Guilford County Schools

Ben L. Smith High School

IB 20th Century History Syllabus


Instructor: Mr. Inkwon Kim Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday 2:00-3:00 PM

Office: Room 318 or by appointment

Office Phone:


E-mail: kimi@

Course Description:

This course focuses on four major topics from 20th Century World History: Move to Global War, Authoritarian states Causes and effects of 20th-century wars and The Cold War: Superpower tensions.

IB History is a two-year course integrating History of the Americas and 20th Century World History. The IB curriculum stresses depth of content, so considerable time will be devoted to topics that will be examined, and less time on topics not covered on the IB exams. It is to the student’s advantage to keep all course materials from both years, carefully organized, for upcoming review for the IB exams. In IB History, you will master the application of historical concepts to essay writing, academic discussions, group and independent research, and to the overall study of history.

Course expectations, Materials, Assessments and Grading:

This course relies heavily on classroom participation and collaboration and contributions in class should reveal a substantial familiarity with assigned readings, a capacity to analyze the issues and problems under discussion, and an ability to listen to, incorporate, synthesize, and constructively criticize the comments and work of classmates. Needless to say, a participant who has not done any advanced preparation for the class discussion is unlikely to find the experience to be productive.

✓ Be in your seat when the bell signals for class to begin.

✓ Bring all necessary supplies and reading material to class EVERYDAY.

✓ Stay on task in class.

✓ Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Take care of this place…this is OUR classroom.

✓ Bathroom: I expect that you take care of your needs before coming to class. However because Mr. Kim is such a cool dude, he will provide you with 4 bathroom passes…after these are used up, there will be no more.

✓ Plagiarism: Stealing, copying, or using another person’s work as if it were your own will result in administrative action (see Handbook).

Cell Phone Policy

THIS CLASSROOM is designated as ‘No Phone Zones’ except with teacher permission. All phones are expected to be housed in backpacks during class time.

Materials: Please have by next class meeting

The following materials are required for class and will be used on a regular basis:

1. Composition book or five subject spiral notebook

2. College-ruled lined paper: need to re-stock regularly.

3. Pencils/Pens (black or blue ink only): need to re-stock regularly.

4. Highlighter set: four colors minimum.

5. Personal thumb-drive


Students will be graded using a variety of assessments. These assessments will range from low-stakes writing assignments and worksheets to research papers and oral presentations. All class assessments will be given at the end of each unit.

Note book checks will be sometimes be unannounced, it is crucial that you keep up with your notes, at the end of the course the students’ notebook will more or less be equivalent to an IB text book.

On low stakes assignments you will be graded on a check system. Some assignments will be optional to turn in. Late work will be accepted but you will not receive full credit for your work. The amount of credit you receive will be determined by Mr. Kim. If you know an assignment will be late, talk to Mr. Kim and make a plan for turning it in.


A – 100 – 90%

B – 89 – 80%

C – 79 – 70%

D – 69 – 60%

In-Class Evaluation IB External Evaluation

Assessments 60% Paper 1 20%

Class work/Notes 30% Paper 2 25%

Homework/Participation 10% Paper 3 35%

IA 20%

Tardies, texting, skipping, unexcused absences, and inappropriate behavior will affect your participation grade. Chronic absences will be dealt with according to the Ben L Smith High School Student Handbook. Time extensions will be granted for excused absences. Please bring me a note excusing your absence if you have missed class.

Your overall grade will be calculated using four different categories. They are weighted accordingly:

● Accountability (Participation, Engagement, Tardies, Texting, Effort) = 10%

● Practice (Homework, in class work, notes) = 30%

● Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Major projects, Internal Assessment, Final Exams) = 60%

Course Overview:

This class will be an intensive study centering on the following four evaluations:

A. IB History Paper 1

“Prescribed Subject” for the first IB exam paper and worth 20% of the formal IB evaluation. It is graded (marked) by IB examiners.

1. The Move to Global War

Case study 1: Japanese expansion in East Asia (1931–1941)

Case study 2: German and Italian expansion (1933–1940)

B. IB History Paper 2 (Prescribed Topics)

This paper is worth 25% of the formal IB evaluation. It is graded (marked) by IB examiners.

2. Authoritarian states (20th century)

i. Europe: Germany—Hitler; USSR—Stalin; Italy—Mussolini;

ii. Asia and Oceania: China—Mao; Cambodia—Pol Pot

iii. Americas: Chile—Pinochet/Cuba--Castro

iv. Africa: Uganda—Amin

3. Causes and effects of 20th-century wars (causes, practice and effect)

i. Second World War (1939–1945)

ii. Vietnam (1946–1954 and/or 1964–1975)

iii. First Gulf War (1990–1991)Case study

4. The Cold War: Superpower tensions, rivalries, mistrust, accords, leaders/nations and crisis

i. Emergence of Communist Soviet Union

ii. Europe: Berlin blockade (1948–1949), Berlin Wall (1958–1961); Hungary (1956); the Prague spring (1968); the USSR and eastern Europe (1981–1989)

iii. Asia and Oceania: North Korean invasion of South Korea (1950); Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979)

iv. The Americas: Cuban Missile Crisis (1962);

v. Truman, Stalin, Khruschev, Nixon, Mao, Castro, Brezhnev, Reagan, Gorbachev

C. Review for IB Paper 3

Consists of a selection of questions from the regional study of the Americas (HOA) and is 35% of the formal IB evaluation. This will be graded by IB examiners.

D. Internal Assessment (IB Paper 4 - Historical Investigation)

The IB Internal Assessment (IA) is the Historical Investigation which will be written in both years of the course. This research paper provides an opportunity for students to conduct in-depth research in an area of interest while utilizing the tools of historical analysis to answer a specific question. Many students find it best to research a question from the Prescribed Subject or from one of the world history topics. However, the question may also be chosen from a historical period in any global region.

Internal Assessment is 20% of the formal evaluation. This is an historical investigation consisting of a written account between 1500 and 2000 words, divided into six parts: a plan of investigation, a summary of evidence, evaluation of sources, an analysis, a conclusion, and a list of sources. This is graded by an advisor but moderated by IB officials. However, as you IB history instructor, I will be available if requested by the student.

Prescribed subject 3: The move to global war

This prescribed subject focuses on military expansion from 1931 to 1941. Two case studies are prescribed, from different regions of the world, and both of these case studies must be studied. The first case study explores Japanese expansionism from 1931 to 1941, and the second case study explores German and Italian expansionism from 1933 to 1940. The focus of this prescribed subject is on the causes of expansion, key events, and international responses to that expansion. Discussion of domestic and ideological issues should therefore be considered in terms of the extent to which they contributed to this expansion, for example, economic issues, such as the long-term impact of the Great Depression, should be assessed in terms of their role in shaping more aggressive foreign policy.


World history topic 10: Authoritarian states (20th century)

This topic focuses on exploring the conditions that facilitated the rise of authoritarian states in the 20th century, as well as the methods used by parties and leaders to take and maintain power. The topic explores the emergence, consolidation and maintenance of power, including the impact of the leaders’ policies, both domestic and foreign, upon the maintenance of power. Examination questions for this topic will expect students to make reference to specific authoritarian states in their responses, and may require students to make reference to examples of states from two different regions of the world. In order for students to be able to make meaningful comparisons across all aspects of the prescribed content, it is recommended that a minimum of three authoritarian states should be studied.


World history topic 12: The Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century)

The Cold War dominated global affairs from the end of the Second World War to the early 1990s. This topic focuses on how superpower rivalries did not remain static but changed according to styles of leadership, strength of ideological beliefs, economic factors and crises involving client states. The topic aims to promote an international perspective on the Cold War by requiring the study of Cold War leaders, countries and crises from more than one region of the world. Examination questions may require students to make reference to examples from two different regions of the world.


IB History Syllabus Signature Form

PARENTS: You can expect that I will provide a safe and positive learning environment in my classroom. As this is an advanced course, be aware that some historical content may be graphic in nature, particularly as it relates to the World Wars and the Holocaust. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to speaking with you and would greatly appreciate your help and support in making this year a great experience for your child!

STUDENTS: please keep the syllabus in your IB History binder for the entire school year and return this sheet to Mr. Kim by Friday, August 31, 2018.

Please Do Not Cut

I have read the IB History syllabus and understand the requirements, rules, and responsibilities involved in being in this class. I am going to make this a GREAT year in IB by being prepared, responsible, and doing my best at all times.

Student Name (print): ______________________________________

Student signature: _________________________________Block: _________Date: ______________

Parent signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Parent Phone:

Parent Email:


Dear Parent or Guardian,

During the course of this semester, we will be studying a wide variety of topics in World History.

To enhance learning, we will be watching some R rated films. In most cases, the films will be used as supplemental information and therefore only short clips will be shown. Rarely will we show an entire full length Hollywood film. But because many of these films depict world history in a very accurate fashion, we feel it will be beneficial for student learning. Due to the R rating of these films, we are required to ask for permission from all parents/guardians. Below is a list of the films whose clips are possibilities to be scheduled to be used in class:

Saving Private Ryan—WW2 Rated R

Schindler’s List – Holocaust content Rated R

Band of Brothers—WW2 Rated R

Pacific—WW2 Rated R

Glory—Rated R

Black Hawk Down---Rated R


Ken Burns Civil War

Ken Burns Vietnam

Each of these films, as well as information about their ratings, can be found on the Internet Movie Database, . Please feel free to look up any film whose subject matter concerns you. If you have any other concerns over these lessons and would not like your child to view the film, an alternative assignment will be offered. Also, if you would like to speak to me concerning the film in anyway, I can be reached at 917-599-6816

Thank you,

Mr. Kim

Ben L Smith Social Studies

Please place an X on the appropriate line below.

_____My child HAS permission to watch the above mentioned films.

_____My child DOES NOT HAVE permission to watch the above mentioned films.

(Optional) If there are any films from the list in particular that you do not want your child to view, but do not have problems with the others on the list please indicate that below.

Student Name________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________ Date __________


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