in |1 |

| | |the Palace of the Soviets|Moscow, Dec ’78 | |

| | |as backdrop to life and | | |

| | |military parades | | |

Total: 9 images

Flat Box 35

SoReGor & PSG pages re. Sverdlovsk & Novosibirsk


| |Edition and page number |Content |№ of pages |

|1 |Title page |- |1 |

|2 |1932 № 1 ~ p97 |Images |2 |

|3 |1932 № 1 [?] pp.57-64 |Города на стройке |8 |

|4 |1932 № 1 [?] pp.84-9 |Как и когда должен быть |6 |

| | |построен Московский | |

| | |Метрополитен? | |

|5 |1932 № 5-6 pp.64-66 |Новосибирск, Ростов-на-Дону |2 |

|6 |1932 № 6-7 p.17 |Свердловск |2 |

|7 |1932 № 9-10 p.40 |Лицо новой Москвы |3 |

|8 |1933 № [?] pp.37-7 |Советская Сибирь |3 |

|9 |1934 № 5 p.57 |Свердловск |2 |

|10 |1934 № 5 pp. 63-66 |Город завода заводов |6 |

Total: 35 pages


| |Edition and page number |Content |№ of pages |

|1 |1934 № 4 pp.6-7 |Упорядочить дело планировки |6 |

| | |городов | |

|2 |1934 № 5 pp.1-2 |За улучение постановки |2 |

| | |планировочных работ | |

|3 |1934 № 5 pp.3-9 |Планировка Новосибирска |14 |

Total: 22 pages


| |Edition and page number |Content |№ of pages |

|1 |1937 № 9-10 pp.30-36 |Второе рождение города |8 |

| | |(Новосибирск) | |

|2 |1937 № 9-10 pp.44-45 |Проэкт планировка Томска |2 |

Total: 10 pages

Flat Box 36

Garden cities, Города Будушего

| |Garden city location: |Type of image |Pages |

|1 |Diadkovo, in Iaroslavl |Plan |3 |

|2 |Iaroslavl |Plan, from Kommunal’noe |3 |

| | |Delo | |

|3 |“Tsarskii Lec” near Riga |Plan |2 |

| |1902-1908 | | |

|4 |Kvartal № 65 |Plan |2 |

|5 |Near Moscow (p101) |Plan |3 |

|6 |“Na Khodynokom pole” |Plan |3 |

|7 |? |Plan |4 |

Total: 20 pages

Города Будушего by Ebenezer HOWARD, trans. A BLOK/BLOKH [?] (1911)

|8 |Title page and foreword | |4 |

|9 |Portrait of author? | |4 |

|10 |Table of housing statistics | |2 |

|11 |Article and diagrams 2 & 3 of ‘the | |10 |

| |Garden City’ and groups of such cities | | |

Total: 20 pages

Flat Box 37

Diagrams of construction in Russia and abroad

|1 |Dutch oven |4 |

|2 |Russian oven |3 |

|3a |Central heating system |2 |

|9 |Stone cladding |2 |

|13 |Putting stone blocks in place (with |2 |

| |crane) | |

|17 |Diagram of insulation system |1 |

|20-23 |Diagrams of houses and gardens |2 |

|32-34 |House on exhibition in Stockholm, 1909 |2 |

|52 |2 family house by architects COCKER and|4 |

| |HILL | |

|52a |Diagram of above |3 |

|53 |House for two families by architect H. |2 |

| |MOUSON | |

|51-55 |Workers’ house |2 |

|58 |House for two or four families, |3 |

| |architect E. KUNPPER, Riga | |

|59 |House for two or four families, |4 |

| |architect E. LAUBE, Riga | |

|63-4 |American 14-apartment house architect |2 |

| |B. PERROT | |

|65-66 |American house for workers, constructed|3 |

| |of separate elements | |

Total: 41 images


1. German project for a one-family house: 2 pages

2. Pages from CA: ‘Blochnoi Dom’ of cylindrical sections: 7 pages

3. Details of a frame system: 3

4. Detail of a pre-fab house by the Unit. Construction company: 1

Flat Box 38


• 38 large black and red transparency pages for exhibition: Geometricheskoe Cherchenie & Iskusstvo Nacherteniia

Flat Box 39


• 126 black and red transparency pages for exhibition: Ornament [not put in order- touching leaves marks!]

Flat Box 40


Konstruktsiia Arkhitekturniykh imashennykh form

Black and red transparency pages for exhibition

1-50: 45 pages [CC’s note: not 1-6]

51-100: 48 pages [CC’s note: not 88]

101-150: 50 pages

151-200: 48 pages [CC’s note: not 153, 154, 155?]

201-232: 32 pages

Flat Box 41



|1 |Models |Colour |11 |

|2 |Architectural fantasies |Colour |15 |

|3 |CHERNIKOV & class |B/w |1 |

|4 |‘Embracing’ etc |B/w |6 |

Total: 33

• Large b/w prints of exhibition: 1 & slides

• Miniatures of black and red transparent exhibition pages: 24

• Roughly A4 sized black and red transparent exhibition pages: 41

Flat Box 42


• Black and white copies of Architectural Fantasies: 10

• Black and red transparent exhibition pages of Construction of Architectural and Machine forms: 14

• Black and red transparent exhibition pages of text about Construction of Architectural and Machine forms: 13

• Large number picture pages (Architectural Fantasies): 42

• Diagrams of man sitting at desk: 2

• Black transparent exhibition pages of small drawings: 26

• Odds: transparencies & b/w, some whole pages

Flat Box 43

Large b/w prints

Ekaterinburg/ Novosibirsk/ Uralmarsh

| |Building/ content |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Integrated residential complex for State |VALENKOV & KOROTKOV |1931-5 |4 |

| |Industry Employees, Ekaterinburg | | | |

|2 |UZTM building, Uralmarsh | | |3 |

|3 |Uralmarsh laboratory building | | |7 |

|4 |Digging | | |10 |

|5 |Building with two glass ‘bridges’ |GINZBURG? | |7 |

Total: 31 prints

St. Petersburg

| |Building/ content |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images/ copies |

|1 |Tractor St workers’ housing development |NIKOL’SKII, GEGELLO |1925-27 |5 |

|2 |Factory kitchen and public feeding complex,|BARUTCHEV, GILTER, |1930-31 |10 |

| |Vasilii Island |MEERZON, RUBANCHIK | | |

|3 |Factory kitchen and public feeding complex,|BARUTCHEV, GILTER, |1930-31 |2 |

| |Vasilii Island |MEERZON, RUBANCHIK | | |

Total: 17 prints

Others: 33 photographs, buildings mostly in Ekaterinburg/ Novosibirsk/ Uralmarsh [see photograph boxes 4,5]

Lever Arch File Index

|1 |Moscow «диафильм» студия 1: A > Б3-15 |

|2 |Moscow «диафильм» студия 2: Б3-20 > Б4, ПБ, & 3 uncoded series |

|3 |АПН slide sets: 8-97>74-600 |

|4 |АПН slide sets: 78-313>86-889 |

|5 |Dated negatives and contact pages of Moscow, St. Petersburg & other cities |

|6 |Set NY- NAM; ‘historical’ slides; specific artists and buildings; images copied for publications; catalogues and |

| |artefacts |


|8 |Exhibitions & related: esp. CHERNIKOV; GWC; Paris-Moscou; Vienna: Dream and Reality; British Architecture in the 1980s|

|9 |Sets, esp. for Guggenheim New York ‘The Great Utopia’ catalogue; Sokol |

|10 |CC’s lectures- notes and prepared slides |

|11 |Architects/artists and their works |

|12 |Expos. and places, adverts |

|13 |Misc b/w & colour negative/slide pages and contact pages (by film type)- buildings etc |

|14 |CC personal- sailing & personal correspondence |

|15 |Copied slides and photocopied labels ready for pasting |

|16 |Potential slide sets (mostly incomplete) with CC’s notes and labels |

Lever Arch File 1: Moscow «диафильм» студия 1: A> Б3-15-

|Code |Title of Series |Missing* slides |

|A2-20-001 |Architectural Monuments of old Moscow |10 |

|A2-20-009 |Architectural Monuments of old Moscow |All except 10 [belongs to previous set? |

| | |But different codes] |

|A3-15-012 |Москва в гравюрах XIX века |7 |

|A4-15-017 |Развитие капиталистических отношений в |- |

| |России в 17-18 вв. | |

|A4-20-126 |Питербург- столица российской импери |1,2,4,9,17 |

|Б2-10-008 |Остров Валаам |- |

|Б2-15-008 |Вильнюс |14 |

|Б2-15-088 |Red Square |1,10 |

|Б2-20-002 |Red Square |10, 19 |

|Б2-20-003 |Московский Метрополитен |1>8, 10,11, 13 |

|Б2-20-003 |Moscow Metro (English) |10 |

|Б2-20-016 |Zamoskvorechye (English) |1 |

|Б2-20-017 |Zaryadye (English) |- |

|Б2-20-018 |The Kremlin. The Armoury Chamber |- |

|Б2-20-019 |Arbat Street |- |

|Б2-20-020 |The Andrei Rublev Museum of Early Russian|2 |

| |Art | |

|Б2-20-039 |Сочи |15 |

|Б2-20-040 |Moscow |2,4,6,8,10 |

|Б2-20-041 |Музей «Усадьба кусково XVIII века» |- |

|Б2-20-042 |Ostankino |- |

|Б2-20-055 |Abramtsevo |All except 12, 14, 18 |

|Б2-20-059 |Тбилиси |- |

|Б2-20-061 |Vladimir. Bogoliubovo. Suzdal’. |7 |

|Б2-20-061 |Vladimir. Bogoliubovo. Suzdal’. |20 |

|Б2-20-065 |Гороховец |- |

|Б2-20-073 |The Novodevichi Convent: A historical and|- |

| |architectural monument | |

|Б2-20-073 |The Novodevichii Convent: A historical |- |

| |and architectural monument | |

|Б2-20-089 |Ленинград- кобыбель октября |5 |

|Б2-20-095 |Московский Метрополитен |2, 5>7, 9 |

|Б2-20-095 |Московский Метрополитен |3,13,19 |

|Б2-20-104 |Самарканд |All except 18 |

|Б2-20-131 |Пречистенка (Кропоткинская улица) |- |

|Б3-10-016 |Брюллов |- |

|Б3-15-011 |Крамской |- |

|Б3-15-018 |Русские израцы |8 |

|Б3-15-023 |Александр Бенуа |- |

|Б3-15-028 |Благовещенский Собор |2 |

|Б3-15-048 |В.Э. Борисов-Мусатов |3 |

|Б3-15-058 |Isaac Levitan |- |

|Б3-15-058 |Isaac Levitan |- |

|Б3-15-058 |Isaac Levitan |- |

Total: 719 slides

* All sets are of 20 slides. ‘Missing’ may mean that they are in the slide boxes & not necessarily lost.

Lever Arch File 2: Moscow «диафильм» студия 2: Б3-20- >

|Code |Title of Series |Missing* slides |

|Б3-20-008 |Виктор Вазнецов |2,14,15 |

|Б3-20-012 |Penza art gallery |- |

|Б3-20-015 |М.А. Врубель |- |

|Б3-20-019 |Русские народные промыслы |4 |

|Б3-20-021 |А.М. Васнецов |- |

|Б3-20-025 |А.Г. Венецианов |- |

|Б3-20-035 (1977) |Памятники русского зодчества |1,20 |

| |Владимир-Суздаль | |

|Б3-20-035 (1984) |Petrodvorets collection of porcelain |- |

|Б3-20-035 (1984) |Petrodvorets collection of porcelain |- |

|Б3-20-036 |Russian art 18th-20th centuries (State |- |

| |art gallery of Armenia) | |

|Б3-20-037 |Углич |14,18 |

|Б3-20-054 |Zagorsk. Architectural Monuments |- |

|Б3-20-054 |Загорск. Архитектурные памятники |- |

|Б3-20-061 |Советский агитационный фарфор |- |

|Б3-20-067 |Soviet visual art in the 1920s (painting)|- |

|Б3-20-067 |Советское изобратительное искусство 20-х |- |

| |годов | |

|Б3-20-070 |Академик архитектуры Ф.О. Шехтель |2,14,19 |

|Б3-20-101 |Dionysius’ Frescoes |- |

|Б4-20-179 |Древняя Москва (Васнецов) |1,2,10,13,16,17,20 |

|ПБ2-15-007 |По Замоскворечью (из серии «Заповедные |- |

| |зоны Москвы») | |

|ПБ2-20-138 |Что таят московские дворы |- |

|- |The Russian orthodox temple. For the |- (20 slides) |

| |Millennium of the Baptism of Rus’. | |

|- |The Russian Orthodox Icon. For the |- (20 slides) |

| |Millennium of the Baptism of Rus’. | |

|- |The Russian Orthodox Church. For the |- (20 slides) |

| |Millennium of the Baptism of Rus’. | |

Total: 462 slides

* All sets are of 20 slides. ‘Missing’ may mean that they are in the slide boxes & not necessarily lost.

Lever Arch File 3- АПН sets: 8-97>74-600

|Code |(Probable) number in series|Title of series |Missing* slides |

|8-97>120 |24 |Treasures of the Armoury |- |

|8-205>216 |12 |Bukhara |- |

|8-241>252 |12 |Samarkand |- |

|8-253>276 |24 |Novodevichii Monastery |253-4, 257, 261, 263 > 267, 274 |

|8-700>723 |24 |Suzdal’ |703> 5 |

| | |Памятники архитектуры Суздаля | |

|8-724>735 |12 |Живопись древней Карелии |- |

|8-861>891 |12 |Памятники архитектуры г. |880 |

| | |Владимира | |

|9-973>984 |12 |Музеи Москвы |975 |

|70-1>24 |24 |Rublev Museum |- |

|70-289>312 |24 |The Hermitage Gold Room |- |

|70-637>660 |24 |Tretiakov Gallery |638,659,660 |

|70-913>936 |24 |Erevan |913,923 |

|70-1369>1392 |24 |Tretiakov Gallery |1375,1389,1390 |

|70-1981>2004 |24 |The Hermitage- English painting |1985> 1991, 1993,1995, 2003,2004|

|70-2005>2016 |12 |Painting of Ancient Pskov |- |

|ENDS: 8-720>23, 70-309>312, | | | |

|70-657>660 | | | |

|71-397>420 |24 |Abramtsevo |407, 409, 414, 415, 418 |

|71-637>648 |12 |The artist V. Surikov |- |

|71-81>803 |24 | |All except 11 |

|71-841>864 |24 |Old country estates |846>849, 851 |

|71-891>900 |12? |“Coaches”? |890, 893, 895> 899 |

|71-1105>1116 |12 |The artist V. Vasnetsov |1105, 1111, 1114 |

|71-1117>1128 |12 |The Annunciation Cathedral |- |

|71-1117>1128 |12 |The Annunciation Cathedral |All missing, except |

| | | |1117,1121,1124 |

|71-1237>1248 |12 |The Archangel Cathedral |- |

|71-1333>1356 |24 |Soviet painting |1346,1352 |

|72-1141>1164 |24 |Художники-передвижники |1155, 1159,1160 |

|72-1165>1188 |24 |РСФСР |1169 |

|72-1837>1860 |24 |Architectural Monuments of 19th |1843 |

| | |Century Leningrad | |

|72-2233>2244 |12 |Matisse |- |

|72-2269>2280 |12 |Moscow |2270 |

|72-2305>2316 |12 |V.Vazhenov |2307,2309,2311, 2314 |

|72-2317>2340 |24 |Red Square |2321,2336>40 |

|72-2341>2364 |24 |Pavlovsk |All except 2342, 2354, 2357, |

| | | |2361, 2362 |

|72-2545>2556 |12 |Архитектурные Памятники Ростов |- |

| | |Великого | |

|72-2581>2604 |24 |Moscow |All except 2598 |

|73-1>24 |24 |Шедевры русской архитектуры |4,6>8,12 |

| | |XI-XVII | |

|73-109>120 |12 |Gatchina |- |

|73-301>312 |12 |The architect Aleksei Shchusev |- |

|73-697>720 |24 |“Moscow and Leningrad” |- [2x 698, 700, 702] |

|73-1227>1238 |12 |The artist I. Aivazovskii |- [2 x 1227] |

|73-1359>1370 |12 |Музеи московского Кремля |1359, 1363, 1364, 1369, 1370 |

| | |(гранитовая палата и Теремной | |

| | |дворец) | |

|74-577>600 |24 |Leningrad Metro |- |

Total: 640 slides

*With the assumption that sets are either of 12 or 24 slides. ‘Missing’ may mean that they are in the slide boxes & not necessarily lost.

Lever Arch File 4- АПН sets: 78-313>86-889

|Code |(Probable) number in series |Title of series |Missing* slides |

|78-313>324 |12 | |- |

|79-97>120 |24 |Russian precious stones |- |

|79-169>192 |24 |Petrodvorets |187, 190, 191 |

| | | |2 of Petrodvorets, re-framed, |

| | | |might not be from this series |

|79-445>468 |24 |Museums of Leningrad |- |

|79-517>540 |24 |Khiva |- |

|79-553>576 |24 |The Novodevichii Monastery |557,576 |

|79-577>600 |24 |Leningrad Grillwork |All except 580, 586 |

|79-637>660 |24 |ВДНХ СССР |- |

|79-637>660 |24 |ВДНХ СССР |- |

|79-685>708 |24 |N. Roerich |- |

|79-685>708 |24 |N. Roerich |- |

|79-781>804 |24 |Pushkin’s Moscow |786, 800 |

|79-1297>1320 |24 |Петропавловская Крепость |- |

| | | |2 x 1310 |

|79-1345>1368 |24 |“Moscow and the Olympic Games” |1348, 1364>68 |

|80-25>48 |24 |Музеи московского Кремля, |25 |

| | |Успенский Собор | |

|80-409 |24 |Золотое Кольцо России, Выпуск |- |

| | |1-й | |

|80-603> 626 |24 |The artist I. Bilibin |- |

|80-627>650 |24 |Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo) |637, 646 |

|80-627>650 |24 |Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo) |634, 637, 641, 643, 646 |

| | | |[2 x 628, 629,630,648] |

|80-651>662 |12 |Leningrad- Vasil’evskii Island |661, 662 |

|81-25>48 |24 |Kizhi |- |

|81-25>48 |24 |Kizhi |25, 26, 35, 43, 48 |

|81-361>372 |12 |“Moscow bridges” |366 |

|81-481>503 |24 |Бульварное Кольцо Москвы |487 |

|81-577>600 |24 |Покровский собор |- |

|81-577>600 |24 |Покровский собор |596 |

|83-121>144 |24 |Архитектурные ансамбли |130 |

| | |подмосковья XVIII- нач. XX вв. | |

|83-481>503 |24 |Архитектурные Памятники Пскова |486,491 |

|84-337>360 |24 |The sculptor A.S. Golubkina |- |

|85-169>192 |24 |Zagorsk |- |

|85-265>288 |24 |Moscow, Donskoi Monastery |- |

|85-1357>1380 |24 |На рубеже веков |All except 1364, 1365, 1370, |

| | | |1371, 1377, 1379 |

|85-1429>1452 |24 |ВДНХ |All except 1430, 1450, 1452 |

|86-865>889 |24 |“Leningrad bridges” |868, 877, 879, 880, 887 |

Total: 696 slides

*With the assumption that sets are either of 12 or 24 slides. ‘Missing’ may mean that they are in the slide boxes & not necessarily lost.

Lever Arch File 5- Negatives and Contact Pages of Moscow, St. Petersburg & other cities


|Set |Date |Negs. (pages) |Contact pages |Photocopies |Notes/ including |

|1 |Spring ’79 |3 |0 |0 | |

|2 |Oct ’80 |9 |0 |0 |Buildings well labelled |

|3 |April ’82 |1 |0 |0 | |

|4 |June ’82 |7 |0 |0 |Correspond to M28. >34. |

|5 |July ’82 |3 |0 |0 |OSA exhibition and WALCOT |

| | | | | |Exhibition |

|6 |Nov ’82 |5 |0 |0 |M 35. > 40. (39 missing) |

|7 |Jan ’83 |4 |0 |0 |M 41. > 45 |

|8 |Nov ’83 |1 |0 |0 |M. 45 |

|9 |April ’84 |2 |2 |0 |Red Sq. |

|10 |Dec ’84 |2 |0 |0 |RIABUSHINSKII House, Red Sq. |

|11 |March ’85 |2 |2 |0 |Mainly SHEKHTEL’ |

|12 |May ’86 |1 |0 |0 | |

|13 |May ’88 |7 |0 |0 |Planetarium, radio tower, |

| | | | | |RIABUSHINSKII house |

|14 |June ’88 |4 |3 |0 |Zuev club, radio tower, |

| | | | | |Rusakov club, KM’s own house, |

| | | | | |RIABUSHINSKII house |

| | | | | |Page 3 missing (both types) |

|15 |Aug ’89 |1 |0 |0 | |

|16 |Nov ’92 |3 |1 |0 |Markhi |

| | | | | |MOROZOVs, MALEVICH, |

| | | | | |OLTARZHINSKII |

|17 |March ’93 |6 |6 |0 | |

|18 |Oct ’94 |1 |0 |0 | |

|19 |Feb ’02 |2 |0 |0 |Narkomfin |

M-L, M/L, MStP

|1 | May ’89 b/w |6 |6 |0 |Buildings in Russia West |

| | | | | |publication |

|2 |May ’89 colour |10 |0 |0 |Narkomfin, Hermitage |

|3 |August ’89 |6 |6 |0 |Metropol, buildings in Russia |

| | | | | |West publication, Field of Mars|

|4 |April ’90 |3 |3 |0 |Icons, VRUBEL’ head |

| |M-L | | | | |

| |B/w | | | | |

|5 |April ’90 (M/L) |8 |0 |0 |Kremlin cathedrals, Tsarskoe |

| |colour | | | |Selo, Pavlovsk, VRUBEL’ head |

|6 |Oct ’93 |8 |0 |0 |Kremlin wall, wooden houses |

Leningrad: L, Petersburg

|1 |January ’89 |3 |0 |0 |Church on Spilled Blood |

| |colour | | | | |

|2 |January ’89 |9 |9 |0 |Church on Spilled blood, WW [?]|

| |B/w | | | |, RIABUSHINSKII house (Moscow) |

|3 |August ’89 |1 |1 |0 | |

|4 |Sept ’92 |3 |0 |0 | |

| |colour | | | | |

|5 |March ’96 |2 |0 |0 |Winter Palace |

| |colour | | | | |

Ekaterinburg & Novosibirsk

|1 |Oct ’97 |4 |0 |0 |Water tower (see Russia East |

| |Colour & b/w | | | |publication) |

|2 |Ekaterinburg |11 |0 |0 |Water tower |

| |colour | | | | |

|3 |Ekaterinburg |10 |0 |0 |Incl. documents, |

| | | | | |UZTM building |


|1 |Istanbul, Dom |1 |0 |0 | |

| |Iskusstv | | | | |

|2 |Hammond Place, |1 |0 |0 | |

| |31.08.98 | | | | |

|3 |Novogorod various |1[?] + 2 slide pages of|0 |0 |From Igor’ Palmin |

| | |negs and slides | | | |

Lever Arch File 6: Set NY- NAM; ‘historical’ slides; specific artists and buildings; images copied for publications; catalogues and artefacts


|Page number |Contents incl. |Negatives/slide pages |Contact pages |

|1 |Narkomfin & NAM 1 |1 |1 |

|2 |Narkomfin & NAM 2 |1 |2 |

|2 |Narkomfin & NAM 3 |1 |1 |

|4 |Zhilishche, Narkomfin |1 |1 |

|5 |KRINSKII 1934 & whole |1 |1 |

| |appendix of 1920s stuff | | |

|6 |NAM personal (=A, B) |1 |1 |

|7 |NAM personal ( C, D) |1 |1 |

|8 |NAM personal (E, F) |1 |1 |

|9 |NAM publications A |1 |1 |

|10 |NAM publications B |1 |1 |

|11 |NAM publications C |1 |1 |

|12 |NAM publications D |1 |1 |

|13 |Palace of the Soviets, |1 |2 |

| |student projects under | | |

| |LADOVSKII | | |

|14 |Palace of the Soviets |1 |2 |

|15 |Palace of the Soviets |1 |2 |

|16 |Palace of the Soviets |1 |2 |

|17 |End of MG; Советская |1 |1 |

| |Архитектура | | |

|18 |GINZBURG on Donbass |1 |1 |

|19 |Images: GINZBURG, |1 |1 |

| |CORBUSIER Palace of | | |

| |Soviets, KM house | | |

|20 Colour | |1 |0 |

|21 Colour | |1 |0 |

Totals: 21 24


Incl. pages from books & articles, several on Novgorod

Pages of negatives: 11

Contact pages: 12

Specific architects and buildings

| |Content |Negatives/slides |Contact sheets |

|1 |MEL’NIKOV |1 |0 |

|2 |Duplicates/ LEONIDOV |1 |0 |

|3 |LADOVSKII related |1 |1 |

|4 |CAMERON items from Shvidovskii’s |1 |0 |

| |material for the Architectural Review | | |

|5 |PROZHEKTOV 1923-4-5 |1 |0 |

| |Sundry random images | | |

|6 |LUBETKIN school, Moscow |1 |0 |

|7 |LUBETKIN Ves’ Peterburg addresses |1 |0 |

|8 |LUBETKIN & WW (and fragment), |1 |2 |

| |GUM roof | | |

|9 |RODCHENKO Paris ’25 club, CC’s ‘English |1 |0 |

| |Church’ postcard | | |

|10 |RODCHENKO portrait, drawing [?] of |1 |0 |

| |TARELKIN | | |

|11 |Tbilisi Palace of Labour |1 |0 |

|12 |GORKII Palace of Soviets |3 |0 |

|13 |A Palace of the Soviets for the 20th |1 |0 |

| |century | | |

|14 |Palace of the Soviets |4 |2 |

|15 |Metropol |6 |0 |

|16 |Tsarskoe Selo & Pavlovsk Palaces and |12 |0 |

| |areas | | |

|17 |TSCHUMI |1 |0 |

Totals: 38 5

• Villa Savoye (photos 1964) : 5 slides

Images copied for publication

|1 |Copying for MOMA-NY Russian catalogue |1 |1 |

|2 |1917 Revolution, copying for Harvey P |1 |1 |

|3 |Russian Avant-Garde- copying for CC’s |8 |1 |

| |book [?] & Architectural Design, incl. | | |


|4 |CC for Svetloe |1 |0 |

|5 |LING/ AJ on moving Moscow buildings |1 |0 |

|6 |Yvonne D’Axe article from Zodchii |1 |1 |

|7 |M&Ms [Muir & Merilis] copying for |3 |0 |

| |Harvey P | | |

|8 |EK: early FS [SHEKTEL’] article |1 |0 |

|9 |Copying for FS article 1 |1 |1 |

|10 |Negs from slides for FS article 1 & 2 |3 |0 |

|11 |Copying for Peter the Great LH |2 |0 |

|12 |Sverdlovsk book |1 |0 |

|13 |Copying from 1900 Russia book & |3 |3 |

| |Sovremennaia Arkhitektura [?] expo | | |

| |panels | | |

|14 |Festivals Illus: copying selected items|1 |1 |

| |[see box 17] | | |

|15 |Copying for [CC’s?] book: last |2 |0 |

|16 |SCR metro book |2 |0 |

|17 |DOCO book: journals etc |4 |0 |

|18 |Stroikom book |1 |1 |

|19 |Copying for architecture in Greece from|1 |0 |

| |Arkh. SSSR № 1 1984, Arkh. SSSR covers,| | |

| |CA 1 for Kopp | | |

|20 |Copying prepared for Cambridge |1 |0 |

| |encyclopaedia (Peter Willis) | | |

|21 |From Arkh. Gazette supplement ’35 |1 |0 |

|22 |Copying of architectural [?] etc items |1 |0 |

| |from Moscow news | | |

|23 |Advertisements etc copied at Chagano, |1 |0 |

| |also postcards, M&M’s advert, MAO-1 | | |

|24 |Copying for Leuven paper: M&M’s, FS |1 |1 |

| |Glasgow, CC’s album (& LEONIDOV with | | |

| |KRUSHCHEV) | | |

|25 |Khan-Mag book |5 |0 |

|26 |Ezhegodnik MAO book |5 |5 |

|27 |Equestrian yearbook, Moscow, 1984 & |3 |0 |

| |Ezhegodnik OAKh & Zholtovskii [?] | | |

| |manuscript & Punin/Tatlin book | | |

|28 |Copying by RH for F & C oddments (incl.|1 |0 |

| |Kizhi) | | |

|29 |Copying for Manchester Festival article|1 |0 |

|30 |Images from CC’s Russian Avant-Garde |2 |0 |

| |book | | |

|31 |AA social housing seminar |1 |0 |

|32 |Copies off Kopp originals: Rusakov |1 |1 |

| |club, Leonidov and friends portrait, KM| | |

| |house, Tatlin tower | | |

|33 |QUARTO encyclopaedia illustrations |1 |0 |

|34 |Lawn Rd, Finsbury health club, Doco |1 |0 |

| |copying (with CC’s notes attached) | | |

|35 |St Petersburg/Leningrad copying DI |2 |0 |

|36 |Palace of Labour ’23 for V+K book |1 |0 |

|37 |Copying for …[?] & Palace of Labour |1 |0 |

Totals: 68 17

Catalogues and artefacts

|1 |SCRSS books in library |1 |0 |

|2 |WALCOT family items from Joan Pinter |1 |0 |

| |(2nd batch) | | |

|3 |Catalogue of 1902 expo. Microfilm from |1 |0 |

| |SR/LL | | |

Totals: 3 0

File 6 total: 132 pages of negatives (each of up to 36 images)

46 contact pages

Lever Arch File 7- journals & SHEKTEL’; CAMERON, MEL’NIKOV, ZAKHAROV, STAROV; Toomas REIN

| |Title |Editions |Content / articles by | № pages |№ pages |

| | | | |(negatives/ |photo-copy |

| | | | |microfilm) | |

|1 |Various, incl. Kommunal’noe Delo| |DADONOV, HOWARD & BLOCK’S |2 |0 |

| |(Kom.Delo) 1923 May-June re. | |translation, DIKANSKII, portrait | | |

| |Iaroslavl, SoReGor | |of PERETIATKOVICH | | |

|2 |Zhilishnaia Kooperativa |№ 1 1924 | |1 |0 |

|3 |Zhilishnaia Kooperativa |№ 21 1927 | |1 |0 |

|4 |Tekhnika Stroitel’stvo i |1922. № 3 |PIASETSKII: obituary of architect |1 |0 |

| |Promyshlennost’ (Tekh. Stroi. | |V.V. SUSLOV, technical news | | |

| |Prom.) | | | | |

|5 |Tekh. Stroi. Prom. |1922 № 1-2 |adverts |1 |2 |

| | |1923 № 1-2 |SAKULIN | | |

|6 |Krasnaia Niva |1925 № 12, 14, |Covers. Also portrait of MG, |1 |1 |

| | |15-16, 17 |Delegatka cover | | |

|7 |Zhizn’ Iskusstva |1924 № 19, 31, 45,|Covers and selected pages |1 |0 |

| | |50 | | | |

|8 |CA |1927 № 3, 4-5 |BARSHCH, KRASIL’NIKOV, NIKOL’SKII |1 |0 |

| | |1928 № 6 | | | |

|9 |CA |1930 № 6 |D/I theory spreads |1 |0 |

| | | |Also GINZBURG in Zhilishche | | |

|10 |VKKh |1925 № 7, 8 |KARPOVICH, FRENKEL |1 |1 |

|11 |VKKh |1927 № 10, 11, 12 |ZAKUTIN, ILIN, SIMONOV, GOLOVIN |1 |1 |

|12 |Kommunal’noe Khoziastvo (KomKh) |1925 №13, 14-15, |SHESTAKOV, DIKANSKII, New York |1 |1 |

| | |17, 18 | | | |

|13 |KomKh |1926 № 1, 2, 3, 6 |SHESTAKOV, BAIKOV, BELLE & |1 |1 |

| | | |LARVILL, KNORRE, Acts, transport | | |

|14 |KomKh |1926 № 19-20, |SAKULIN, SHEREMETEVSKII ANTSIFEROV|1 |1 |

| | |21-22, 23-24 | | | |

|15 |Stroitel’naia Promyshlennost’ |1925 № 1, 2, 3, 4 |LEBEDEV, BELIAEV, PETROV, |1 |1 |


|16 |StrP |1925 № 5 |LAKHTIN, KRIUKOV |1 |1 |

| | | |Also CA 1927-8, GAN article, | | |

| | | |MALEVICH at Bauhaus | | |

|17 |StrP |1926 № 5, 9, 10 |PROKHOROV, MARKOVNIKOV, TATARINOV,|1 |1 |

| | | |VOLFENSON | | |

|18 |StrP |1927 № 1, 2, 3 |MARKOVNIKOV, VOLFENSON, LISITSKII,|1 |1 |



|19 |StrP |1927 № 10, 11 |MACHINSKII, MARAKOVNIKOV, LAVROV, |1 |1 |


|20 |StrP |1929 № 4, 5, 6 |FLEMING, ARONOVICH, MARKOVNIKOV, |1 |1 |


|21 |StrP |1929 № 7, 8, 9 |KHIGER, ERAMISHANTS, LAVROV, |1 |1 |


|22 |StrP |1929 № 10, 11, 12 |Gosbank, TATARINOV, MARKOVNIKOV, |1 |1 |

| | | |NAPELBAUM, SHARKOV, | | |


|23 |StrP |1930 № 1, 2, 3 |MARKOVNIKOV, VUTKE, BARKHIN |1 |1 |

|24 |StrP |1930 № 4, 5 |BRAILOVSKII, KOSTYRKO, KARRA |1 |1 |


|25 | Stroitel’stvo Moskvy (StrM) |1927 № 2, 3, 5 |VENDEROV, BOSTELMAN, NEKRASOV, |1 |1 |

| | | |SHCHERBAKOV | | |

|26 |StrM |1927 № 3, 4 |DAVIDOVICH, KRIUKOV, LAVROV, |1 |1 |

| | |1928 № 1, 3, 5,6, |SHCHERBAKOV, POPOV-SIBIRIAK, | | |

| | |8, 9 |IASHIN | | |

| | |1930 № 2 | | | |

|27 |StrM |1927 № 5-9 |LADOVSKII, Vkhutemas, SHCHERBAKOV,|1 |1 |

| | | |VYGODSKII, planetariums, Gosstrakh| | |

| | | |(MG) | | |

|28 |StrM |1927 № 11 |LAVROV, Vkhutemas |3 |1 |

| | | |Also BARKHIN 1922 | | |

|29 |StrM |1927 № 10-12 |POPOV-SIBIRIAK, VYGODSKII, |1 |1 |


| | | |MARKOVICH | | |

|30 |StrM |1928 № 8, 12 |BARSHCH & SINIAVSKII, ROZANOV, |1 |1 |

| | | |vertical city, planetarium, Moscow| | |

| | | |metro | | |

|31 |StrM |1928 № 11 1929 № |KRASIN, LAVROV, VOLFENSON, |1 |0 |



| | | |IAKSHIN | | |

|32 |StrM |1929 № 1, 2 |POPOV-SIBIRIAK, PILEVSKAIA, |1 |1 |

| | | |SHCHERBAKOV | | |

|33 |StrM |1929 № 3, 5 |BINOVICH, PASTERNAK, LUKHMANOV, |1 |1 |

| | | |IAKSHIN | | |

|34 |Argumenty i Fakty | | |2 |0 |

Totals: 58 26

Современная Архитектура

• Mounted colour cover of CA № 4-5 announcing the first exhibition

• 18 colour 5”x4” transparencies of CA covers and articles, copyright owned by British Library (copyright notice and order details included: 4 pages)


Coloured transparencies:

1. Iaroslavl station: 11

2. RIABUSHINSKII house: 12

3. ?: 4

4. Derozhinskaia & others: 12

Total: 39

Pages of Negatives & unmounted slides:

1. Glasgow exhibition 1901: 1

2. Morozov house: 1 (colour)

3. Boiavskii Dvor: 1 (colour)

4. misc. incl title page of Iz Knig: 1

5. Iaroslavl station: 3 (colour)

6. Derozhinskaia & 1902 expo. poster: 2 & 1 contact sheet

7. ‘corner’ of mansion: 1

8. fragments: 5 (colour)


1. Bag of negative fragments

2. Bag of 7 b/w photographs incl. RIABUSHINSKII portraits

3. 6 mounted labelled colour slides

4. 10 unmounted unlabelled colour slides

5. 2 colour negative pages of exteriors and interiors

Black mounted slide sets

1. 4 black mounted unlabelled colour slides of Moscow (see photographs box 3)

2. 12 mounted labelled colour slides of Palaces [mostly St Petersburg]

3. 10 mounted labelled colour slides of ‘typical’ examples of types of Russian houses throughout history

4. 3 mounted labelled colour slides of KM’s house, 2 unmounted unlabelled

& on same sheet: 9 mounted labelled colour slides of postcards and journal covers of early Soviet period

Total: 38 slides

Other SHEKTEL’: 25 pages/images- photographs etc

Toomas REIN

• 2 pages notes on buildings

• 6 b/w images (photographs, plans) of related buildings, esp. by LAPIN

CC’s b/w illustrated information pack on CAMERON, MEL’NIKOV, ZAKHAROV, STAROV incl.

31 b/w photographs and plans

Essay/article by Aleksandra Shatskikh: David IAKERSON, A sculptor from Vitebsk

• 7 typed pages (Russian)

• 13 accompanying images of works: 10 colour transparencies

3 b/w photos

Lever Arch File 8- Exhibitions & related


Slides of CC’s 2 [?] exhibitions:

1. 123 mounted colour slides (up to 4 versions of same slide)

2. 8 mounted colour slides of crowds at the exhibition

3. 19 mounted colour slides of another [?] exhibition

4. 9 pages of slides and negatives of the exhibitions incl. unpainted models and crowds at the exhibition

5. 10 mounted colour slides of Chernikov Sotheby’s sale (07.04.89) (& 1 unmounted)

6. 11 colour transparencies of works for Sotheby’s sale

7. 15 mounted colour slides of ‘Architectural Fantasies’ and 5 mounted and unmounted colour slides of CC with friends


| |Title |Negative/slide pages |Contact pages |

|1 |Items in Rotterdam show |2 |2 |

|2 |Ornament |2 |0 |

|3 |Osnovy |1 |0 |

|4 |Copying Chernikov oddments, also CC’s RODCHENKO posters|1 |0 |

|5 |Misc b/w |7 |1 |

|6 |Misc colour |5 |0 |

Totals: 18 3


1. 101 mounted colour slides

2. 2 pages unmounted colour slides


1. 9 mounted colour slides of GWC’s mural at the Open University

2. 39 colour slides of GWC’s photos of H, L [?]

| | |Negative/slide pages |Contact pages |

|1 |Exhibition ’81 |2 |0 |

|2 |GWC/ Barbican Feb. ’82 |1 |1 |

|3 |July ’82 Inigo & model O.U. |1 |0 |

|4 |HILL opening, GWC/RA opening ’83 |1 |1 |

|5 |GWC 01.08.84 |1 |0 |

|6 |Kodak negatives of Barbican |1 |0 |

|7 |Ilford negatives of Barbican |1 |1 |

Totals: 8 3


1. Negative pages: 5

2. Contact pages [whole and fragments]: 8

3. 3 b/w photographs of images 33, 34, 73 [see contact sheets]

4. 56 mounted colour slides [all of Paris-Moscow?]


|1 |Vienna- Stuart Dursut [?] material negs |1 page b/w |

|2 |Mounted colour & b/w slides |87 |


|1 |RCA – entrance & Gulb. Hall Feb ’82 |1 |0 |

|2 |Rome exhibition ’83 |3 [2 colour, 1 b/w] |0 |

|3 |Moscow: Young architects show, Oct ’84 |1 |1 |

|4 |Vesnins show, IFA, Paris |2 [1 colour, 1 b/w] |1 |

|5 |Pompidou centre: planning shots |1 |0 |

|6 |CC for Stanislav [?] March ’88 [portraits] |1 |0 |

|7 |UIA Congress Montreal June ’90 |1 |0 |

|8 |Bauhaus, Stuttgart, Meier and Berlin Sept ’92 |4 |0 |

|9 |RIBA expos |2 |0 |

Totals: 16 2

Totals File 8:

Negative/slide pages: 59

Contact pages: 16

Slides: 477

Transparencies: 11

Lever Arch File 9- Sets, esp. for Guggenheim New York ‘The Great Utopia’ catalogue

Black and white images, unless otherwise stated

Guggenheim New York ‘The Great Utopia’ catalogue

Pre-Revolutionary competitions

| |Building |Architect(s) |Date |№ of images |

|1 | | | | |

|2 |Historical Museum, Red Square |SHERVUD |1875-83, photo c. 1900 |1 |

|3 |Upper trading rows (later GUM), Red |POMERANTSEV |1889-93 |1 |

| |Square | |postcard of c. 1902 | |

|4 |Red Square with views of 2,3 | |Postcard of c. 1910 |1 |

|5 | | | |0 |

|6 |Solodovnikov ‘model workers housing |BARDT |Competition 1906, two |1 |

| |complex’, Moscow | |blocks built 1909 | |

|7 |Church in the village of Balakov near |A. & V. VESNIN |Competition 1908 |4 |

| |Samara | | | |

|8 |Theatre in Iaroslavl |A.L. & V. VESNIN | Competition Feb 1909 |4 |

|9 |New building for Rumiantsev Public Museum|VASIL’EV & KRICHINSKII |Competition Nov 1909 |2 |

| |and Library, Moscow | | | |

|10 | | | | |

|11 |Congress centre in St Petersburg |DUBINSKII |1913 |2 (incl. plans) |

Leaders and Crematoria post-Revolution

|12 |LENIN | | |1 |

|13 |LUNACHARSKII | | |1 |

|14 |Petrograd crematorium |FOMIN |1919 |2 |

|15 |Moscow crematorium |I. GOLOSOV |1919 |2 |

|16 |Moscow crematorium |KOLLI |1919 |2 |

Mossoviet/MAO workers housing competition 1922-3

|17 |Petrograd model workers’ housing, |MEL’NIKOV |1922-3 |5 (plans, elevations, |

| |Zamoskvoretskii site | | |perspectives) |

|18 |Petrograd model workers’ housing, |BELOGRUD |1922-3 |2 |

| |Zamoskvoretskii site | | | |

Palace of Labour 1922-3

|19 |Site plan | | |3 |

|20 | |TROTSKII |1923 |3 |

|21 | |KUZNETSOV |1923 |3 |

|22 | |? | |2 |

|23 | |I. GOLOSOV |1923 |1 |

|24 | |GINZBURG & GRINBURG |1923 |1 |

|25 | |MEL’NIKOV |1923 |1 |

|26 | |BELOGRUD (Leningrad) |1923 |4 |

Leningrad Pravda 1924

|27 |Floor plans and section |A. & V. VESNIN |3 |

|28 |Two elevations |A. & V. VESNIN |3 |

|29 |‘New York street at night’ |Illustration from Erich MENDELSOHN’s |1 |

| | |Amerika review in CA 1926 | |

House of the People, Ivanovo-Voznesensk 1924

|30 |Perspective |BARKHIN |1924 |2 |

|31 |Perspective |KRINSKII & RUKHLIADOV |1924 |1 |

|32 |Elevation |BELOGRUD (Leningrad) |1924 |3 |

Soviet Pavilion in 1925 Paris Exhibition

|33 |Elevation |FOMIN |1924 |2 |

|34 |Elevation |SHCHUKO |1924 |1 |

|35 |Perspective (of 34) |SHCHUKO |1924 |1 |

|36 |Perspective |GINZBURG |1924 |1 |

|37 | | | |0 |

|38 | | | |0 |

|39 | | | |0 |

House of Soviets, Briansk

|40 |Completed building |GRINBERG & VELIKOVSKII |1924, photo 1926 |4 |

ARCOS building, Moscow, 1924

|41 | |? | |1 |

|42 |Elevation |KRINSKII |1924 |2 |

|43 |Elevation |BELOGRUD (Petrograd) | |2 |

Lenin mausoleum 1924

|44 | | |0 |

Erich MENDELSOHN’s textile plant (Red Banner knitwear factory)- see Russia West publication

|45 |Photograph of model for whole scheme (only |1925 |2 |

| |part ever built) | | |

House of Textiles, Moscow

|46 |Perspective |I. GOLOSOV |1925 |2 |

|47 |Aerial perspective |GINZBURG |1925 |2 |

48, 49, 50, 51?

First Exhibition of Modern Architecture, Moscow, 1927

|52 | | | |0 |

|53 | | | |0 |

Makhachkala Competition etc 1926-

|54 |Axonometric |GINZBURG |1926 |1 |

|55 |Axonometric |ZHOLTOVSKII |1926 |1 |

|56 |Constructivists ridicule ZHOLTOVSKII’s |CA article |1927 |3 |

| |project (55) | | | |

Alma Ata competition 1927

|57 |Perspective |GINZBURG |1 |

|58 | | |0 |

|59 |Perspective |BURYSHKIN & DUPLITSKII |3 |

Orgametal competition, Moscow, 1926

|60 | | |0 |

Kharkov General post office 1927

|61 |Aerial perspective |P. GOLOSOV |6 (2 versions) |

Kinofabrika for Sovkino, Moscow, 1927

|62 |Aerial perspective |CHERNYSHEV |2 |

|63 |Perspective |P. GOLOSOV |1 |

|64 |? | |0 |


Frunze Polytechnical Institute, Ivanovo-Voznesensk 1927

|66 |Elevation of chemistry building |FOMIN |1 |


AZGIZ printing house, Baku, 1928

|78 |Perspective |MUNTS & SVIRSKII |2 |

| | |(Leningrad) | |

Tsentrosoiuz building, Moscow 1928-

|79 | | | | |

|80 | | | | |

|81 | | | | |

|82 | | | | |

|83 | | | | |

|84 | | | | |

|85 | | | | |

|86 | | | | |

|87 | | | | |

State bank, Novosibirsk, 1929

|88 |Perspective |BARKHIN |3 |


Palace of Culture for the Proletarskii district of Moscow, 1930-

|90 |Plan |LIGI student team under |4 |

| | |OL’ | |

|91 | | |0 |

|92 | | |0 |


Pravda building Moscow, 1930-

|93 | | |0 |

Palace of culture for Tbilisi, Georgia, 1931

|94 |Axonometric |REISMAN 7 SABUROV |2 |

| | |(Leningrad) | |

Palace of Soviets, Moscow, 1931-

|95 |Cover Bulletin № 1 of the Palace | |1 |

| |Construction Committee, with site plan | | |

|96 |The Palace of Soviets site with Ton’s |From Bulletin № 1 |1 |

| |Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer in | | |

| |process of demolition | | |

|97 |Site plan with schematic building plan, |KUZNETSOV & PAVLOV (SASS |1 |

| |left |team) | |

|98 |Ground floor plan of building, first |KUZNETSOV & PAVLOV (SASS |1 |

| |(closed and exploratory) stage |team) | |

|99 |Perspective of scheme placed on Palace of |FIDMAN |1 |

| |Labour site of 1923 | | |

|100 |Perspective of scheme placed on outskirts |SHCHUSEV |1 |

| |of Moscow, first (closed and exploratory) | | |

| |stage | | |

|101 |Cover StrM 1931 № 8 with schemes of BESEDA| |5 |

| |et al and LADOVSKII | | |

|102 | | |0 |

|103 |‘The Palace of Soviets must be a product |From StrM, September 1931 |1 |

| |of the great art of Bolshevism’ | | |

| |typographical feature | | |

|104 |Aerial perspective, second (open) stage |ZHOLTOVSKII |3 |

| |1931 | | |

|105 |Perspective of riverward side, second |HAMILTON (USA) |2 |

| |(open) stage 1931 | | |

|106 |Perspective of riverward side, scheme |HAMILTON (USA) |2 |

| |reworked during visit to Moscow 1932 | | |

|107 |Section, scheme reworked during visit to |HAMILTON (USA) |3 |

| |Moscow 1932 | | |

|108 |Perspective |IOFAN |1 |

|109 |Cover StrM 1933 № 5-6 (contrast with 101 | |5 |

| |above) | | |

|110 |Perspective of variant on square plan |SHCHUKO & GEL’FREIKH |2 |

|111 | | |0 |

Milk and Dairy goods combine, Leningrad, 1932 (built 1933)

|112 |Perspective at nights |SOKOLOV & TVEL’KMEIER |2 |

| | |(Leningrad) | |

Narkomtiazhprom, Moscow, 1935

|113 |Perspective of Red Square side |P. GOLOSOV |4 |

|114 |Elevation onto Red Square |FOMIN |2 |

|115 |North elevation closing Red Sqaure |FOMIN |2 |

| |towards Bol’shoi Theatre | | |

Total for this set: 148 images + 6 LEONIDOV

• Set (106) of mounted, coloured slides of (‘trompe l’oeil’?) mosaics with theme of flying, sky, nature. From the Moscow Metro? Up to 3 of each image.

• Set (40) of mounted, coloured slides of Soviet fabric designs on mechanical themes, from the late 1920s-30s (well-labelled)

• 4 pages of unmounted slides of above fabrics

Sokol community

1. 2 pages of overall plan & unmounted b/w contact strips of community now (Winter)

2. 1 page of unmounted colour slides

3. 1 page of unmounted b/w slides

24 pre-revolutionary picture postcards and other views of Moscow, including;

1. Boulevards

2. Other main streets in 1908 flood

3. Iushkov mansion (Vasilii BAZHENOV, 1780s)

4. Central City (Red Square etc)

5. Various central landmarks

6. Various classes of retail shopping

7. ‘six-eight lane highway’- more recent postcard

[№s 8, 21 missing]


1. CC’s email on the subject

2. 5 b/w transparencies of plans & building

3. mock-up of the leaflet (b/w)

4. 3 A4 pages of leaflet’s pages

5. 2 small notes on the plan etc

Open air market scenes

Notes, but no images.

RIBA drawings collection (with article and note):

• 39 b/w photocopied pages (images incl. Palace of the Soviets, Field of Mars, Festivals)

British Architectural Design of the Romantic Age in Southern Russia [22 page article]

• 37 accompanying b/w photos esp. Aloupka Palace


|1 |Housing project |GEGELLO |1923 |1 |

|2 |ARCOS building |GEGELLO |1924 |1 |

|3 |ARCOS building |KRINSKII |1924 |1 |

|4 |Pravda building, Leningrad |VESNIN brothers |1924 |1 |

|5 |Project of a covered market in Moscow |BARSHCH & SINIAVSKII |1926 |1 |

|6 |Garden city project near Moscow (map) |LADOVSKII |1930 |1 |

|7 |Project for Palace of Soviets competition |MEL’NIKOV |1931 |1 |

|8 |Project for Palace of Soviets competition |CORBUSIER |1931 |1 |

|9 |Narkomtiazhprom |VESNIN brothers |1934 |1 |

|10 |Narkomtiazhprom |MEL’NIKOV |1934 |1 |

Total: 10 images

‘STARR’ set

• numbered photographs 1-10 (2,3,6 missing) some Palace of Soviets?


1. with Alexandra Wedgwood re. Charles BARRY drawings of Houses of Parliament given to Nicholas I:

• 3 letters

• 2 drawings of Houses of Parliament

• 1 page notes on drawings

• & newspaper article about Duchess of York’s interest in Palace of Westminster

2. with Evans Brothers Ltd re. “Focus on Russia” loan of transparencies

Lever Arch File 10- CC’s lectures

Cambridge university department of architecture, Year 2, history of architecture: Themes from the history of Russian architecture, Lent term 1982 [forerunner of missing CUSA lecture 1?] : 9 pages lecture notes

CUSA lectures 2004 (set of 6, chronological order)

| |Lecture notes |Slides |Photocopies of slide pages |

|1 |0 |0 |8 |

|2 |9 ( & 3 attached sources) |109 (on 8 pages) |8 |

|3 |0 |0 |0 |

|4 |9 |0 |0 |

|5 |3 (x2: one illustrated) |52 (on 4 pages) |6 |

|6 |14 |119 (on 7 pages) |0 |

Lecture: Ideas in Modern Architecture as interpreted in Cambridge buildings, RIBA Christmas 1993

|Lecture notes |Slides |Photocopies of slide pages |

|4 |89 (on 5 pages) |0 |

Barbican/GABO lecture notes: 4 pages

Russian Avant-Garde and Tradition: nooks and ephemera of the 1920s [CC’s last lecture]

• Email announcing the lecture

|3 (handwritten) |138 (on 9 pages) |8 |

Also: 1 page lecture notes

80 slides (on 5 pages) – possibly from ‘missing’ CUSA lectures?

Totals file 10:

Slides: 567

Lecture notes: 52 pages

Photocopies of slide pages: 30 pages

Lever Arch File 11- Architects/artists

| |Architect/artist |Including |Date |№ of images |

|1 |CORBUSIER |Tsentrosoiuz | |10 |

|2 |GOLOSOV |Zuev club et al | |30 |

|3 |GOLOSOV, P. |Pravda printing complex |1931-5 |3 |

|4 |BARKHIN |Izvestiia, bank, article| |19 |

|5 |FOMIN |Sanatorium, POLVTSOV | |83 |

| | |house, Soviet pavilion | | |

|5 |ZHOLTOVSKII & related |TARASOV mansion, StrM | |46 |

| | |article | | |

|5 |MEL’NIKOV |Own house, Markhorka | |8 |

| | |tobacco | | |

|6 |KHLEBNIKOV |Periodicity of |1922 |6 |

| | |Revolutionary events, | | |

| | |from Vestnik | | |

|7 |ENGELMEIER |Philosophy of | |15 |

| | |Technology, b/w & red | | |

| | |and black transparencies| | |

|8 |SHCHUSEV |Lenin Library project | |28 |

|9 |GOLTS |Sketches | |12 |

|10 |KOMAROVA |Komintern article | |6 |

|11 |NIKOLAEV |Textile hostel | |13 |

|12 |PASHKOV |Lenin institute project-| |17 |

| | |Vkhutemas | | |

|13 |SHCHUKO & GEL’FREIKH |Theatre in Rostov-on-Don| |16 |

|14 |TROTSKII, Noi |Hostel | |2 |

|15 |VOLFENSON |Dom-Kommuna | |4 |

|16 |VRUBEL |Head sculpture | |2 |

|17 |LISITSKII |Stroikom interiors | |6 |

|18 |SHUKOV |Radio tower | |7 |

|19 |MARKOVNIKOV | | |21 |

|20 |KHARKOV, T. |Theatre | |12 |

|21 |CHERNIKOV |Rest home & 1 portrait | |13 |

|22 |Photographs and paintings |STALIN & LENIN in War | |5 (1 anon.) |

| | |Room (2), LEONIDOV & | | |

| | |KRUSHCHEV [?], Committee| | |

| | |that preceded the | | |

| | |Provisional Government- | | |

| | |KERENSKII | | |

|23 |Maps: 1 colour each St Petersburg and | | |4 |

| |Moscow, offer of various historical maps of| | | |

| |Russia | | | |

|24 |KHIDEKEL |CC’s information pack on| |8 |

| | |him & works | | |

Total: 396

Lever Arch File 12- buildings, places, expositions, schemes

| |Content |Details |Date |Number |

|1 |Pre-Revolutionary builders’ adverts |with translation on back|- |49, some duplicates |

| | |of most | | |

|2 |D/I schemes |Incl. Magnitor’e | |8 |

|3 |CA aeroplane article | | |9 |

|4 |CA Zhivoi Vostok article | | |5 |

|5 |Polski [?] Stilia- MG expo, Moscow | | |2 |

|6 |New architecture and design expo. Moscow | |1902-3 |40 |

|7 |Agric. expo | |1923 |9 |

|8 |V.E.I. |State electronic | |9 |

| | |institute | | |

|9 |GOSTORG | | |20 |

|10 |Metro | |1925/6 |3 |

|11 |OSA housing |Articles, plans and | |27 |

| | |diagrams | | |

|12 |Talashkino |Terem postcard and | |12 |

| | |interiors | | |

|13 |Talashkino |Tenisheva museum, | Photos 1991 |8 |

| | |Smolensk | | |

|14 |Kizhi |churches | |14 |

|15 |Historic, pre ’17 odds Moscow |Kremlin cathedrals | |62 |

|16 |Historic, pre ’17 odds St Petersburg | | |3 |

Total: 280

Lever Arch File 13- Misc b/w, colour neg pages and contact pages

These pages are sorted by film type, on the basis that if they were taken on the same kind of film, they might have been taken at the same time, and therefore there may be identifiable sets.

| |Film kind |Negative/slide pages |Contact pages |Photocopies |Total pages |

|1 |Ilford HP5 ( & Plus) |4 (& fragments) |6 |3 |13 |

|2 |Ilford FP4 (& Plus) |20 (& fragments) |17 |4 |41 |

|3 |Ilford XP1 400 |13 (& fragments) |0 |0 |13 |

|4 |Pan F |29 (& fragments) |14 |0 |43 |

|5 |Ilford XP2 |10 (& fragements) |5 |7 |22 |

| |Kodak 5005 (colour) |2 (& fragments) |0 |0 |2 |

|6 |Kodak 5009 (colour) |17 (& fragments) |0 |0 |17 |

|7 |Kodak 5012 (colour) |15 (& fragments) |0 |0 |15 |

|8 |Kodak 5031, 5032, 5037 & 5039 |7 (& fragments) |0 |0 |7 |

| |(colour) | | | | |

|9 |Kodak 5017 & 5018 (colour) |5 (& fragments) |0 |0 |5 |

|10 |Kodak 5074 (colour) |1 (& fragments) |0 |0 |1 |

|11 |Kodak 5076 (colour) |5 (& fragments) |0 |0 |5 |

|12 |Kodak 5077 (colour) |2 (& fragments) |0 |0 |2 |

|13 |FUJI RHP |3 (& fragments) |0 |0 |3 |

|14 |Other |6 (& fragments) |0 |0 |6 |

Total negative/slide pages: 139

Total contact pages: 42

Total photocopied pages: 14

Total pages: 195

Lever Arch File 14- CC personal

Correspondence & large b/w prints

• 7 photographs of postcards of Britain

• personal postcards and email

• 6 large b/w prints


• incomplete set (16) with white stickers- sailing

• incomplete set (15) with yellow stickers- mostly sailing

• Olney, C[owes?], Upnor etc set (34)

• Set (16) of house

• Misc. sailing etc, by date: 72

• Others- mounted 5, unmounted 2

• Helsinki Oct ’88: 29

Total: 189

14 bags of transparencies and negatives, sailing, school, university, home- all labelled

Negatives/slides (pages)

|1 |Summer 1962 |1 |

|2 |Summer or Autumn 1963 |1 |

|3 |Butchers shop, Lower Upnor |1 |

|4 |Water… on H.P. & postcards |1 |

|5 |Finland 1964-5 oddments |1 page contact prints |

|6 |Canada, March ’98 |1 |

Sailing- negatives/slides & larger transparencies (pages)

|1 |? |7 |

|2 |Upnor launch & Upnor Jul ’82 |1 |

|3 |Sailing etc early 70s |9 b/w transparencies |

|4 |Cowes/Amphion |10 b/w transparencies |

|5 |mid-70s Mary cup |18 b/w transparencies |

|6 |Lord Mayor @ Upnor |1 |

|7 |Easter fitting out ’80 |1 |

|8 |Mary Cup 1979 |1 |

|9 |Delaunching day Upnor 1979 |1 |

|10 |East coast cruise 1979 |1 |

|11 |Mary Cup ’78 |2 & 2 contact pages |

|12 |Mary Cup ’80 |9 b/w transparencies |

Lever Arch File 15- copied slides and photocopied labels ready for pasting

approx. 180 slides

Also: CC’s photocopies of prepared slide sheets as reminders

Lever Arch File 16- potential slide sets (mostly incomplete) with CC’s notes and labels

not in order, to be identified.

Slide Box 1

L-R: 4 columns

1st Column

• Red Sq., St. Basil’s

• St Basil’s exterior

• Kremlin from S. of river

• St Basil’s interiors

• MGU on Lenin Hills

• Views over the city

• Heated outside baths

• View from hotel room

• Central telegraph (see also VESNIN + OSA anti-eclecticism)

• Gorkii street, bdgs incl. City Hall

• Boulevard: bdgs

• Small houses, Boulevard

• Diplomatic area & near HQ of SSA USSR

• Kalinin Prospekt: new block with church (0)

• New block behind Lenin Library

• Hotel “Moskva” (0)

• Hotel interiors

• Interiors of GUM at night

• Lenin Library

• Palace by KAZAKHOV (0)

• Housing blocks. Univermag on Kalinin Prospekt

• Art Nouveau apartments near KM’s house

• Wedding Cake block from near KM’s house

• University and railway from near Novodevichii Convent

• Snow machine on street (0)

• Palace in diplomatic area

• Richard McCormack near KM’s house (0)

• Ballet in Palace of Congresses in Kremlin

• Timber housing opposite GOLOSOV Club

• Railroad tracks, en route Pravda building

• Communal dining rooms

• Pravda building, P. GOLOSOV

• Church etc in Nn [Nizhnii Novgorod?] housing areas

• Timber housing near bding ‘No. 10’

• Sundry housing

• School, kids and store on road perp. to that of Central Market

• Central market, exterior and ladies inside

• Panorama around Komsomolskaia Pl.

• Railings and KAKUSLAV [?] house, NZ

• Bol’shoi Theatre

• LANGMAN: Gosplan

• Hotel Intourist, entrance

• Workers’ housing 1929- (0)

• Housing

• Sokol

• Housing out to NE, far beyond R[usakov?] club (0)

• Timber shop and house near Sokolnicheskii Park

• Fabrika-Kuchnia no. 14 & other Fabrikas

• Modern Metro near Krasnaia Presnaia

• Art Nouveau building near School of Architecture

• School of Architecture, Ulitsa Zhdanogo

• Shop, between School of Architecture & Kuznetskii Most

• Braque, still life

• Early class/ constr. Monument from Itln book

• Co-op house from L&B [LARINE & BELOUSOV] (incl. Sokol), MATVEEV

• Early Dom-Koms (see also Vesnins)

• Pages from Zhil Khoz

• Pages from Zhil Koop

2nd Column

• Design vocabulary (0)

• Futurist books etc, also by artists (0)

• Café Pittoresque, ’17

• Street decorations ’18-’19-

• Monument programme

• POPOVA & VESNIN theatre sets (0)

• A. VESNIN drawing for 5x5

• 5x5=25 cover, 1921

• OBMAS exhibition of work

• Vkhutemas- structure

• Architectural studies, MVTU? with projects

• Vkhutemas- workshops

• SEMENOVA Vkhutemas work

• Vkhutemas furniture designs

• Vkhutemas basic case exercises etc

• Mass agitation & theatre (0)

• Agitprop work

• AGRIC Expo ’23- all

• Early 20s Realist paintings

• Rusk Isk [Russkoe Iskusstvo] ’23 cover (0)

• Palace of Labour projects and site

• ZhivSkulptArckh etc [Rodchenko, Krinskii etc]

• Construction vs Composition

• OSA group portraits etc

• OSA student projects, various

• 1925-6 City housing: Traktor St & Usacheva [?]

• CA “Take Sci Mags”

• CA covers etc, see also GAN

• Tekh Byt i Sov Isk cover (0)

• Isskustvo v bytu ’26

3rd Column

• CA aeroplane article (0)

• MG flow diagrams

• Functional method and its development

• KRASIL’NIKOV diploma work ’27-8 & basic course

• Live East [Zhivoi Vostok] & Dead East

• CA anti-eclecticism

• CA CORBUSIER/GROPIUS/LEGER, and Western Architecture


• CA hollow blocks

• CA flat roof enquiry

• State of the building industry

• CA “For Mechanisation of Construction”

• CA “Daylighting work”

• CA “For modern windows”

• CA Dom-Kom questionnaire

• OSA House design competition

• CA Exhibition 1927 & 1928 conference

• Stroikom derivation of units, and kitchens

• OSA various Dom-Koms incl. Rostkino

4th Column

• Plan for Gt Zaporezhe

• Sotsgorod NAM diagrams

• Gosplan conference Nov 1929

• Ukraine typeplans c. 1930s

• Avtomobilisation OSSINKI

• Dnepr Dam 1930

• MG Giprogor 1930s

• Plan for Avtostroi (0)

• ARU Avtostroi project [1930]

• Stalingrad plan [& housing?] VESNINS

• Stalingrad plans

• MAY & FORBATT 1932 Magnitorgorsk master plan

• Cover of Lunin 1930

• Ezhe MAO

• Ezhe OAKh

• Stroitel’stvo Moskvy

• Other journal covers & book covers and frontispieces


• Cartoons and woodcuts

• Fernand LEGER


• Articles (Soviet), definitions, census

Slide Box 2

L-R 4 columns

1st Column






• BENOIS, A. & friends



• BENUA, Nikolai L.








• CAMERON, Charles








• ENAKIEV & BENUA pbg plg (0)




• FOMIN, Ivan A.


• GARTMAN, Viktor

• GEISLER (Nabokov) (0)

• GERMAN typography

• GIPPIUS (0) see CC specs

• GOGEN (& Kshesinskaia mansion)




• KITNER, Ieronim

• KLEIN, Roman and Muir & Meriliz


• KONDRATIEV dom-kom








2nd Column


• MALIUTIN, Sergei












• POLENOV, Vasilii & Elena


















• STAROV, Ivan


• TON, Konstantin





• VASNETSOV, Apollinari







3rd Column

• Famine of 1921- peasants waiting for bread

• Decrees of Oct 1917

• Storming Winter Palace and other events and decrees

• ‘The Revolution’ 1917

• Troops guard Provisional Govt. ’17

• Peasants get land ’17

• Ogonek- 1916

• Moscow street destruction etc- 1905 Revn.

• Govt. political posters- various

• Peasant and worker literacy campaigns

• Graphs: economics and housing ’14-

• KRUSHCHEV portraits

• Portraits: Leaders etc of Soviet period

• LENIN in Red Sq. 1918 & 1919

• Dynasties & timelines, portraits

• Peter I: beardshaving (0)

• Maps of historical conquests

• Civil War maps

• Revolution: Petrograd maps

• Petersburg- maps

• Petersburg- historical views

• Old Petersburg from album of 1912

• Moscow historical maps

• Moscow modern & 3D maps

• Moscow- Fire & std. plans of 19th century rebuilding

• Moscow- historical views


• WALCOT- Metropol



4th Column

• ANDRONIKOV monastery


• Sta Sophia Constantinople

• Izba

• Kiev: Sta Sophia

• Kizhi

• Kolomenskoe

• Kremlin cathedrals

• Kremlin various

• Moscow- anon. old buildings

• Old Moscow from album of 1912

• Menshikov Palace

• Moscow in the Future [postcard] 1913

• Church on the River Nerl

• Novgorod

• Novodevichii monastery

• OLEARIUS drawings

• Ovruch Cathedral

• St. Peter’s Rome (0)

• Petersburg- anan. old buildings

• Pre-Rev. workers’ houses and settlements

• Pre-Rev. apartment buildings

• Pskov

• Suzdal’

• Vladimir

• Zagorsk (0)

• Wanderers- portraits of people well-known

• Wanderers- social realism paintings

• 19th Century academic painting

• Lubki

• Icons

• 1897 Acad. Folio on Russian architectural details

• Flat Russian landscape

• Wooden buildings, various

• Medieval PROPNS

• Pyramid of Russian society ’00

• Maps of USSR et al

Slide Box 3

L-R: 4 columns

1st Column


• BARSHCH & SINIAVSKII- planetarium




• DEINEKA (also Metro)


• GABO – see Tate exhibition



• GINZBURG- Gostrakha building ’26

• GINZBURG & MILINIS- Narkomfin building


2nd Column


• GOLTS, Georgii




• KORNFELD [see KORNFELD 2 Box 10]

• KRINSKII, Vladimir

• KOLLI, Nikolai

• LADOVSKII, Nikolai- projects

• ASNOVA- housing (Shabolovka)


• LADOVSKII- psycholab (0)

• LADOVSKII- student projects etc



• LEBEDEV, Vladimir






• MIZHUEV book etc


• NIKOL’SKII, Aleksandr

• OL’


3rd Column




• POPOVA- early painting (0)

• POPOVA- drawing/design exercises

• POPOVA, Liubov’- paintings

• POPOVA- designs

• RODCHENKO- portraits and slogans

• RODCHENKO- early works

• RODCHENKO- drawings: kiosks and architecture


• RODCHENKO- spatial

• RODCHENKO- Paris club

• RODCHENKO- design


• SHVARIKOV, Viacheslav


• STENBERGS- works and Konstruktivisty cat.

• STEPANOVA- designs and studies

• SUETIN, Nikolai

4th Column


• TATLIN- portraits

• TATLIN- early painting and theatre

• TATLIN- associative constructions and collage

• TATLIN- reliefs

• TATLIN- Monument

• TATLIN- design



• VESNIN, A. Nikolskoe 1908 & Petersburg [?] 1921

• VESNINS- Mostorg department store

• VESNINS- auto workers’ club

• VESNINS- Kino-actors’ club

• VESNINS- 1920s

• VESNINS- pre-Rev. buildings

• VESNINS- portraits


Slide Box 4

L-R: 5 columns

1st Column

• AA social housing seminar; new slides?

• Others?

Incl. Zastroika, town plans and projects. Also various maps of USSR, incl. large towns, and Gosplan.

2nd Column

• As above, incl. OU interview lecture slides?

3rd Column


• MALEVICH- teaching

• MALEVICH- Arkhitekton

• MALEVICH- paintings

• MALEVICH- paintings & life from Russian book (unlabelled)

4th Column

• BOGDANOV v LENIN- diagrams

• 20s cars and taxis

• 20s new culture etc & buildings

• EISENSTEIN- portrait (1926)

• GAN, Aleksei- typography

• GAN, Aleksei- design

• Constructivist artists in group pictures (0)

• MEIERKHOL’D- various

• RODCHENKO- photos



• SKAIKHET- photos

• d/u general theory

• d/u green town MG, MD

• d/u Magnitogorsk BARSHCH et al

• USSR map towns of 1st and 2nd FYP

• MO art 1930, CA 1-2

5th Column


• IVANITSKII- portrait

• DIKANSKII, ’08- ventilation diagrams etc

• DIKANSKII- books 1915, 1926 (0)

• PREIS- book 1927


• BUNIN- 1940

• GOELRO + electrification programme

• MO art 1929 CA № 4 [OKHITOVICH]

• CA –“Architects, your counter plan!” ’30

• Pravda cartoons

• SHESTAKOV plan ’21-5, Great Moscow

• ZHOLTOVSKII plan for Moscow 1923

• SHCHUSEV’s New Moscow 1919-24

• SAKULIN plan for Moscow 1919

• St Petersburg water supply book 1911

• Transport USSR 1928 (0)

• Cities of USSR 1939

• Development of tp/plg strategy

• ZhK movement, equipment for ‘Novyi Byt’ 1925-

• Leningrad Academy: student work

• Americanisation [?] & GASTEV

Slide Box 5

L-R: 5 columns

1st and 2nd Columns

• SHEKHTEL’ work in order


• SHEKHTEL’ Derozhinskaia house

• SHEKHTEL’ portraits & supps

• Related people’s portraits

• Moderne- graphics et al

• SHEKHTEL’- copies

3rd Column

• Pre-revolutionary furniture adverts etc

• 1902 Expo.

• 1903 St Petersburg Bicentenary

• Pre-revolutionary builders’ adverts

• STROGANOV building etc (0)

• Pre-revolutionary architecture/design schools

• 4th congress of Russian architects: English schools

• Zodchii 5th congress, typography

• Muir & Meriliz advert on bus





• NABOKOV & house

• 1905-1912 quotes

4th Column

• Talashkino

• Abramtsevo- people

• Abramtsevo- architectural sources & design

• Savva & Zinaida MOROZOV

• MOROZOV and house

• SHCHUKIN and house

• Strikers, Kharkov, ’05

• 1905 troops shooting & demo in Moscow Oct ’05

• 1906 Duma elections and cartoons

• P.E. Party ’06- texts (0)

• Women in textile plant (0)


• LINDQVIST- Elecbg, 1908

• LINDQVIST- PrStn 1908

• G-KALLELA, Rouvesi ’94 studio and exterior views

• GUIMARD- metro entrance

5th column

• Glasgow and Paris antiques etc

• 1900 Paris

• 1901 Glasgow

• CC’s postcards of Russian towns etc

Slide Box 6

L-R: 5 columns

1st Column

• CHERNIKOV- book covers, all

• CHERNIKOV- Isk. Nach & Geometry

• CHERNIKOV- Konstruktsiia

• CHERNIKOV- Cyril’s models b/w

• CHERNIKOV- Ornament

• CHERNIKOV- various including portrait

• PLUZHNIKOV catalogue

• CHERNIKOV show in Glasgow: installation shot from Peter Read given via F. Walker at CRM lecture

2nd Column

• CHERNIKOV- Fundamentals

• CHERNIKOV- Fantazii

• CHERNIKOV- Post. Schriftov [ Russian alphabet, published after his death?]

• CHERNIKOV- Italian exhibition

3rd Column

• CC’s CHERNIKOV shows and book

• CHERNIKOV, not used for above [some for Architectural Design]


• MEL’NIKOV- supps

4th Column

• MEL’NIKOV- supps [continued]

• MEL’NIKOV- garage for buses

• MEL’NIKOV- Burevestnik club

• MEL’NIKOV- Rusakov club

• MEL’NIKOV- Kauchuk club

• MEL’NIKOV- own house

• MEL’NIKOV- Paris, main pavilion

5th column



Slide Box 7

L-R: 5 Columns

1st Column

• GORKII & Realism vs. Socialist Realism

• Narkhomtiazprom ’34 (excluding LEONIDOV), see also VESNINS

• ‘International Style’ Soviet Architecture 1960s

• BLOK, Aleksandr etc (0)

• Moscow 19th Century classical houses

2nd Column

• Palace of Soviets projects and competition

• Moscow metro

3rd Column

• Moscow Metro continued

• 1935 small architects [/architecture?]: various

• Revolutionary Festivals (Manchester Lecture) & agitation

4th Column

• 1st congress 1937

• WW2 posters, drawings etc

• Low-rise post-war housing

• Early 50s buildings: regional/medium rise

• Late Stalinist housing

• 60s panel housing & poor KRUSHCHEV housing

• Moscow et al: City profile

• High buildings

• 70s prefab

• Townplanning of 70s & ‘awful prefab housing!’

5th Column

• Regionalism 1970s & 80s

Slide Box 8- Moscow

M.9 > 48

• Column 5 includes Moscow April ’84: Historical Museum, Red Sq, GUM, St Basil’s

Slide Box 9- Moscow and other cities

• M.1 > 8.

• Zvenigorod 1. > 2.

• Leningrad 1. > 4.

• Tashkent 1. > 3.

• Samarkand 1. > 2.

• Tbilisi 1. > 5.

• Column 5 includes set from Nov ’84, of Moscow [?]

Slide Box 10

Column 1

• Ekaterinburg maps etc

• Ekaterinburg competition projects

• Ekaterinburg city growth 1897-1926 (0)

• Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk

Column 2

• Ekaterinburg: people/context

• Ekaterinburg: graphics

• Sverdlovsk OSA

• Uralmarsh- historic

• Uralmarsh- project/plan

• CC’s Uralmarsh (1997 & 98)

• Block

• M-L odds 20th Century

• Mossoviet 1926 book

• Moscow for RIBA

• Moscow- people

• Moscow- 1999 plan (0)

Column 3

• Ekaterinburg- city now, from books

• Ekaterinburg: historic pictures

• Novosibirsk/Kemero

• Interiors and details

• Charts and graphs


Column 4

• Maps and city plans

• Well-known people

• Well-labelled buildings

• Adverts, postcards, articles (any)

• Buildings: plans, sketches, prints

• Buildings: mostly not labelled

Column 5


• CA contd.

• GORKII St. & PoS

• Narkomfin 2

• Almat’e

• Tsarskoe & Pavlovsk

Photographs in Index Boxes

Photographs - Index Box 1

Exhibitions, Articles, Buildings

| |Content |Colour |B/w |See also |

|1 |Panels for IR Newcastle show |25 (& negs) |0 | |

|2 |CHERNIKOV exhibition |32 |0 |File 8 |

|3 |A House for Today & Uses of |42 |10 invitations | |

| |Tradition in Russian and | | | |

| |Soviet Architecture | | | |

| |exhibition | | | |

| |RIBA, June ’87 | | | |

|4 |Architectural Design Doll’s |21 [& 1 page notes] |0 | |

| |houses competition expo. at | | | |

| |Sotheby & Haslam’s | | | |

| |Also: photo of AD ‘The | | | |

| |Tournament’ | | | |

|5 |CC & others at an exhibition |2 |0 | |

|6 |Opening of Soviet expo. |6 |0 | |


| |[architects?] | | | |

|7 |‘Moving Moscow Buildings’ |0 |17 | |

| |article in AJ | | | |

|8 |Victor BUCHLI article for |0 |9 | |

| |Svetloe | | | |

| |(he has negatives) | | | |

|9 |Journal covers |0 |50 |Box 32 |

|10 |Дворец Пионеров book |0 |19 [& negs.] | |

|11 |Copying from Sverdlovsk book |0 |17 |File 6 |

|12 |Dom Iskusstvo [Istanbul?] |0 |13 | |

|13 |Metro |0 |3 | |

|14 | | | | |

|15 |RODCHENKO & POPOVA |0 |16 |‘Other’ for POPOVA slide |

| | | | |sets, Constructivism |

|16 |Postcards, paintings et al |0 |5 | |

| |(incl. JACOULOFF) | | | |

|17 |Tallinn community workshops |2 |0 | |

| |’86 | | | |

|18 |WW’s Jeu de Cocteaux |0 |5 | |

|19 |Royal Festival Hall |0 |9 | |

|20 |Lawn Rd > Finsbury |0 |24 |Box 31 |

|21 |Finsbury Health centre |0 |36 |Box 31 |

| |(copying for DOCO) | | | |

|22 |Sully hospital |0 |17 |Box 31 |

|23 |Bexhill Pavilion (Erich |15 (& negs) |0 |Box 31 |

| |MENDELSOHN) | | | |

Total: 145 colour photos

240 b/w photos

& 10 b/w invitations

Photographs - Index Box 2

Misc. buildings and CC personal

| |Content |Colour |B/w |See also |

|1 |Miscellaneous buildings etc, |0 |42 |File 7 for RIABUSHINSKII |

| |including: | | |house, File 11 for GOLTS |

| |Palace of Soviets, DEINEKA | | |sketches |

| |murals, RIABUSHINSKII house, | | | |

| |DUSHKIN metro sculptures, | | | |

| |Zuev club, GOLTS sketches | | | |

|2 |GAN portrait & VESNINS esp. |0 |10 |GAN: Constructivism, |

| |Palace of Labour and | | |typography & graphic design |

| |portraits | | | |

|3 |Photographs from a German |- |5 | |

| |book of early Soviet period | | | |

|4 |CC personal 1 |17 |0 |File 14 |

|5 |CC personal 2 |28 (& negs) |1 |File 14 |

|6 |CC personal 3 [conference?] |28 (& negs) |0 |File 14 |

|7 |[house] 81 My…ac Rd |0 |1 (& b/w transparency) |File 14 |

|8 |[house] 97 Norwich St |10 (& negs) |0 |File 14 |

|9 |[house] Hammon Place |Negs only |0 |File 14 |

|10 |[house] No. 3 under |24 |0 |File 14 |

| |construction and Jan ’86 | | | |

|11 |[house] pipes under pavement,|9 |0 |File 14 |

| |Romsey Town | | | |

|12 |[sailing] Penlena [boat] |7 |0 |All sailing photos see File |

| |interiors etc | | |14 for possible duplicates |

|13 |[sailing] Penlena record pics|10 |0 | |

| |of laying up, mast stripping | | | |

| |etc Oct ’85 | | | |

|14 |[sailing] Penlena last … [?] |7 |0 | |

|15 |[sailing] Penlena scrub Aug |12 |0 | |

| |’85 | | | |

|16 |[sailing] Upnor ’98 |Negs only | | |

|17 |[sailing] Misc |4 |6 | |

|18 |Finland 1965-6, skiing etc |0 |43 & notes (& 18 b/w |Small black photo album |

| | | |transparencies) |Finland 1965 in ‘other’ |

|19 |Olney Feb ’88 |16 |0 | |

|20 |Los Angeles Sept ’88 |17 |0 | |

|21 |Venice: CC & mother Christmas|38 |0 | |

| |’87/’88 | | | |

|22 |Istanbul Oct ’95 |9 (& 2 leaflets) |0 | |

|23 |Garden flowers Oct ’96 |4 |0 | |

|24 |CC photographs and portraits,|5 |17 | |

| |also of parents in Florida | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |parents: 2 & 3 colour mounted | | |

| | |slides | | |

Total: 245 colour photos

125 b/w photos

Photographs - Index Box 3

Moscow: All taken at same time? Dec ’02?

| |Content |Colour |B/w |See also |

|1 |Incl. MOSTORG building (now |99 |0 |All other Moscow pictures |

| |United Colours of Benetton), | | | |

| |Metropol & friends | | | |

Total: 99 colour photos

Photographs - Index Box 4

Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Uralmarsh

• CC’s list of architects et al details: 20 index cards

| |Content |Colour |B/w |See also |

|1 |Ekaterinburg & Novosibirsk, |0 |21 |Box 43, Box ‘Misc, |

| |Uralskii Oct ’97 | | |well-labelled’, Photographs |

| | | | |box 5 (see below), slide |

| | | | |box, slide box 10 |

|2 |Ekaterinburg Oct ’02 |27 (& negs) |0 |As above |

|3 |CC & friends, Ekaterinburg |38 (& negs) |0 |As 1 |

|4 |Articles, plans, drawings |0 |48 | |

|5 |Wooden houses |0 |25 | |

|6 |Photographs of outsides |0 |12 | |

| |exhibition of historic scenes| | | |

|7 |Interiors |0 |10 | |

|8 |Set of colour photos |7 |0 |From other categories in |

| | | | |this box |

Total: 72 colour photos

116 b/w photos

Photographs – Index Box 5

B/w pictures of Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Uralmarsh [and others?]

See Russia East publication and box 36

• 10 index prints, numbered: all photos in boxes 4 & 5 have numbers 1-10 on back to show which film they are from

• 243 photographs

Photographs - Index Box 6

Misc. photos

1. 11 b/w, all of same building

2. 2 colour large red pipe outside

3. 5 colour: one of CC’s houses?

4. 1 colour: 3 paintings

5. 1 transparency (blue) containing:

a) V.G. SINITSYN Byt epokhi stroitel’stvo kommunizma 1963 Part 2

b) A. KURELLA Krasivaia Zhizn’

c) I.C. RUNOVA Protiv Meshchanstva 1959

6. 1 colour transparency, wooden church in forest

7. 18 b/w transparencies, 12 small b/w photos- Kalvianko winter?

8. 2 b/w transparencies of sketches

9. 1 colour transparency of white building

10. 1 colour transparency, Russia, on coast/riverbank

11. 12 colour transparencies- LEONIDOV?

12. Anatoli STRIGALEV work inspired by TATLIN- 1 colour transparency (& note)

13. set of negs

14. slide

15. also: misc. index print

Framed Photographs: 10

Photographs numbered on back

| |Name of building |Date |Architect |Location |Notes |

|1 |Red Banner/ Knitwear |1925-37 |Erich MENDELSOHN |St Petersburg |See Russia West |

| |factory | | | |publication |

|2 |Headquarters for State |1925-7 |Boris VELIKOVSKII |Moscow |See Russia West |

| |Trading Organisation | |With Mikhail BARSHCH, | |publication |

| | | |Georgy VEGMAN & Maria GAKEN| | |

|3 |Communal Housing |1929-30 |Ivan NIKOLAEV |Moscow |See Russia West |

| |Complex- | | | |publication |

| |Stair tower in north | | | | |

| |courtyard | | | | |

|4 |Communal house for |1929-30 |Ivan NIKOLAEV |Moscow |See Russia West |

| |Textile Institute | | | |publication |

| |students | | | | |

|5 |Communal house for |1929-30 |Ivan NIKOLAEV |Moscow |See Russia West |

| |Textile Institute | | | |publication & CC’s|

| |students | | | |Russian |

| | | | | |Avant-garde p59 |

|6 |Palace of Culture of |1931-37 |VESNIN brothers |Moscow |See Russia West |

| |Proletarsky district of| | | |publication |

| |Moscow- main entrance | | | | |

| |to foyers and smaller | | | | |

| |auditorium | | | | |

|7 |Public bath house for |1926-27 |Alexander NIKOL’SKII |St Petersburg |See CC’s Russian |

| |the Lesny district | | | |Avant-garde p53 |

|8 |Tkachei School- |1927-9 |Georgi SIMONOV |St Petersburg |See Russia West |

| |gymnasium & changing | | | |publication |

| |room block | | | | |

|9 |Department store, |1928-31 |Armen BARUTCHEV, Isidor |St Petersburg |See CC’s Russian |

| |factory kitchen & | |GILTER, Iosif MEERZON, | |Avant-garde p37 |

| |public feeding complex | |Iakov RUBANCHIK | | |

| |for the Kirov (Narva) | | | | |

| |district of Leningrad | | | | |

|10 |Gostorg building |1925-27 |Boris VELIKOVSKII |Moscow |? |

| | | |With Mikhail BARSHCH, | |See Russia West |

| | | |Georgy VEGMAN & Maria GAKEN| |publication & CC’s|

| | | | | |Russian |

| | | | | |Avant-garde p68 |

|11 |Church of St Nikolai ‘v|1647-70 | | | |

| |Pyzhakh’ | | | | |

Russia West and Russia East publications in ‘Publications and articles’ box.

Other (white box)

Slide Sets

1. Liubov’ POPOVA 18 colour slides with notes

2. Liubov’ POPOVA 18 colour slides with notes- some annotated by CC

3. Vasilii KANDINSKII 12 colour slides with notes- some annotated by CC

4. Kazimir MALEVICH 12 colour slides with notes

5. El’ LISITSKII 18 colour slides with notes- some annotated by CC

6. Peterhof 12 colour slides with notes (1 missing)

Small red photo album: 61 colour photographs of circus poster

Larger red photo album: Christmas gift from CC to parents: Moscow architecture, 1640s-1980 [25 ruble note 1909 missing]

Small black photo album: Finland 1965 [CC personal]

Small grey photo album: Ireland Spring ’68 [CC personal]

Box- rolled up contact prints and slides of Upnor Feb ’68 [CC personal]

Ekaterinburg postcard sets:

1. Екатеринбург история- Улицы старого города set of 15

2. Екатеринбург история № 2- Привет из Екатеринбурга set of 15

3. Екатеринбург история № 4- Торговый Ряд set of 15

4. Екатеринбург- 275 лет set of 10

5. Екатеринбург- 275 лет set of 10 (1 cut up)

6. Екатеринбург- 275 лет set of 10

Дворец Советов № 1, 2-3 1931: mock-ups of these editions- plans, statistics, articles, images etc

• B/w

• 37 pages

Dissertation by Vincent Yves Christian LE FEUVRE, Wo(a)ndering in N.Y.C.

Folder of programme [?] for Vienna: Dream and Reality expo.

CA № 5 1930 LEONIDOV & the Palace of Culture debate (2) [outsize]

Set b/w photos [largest ones outsize]: 36 [labelled in pencil on back]

Cardboard poster for exhibition Architettura nel paese dei Sovie

Publications and Articles Box (cardboard box)

• Istoricheskaia Zapiska o deiatel’nosti Moskovskogo obshchesta za pervykh tridtsat’ let ego sushchestvovaniia 1867-1897

• ASNOVA № 1 [?] 1926

• Russia East publication [x2]

• Russia West publication [x2]

• Lyrik Kabinett № 4, catalogue of Russian books and periodicals

• On the Garden City of the Moscow-Kazan Railway


To 4th ordinary meeting of the Imperial society, 12th Nov 1913.

From Zodchii № 47 (24th Nov) pp 483-7

Includes CC’s notes and some contact prints

• O Planirovke Gorodov Zodchii 1910 № 4

• The role of the consumer in Soviet economic development 1917-81, SKURSKII

• Speech, KRUSHCHEV in Dec ’34 [?] at Builders’ conference [?]

• Moscow in the Making, Sir & Lady Simon, 1920s [?], first few and last few pages

• Aleksandr MIROSHNIKOV, Aleksandr SKITEV- commentaries on their buildings and interview between Aleksei KRUPIN and Aleksei MIROSHIN

• The basic Architectural-Constructional organisations in the RDFDR 1917-25, referred to in the Collection

In Istoriia Sovetskoi arkhitektury [?]

• Russian tourist guide

• The soviet Achievement (part) J.P. NETTL

• Redevelopment of South Bank

|Flat Box 44 – Shekhtel: all b/w except Glasgow (browned AA prints separate) |

|* all dates refer to the architecture and not the date of the photograph |

|File Name |Item Description |Date Range |

|Loose items |9 items; Riabushinsky House, Moscow; Yaroslavl Railway Station, Moscow; |1900-1902 |

| |full-length portrait S. T. Morozov (3 copies); 3 unidentified | |

|F. Shekhtel, Derozhinskaya House - CC’s |11 items; several duplicates; most of exterior gates |1901-1902 |

|photos | | |

|F. Shekhtel, various |35 items; portrait of Fedor Shekhtel (duplicates); sketches of Yaroslavl |1886-1910 |

| |Station; floor plans & photographs of exteriors of several buildings, | |

| |including Moscow Trading Society building & memorial library and museum to | |

| |Chekhov (Taganrog) | |

|F. Shekhtel, Riabushinsky House – |8 items; exterior (5 copies), interior spiral staircase, floor plan diagram |1900-1902 |

|Historic photographs and plans | | |

|F. Shekhtel, Riabushinsky House – CC’s |47 items; numerous duplicates; mostly exterior shots (distance and detail, |1900-1902 |

|photos |particularly of fencing and grating), with several interior detail shots of | |

| |decorations | |

|F. Shekhtel, Derozhinskaya House – |30 items; numerous duplicates; mostly interior shots (distance and decorative|1901-1902 |

|Historic photographs |detail, particularly the railing of the spiral staircase); some exterior | |

| |distance shots; one architectural drawing of exterior facade | |

|F. Shekhtel, MKhAT (Moscow Art Theatre) |5 items; drawing of stage (2 copies); 3 photos of cargo truck with MKhAT logo|n.d. |

|Unlabelled |8 items; portrait of F. Shekhtel (duplicates); exterior shots of I. V. |Portrait c. 1902 |

| |Morozov’s main stable buildings, house, and gate (duplicates of each) | |

|F. Shekhtel, Derozhinskaya House – Plans|5 items (duplicates) |1901-1902? |

| |

|Flat Box 45 – Vesnin Brothers: all projects, buildings, etc. |

|* all dates refer to the architecture and not the date of the photograph |

|File Name |Item Description |Date Range |

|Loose items |2 items; unidentified sketch; model of Palace of Culture, Proletarsky |1930s? |

| |District (1930-1937) | |

|Unlabelled (Assorted) |7 items; photographs from books of floor plans and exterior plans of a |n.d. |

| |variety of projects: Promyshlennost House in Sverdlovsk; Lenin library; | |

| |cinema, etc. | |

|Vesnin & Popova – May 1921 |13 items; mostly duplicates; model and drawings for a Constructivism-inspired|5/1921 |

| |theatre to celebrate the 3rd International (Comintern) | |

|Unlabelled |5 items; floor plans, exterior façade, drawing of ARCOS headquarters, Moscow |1924 |

|Loose items |5 items; photographs of work in progress and drawing of the completed |1 item dated |

| |building (unidentified); portrait of V. Vesnin; photograph of Club for the |6/5/1934; others |

| |Society of Former Political Prisoners of Tsarism, Moscow |n.d. |

|Vesnins’ Palace of Labour (Moscow) – best|2 copies |c. 1923? |

|drawing “Antenna” | | |

|Vesnin, V. – with wife at time of |Portrait of the couple; 4 copies |n.d. |

|marriage | | |

|Vesnins – Palace of Culture, Proletarsky |21 items; model, drawing of façade, floor plan, numerous photographs of |1930-1937 |

|District |exterior (1987) | |

|Loose items |96 items; photographs (exteriors & pages from books), drawings, sketches, |1908-1935 |

| |floor plans, interior plans of numerous projects including: House of Soviet | |

| |labour and defence, Moscow; Lenin library; Workers’ Club, Surakhan Baku; Ural| |

| |Executive building, Sverdlovsk; Central Telegraph, Moscow; Dinamo department | |

| |store; Club for the Society of Former Political Prisoners of Tsarism, Moscow;| |

| |apartment building for I. E. Kuznetsov; Dacha near Moscow; Mostorg Universal | |

| |Store, etc. | |

|Unlabelled |2 items; paper and print copies of Palace of Labour (?) drawing |n.d. |

| |

|Flat Box 46 – Dedication of Soviet War Memorial, London (first stage plaque) at Imperial War Museum, 9 May 1998; CC’s photos and tapes |

|File Name |Item Description |Date Range |

|Dedication of Soviet War Memorial plaque |Tape of proceedings made by Catherine Cooke (CC’s original tape); cassette |9/5/1998 |

|at Imperial War Museum | | |

|Joan T & George Robertson on LBC [?] |(Label difficult to decipher); cassette |9/5/1998 |

|War Museum with Negatives |34 photographs (b/w) plus negatives; dedication ceremony for dedicative |9/5/1998 |

| |plaque | |

|Loose items: photographs |22 photographs (b/w) plus negatives; dedication ceremony for dedicative |9/5/1998 |

| |plaque | |

|Loose items: correspondence |2 letters to “Phil” and “Jean” re: photographs etc. of the 9 May dedication |24/5/1998 & |

| |event |1/6/1998 |

|Loose items: assorted |5 items: photocopies of photographs; newspaper clipping picturing George |1998 |

| |Robertson; note cards concerning numbering of negatives; plan of the | |

| |Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, where the dedication ceremony took place | |

| |

|Flat Box 47 – Domestic – all sorts including Sailing, Norwich St., Moscow |

|Bahamas |15 items; 1 duplicate; CC and friends sailing and holiday-making |2/1982 |

|Norwich St. odds |Negatives |6/1982 |

|Stable [illegible] (& Ruth B) |5 items; 2 duplicates; colour photos of kitchen and bathroom; 1 small b/w |n.d. |

| |photo of woman standing in front of stable? | |

|Loose photos |7 items; 4 kodaks; mostly colour photos; garden in snow, sailing, headshot of|n.d. (range of |

| |CC in sailing gear |dates) |

|99 [Norwich St.] pre-Moscow |6 items; duplicates; colour photos of interior of house |11/1982 |

|unlabelled |6 items; colour photos sailing |n.d. |

|[illegible] of boat for de-landing [??] |5 items; colour photos of boat in cradle on land |n.d. |

|Loose photos |6 items; colour & b/w; interior of house; portrait of CC in Moscow |n.d. [1980s?] |

| |(duplicate) | |

|99 Norwich St. |10 items; duplicates; colour photos of work space & kitchen |1984? |

|unlabelled |9 items; b/w photos of sailing, mostly portraits of crew members |n.d. |

|unlabelled |5 items; b/w photos of shore & sailing |n.d. |

|Finland |6 items; b/w photos of snow-covered forest & mast of a boat |1965-1966 |

|unlabelled |2 items; colour photos sailing; portrait of skipper [father?] |n.d. |

|unlabelled |3 items; duplicate; b/w photos of boat in water & cradled |n.d. |

|unlabelled |2 items; b/w portraits of ?? |n.d. |

|M & D [Mum & Dad?] on mooring [illegible]|5 items; duplicates; b/w portraits |n.d. |

|G[illegible] photos: Malaya Bronnoyn [??]|16 items; duplicates; b/w photos of tea party, park, abandoned estate house |n.d. |

| |or institution; Russia? | |

|Loose photo |1 item; b/w seascape, “Towards [illegible] estuary” |n.d. |

| |

|Flat Box 48 – Tatlin, Ginzburg projects & buildings, & planetarium – b/w |

|Tatlin: Man-powered flying machine |1 item; drawing; includes caption |1929-1932 |

|Loose photos |12 items; duplicates; photos, drawings, paintings, plans of various |most n.d.; 1 item |

| |buildings; detail from Tatlin & Yakulov’s decoration of the Café Pittoresque,|1917; 1 item 1926 |

| |Moscow; illustration from Erich Mendelsohn’s Amerika | |

|Tatlin: Stage set for Khlebnikov’s play |1 item; drawing, published in Russkoe iskusstvo 1923 no.1; play performed in |1923 |

|Zangezi |Petrograd, May 1923 | |

|unlabelled |3 items; photos of book illustrations: plans, drawings of buildings |n.d. |

|unlabelled (Narkomfin semi-collectivised |4 items; duplicate; photos and drawings; Novinsky boulevard, Moscow; Moisei |1928-1930 |

|housing) |Ginzburg & Ignatii Milinis with engineer S.L. Prokhorov | |

|unlabelled (Housing complex for the Urals|4 items; photos; Malyshev & Khokhirakov Streets, Ekaterinburg; Moisei |1929-1931 |

|Region Economic Council – |Ginzburg, Alexander Pasternak with engineer S.L. Prokhorov | |

|Uraloblsovnarkhoz) | | |

|9/5 Constructivists Planetarium |58 items; duplicates; book pages; drawings, plans, photographs; mostly |1927-1929 |

| |exterior; Sadovaia-Kudrinskaia Street, Moscow; Mikhail Barshch & Mikhail | |

| |Siniavsky | |

|M. Ginzburg – Style & the Epoch |14 items; duplicates; photographs of pages from Ginzburg’s book, Style and |1924-1926 |

| |the Epoch: Problems of Contemporary Architecture; 1 item from Le Corbusier | |

|Ginzburg: Illustrations from Rhythm in |11 items; duplicates; drawings |1923 |

|Architecture | | |

|M. Ginzburg - various |5 items; plans & drawings |n.d. |

|Unlabelled (model of Planetarium) |4 items; duplicates |1927? |

|M. Ginzburg - Gosstrakh |25 items; photos, plans; mostly pages from books/journals; apartment & |1926-1927 |

| |communal housing block for the State Insurance Bureau, Moscow | |

|M. Ginzburg – House of Textiles & |9 items; duplicates; drawings & plans, pages from books/journals; Moscow |1925-1926 |

|Orgamental HQ | | |

|M. Ginzburg – Rusgertorg Project |4 items; drawings, plans |n.d. |

|Tatlin – Various with tower |15 items; duplicates; drawing of Monument to the Third International, |1919 & ? |

| |Petrograd; portrait of Tatlin; art work; page from Novyi Byt | |

| |

|Flat Box 49 – Leonidov – including prints made at AD from Palmin’s negatives – b/w |

|Loose items |23 items; duplicates; drawings, plans, sketches, pages from books; various |n.d. |

| |buildings including his diploma project | |

|Leonidov - various |15 items; drawings, plans, photographs, models of various buildings |1927-1934 |

| |including: House of Government for Kazakh Republic, Alma-Ata; diploma project| |

| |for the Lenin Institute of Bibliographical Sciences, Moscow; Film production | |

| |complex (kinofabrika) for Sovkino, near Moscow; Soviet Commissariat of Heavy | |

| |Industry, Narkomtiazhprom, Red Square; Palace of Culture for the Proletarskii| |

| |District, Moscow | |

|Loose photographs |71 items; drawings, sketches, doodles, pages from books/journals |n.d. |

| |

|Flat Box 50 – ‘Moskva-Parizh, 1900-1930’ Exhibition, Moscow 1981 – Installation & display shots at Press View (b/w) |

|Loose photographs |33 items; duplicates; crowd watching as large painting (Matisse’s La Danse, |1981 |

| |1910) is carried into the building; various shots of the displays; photos of | |

| |tickets for the exhibition | |

|Installation Shots |14 items; duplicates; workmen finishing up installation |1981 |

|Large loose photos |50 items; many numbered and/or captioned; photos of installation, opening, |1981 |

| |queues outside, displays (including fabrics, clothing, architecture, | |

| |newspapers, model of Tatlin’s man-powered flying machine), dignitaries, floor| |

| |plans of the exhibition, etc. | |

| |

|Flat Box 51 – Post-Stalin to Gorbachev – all sundries (b/w) |

|‘Paper Architecture’ Exhibition, Moscow |5 items; duplicates; photos of displays |10/1984 |

|Unlabelled [with sticky note “VБ”] |8 items; photos (with family), paintings, and drawings of house interior |n.d. |

|Loose photographs |47 items; several mounted for display; many with captions on reverse; photos, |1962-1988 |

| |drawings, plans, models of various buildings including: Vakhtang Davitaia, | |

| |Bakery for Traditional Breads, Tbilisi (1984-1988); Ilya Cherniavsky, Voronovo | |

| |country-club complex near Moscow (1974); Mikhail Posokhin et al, redevelopment | |

| |of the Arbat area of central Moscow as Kalinin Prospect (1962-1968); Valve | |

| |Pormeister, new academic block for the Agricultural Polytechnic in Janeda, | |

| |Estonia (1974); Abdulla Akhmedov, State Library of the Turkmen Republic, | |

| |Askhabad (1970-1974); (); etc | |

|Alexander Velikanov & Vladimir Krasilnikov,|1 item; mounted for display; axonometric drawing of the main multi-level stage, |1977-1980 |

|Children’s Musical Theatre, Moscow |sliding extensions and flytower | |

| |

|Flat Box 52 – Catherine Cooke’s Chernikhov Exhibition, 1983 – Preparation shots, exhibition photos at Royal College of Art (b/w & colour) and at |

|various venues (mostly colour) |

|Unlabelled (architectural model components)|16 items; b/w; various model pieces, some arranged into buildings |1983 |

|Royal College of Art - colour |21 items; displays in the Chernikhov exhibition; duplicates |3/1983 |

|At Architectural Design Gallery |58 items; colour photos of the displays; duplicates |2/1984 |

|At School of Architecture, University of |38 items (including negatives); duplicates; colour photos of the displays |1983 or 1984 |

|Strathclyde, Glasgow | | |

|Models main construction |34 items; colour photos of display models in the process of being arranged |1983 or 1984 |

|At T. И. Delft |25 items; colour photos of displays |1983 or 1984 |

|Installation at AD Gallery |9 items; colour photos of displays being laid out |1983 or 1984 |

|Unlabelled (bits and pieces for the RCA |8 items; mock-ups for leaflet (with annotations); captions; photos; portrait of |1983 or 1984 |

|exhibition) |Chernikhov | |

|Loose items |2 items; portrait of Chernikhov; photograph of negatives for the RCA exhibition |1983 or 1984 |

|Royal College of Art - b/w |56 items; photos of the displays; duplicates |3/1984 |

|Loose photo |1 item; colour photo of model in construction, with a drawing of the original in|n.d. |

| |the background | |

|Opening at RCA |7 items; colour photos of the launching of the exhibition |3/1983 |

|Negatives |Negs of the models used in the display |1983 |

| |

|Flat Box 53 – Moisei Ginzburg: Zhilishche 1934 - All page prints from microfilm |

|Loose items |4 items; duplicates; plans and drawings of Quartiers Moernes Fruges, individual |n.d. |

| |house and entire site | |

|Unlabelled (interiors) |2 items; multiple photos per item; interior shots, including architect at work; |n.d. |

| |from a publication | |

|Unlabelled (construction & plans) |8 items; photos of construction & detailed plans for specific aspects of the |n.d. |

| |buildings; from a publication | |

|Unlabelled (floor plans) |2 items; for the Housing complex for the Urals Region Economic Council – |1929-1931 |

| |Uraloblsovnarkhoz | |

|Loose items |14 items; plans, photos, drawings of various buildings and parts of buildings |n.d. |

|Unlabelled (Дом РЖСКТ) |3 items; plans, drawings, photos (from book) |n.d. |

|Loose items |64 items; duplicates; photos, plans, & drawings from various projects; chapters |n.d. |

| |from book | |

| |

|Flat Box 54 – Melnikov - All buildings and projects (b/w) |

|Loose items |11 items; duplicates; model, plans, drawings & photos of buildings; portrait |n.d. |

| |(Melnikov?) | |

|Konstantin Melnikov - odds |29 items; duplicates; plans, drawings, sketches, photos, models of various |1923-1929 |

| |projects including: Municipal lorry (now bus) garage in Novo-Riazanskaia Street,| |

| |Moscow; Pavilion for Makhorka Tobacco Trust, All-Russian Agricultural and | |

| |Handicraft Industries Exhibition, Moscow; etc. | |

|K. Melnikov – Paris various |12 items; duplicates; sketches & photos of the entrance to the Pavilion of the |1925 |

| |USSR, Exposition des Arts Decoratifs, Paris | |

|K. Melnikov – Rusakov club |45 items; duplicates; mostly photographs, but also drawings & plans of the |1927-1929 |

| |exterior of the Workers’ Club named for I.V. Rusakov, Moscow; photos of pages | |

| |from publication | |

|K. Melnikov – House photos, etc. |48 items; photos (contemporary and more recent) of the wall of hexagonal windows|1927-1929 |

| |in the Demonstration House by Melnikov; plans, drawings; 1 portrait of the | |

| |architect and his wife at the construction site; photos of pages from books | |

|K. Melnikov - NKTP |1 item; sketch of Melnikov’s entry for the competition for the Commissariat of |1934 |

| |Heavy Industry of the USSR, Nakomtiazhprom, Moscow – perspective view of one | |

| |entrance from Red Square | |

| |

|Flat Box 55 – Thonet Exhibition, Peterhof – Cardiff 5th Year: Arguments & Facts project (b/w) |

|Thonet Exhibit, Peterhof |9 items; duplicates; tools (?) laid out for display |6/1992 |

|Unlabelled (Arguments & Facts project) |55 items; mostly duplicates; models, plans & drawings of Argumenty i Fakty |n.d. |

| |building | |

| |

|Flat Box 56 – Catherine Cooke’s RIBA Exhibition, 1986: ‘British Architecture in the 80s’ for Moscow; Exhibition photos by John Lyall (slides etc.|

|in separate white box with papers) |

|Unlabelled (preparing the display at 99 |23 items; colour photos of the display under construction in CC’s home |1986? |

|Norwich St.) | | |

|Unlabelled (advertising posters for RIBA |4 items; duplicates; colour photos |1986 |

|Exhibit) | | |

|Opening of British Architecture in the 80s |49 items; duplicates; b/w photos of people and displays at the grand opening of |1986 |

|at House of Architecture, Moscow |the exhibition; photos by John Lyall | |

|Item Title |Description |Date Range |

|Box 1 - Early ‘Souvenir’ cards, 1895-WWI |

|Sevastopol: boating pier vignette |Inscribed (German?) & posted (Lugansk, Ukraine) |1/1/1899 |

|Kiev (French card) |Inscribed (Polish) & posted; does not appear to have any French |19/2/1899 |

| |connections | |

|St. Petersburg: Glavny Shtab |Inscribed (Spanish) & posted (Barcelona) |13/10/1900 |

|Moscow: vignettes of Sherer-Nabgolt |2 items; unused |1901 |

|Moscow |Inscribed (Russian, signed “Robert”) & posted (Shepherd’s Bush, |28/10/1902 |

| |London) | |

|Moscow |unused |3/8/1902 |

|Moscow |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Reval, Peter the Great’s Palace |Unused; German |Pre-1904 |

|Tiflis: vignettes, Hotel de Londres |Posted to London |11/8/1901 |

|Moscow: Spassky Gate of Kremlin |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Baku: Lime sellers |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Baku: Ancient city walls |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Dalny |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Kiev: trolleybus |Inscribed (French) & posted (Versailles, France, 7/8/1906) |Pre-1904 |

|Odessa: Sewage plant |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Tiflis: market |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Tiflis: street |unused |Pre-1904 |

|St. Petersburg: vignettes, Stengels |2 items; unused |Pre-1904 |

|St. Petersburg: vignettes by E.L. |2 items; unused |Pre-1904 |

|St. Petersburg: vignettes by J/J/ |2 items; unused |Pre-1904 |

|Proskurov (Khmelnytskyi): main street |Photograph; posted |1/3/1904 |

|Kherson |unused |Post-1904 |

|Zhigulevsky Hills |Photograph; unused |Post-1904 |

|Crimea: butterfly montage |CC note: “1905 as Tver?” |1905? |

|Tver: butterfly montage |Inscribed (French) & posted (Geneva, Switzerland) |19/8/1905 |

|Kharkov Station |Faded inscription (Russian) & posted |12/7/1913 |

|St. Petersburg: holly/beetle vignette |unused |n.d. |

|Caspian fishing & Baku: multi-views |unused |n.d. |

|Box 1 – Artists’ Cards |

|Bakst |Asian woman; unused |n.d. |

|Benois, Alex |Landscape; unused |1901 |

|Dobuzhinsky |Man selling scarves?; unused |1909 |

|Lukomsky |Building; unused |n.d. |

|Nesterov |Woman; unused |n.d. |

|Rerikh |Landscape; unused |n.d. |

|Somov |2 items; note card, gentlewomen; unused |n.d. |

|Vasnetsov, V. |Knight on horseback leading an army; unused |1914 |

|Zarudnaya-Kavos, E. |Young Russian girl; unused |n.d. |

|Box 1 – Sundry |

|Note, but no item | | |

|Masurin photo of Izba & well |unused |n.d. |

|Prokudin-Gorsky photograph |Horse; inscribed (in English) & posted (Paris) |7/2/1908 |

|Dredger of Konrad Co., rep. in B-na-Amur |unused |n.d. |

|Komsomol Stamps |3 items; Crimea; Leningrad; Rostov; no inscriptions |Post-1918 |

|New Year cards |Inscribed (Russian) |Pre-1917 |

|Urals: workers at Foundries etc. |4 items; unused |n.d. |

|Urals: Platinum-washing factory |unused |n.d. |

|Ice-breaker Baikal stuck in the ice |unused |n.d. |

|Andizhan: Art Nouveau ‘Electro-Theatre’ |unused |n.d. |

|Transporting household items on ice |unused |n.d. |

|Volga State River Steamship Co. |unused |n.d. |

|United Shipping Co., London & St. Petersburg |unused |n.d. |

|Odd stone domed building |unused |n.d. |

|Makovsky painting |Inscribed (Russian & English) & posted |18/5/1910? |

|Imperial Mausoleum? |unused |n.d. |

|Imperial Clinical Gaenecological Institute |Inscribed “One of the corridor” but unaddressed |n.d. |

|Adamson tomb |unused |n.d. |

|British Army telegraphists |unused |1914-1917? |

|Russo-Byzantine churches |5 items; unused |n.d. |

|ROSSI - photo |Triumphal Arch, St. Petersburg |n.d. |

|Fire-stations |3 items; unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Hotel Metropol |6 items; unused | 2 items from |

| | |1926-1927 |

|Moscow: W.W. building on Sverdlov Sq. |Canadian postcard printed in Great Britain |Late 1920s-pre-1935|

|Archangel: Technical School, Joinery shed |unused |Post-1917 |

|Provincial Street with Modern building |Inscribed (Russian) & posted (Paris) |7/9/1925 |

|Sokolniki Sanatorium: water-treatment shower room |unused |n.d. |

|Box 1 – “Russian Types” & similar of “People” |

|Types of Caucasus |12 items; Villagers, fishermen, masseur, tavern, lathe operators, |2 items from |

| |girls, lantern seller; tourist with clothed skeletons and skulls; |1907-1908 |

| |most unused | |

|Types of Crimea |2 items; men and boys; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Types of Russia |17 items; most unused, one from “Aunt Rhoda”; several studio |Several items from |

| |portraits; mostly photographs; woodcutters, women sorting fish |1902-1904 |

| |(with annotation in French pointing out their trousers); several | |

| |of horse and carriage/cart/sleigh | |

|Types of Georgia |3 items; unused; family, old men, Georgian “prince” in studio |Pre-1917 |

| |portrait | |

|Types of Kirgizia |5 items; mostly unused; families & homes, villagers, tea-drinking,|Pre-1917 |

| |girl | |

|Types of Manchuria (including Kharbin) |2 items; one sent to London; tea-drinking; outdoor barber at the |1 item 8/5/1908? |

| |train station | |

|North Russian Types |2 items; unused; dog-sled team; reindeer herd & encampment |1 item 1911 |

|Types of Tartars |Portrait of seated women; unused |n.d. |

|Types of Uzbekistan |Gathering of men; unused |n.d. |

|Types of Volga River |4 items; 1 sent to England, with note that “these are all women |1 item 19/4/1901 |

| |fishers!” (wearing trousers); household; fishermen | |

|Archangel Beetroot seller |unused |n.d. |

|Trans-Caspian Judges |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Ukraine? Mellon sellers |unused |n.d. |

|Central Asia: Camel with timber & donkey |unused |n.d. |

|Nizhny-Novgorod Factory? |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Kriuchniki – Men carrying sacks |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Volga peasants carving spoons |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Church figures |6 items (1 duplicate); unused |Pre-1917 |

|Carrick photo |“Petite Morskoi”, peasant man posing with shovel and fallen tree |Pre-1917 |

|Box 1 – Portraits |

|Tsarevich Alexei |unused |10/10/1911 |

|Prince G. E. L’vov, Chair of First Peoples’ Ministry |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Mayakovsky |unused |4/8/1955 |

|Senkevich |Addressed to France |c. 1902 |

|V. I. Solovev |unused |n.d. |

|Vrubel paintings |2 items; unused; the artist & his wife |1 item post-1910 |

|Repin |unused |n.d. |

|Grand Duke Nicholas |British postcard |WWI |

|Kropotkin |unused |n.d. |

|Box 2 – Petersburg – Z |

|Petersburg: b/w general |33 items; most unused; monuments, Nevsky Prospekt, Neva, etc. |1903-1910 |

|Petersburg: b/w ‘architecture’ |18 items; most unused; palaces, churches, official buildings, etc.|1 item dated 1907 |

|Petersburg: colour general |21 items; most unused; mostly street views; 2 cards have |Dated items, |

| |“Petersburg” stamped out & “Petrograd” stamped in (possibly |1903-1911 |

| |post-1914?) | |

|St. Petersburg: steam yachts on quay - 1 |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: steam yachts on quay - 2 |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Vitebsk Station |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Hotel d’Europe |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Electro-technical Institute |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: The University |unused |n.d. |

|Petrograd: Hotel Astoria |“St. Petersburg” stamped out |n.d. post-1914? |

|St. Petersburg: Polytechnical Institute |Inscribed (Esperonto) & posted (Riga) |10/10/1912 |

|St. Petersburg: Peretiatkovich, Vavelburg Bank |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Interior of English Church |Inscribed (English) & posted (England) |1902 |

|St. Petersburg: Neva ice bridge |unused |n.d. |

|Petrograd: Behrens, German Embassy |“St. Petersburg” stamped out; inscribed (Latvian) & posted (Riga) |13/4/1916 |

|St. Petersburg: Bourse, trams etc. |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt with Anichkov Palace, tram |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Archway in Admiralty - 1 |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Archway in Admiralty - 2 |unused |n.d. |

|St. Petersburg: Wooden Palace Bridge, Admiralty Quay |Inscribed (English) & posted (England) |8/1908 |

|St. Petersburg: Winter Palace and river step |unused |n.d. |

|Piatigorsk |3 items; 1 inscribed (Russia) & posted (St. Petersburg) |22/3/1912 |

|Podolsk area |unused |n.d. |

|Port Arthur |unused |n.d. |

|Pskov |7 items; most unused; mostly street views |1906-1913 |

|Reval |unused |n.d. |

|Riga |unused |n.d. |

|Rostov-on-Don |2 items |1 dated 7/5/1911 |

|Rostov Veliky |unused |n.d. |

|Rybinsk |unused |n.d. |

|Samara |5 items; 2 inscribed (German & Russian) & posted (Switzerland & |1910-1912 |

| |Russia) | |

|Samarkand |3 items; most unused |n.d. |

|Sebastopol |20 items; most unused; 1 with RSFSR stamp |1 item 18/3/1903 |

|Sestroretsk “Resort” |2 items; 1 inscribed in French but unposted; beaches |n.d. |

|Shipka |unused |n.d. |

|Shusha |unused |n.d. |

|Siberia: gold mining |unused |n.d. |

|Sizran |unused |n.d. |

|Smolensk |unused |n.d. |

|Sochi |3 items; unused |2 pre-1917; 1 |

| | |post-1917 |

|Sofia |unused |n.d. |

|Solovetski Monastery |7 items; 1 posted to Wales from British soldier (1918); 1 with |1914-1918 (& |

| |note that “Bols” captured the church |later?) |

|Stalinabad, Tadzhikistan |unused |Post-1929 |

|Staraia Russa |2 items; unused |n.d. |

|Sukhumi |2 items; unused |n.d. |

|Suuk-Su |2 items; unused |n.d. |

|Sverdlovsk |8 items; unused |Most dated |

| | |1927-1930 |

|Talinn/Reval |unused |n.d. |

|Tambov |3 items; unused |n.d. |

|Tashkent |unused |n.d. |

|Tbilisi/Tiflis |14 items; most unused; mostly streets & buildings |Most pre-1917? 1 |

| | |item 1919 |

|Tiraspol |unused |n.d. |

|Tiumen |Inscribed (English) & posted (Teheran, Persia) |22/1/1903 |

|Tobolsk |unused |n.d. |

|Tomsk |2 items; unused |n.d. |

|Trans-Baikal railway |6 items; unused |n.d. |

|Trans-Siberian railway & highway: Taiga village |6 items; unused |1905-1915 |

|Tsaritsyn |unused |n.d. |

|Tsarskoe Selo |3 items; 1 inscribed (English) & posted (France) |27/6/1907 |

|Turkestan |unused |n.d. |

|Tver |unused |n.d. |

|Ufa |unused |n.d. |

|Ust-Urt |unused |n.d. |

|Varna |8 items; unused |n.d. |

|Veliki Ustug |unused |n.d. |

|Verkhneudinsk |2 items; unused; 1 with note “1918” |n.d. |

|Viatka |3 items; unused |1905-1917 |

|Vindava/Windau |unused |n.d. |

|Vladikavkazski: Kadetski Korpus(?) |3 items; unused |2 date from 1905 |

|Vladimir |unused |n.d. |

|Vladivostok |11 items; most unused; 2 include Chinese characters; 1 includes |1906-1918 |

| |view of naval gun on railway; several inscribed in English | |

|Volga: scenes |9 items; several inscribed in French, English, & Russian, posted |1906-1912 |

| |to England & France | |

|Vologda: shop for Philately and Bond collectors of USSR |unused |Post-1922 |

|Yalta |7 items; most unused |1910-1929 |

|Zagorsk |unused |n.d. |

|Zheleznozovodsk |Inscription faded/erased |n.d. |

|*loose item |unused |n.d. |

|Urals: scenes |11 items; mostly unused |Several 1905-1907 |

|Box 3 – Non-Topographical, 1893-1938 |

|*4 loose items |unused |2 date from WWI |

|New Russian National Flag, Mamontov, M. |unused |1914 |

|Refugees at Batum (Batumi) |unused |1920? |

|Collection for Russian soldiers fighting in the trenches |unused |20-21/10/1916 |

|Portrait of Nicholas II |photograph |20/5/1909 |

|“Firemen for the Soldiers”, Moscow |Includes lyrics for a song/poem by A. Efimova, dedicated to the |5-6/12/1915 |

| |valiant Moscow firemen | |

|“What are we fighting for?” |2 items; unused; statistics (pie chart & bar graph) |1914 |

|5½% War Loan |6 items; encouraging people to take out loans to aid the war |1916 |

| |effort; file includes note with caption translations | |

|British War Posters Exhibition |4 items; British war posters rendered into Russian postcards; |18/4/1916 |

| |unused | |

|Kiev, with Soviet “sticker” on reverse |Postcard features silhouette drawing of 1914 cavalry charge; stamp|1914 & post-1918 |

| |on the back is from the All-Russian Committee of aid for the sick | |

| |and wounded of the Red Army and invalid soldiers | |

|Nicholas II Abdication Decree |unused |3/3/1917 |

|May Day in Petrograd |4 items; unused; photographs of the crowded streets, banners |1917 |

|Days of Revolution on Nevsky Prospekt |Photograph of crowds |1917 |

|Odessa, 1903: collaged newspaper & photo |unused |n.d. |

|Odessa: Passazh |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Novorossisk cement works |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Typesetting room in first model printing house, Moscow |unused; celebrating 5 year anniversary? |1924 |

|Moscow, 1905: destroyed buildings |5 items; unused |n.d. |

|Moscow, 1905: barricades |6 items; unused |n.d. |

|Lansere, E. |2 items; 1 inscribed (Russian) |1904 & 1910? |

|Types of Siberia |2 items; unused |1 dates from 1915 |

|Types of Buryatia |3 items; 1 inscribed (English) & posted (France) |1 dates from |

| | |9/1/1905 |

|St. Petersburg |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Russo-Japanese War |3 items; 2 depict the bloodthirstiness of Japan |1904 |

|“1903 Bicentenary charity (1753 anniv)” |St. Petersburg; unused |1903 |

|Economic-Social Statistics |4 items; unused |Pre-1914 |

|“Naughty” Comic cards |2 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Bilibin, I. |5 items; unused; mostly landscape paintings; one portrait of a |1901 & 1904 |

| |woman | |

|Folklorique-Neorussian, various artists |2 items; unused |n.d. |

|Love Story: Monday to Sunday by Sokolov |7 items; unused |n.d. |

|unlabelled |Triple-faced portrait with caption: “Precautions lead to security.|WWI? |

| |Therefore do not confide in one another.” (Осторожность рождает | |

| |безопасность. Поэтому друг другу не доверяем.) | |

|unlabelled |3 items; reproductions of images of damage to Moscow buildings |1917 |

| |during the October Revolution | |

|Balagan on Devichy pole |Reproduction; lengthy caption on reverse |n.d. |

|*2 loose items |Reproduction photographs of Pavlograd |n.d. |

|Photocopy of Published Article |“Les cartes postales commemoratives de l’epoque Brejnevienne” |n.d. |

| |(“The commemorative postcards of the Brezhnev era”), by de | |

| |Perthuis, Bruno | |

|Newspaper Article |Review of Tom Phillips’s The Postcard Century, Nigel Barley in The|6/4/2001 |

| |Times Higher | |

|Article |“The Post in Old Russia” by A.H. Wortman |n.d. |

|Newspaper Article |“Oldest picture postcard in the world…” by Arifa Akhbar in The |9/3/2002 |

| |Independent | |

|unlabelled |Reproduction postcard (from the British Library) of Rodchenko’s |1998 (1927) |

| |cover for I. G. Ehrenburg’s Materialization of the Fantastic | |

|unlabelled |Information sheet & business cards from an art gallery on the |1990s? |

| |English Embankment, St. Petersburg | |

|Newspaper Article |“Having a Great Time in Edwardian Britain”, Madeleine Marsh on |9/11/1997 |

| |postcard collecting in Independent on Sunday | |

|Political caricatures by TS or ST (non-party) |7 items; unused; captions in French and Russian; caricatures of |1902-1903? |

| |bureaucrats, hooligan, newspaper boy, worker, beggars | |

|Romantic art-nouveau greeting |unused |1903-04? |

|Their Imperial Highnesses leave Arzamas for Sarov |unused |1903? |

|Bicentenary of St. Petersburg: Happy New Year |Inscribed (Russian) & posted (Manchester) |1903 |

|Talashkino |unused |Pre-1904 |

|Meterlinck’s ‘Blue Bird’ |unused |1905 |

|Sokolov: Folk Tales, various |6 items; unused |Pre-1904? |

|Sokolov: 1905 Revolutionaries |3 items; unused |1905 |

|Smolny Institute as School |2 items; inscribed (Russian) & posted; photographs of women |1911 |

| |attending class | |

|Pre-Revolutionary Doss-House |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Singer sewing machines advert |2 items; second item features drawing of children & Easter eggs? |n.d. |

|Br. G. & A. Valin, Advert (for what?) |Inscribed (Russian) |n.d. |

|Pre-Revolutionary Christmas Cards |4 items; 1 inscribed (Russian) |Pre-1917 |

|Children as Political: odds |2 items; unused |1905-6? |

|Political Parties as children (Anarkhisti etc.) by ‘T’ |5 items; unused; includes Bolsheviks & Mensheviks, Anarchists, |1905-6? |

| |Moderates, Social-Democrats, and Kadet (Constitutional Democrat) | |

|“‘Elections’ pick out [lice]…” |unused |1905-6 |

|Kremlin: receipt of donations |Inscribed (Esperanto) & posted (Britain) |3/4/1909 |

|“Hands Up!” |Inscribed (German) & posted; features photograph of 2 men being |n.d. |

| |arrested? | |

|Baikal Railway tunnelling |unused |Post-1904 |

|Children’s Themes |2 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Illustrations to Ershov’s fables |2 items; unused |n.d. |

|Romantic card “It’s all over” (German?) |photograph |Post-1904 |

|Moor: cartoon of L. M. Leonidov |Note: cf. 119 in bk |1910? |

|Solomko, S. |2 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Military Life: various |5 items; unused; photographs |Pre-1917; 1 item |

| | |1903 |

|Kandaurov illustration to Krylov fable |Bk no. 102 |1908 |

|Easter cards |5 items; all inscribed, several to Dr. Cooke |1911-1990s |

|Shorthand signs |By Khlebnikov |1908 |

|St. Petersburg Aviation club: various |2 items; unused |1 item 1910 |

|Russian Village, Olympia exhibition |unused |1913 |

|Moscow of the Future |Exhibition card? Lengthy caption on reverse; note in file with |1913 |

| |translation | |

|Kiev All-Russian Exhibition |4 items; unused |1913 |

|300th Anniversary of the Romanovs |2 items; unused |1913 |

|Museum of Work, St. Petersburg |unused |19/2/1921 |

|Sokol Gymnastics Society |2 items |1913 |

|Skobelev Committee: Decree by Nicholas II, 1914 |Inscribed (Latin) but unposted |24/12/1916 |

|“To Alsace!” |unused |WWI |

|Unhappy Kaiser: various |unused |1914 |

|Patriotic Nationalist with allies |3 items; 1 produced in Britain, depiction of Ally Russia as a |WWI |

| |woman | |

|Bulgaria argues with Franz-Ferdinand |unused |WWI |

|Germans as “naughty children” |2 items; unused |WWI |

|Foreign Ambassadors to troops |5 items; unused |WWI |

|Greeting card of Society for Assisting the Poor |unused |1914 |

|“International game of tops” |unused; eve of war? |1914 |

|Riga: for Red Cross |unused |1915 |

|Poster for collection for soldiers at the front and their |unused |26/3/1915 |

|children | | |

|Tsar talks to lower ranks |Photograph; unused |1916 |

|UK cards: the Allies United! |2 items; one inscribed (English) but unposted |WWI |

|Ships of the Imperial Navy |6 items; unused; 4 are British-made |WWI? |

|Flags of the Allies: the Russian Flags |British-made; inscribed (English) & posted (Ireland) |1915 |

|Russian flag, Paris |French-made; unused |WWI |

|‘Sappering Work’ charity card |Inscribed (Russian) & posted |2/7/1916 |

|“Sell grain to buy freedom loan” |2 items; unused; note from CC: no. 277 in my book |1917 |

|Revolution in Vladivostok |Chinese characters; unused |c. 1917? |

|Burial of victims of the February Revolution |2 items; unused |3/1917 |

|Medical Camp at Mineralnyi Vody Station |unused |1917 |

|Skazka “Izba on hen’s legs” |Illustration of Baba Yaga & her house |1/1917 |

|Greetings card from Empress’s Depot for War Effort |Religious painting on reverse; inscribed in Russian |16/5/1917 |

|“Day of Revolution”: troops on Liteinyi prospekt |unused |Oct? 1917 |

|Peace demonstration on Field of Mars |Card dated, but no inscription (28/3/1919) |17/12/1917 |

|Sailors “For Lenin and full victory over Wilhelm” |unused |1917-1918? |

|Museum of Monuments of Art and Antiquity, Petrograd |3 items; Photographs of “ethnic examples” |1919 |

|Bolshevik prisoners on ship at Batoum (Batumi) |French-made; photograph; inscribed (English) possibly by British |8/5/1920 |

| |soldier, but unposted | |

|Princess Galitzine boarding the Royal Sovereign at Principo |British-made; photograph; inscribed (English) but unposted |31/7/1920 |

|Civil War? Starving Gentlewoman |Photograph with English caption |1919-1922? |

|Buryshkin: “10th Anniversary” of the Revolution at Narva |unused |1927 |

|Gates | | |

|Kharkov: Ukrainian Government at May Day parade in the 3rd |Caption in English, German, & Russian on reverse; unused |1931 |

|year of the First Five Year Plan | | |

|“Lenin at the Helm” painting, Museum of Revolution |Caption on reverse in several languages of the Union |1931 |

|Narva Gates and New Buildings |Photograph; unused |1932 |

|Two Soldiers |photograph |18/11/1935 |

|New Soviet Life of the 1930s |12 items; mostly photographs; life at work and during leisure |1931-1937 |

| |time; unused | |

|Paris Exhibition: Soviet Pavilion |3 items; Paris-made; unused; photographs |1937 |

|20 Years of the Red Army and Navy |unused |1938 |

|unlabelled |4 items; duplicates; custom bookplates for F. Shekhtel’, artist |n.d. |

| |and architect | |

|Box 4 – Topographical: Moscow – Peterhof |

|*9 loose items |Reproduction postcards; buildings in Moscow |1980s? |

|Moscow: b/w general |71 items; most unused; mostly street & river views and buildings |1902-1912 |

|Moscow: colour, general |26 items; most unused; streets, river, buildings; several feature |1904-1913 |

| |photographic portraits of Moscow ‘types’ on reverse | |

|Moscow: b/w ‘architecture’ including Cathedral |15 items; most unused; several feature photographic portraits of |1 item dated 1903 |

| |Moscow ‘types’ on reverse | |

|Moscow: Kremlin quay towards Cathedral |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: General view, river & Kremlin |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: General view, river & Kremlin - 2 |Inscribed (English) & posted (March, UK) |15/7/1906 |

|Moscow: Shekhtel, Iaroslavl station |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Chichagov, Duma Building |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Red Square, Upper ryady & historical museum - 2 |unused; duplicate |n.d. |

|Moscow: Troitskaya Gates into Kremlin |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Afremov apartment building at Krasnaya Vorota (Red |unused |n.d. |

|Gate) | | |

|Moscow: Red Square, Upper ryady & historical museum - 1 |Inscribed (English) & posted (Britain) |22/8/1912 |

|Moscow: Kazakov, Petrovsky Palace |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Kuznetsky Most, shops etc. |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Red Square, Ryady & historical museum (pale) |Inscribed (indignant French) & posted (Jerusalem) |21/6/1909 |

|Moscow: Iverskaia Gates into Red Square |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Iverskaia Chapel, by Gates |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: General view, river & Kremlin – 3 |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Kremlin Quay towards Cathedral – 2 |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Kremlin Quay to Cathedral |British-made; English caption on reverse; drawn from Russian |n.d. |

| |photo; unused | |

|Moscow: Hotel National |unused |n.d. |

|Moscow: Cathedral in immediate surrounding |British-made; English caption on reverse; drawn from Russian |n.d. |

| |photo; unused | |

|Moscow: Interior of Cathedral |Inscribed (English) & posted (London) |15/5/1913 |

|Moscow: Shekhtel, Iaroslavl Station (with Nikolaevski) |unused |n.d. |

|Stroganov College/Markhi (from PWS) |Posted to London |13/3/1903 |

|Moscow: Flood |17 items; 1 duplicate; unused; photographs |4/1908 |

|Moscow: Damage, October Revolution |8 items; unused; photographs |10-11/1917 |

|Moscow: 1927 “Set A” |Booklet of unused postcards, only 1 missing; sights of Moscow |1927 |

|Moscow: 1927 “Set B” |Booklet of unused postcards; sights of Moscow, mostly architecture|1927 |

|Moscow: Sepia Buildings/Views |35 items; most unused; several feature images from USSR in |1926-1931 |

| |Construction | |

|Moscow: photographic cards |17 items, plus photocopies of 2 items; most unused |1930s-50s |

|Moscow: Bolshoi & Square |unused |1928 |

|Moscow: All-Union Agricultural Exhibition |3 items; unused |1954 |

|Moscow: Bolshoi Theatre: drawn & coloured (1945) |Inscribed (Russian) but unposted |7/3/1949 |

|Moscow: photographic |6 items; unused |Early 1960s? |

| | |1 item 1974 |

|Mozdok |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Mukden |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Murman |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Nikolaev |8 items; most unused |Pre-1917, 1 item |

| | |27/5/1914 |

|Nizhny-Novgorod (see also Gorkii) |12 items; most unused; 1 posted 1934 |Pre-1917, 1912-1914|

|Nikolaevsk-na-Amur |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Novo-Nikolaevsk (Novosibirsk) |6 items; most unused |Pre-1917, 1 item |

| | |1916 |

|Novaya Zemlya: memorial to the Polar Dead |unused |1911 |

|Novocherkassk |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Novorossiisk |10 items; most unused |Pre-1917, 1 item |

| | |1904 |

|Novyi Matsesta: Sanatorium |unused |Post-1920 |

|Odessa |22 items; several inscribed & posted |Most pre-1917, |

| | |1903-1907; 1 item |

| | |1935 |

|Odessa: Stock Exchange |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Omsk |2 items; 1 posted |1901, 1905 |

|Orel |3 items; 1 pre-1917 card inscribed (French) & posted 6/7/1937 |n.d. |

|Orsha |unused |Pre-1917? |

|Pasha-Ata |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Perm |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Peterhof |11 items; most unused |Most pre-1917, 1 |

| | |item 1908, 1 item |

| | |post-1920 |

|Box 5 – Best Coloured Postcards (Not Moscow or St. Petersburg) |

|Baku: Oil towers on fire |Inscribed (French) & posted (Teheran) |14/9/1903 |

|Baku: Cap Bailoff and Harbour |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Baku: oil towers |unused |n.d. |

|Crimea: Tunnel near Baidar Gates |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Kazan: Theatre, street |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Kiev: Kreshchatik |Inscribed (English) & posted (March, UK) |28/7/1908 |

|Kiev: Pecharskaya lavra |unused |n.d. |

|Kiev: Mikhailovsky ‘elevator’ |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Odessa: Bernardazzi Bourse |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Sebastopol: Nakhimovsky prospekt |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Taganrog: Gorodskoi theatre, street |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Yalta: Hotel Orianda, Pushkin Building |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Yalta: Gardens of Hotel Rossia, port |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Yaroslavl: Vlavaevskaia ulitsa (?) |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Yaroslavl: Ilinski Place, Churches |Inscribed (English) & posted (France) |2/7/1915? |

|Yaroslavl: view from Volga river |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Box 5 – Topographical A-Mor |

|Alupka |7 items; 1 inscribed (English) & posted (England) |Pre-1917; |

| | |1 item 10/4/1910 |

|Amur |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Annau |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Ararat - mount |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Arkhangel |15 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Arkhangel area |4 items; 1 inscribed (French) & posted (Brussels) |29/8/1912 |

|Baikal |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Bailov |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Bakhchisara (Crimea) |2 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Balaclava |unused |n.d. |

|Balakhany |Naphtha mines; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Baku |25 items; several inscribed (English & French) |Pre-1917; several |

| | |1902-1912 |

|Batum |8 items; most unused; one dated April 1920 |Most pre-1917 |

|Belgorod |unused |n.d. |

|Berdichev |unused |1917 |

|Bezhitsa |unused |1914 |

|Borzhom |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Brest |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Bukhara |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Caucasus Village |6 items; 1 inscribed (Esperanto) & posted (France) |1902-1912 |

|Dzhizak: Central Asian Railway |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Chalk Quarry |unused |1915 |

|Cheliabinsk |7 items; 1 inscribed (Russian) |1 item 14/5/1907 |

|Chita |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Crimea: roadway near Yalta |3 items; note dates 1 to 1903 |Pre-1917 |

|Czerwony Dwor (?) |Possibly the stately home owned by the Umiastowski family in |n.d. |

| |Lithuania | |

|Donets Basin |2 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Dvina river |unused |20/3/1911 |

|Ekaterinburg |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Elets |Posted in Russia |30/6/1905 |

|Evpatoria |5 items; unused; one dated 1918 |Printed pre-1917 |

|Feodosia |3 items; German-made; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Gagry |2 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Georgia: Military Highway |8 items; unused; file includes note on Military Highway |Pre-1917? |

| | |2 items 1907 |

|Georgia: fort |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Gorkii (see also Nizhny-Novgorod) |4 items; 2 incribed |1934-35 |

|Gradsko |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Gurzuf |unused |1916 |

|Iaroslavl |6 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Inkerman |4 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Irkutsk |10 items; several inscribed |Pre-1917; 1906, |

| | |1913 |

|Iuzhnaia bukhta |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Kashin |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Kazan |7 items; unused |1902-1904; 1 item |

| | |post- 1920 |

|Kemi |unused |n.d. |

|Kharaks (Crimea): House of GD Georgi Mikhailovich (English |3 items; unused; photographs |1912 |

|style) | | |

|Kharbin & area, Manchuria |13 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Kharkov |2 items; unused; 1 features large portraits of Marx, Stalin et al |early 1930s? |

| |hanging from buildings | |

|Kherson |2 items; unused |n.d. |

|Khvalynsk |Faded Russian inscription; unposted |Pre-1917 |

|Kibarta Customs Post |Inscribed in English & posted (London) |9/7/1906 |

|Kiev |17 items; most unused |most pre-1917; 1 |

| | |item 1903; some |

| | |n.d. |

|Kislovodsk |3 items; unused |1 item 1926; n.d. |

|Kokand |unused |n.d. |

|Korets |Inscribed (English) & posted (England) |1/1911? |

|Krasnoiarsk & area |6 items; most unused |Pre-1917; 1904; 1 |

| | |item 19/2/1917 |

|Krasnovodsk |unused |1914 |

|Kronstadt |2 items |1 item 3/8/1905 |

|Kurgan |2 items |Pre-1917; 1 item |

| | |23/7/1910 |

|Leningrad |8 items; unused |Post-1924 |

|Liaoian |2 items; unused |Pre-1917 |

|Libau |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Listopada |Inscribed (English) & posted (England); features crowd and |5/11/1905 |

| |religious leaders? | |

|Livadia |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Makeevka |Inscribed (French) & posted (France) |11/2/1904 |

|Mezen |unused |Pre-1917 |

|Minsk |2 items; 1 posted (Russia); 1 photograph from Soviet period |18/11/1904 & |

| | |post-1919 |

|M-ko Zhlobin |3 items; inscribed (Russian) & posted |20-29/2/1916 |

|Morshank |8 items; unused |1905 |

|Box 6 – Non-Topographical, 1939-1990 |

|*2 loose items |New Year’s and Victory Day cards |1977 |

|New York World Fair: USSR pavilion |unused |1939 |

|Soviet children love our Navy |unused |1939 |

|Elections for Soviets |Candidate information on reverse |24/12/1939 |

|Kukrinitsy: “Malbruk sent packing” |CC note: q. Kagavich @ 18thPC. |1939 |

|Winter War versus Finland |4 items; 1 may be misfiled? (labelled “Great Patriotic War” & |3 from 1939-1940 |

| |dated 1943) | |

|New Year Greetings from the Front |2 items; inscription defaced |1941-1942 |

|Moscow: Forward to Victory |unused |1941-1945 |

|Sverdlovsk: Heroic airmen |unused |1942 |

|Patriotic greetings, M. Voenizdat |Inscribed (Russian); card dates from 1942 |28/2/1943? |

|Moscow: historic Russian Heroes |unused |20/7/1942 |

|Leningrad: Songs with music |2 items; unused |1942 |

|Moscow: Public Health education |2 items; unused; lice |1942 |

|Leningrad Front: Heroes (Men) |5 items; unused |1942-1944 |

|Military Poster: “Soldiers of the Red Army – Save Us!” |Unused; circulation 1 3000 000 |1941-1945 |

|Leningrad Army & Navy |unused |1941-1945 |

|Leningrad oblast: heroic partisan |unused; circulation 25 000 |1943 |

|Leningrad sketches |2 items; unused; circulation 25 000 each |1941 & 1943 |

|240th Anniversary of St. Petersburg/Leningrad |unused; circulation 10 000 |1943 |

|Leningrad: “Fascist Dogs” - Goebbels |unused; circulation 25 000 |1943 |

|Leningrad: “Fascist Dogs” – Khorti & Antonescu |unused; circulation 25 000 |1943 |

|Leningrad: “Fascist Dogs” - Hitler |unused; circulation 25 000 |1943 |

|Leningrad: “Fascist Dogs” – Goering |unused; circulation 25 000 |1943 |

|Leningrad: social scenes |12 items; unused; circulation 10 000 - 25 000 each; sketches, |1943-1944 |

| |paintings, etc. | |

|Cabbages at St. Isaacs |Photograph from newspaper (2001) |WWII |

|Patriotic: Stalin’s speech |unused; circulation 100 000 |1942 |

|Leningrad Sketches (pub. 43) |9 items; unused; circulation 20 000 each |1942 |

|Leningrad Front: Heroine |Klarissa Cherniavskaia; unused |1943 |

|Leningrad: patriotic songs |2 items; unused |1943-1944 |

|Leningrad: Happy New Year |unused |1944 |

|Military Post: shooting down German plane |unused |1941-1945 |

|“For the motherland, For Stalin!” (civilian post) |unused |1941-1945 |

|unlabelled |“To Berlin!” lettercard; unused |13/11/1944 |

|Military Post: “May Day greetings from Front to Heroes at |unused |1941-1945 |

|Home” | | |

|Military Post: “Three tank drivers, three happy friends, the|unused but with postage stamp |1941-1945 |

|war-machine…” | | |

|Leningrad: 28th Anniversary of the Revolution |unused |1945 |

|Partisans of 1812, LSSKh (Leningrad Union of Soviet Artists)|unused |1944 |

|Submarine & Ships (Leningrad) |2 items; unused |1944 |

|Crimea Lettercard “Crimea is liberated from the enemy!” |unused |1944 |

|Poster “Woman with Bricks” |unused; circulation 75 000 |1944 |

|Leningrad sketches |2 items; unused |1944 |

|Leningrad: illustrations to Krylov’s fables |2 items; unused; circulation 5 000 each |1944 |

|Leningrad: 27th Anniversary of Revolution |unused |1944 |

|Leningrad drawing: “Gunners in trench” |unused |1944 |

|Military Post: “Red Army strategy makes them go home” |unused |1944 |

|“Firework salute in Leningrad” Voenizdat |unused |1945 |

|Leningrad: Woman gunner, LSSKh |unused |1945 |

|Leningrad: “Fleet Day”, LSSKh |unused |1945 |

|Leningrad: at peace, LSSKh |3 items; unused |1945 |

|Political/military |11 items; unused; most celebrating various anniversaries |1946 |

| |(Revolution, Red Army, etc.) | |

|Political/military |2 items; unused |1947 |

|Children Greeting, M. |unused |1947 |

|3rd Anniversary of Victory over Fascist Germany |unused |1948 |

|Political/Military |3 items; unused; celebrating Red Army and Victory Day |1948 |

|Amateur Radio record card |Form completed (in English) |7/11/1949 |

|“Citizens appeal against Atomic Bomb” |unused |1950 |

|“We demand peace”, Koretsky |Poster; unused |1950 |

|“Song to Great Stalin”, Voenizdat |unused |1950 |

|Young Pioneer Leader (painting) |Child with portrait of Stalin in background (printed 1950, painted|5/5/1952 |

| |1949); inscribed (Russian) with birthday greetings to Mama | |

|Socialist Realist painting |unused |1950 |

|Political/Military |Cruiser Aurora; unused |1952 |

|Socialist Realist paintings |3 items; various works; unused |1952 |

|Socialist Realist paintings |2 items; unused |1953 |

|“Peace” (mother & child), Koretsky |Poster; unused; circulation 200 000 |1954 |

|Socialist Realist paintings |5 items; unused; most feature women |1954 |

|Socialist Realist paintings |5 items; unused; all feature women |1955 |

|Soviet women (town/country?) |unused |1956 |

|Socialist Realist paintings |unused |1956 |

|Greetings of Revolution Day October |unused |1957 |

|*loose item |Note from CC – postcard caption? | |

|Political/Military |3 items; 1 stamp card; 40th anniversary of the Revolution |1957 |

|Socialist Realist Paintings |2 items; unused |1958 |

|Political/Military |4 items; unused; 3 items commemorating the war years; 1 |1958 |

| |celebrating 40 yrs of Leninist Komsomol | |

|Leningrad: 40th anniversary of Komsomol |unused |1958 |

|USSR space rocket |Note included in file: “Not Sputnik, [which] went up Oct 1957” |2/1/1959 |

|Arch of Glav Shtab |unused |1959 |

|“Election day to Soviets” |Stamp; paper glued to back, obscuring the reverse |1959 |

| | | |

|May Day greetings |Sailor with arms full of children; inscribed (Russian) & posted |1959 |

| |(Moscow) | |

|Socialist Realist painting |unused |1959 |

|Moor poster of 1934 re: tractors and mechanization of |unused |1959 |

|agriculture | | |

|Socialist Realist paintings |2 items; Mayakovsky painting Rosta windows & partisans defending a|1960 |

| |city | |

|42nd Anniversary of Revolution |*file says 1960, but should read1959? |1959? |

|Socialist Realist paintings |2 items; unused |1961 |

|Moscow: “Glory to KPSS!” |Inscribed (Russia) but unposted |1961 |

|Political/Military |2 items; unused; celebrating October |1961 |

|“May Day” with science theme (and stamp of 1961) |unused |1962 |

|Postcard Set: Soviet Space Flights |24 items; unused; illustrated by A. Sokolov; images of futuristic |1965 |

| |space exploration and travel | |

|New Year (Tashkent) |Inscribed (Russian) but unposted |1966 |

|50 years of the Red Services (rockets) |unused |1967 |

|New Year |Inscribed (Russian) & posted (Norway) |1968 |

|Political/Military |2 items; celebrating Victory Day & the armed forces |1968 |

|Political/Military |4 items; 3 celebrating the Great Patiotic War (25 years since |1969 |

| |victory); 1 celebrating October | |

|Postcard Set: Lenin in Kremlin |21 items; unused; photographs, but appear heavily retouched; |1969 |

| |contained in folder | |

|Political/Military |October Revolution; unused |1971 |

|Commemoration of 1941-1945 |3 items; unused |1970 |

|Political/Military |2 items; unused; celebrating October & the Army |1973 |

|Greetings “Gorod-Geroi Leningrad”: war commemoration |Greeting card; unused |1975 |

|Armed Forces |unused |1976 |

|60 yrs. of Revolution |unused |1977 |

|Political/Military |2 items; celebrating armed forces and Oct |1979 |

|Political/Military |3 items; celebrating October & armed forces; 1 greeting card; |1980 |

| |unused | |

|Latvia against Soviets |Message of protest (in English) against the “Russification” of the|1980s |

| |Baltic states | |

|Political/Military |3 items; unused; celebrating October & Victory Day |1981 |

|Political/Military |Celebrating the armed forces; unused |1982 |

|War commemoration |2 items; unused |1983 |

| | | |

|Political/Military |3 items; 1 inscribed & posted (Russian); 1 greeting card; |1984 |

| |celebrating Revolution & armed forces | |

|Political/Military |2 items; unused; celebrating October & Victory Day |1985 |

|Political/Military |2 items; unused; 1 greeting card; celebrating May Day & October |1986 |

|“May Day” greeting advert from Mosodezhda-torg |2 items (duplicate) |1986 |

|Political/Military |3 items; unused; 2 greeting cards; celebrating October, the war, &|1987 |

| |1918 (Civil war?) | |

|Political/Military |3 items; 2 inscribed & posted (Russian); celebrating October & the|1988 |

| |armed forces | |

|October Revolution |Greeting card; unused |1989 |

|Girl with rifle etc. |Parody of Soviet slogan; unused |1990s |

|Unlabelled (Assorted) |16 items; several greeting cards, several addressed to C.C.; New |1973-1990s |

| |Years greetings, Victory Day, October, 1980 Olympics, May Day, | |

| |Peace | |

|Political & “Greeting for festival” |2 items; unused; 1 greeting card |1990 |

Total Number of Postcards (with a few photos & greeting cards included): 1,494

|Unboxed Items |

|File Name |Item Description |Date Range |

|Postcard from the Institute of Maternity & |7 items; all duplicates; photos of the postcard “A Children’s Meeting” |1923 |

|Infancy of the Commissariat of Health |(also a poster) by artist A.I. Komarov; file includes translation of | |

| |caption | |

|Moscow expo |19 items; 9 photos & 10 photocopies; b/w photos of babies, children, and | |

| |adults mostly enjoying leisure time | |

|Pages of Slides |2 pages, 22 colour slides covering a range of topics (architecture, maps, |1853-1931 |

| |postcards); labelled | |

|Pages from books |8 items; colour photos of landscapes & architecture; double-sided; torn |n.d. |

| |from books? | |

|Loose photos |3 items; b/w photos |n.d. |

|Yellow Plastic folder |2 items; A4 sized colour photocopy of photograph of the Soviet postcard |1923 |

| |from the Institute of Maternity and Infancy, with note as to caption | |

| |translation | |

|Clear plastic case A |66 items; mock-ups for illustrations for a publication, possibly on Alexei |n.d. |

| |Gan and typography? Photocopies (hand-coloured) of photographs, posters, | |

| |and other images laid out for printing; includes layout page for the entire| |

| |collection of images | |

|Clear plastic case B |52 items; colour printouts of covers & purchasing details for Soviet-era |n.d. |

| |(mostly children’s) books; receipts for several dozen purchases | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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