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Summary of Chapter 5 Name___________________

Social Studies 11 Date:___________________

When appeasement failed and Hitler did not pull out ofinvaded Poland, on September 3rd 1939 the world war again plunged into war again on September 3rd, 1939. Unlike WW1, Canadians did not respond enthusiastically to the declaration of war. Indeed, as a As a symbolic gesture to prove their independence, C, Caanada declared war on Germany one week after Britain. Mackenzie King was in favoured of war, but believed that ensured the public that Canada would play a limited role. Canada would have a limited role supplying munitions/supplies, and offering to train British pilots inon Canadian soil (British Commonwealth Air Training Program) Canada which was geographically removed from the war.

King appointed the capable C.D. Howe as minister of Munitions and Supplies. WW2 wasmeant T total wWar; Cmany of canada’s resources were put towards the war effort. Canadians would have to do whatever it took to defeat the enemy.

WW2 involved the AXIS (Germany, Italy and Japan) VS the Allies ALLIES (Britain, France and the Commonwealth). Although war was declared in September of 1939, FranceGermany had to waitwaited for 7 seven7 months before Germany moved against it invaded France. This was known as theThis period without fighting was called the Phoney War.

Germany pioneered the use of had pioneered a new military technique that would prove exceptionally effective. It was called Blitzkrieg. and This tactic involved surprise attacks with lighting speed,. p Paratroopers and shock troops would enter behind enemy lines to cause disorientation. At the same time, tanks would crash through enemy lines driving as far back as possible. At the same timeP planes would bomb the enemy and destroy communication and transportation links. The attacks were swift and left the enemy confused and & surrounded.

Hitler’s Blitzkrieg was so effective that Hitler conquered Denmark in hours and Norway in two months. In May, Hitler invaded the Netherlands and Belgium and then France. Within days he had crashed through France and tanks had made their way to the English channelChannel., English and French troops were surrounded at Dunkirk, but miraculously managed to escape thanks to English innovationescaped. By June 22nd, France had surrendered. Hitler then turned his attention to then commenced Operation Sealion: the invasion of Britain. On July 10th, Hitler began a bombing campaign of Britain. During the “London Blitz” the Ccapital of England was bombed for 553 consecutive nights.

Greedily seeking territorial expansion orSeeking “Lebensraum” (living space) Hitler surprise attacked Russia the USSR in June of 1941. Stalin was completely unprepared as he had earlier signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression pact. and by ABy autumn Germans Nazis had reached the outskirts of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and & Moscow. However, the USSR unleashed its most powerful weapon “The Russian Winter” and& in Dec of 1943, Germans began to retreat.

Canada’s Role

On Land: Canada participated in the Dieppe raid on August 19th 1942, This was (a test invasion of Europe.) However, tThe raid failed for several reasons and is today viewed as a tremendous tragedy in Canadian history and. 907 Canadians died (more than any other battle in the war) 586 were wounded and 1874 were taken prisoner.

At Sea: Canada participated in was crucial 1in helping supplies reach/2 of the BritainBritish escorts across the Atlantic through by supporting thethe convoy system. The German navy appeared to be winning the Battle of the Atlantic,, but in May of 1942, the tide turned when Britain cracked the German naval code allowing it toand could track enemyNazi naval naval movements.. Canada’s contribution cannot be understated, in total the RCN is credited with providing ½ of the escorts across the Atlantic.

In the Air: 250,000 Canadians joined the RCAF and participated in many bombing raids during the war. 10,000 Canadian bomber crew died during the war. On a positive note, wWomen were accepted into the RCAF asat first as clerks, cooks, hospital assigstant, welders, mechanics e etctc. Although not allowed to fly combat missions, women were later permitted to fly bombers from Canada to Bto deliver them to Britain.

In 1942 the tide turned. The USA joined the war effort and the allies had cleared North Africa of Axis forceand the Allies cleared North Africa of the Axiss. They turned their attention to the invasion of Europe. Churchill’s plan was to invade Italy, “the soft underbelly of Europe.” Only From the Julyt 10, 1943 invasion onwards the allies invaded Italy. Tthe fighting was harsh and advancement was slow.; the invasion of Italy was anything but soft. Indeed, Fighting lasted until the Spring of 1945fighting would last until the Spring of 1945 in Italy.

D-Day: On June 6th 1944 the allies launched Operation Overlord., This a was a full-scale invasion of Europe. The allies decided to attack 5 beaches at Normandy on the French coast – they were codenamed: “Sword,” “Juno,” “Omaha,” “Gold” and “Utah.” 30,000 Canadians arrived landed at Juno Beach as part of a first wave attack.. The allies landed over a million troops within three weeks. The troops were supported with air and naval attacks and had been kept secret from the Germans. It took weeks of constant fighting to work inland and the allies began an 11 month advance through France and Belgium into Germany. By march of 1945 allies attacked Germany; Canadians were given the task of liberating the Netherlands. 6,300 died during the liberation but on May 4th, the Germans surrendered where 6,300 died.

Holocaust: When soldiers advanced into Germany and Poland they discovered tremendous Nazi atrocities. that Mmillions of people had been murdered and millions were starving and overworked inliving in Concentration Camps. By 1945, the Nazis had killed at least six6 million Jewish Europeans s and many other pe& many other oplepeople that they considered inferior.

The last Axis power to be defeated was Japan. To avoid a series of bloody battles, the USA dropped an nuclear bombatomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. They dropped another on Nagasaki on August 9th. World War II ended when Japan surrendered (VJ Day).

The war in Canada: Total war meant that Canada once again produced supplies for overseas and that. W women again entered were once again put in “men’s” roles to help produce for the war. Wages rose, but people could not buy products with their cash because products they were being shipped to Europe. While the government encouraged Canadians to buy War Bonds to spend their money, iTo prevent inflation,nflation resulted as the price of goods increased. As a result the ggovernment introduced rationing s and imposed price controls on productsfroze prices to prevent inflation.

The war also resulted in demands for social change. Workers demanded and & won the right to unionize (strikes would be bad for the war. effort) “PProtest” parties like Tommy Douglas’s CCF were also gaininged ground with their platforms that advocated social assistance programs.

Conscription Crisis Part II: , like Tommy Douglas whose CCF party who formed government in Saskatchewan in 1944.

Conscription Crisis. Although King had promised not to adopt conscription, but in 19442 he held a national plebiscite onasking to be whether or not he could be released from his promise. Every province except Quebec voted yes. In 1942, Conscription was adopted; Conscripts were not sent to Europe until 1944, but Quebec still felt betrayed. Accordingly, the Quebec legislature condemned King & there were riots in Montreal.

Results of WWII: Canada’s economic contributions to the effort caused the nation to be labeled the “Arsenal of Democracy.” The country’s economy boomed which would attract a massive wave of post-war of immigrants. One of the lasting negative social impacts of the war was the internment of Japanese-Canadians. After Pearl Harbour, anti-Japanese sentiment swept through Canada. No evidence suggested that Japanese-Canadians were a threat, but in 1942 many were relocated from the coast to the interior of B.C. In 1943, the Federal government confiscated their possessions & sold them.


Appeasement: _________________________________________________________

AxisAllies/Axis: __________________________________________________________


Blitzkrieg: ___________________________________________________________

Phony War : _________________________________________________________

Battle of Britain: ______________________________________________________

Convoys: _____________________________________________________________

Dieppe Raid : _________________________________________________________

U-Boats: _____________________________________________________________

Merchant Marine : ______________________________________________________

Rationing : ___________________________________________________________

Roosevelt : _________________________________________________________

Pearl Harbour : ________________________________________________________

Inflation : _________________________________________________________

Churchill : _________________________________________________________

Stalin : _________________________________________________________

Total War: _________________________________________________________

C.D. Howe : _________________________________________________________

V.E. Day : _________________________________________________________

V.J. Day : _________________________________________________________

D-Day: _________________________________________________________

Hong Kong : _________________________________________________________

Total WarOperation Barbarosa: ___________________________________________________

Holocaust : _________________________________________________________

Operation Sea Lion : ____________________________________________________

British Commonwealth Air Training Program : __________________________________


Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : ____________________________________________


Battle of the Atlantic : __________________________________________________


Axis/Allies Operation Barbarossa Italian Campaign : ______________________________________________________


Appeasement: Policy of giving a dictator what they want, in order to avoid war.

Axis: Italy, Germany, Japan

Blitzkrieg:”Lightning War” – Nazi technique involving aircraft bombing, tanks and infantry on enemies.

Phony War: S0even months at beginning of war where nothing happens.

Battle of Britain: Hitler’s planned invasion of Britain; mainly battle in air.

Convoys: Ships travel together to protect selves from U-Boats

Dieppe: Poorly planned Canadian raid on France that ended up being a massacre

U-Boats: Submarines, used most effectively by Germans to sink allied shipping.

Merchant Marine: Supply ships from colonies bringing goods to Britain.

Rationing: Government policy whereby citizens food and goods allotment was portioned out.

Roosevelt: American President during WW2

Pearl Harbour: Japanese attack Hawaii, leading to USA entering war on side of Allies.

Inflation: End of war, money because worth less, goods cost more.

Churchill: British Prime Minister during WW2

Stalin: Leader of Soviet Union during WW2

Total War: All resources of a nation are channeled towards the war effort.

C.D. Howe: Minister of militia during WW2

V.E. Day: Victory in Europe day, May 8th 1945

V.J. Day: August 14th/15th 1945 – Ended war (Victory over Japan day)

D-Day: June 6th, 1944 – Allied landings on Normandy to invade mainland Europe.

Hong Kong: (Battle of) – Allies captured early in war by Japanese who invade Hong Kong.

Holocaust: Hitler’s systematic extermination of the Jewish people.

Operation Sea Lion: Hitler’s planned invasion of Britain.

British Commonwealth Air Training Program: Initially Canada’s role in WW2 was to train pilots in Canada.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Value of Goods and Services produced in a country in a year.

Battle of the Atlantic : Sea battle in Atlantic against axis/allies

Axis/Allies: Both sides during ww2

Operation Barbarossa: Hitler’s invasion of Russia

Italian Campaign: Canadian’s/allies invade Italy “the soft underbelly of Europe.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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