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All about World War Two

Why and when did the war begin?

The Second World War began in 1939 and ended in1945.

This war was the biggest global war in man-kind. There were two global groups fighting against each other to win the war; the Allies and the Axis powers. In the Allies these people fought bravely to destroy the Axis powers: Joseph Stalin-Russia, Franklin D. Roosevelt-USA, Winston Churchill-Britain. These people of the Axis powers worked hard only to get crushed by the Allies: Adolf Hitler-Nazi Germany and Russia; for the first part of the war they secretly worked with the Germans but later went on to the team of the Allies for a reason of being betrayed by the Germans. Hirohiti-Japan, Benito Mussolini-Italy. The war began when Hitler planned a world domination, starting in Poland, he sent the Bismarck, which was the fastest and most powerful ship in the world during WW2, with an escort of a couple of destroyers.

During this attack, Poland got taken off guard and they did not have the military power to fight back, so it wasn’t that hard for the Germans and two other countries: Russia and Austria, to capture Poland. In the war over seventy-three million civilians and soldiers from both powers die, from-1937-1945.

What weapon’s were used In the Second World War?

In the war the there were a wide variety of light, medium and heavy weapons used by both of the two military powers. Here you will find a list of different war weapons used by the Allied.

| Name | Type | Origin |

| | | |

|Tokarev TT-33 |Semi-Automatic pistol |Soviet Union |

|Mosin–Nagant M1891/30 |Bolt-action rifle /Sniper rifle |Soviet Union |

|Tokarev SVT-38 |Semi-automatic rifle |Soviet Union |

|Lanchester submachine gun  |Submachine gun |Britain |

|M1917 Enfield  |Rifle |Britain |

|Bren light machine gun |Machine gun |Britain |

|Mk.I Bakelite Concussion Hand Grenade |Grenade |Britain |

|Ordnance ML 4.2 inch Mortar |Mortar |Britain |

|Northover projector |Mortar |Britain |

|Light Tank Mk VI |Light tank |Britain |

|Light Tank Mk VII Tetrarch |Light tank |Britain |

|Tank, Medium, Mk.II  |Medium tank |Britain |

|Tank, Cruiser, Mk.VIII, Cromwell |Cruiser tank |Britain |

To see more about infantry weapons of World War 2 then visit

What was life like during the war in Britain?

During the war in Britain, families had to split up due to a warning of bombs and enemy attack. The father would have been forced to go to war because the government needed as much men as possible in their armies. The mother would have to take care of her child, or children, or if she was alone then she could make the decision to join the army. But in some cases the parents had to send their child, or children, into the countryside for there were no Air Raids in the countryside.

But if people did have to stay in their houses during the war, during any mealtime people had to ration. Rationing was when people had to share one piece of food, usually, for large groups of people. But not only food was rationed, people could also ration other things like-clothes. Here is a list of things that people shared: Typewriters, gasoline, bicycles, footwear, silk, nylon, fuel oil, stoves, meat, lard, shortening and oils, cheese, butter, margarine, processed foods (canned, bottled, and frozen), dried fruits, canned milk, firewood and coal, jams, jellies and fruit butter.

Due to aerial bombardments, people needed to have a good and safe place to have when an air raid siren went off. Then, people would either go into their basements and wait till the bombing stopped. Or they could go to a public air raid shelter which could hold up to six people instead of only around four in a basement, unless the owner had a big concrete basement then he could allow people during an air raid to come to his shelter.

What was life like for our soldiers?

Life for soldiers would usually be a cold and miserable time or a hot and miserable time. British soldiers in the west had to house themselves in trenches-long, muddy trenches. The trenches weren’t very nice places to be-the toilets over logged and the troops had to live in small, wet dugouts. Also, any fighting troop could get: boils, rashes, abscesses, Typhus, tuberculosis, malaria, meningitis, pemphigus, dysentery, and durchfall, digestive system disorders, colds, frostbite, pneumonia, and gangrene. When they got tired, they slept wherever they could, holes in the ground, damaged buildings, or anywhere they might be “safe” from enemy gunfire.

How did the war end?

The second world ended a week after Adolf Hitler commited suicide. Germany surrendered and Britain accepted the surrender. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been destroyed. The hard truth is that the atomic bombings were unnecessary. Celebrations were made of the ending of the war in 14th of August 1945.

What happened after the war?

After the war, Germany was banned to have armed forces and for some time Soviet and American soldiers walked Germany to make sure the war had really ended. The result was:

Allied victory, collapse of Nazi Germany, fall of Japanese and Italian Empires.

What events happened during this time?


• Hitler invades Poland on 1 September. Britain and France declare war on Germany

two days later.


• Rationing starts in the UK.

• German 'Blitzkrieg' overwhelms Belgium, Holland and France.

• Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Britain.

• British Expeditionary Force evacuated from Dunkirk.

• British victory in Battle of Britain forces Hitler to postpone invasion plans.


• Hitler begins Operation Barbarossa - the invasion of Russia.

• The Blitz continues against Britain's major cities.

• Allies take Tobruk in North Africa, and resist German attacks.

• Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, and the US enters the war.


• Germany suffers setbacks at Stalingrad and El Alamein.

• Singapore falls to the Japanese in February - around 25,000 prisoners taken.

• American naval victory at Battle of Midway, in June, marks turning point in Pacific


• Mass murder of Jewish people at Auschwitz begins.


• Surrender at Stalingrad marks Germany's first major defeat.

• Allied victory in North Africa enables invasion of Italy to be launched.

• Italy surrenders, but Germany takes over the battle.

• British and Indian forces fight Japanese in Burma.


• Allies land at Anzio and bomb monastery at Monte Cassino.

• Soviet offensive gathers pace in Eastern Europe.

• D Day: The Allied invasion of France. Paris is liberated in August.

• Guam liberated by the US Okinawa, and Two Jima bombed.


• Auschwitz liberated by Soviet troops.

• Russians reach Berlin: Hitler commits suicide and Germany surrenders on 7 May.

• Truman becomes President of the US on Roosevelt's death, and Attlee replaces


• After atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrenders on 14

August 1945



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