Blueprint Template

Instructional Blueprint Template World War II

| |Topic: World War II |

| |Subject Area: American Cultures II |

| |Audience/Grade Level: 11th and 12th grade |

|ESSENTIAL |PURPOSE: FOLLOW STANDARDS|Identify and evaluate |Evaluate how continuity and |Identify and evaluate conflict | |

|ELEMENT: | |primary |change has influenced United |and | |

|Knowing your |A. Identify and evaluate |documents, material |States history |cooperation among social groups | |

|Standards of |the political |artifacts and |from 1890 to Present. |and organizations in United | |

|Performance |and cultural |historic sites important |• Belief Systems and Religions|States | |

| |contributions of |in United |(e.g., 20th century movements,|history from 1890 to the Present.| |

| |individuals and groups to|States history from 1890 |religions of recent |• Domestic Instability (e.g., | |

| |United |to Present. |immigrants) |Great | |

| |States history from 1890 |• Documents (e.g., Treaty|• Commerce and Industry |Depression, assassination of | |

| |to Present. |of |(e.g., corporations, |political and social leaders, | |

| |• Political Leaders |Versailles, North |conglomerates, multinational |terrorist threats) | |

| |(e.g., |Atlantic Treaty, |corporations) |• Ethnic and Racial Relations | |

| |Theodore Roosevelt, |Neutrality Acts) |• Innovations (e.g., the Tin |(e.g., internment camps for | |

| |Woodrow |• 20th Century Writings |Lizzie, radio, World Wide Web)|Japanese Americans, | |

| |Wilson, Franklin D. |and |• Politics (e.g., New Deal |Montgomery Alabama Bus | |

| |Roosevelt) |Communication (e.g., |legislation, Brown v. Topeka, |Boycott, land tensions with | |

| |• Military Leaders (e.g.,|Coolidge’s |isolationist/non-isolationist |Native Americans) | |

| |John |“The Business of America |debate) |• Labor Relations (e.g., rise and| |

| |Pershing, Douglas |is |• Settlement Patterns (e.g., |decline of industrial unions, | |

| |MacArthur, |Business,” King’s “I Have|suburbs, large urban centers, |free | |

| |Dwight D. Eisenhower) |A |decline of city population) |trade agreements, imports impact | |

| |• Cultural and Commercial|Dream,” Armstrong’s “One |• Social Organization |on domestic employment) | |

| |Leaders (e.g., Abby | |(e.g., compulsory school laws,|• Immigration and Migration | |

| |Aldrich | |court decisions expanding |(e.g., anti-immigrant attitudes, | |

| |Rockefeller, Langston | |individual rights, |quota laws, westward and | |

| |Hughes, | |technological |southward migration) | |

| |Alan Greenspan) | |impact) |• Military Conflicts | |

| |• Innovators and | |• Transportation and Trade |(e.g., World War I, World War | |

| |Reformers | |(e.g., expansion and decline |II, War on Terrorism) | |

| |(e.g., Wilbur and Orville| |of | | |

| |Wright, | |railroads, increased mobility,| | |

| |John L. Lewis, Reverend | |Internet) | | |

| |Dr. | |• Women’s Movement (e.g., | | |

| |Martin Luther King) | |right | | |

| | | |to vote, women in the war | | |

| | | |effort, | | |

| | | |Women’s Peace Party) | | |

| |URL : | |

| |The purpose of using the standards is to follow a designated format given by the state at which the curriculum of | |

| |the district is based. | |

|ESSENTIAL |Objectives: |

|ELEMENT: |Given the Pennsylvania State U.S. History, the teacher will create a differentiate learning environment incorporating the |

|Behavioral |essential elements and teaching/learning methods provided by the edtec 448 class |

|Objectives |Given the essential elements the teacher will discriminate web sites and lesson plans to arrange lessons that incorporate |

| |a web source while studying WWII. |

| |Given the essential elements and elements the students will follow the compare, compose, write and discriminate while |

| |exploring information of World War II. |

| | |

| |URL: |

| |The purpose of behavioral objectives is to have an outcome that is measurable, achievable and the student is interested |

| |and high cognitive level is research |

| | |

| | |

|ESSENTIAL |Activity 1-Listen to Winston Churchill |

|ELEMENT: |The students will go to the site and listen to Winston Churchill. They will then discuss Winston Churchill’s |

|Anticipatory Set |involvement in World War II and his significance in history. |

|or Gaining |METHOD: Active Learning |

|Attention | |

| |URL : |

| |The role of the URL is to provide a link for the students to have a primary source to actual listening to a historical |

| |figure and not just reading about the person |

| | |

| | |

| |Activity 2-Radio Broadcast for a Radio Show during WW2 |

| |The students after listening to Winston Churchill-may chose another individual from WW2 and listen to his/her speech. The|

| |students will work in collaborative groups to create a news broadcast of WW2 action, with comedy routines and information |

| |on WW2. They will be given an opportunity to publish their work on CD, weblink or ipod |

| | |

| |METHOD: Active Learning and Collaborative Learning |

| | |

| |URL: |

| |The role of the URL is to provide a lesson plan format and a resource list so the teacher is able to manipulate change or |

| |add to the present lesson plan on WW2 |

| | |

| | |

|ESSENTIAL |Activity 1-Interviews with children that were 9 and 11 during WW2 |

|ELEMENT: |Youtube presents actual individuals that experienced WW2 first hand. The students will watch the interviews and write |

| |their own “fictional” story of living during war time. The students will be active in the learning process through |

|Activating Prior |writing, listening and forming the relationship between the present and the past |

|Knowledge |METHOD: Active Learning |

| | |

| |URL: |

| |The URL is given to the students to work independently on viewing a person from the WW2 era and surmising a fictional |

| |story on their own |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Activity 2- Interview Adolf Hitler on a Podcast |

| |After the students viewed the Youtube interviews and created a fictional story, the students will compare the podcast to |

| |the interviews given. The students will formulate questions in collaborative groups as if they were a news reporter |

| |interviewing Hitler. They may publish their interview on a podcast |

| |METHOD: active learning collaborative learning |

| | |

| |URL: |

| |The URL role is to give the students the opportunity to hear and distinguish propaganda from facts of WW2. |

| | |

| | |

|ESSENTIAL |Activity 1-Propaganda: Analysis of WW2 Posters |

|ELEMENT: |The students after they have presented their “fictional stories” and interview with Hitler. The students will investigate|

|Modeling |the term propaganda. The student will view propaganda posters, listen to speeches and make informed judgments on how |

| |propaganda affected Hitler’s reign. The students will create their own propaganda on WW2. |

| |METHOD: Present |

| | |

| |URL : |

| |The URL role is to provide background for the teacher and sites before proceeding into the read write think to create a |

| |poster. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Activity 2-Propaganda-Japanese internment camps |

| |The students will be divided into groups and participate in a learning activity of role playing. The students must decide|

| |the essential items they need to bring with them into the internment camps. The activity will allow for discussion and |

| |debate. T |

| |METHOD: |

| |Guide and collaborative learning |

| | |

| |URL : |

| |The URL role is a lesson plan to provide primary source documents and a format of collaborative learning. |

| | |

| | |

|ESSENTIAL |Activity 1- Video clips from PBS on WW2 |

|ELEMENT: |The students will chose a seaman, a journalist or a person from the home front. They will access the PBS site and view |

|Checking for |the video clips available. The student will work in groups of 4 to create a radio interview about the individuals seen in|

|Understanding |the films. This is a second opportunity to create and design an interview from WW2 |

| |METHOD: |

| |Guide and Collaborative Learning |

| | |

| |URL : |

| |The URL role is to provide the video clips for primary source and add any additional information needed for the interview.|

| |This is a visual experience of a primary source |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Activity 2-Mock Trial: Japanese Internment |

| |The students will research information of Japanese relocation. The students will use their role playing experience from |

| |being an internment individual to dramatize a mock trial of Japanese individuals fighting for their 5th amendment rights. |

| |The students will determine roles and carry out the mock trial to determine if any rights have or had been violated |

| |METHOD: Collaborative Learning |

| |Problem Based Learning |

| | |

| |URL |

| |The URL role is to provide a lesson plan format for the teacher to use within the classroom. |

| | |

|ESSENTIAL |Activity 1- World War 2 Web Quest |

|ELEMENT: |The students will use the Web Quest to research a topic of WW2. The students will take in active role in developing |

| |deeper knowledge of WW2. The students will be able enhance their word processing skills and research skills in this quest|

|Guided Practice |for knowledge |

|and Independent |METHOD: Problem Based Learning |

|Practice | |

| |URL |

| |The URL is the link to the Web Quest for the students to choose a topic, link to other prescribe sites and formulate and |

| |discriminate ideas to compile a written research paper. |

| | |

| | |

| |Activity 2- Comparing WW2 with other countries |

| |Many of the textbooks created are written by the “group” that won. The students will investigate textbooks from around |

| |the world on line from a prescribe site and have the ability to communicate with other students internationally on |

| |bulletin boards. The students will examine each textbook and create questions to ask other students how their textbook |

| |relays information. This will give the students the opportunity to defend or judge other written text. The students |

| |through discussion will be able to problem solve a real world issue of how history is interpretated |

| |METHOD: Collaborative Learning |

| |Problem Based Learning |

| | |

| |URL |

| |The URL role is to provide a background lesson plan and a link to textbooks on line. |

| | |

|ESSENTIAL |Activity 1- Breaking the Code |

|ELEMENT: |After researching and viewing a segment of Wind talkers the film the students will try to stump their fellow classmates by|

| |making their own code. The students will use the websites provided to them on math and science. The students will be |

|Motivation |motivated to figure out each other’s code |

| |METHOD: Active Learning |

| | |

| |URL |

| |

| |tml&original= |

| |The URL role is to provide a lesson plan and links to math and science sites. The teacher will be able to access these |

| |sites on a p-board giving the students background before creating their code. |

| | |

| | |

| |Activity 2-Family-Looking at families experiencing WW II: Think Quest |

| |A different type of Web Quest, the students will be able write journals, design a artifact box etc. The students will |

| |follow a family on the homefront, taking an active role in the lives of individuals during WW2. The activity will engage |

| |the students into formulating connections to families of the past |

| |METHOD: Active Learning |

| | |

| |URL |

| |The URL role is a Think quest site where students are able to go into another families’ life and interact the subject |

| |matter |

| | |


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