Chandler Unified School District

Area 1: Prisoner’s Daily Life

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. What happened to the prisoners when they first got to the camps?

2. What was "selection"?

3. What did they eat?

4. Where/how did they sleep?

5. What kind of labor did they have to do? 

6. What happened to their personal items?

7. What kind of clothing/shoes did they wear?

8. Why didn't more commit suicide?

9. What were some of the emotional/physical challenges that they faced? 

10. A question you come up with on your own (approved by Ms. Knuttila)

11. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)


Area 2: Murder of Prisoners

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. What was "The Final Solution"?

2. What types of torture techniques did the Nazi's use?

3. What different methods did they use to kill prisoners?

4. What "natural" causes led to prisoners' deaths?

5. How did gas chambers work? What kind of gas did they use?

6. How many people could they fit in a gas chamber?

7. How did they dispose of the dead bodies?

8. What kind of medical experiments did they perform on prisoners?

9. Why didn't they just shoot the prisoners?

10. How big were the pits where the put the dead bodies? 

11. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)


Area 3: Hitler and the Nazis

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. Why did the Nazis target Jewish people? 

2. Who else did the Nazis target and why?

3. Was Hitler Jewish?

4. Did Hitler have an assistant? Or who were the people highest in power besides Hitler?

5. Where did Hitler stay during the war?

6. Was Hitler's house made of gold?

7. How many Nazis turned against Hitler?

8. Who tried to kill Hitler?

9. Why did Hitler commit suicide?

10. Did any other Nazis (specifically in the camps when they were liberated) commit suicide?

11. What laws allowed the Nazis to do what they did?

12. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)


Area 4: Impact on the Jewish Community

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. How many Jews went into hiding?

2. What percentage of the Jewish population died in the Holocaust?

3. Did Jews try to fight back? 

4. What were ghettos?

5. What was daily life like in the ghettos?

6. What was the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?

7. Where/when did Mr. Frank die?

8. How old was Anne when she died? How did she die?

9. Which country's Jewish population was most affected?

10. What happened to Jewish people after the war?


Area 5: Allied Forces and the Liberation of the Camps

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. What did the Allies do with the dead bodies in the camps?

2. How many Jewish people were liberated from the camps?

3. How many people in general were liberated from the camps?

4. How many people died the day of liberation?

5. What led to people surviving the camps? (What character traits did they have?)

6. What did Allied forces due to the Nazis in the camps?

7. How many Americans died in the war?

8. Which camp was liberated first?

9. What evidence was left of the mass murders? 

10. When did Allied Forces first learn of the existence of concentration camps?

11. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)


Area 6: Current Genocide

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. What is genocide?

2. Describe the Bosnia-Hercegovina genocide. (years, victims, perpetrators, etc)

3. Describe the Darfur, Sudan genocide. (years, victims, perpetrators, etc)

4. Describe the Rwanda genocide. (years, victims, perpetrators, etc)

5. Describe the Cambodian genocide. (years, victims, perpetrators, etc)

6. How can we prevent future genocides?

7. What world laws are in place to prohibit/prevent/punish genocide?

8. What are the eight stages of genocide?

9. How has the United States reacted to genocide around the world? 

10. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)


Area 7: The War in Europe

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. Which country had the highest soldier death totals?

2. Which country had the highest civilian deaths?

3. When and why did the war in Europe end?

4. What are the details of D-Day?

5. How many soldiers participated in World War II and what was the percent of survival?

6. What traumas did soldiers have to deal with after the war? (health issues, mental issues, etc.)

7. What were some of the important battles in Europe? What are the specific details for these battles?

8. What officially started the war in Europe?

9. How were women involved in the war?

10. How many deaths were there worldwide? How does this compare to other wars?

11. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)



Area 8: Japanese Internment Camps

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. Where were the camps located?

2. What is the difference between European concentration camps and American internment camps?

3. Who was taken to these camps?

4. What was life like in these camps?

5. How long did these people stay in the camps?

6. Did people die in these camps?

7. What happened to the people in these camps when the war ended?

8. How many people were put in the camps?

9. Why did American's put these people into camps?

10. Were these people American citizens?

11. Was it legal to put people into camps like that?

12. Did people try to escape from the camps?

13. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)



Area 9: Effects of the Atomic Bomb

Directions: Research your topic, and answer the following questions. After you have answered the questions, transform the information into a prezi to present to the class. Remember the questions are a guideline, so feel free to expand on the information discovered.

1. How many people were killed in each city?

2. What are the specific details? (Which cities, what times, which planes, etc.)

3. What were the atomic bombs? (How did they work?)

4. How many people died from the immediate blast and how many died from radiation?

5. What was the Manhatten Project?

6. Why did the US resort to atomic bombs?

7. What was Japan's reaction to each bomb?

8. What were some of the radiation side effects?

9. What were some of the health effects caused by the bombs?

10. Write your own question. (Must be approved by Mrs. Tillman)




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