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[Pages:72] The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, 1939

Foreign Ministers von Ribbentrop & Molotov

Nazi-Soviet Pact 3.1.1

? Negotiations between Britain, France and the USSR began in March 1939 in order to deal with Nazi aggression throughout.

? Stalin, however, was also getting visits from Nazi foreign minister Ribbentrop to discuss a Nazi-Soviet pact

Nazi-Soviet Pact

? On 24 August 1939 Stalin made his decision and signed a pact with Germany.

? The world was shocked as two arch enemies promised not to attack each other.

? Privately they also agreed to divide Poland

Why did Stalin sign the pact?

? Stalin was not convinced that Britain and France would be strong and reliable allies against Hitler

? He also wanted large parts of eastern Poland

? He did not believe that Hitler would keep his word. He wanted time to build up his forces.

Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939

Blitzkrieg ["Lightening War"]

German Successes Early in WWII 3.2.2

? Poland was pleased to learn that France and Britain would help defend Poland against a possible German attack in early 1939. There was hope that a German invasion could be averted or possibly halted and the German army defeated.

? Within 4 weeks Poland was crushed at the cost of just 8000 German dead. The British and French had hardly fired a shot.

? What had happened?


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