Chronology, 1941–1945 - U.S. Army Center Of Military History


The relationship o f events in lime is the essence of history. Chronology: 194/-1945 establishes the sequence of evenls from the lime the firs t bombs on Pearl Harbor on 7

December 194 1 until the instrument of surrender was signed aboard the USS Missouri in

Tokyo Bay on 2 Septe mber 1945. T he other volumes in the series United States Army in World War II recounl in detail the various asp eCts of a complex global war-individual campaigns. grand strategy, logis tics, support. and so forth . In this volume the reader can see the events of the war d ay by d ay in their sequence and cont emporaneity, measure the scope of the global struggle. and begin to gr~sp the relation of the innumerable p arts to the who le.

Washington, D.C. 23 June 1958

R . W . STEPHENS Maj. Gen., U .S.A. Chirj of Military History


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