CHAPTER 7 ELK HUNTING SEASONS Special Regular Season …


Section 1. Authority. This regulation is promulgated by authority of Wyoming Statutes ? 23-1-302, ? 23-1-703 and ? 23-2-104.

Section 2. Hunting Seasons.

Hunt areas, season dates and limitations.

Hunt Area 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

3 3



6 6 6 6

7 7 7

Type 1 4 1 4 4 6 6 Gen Gen

6 6



1 1 4 6

1 1 2

Special Archery Dates Opens Closes Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 14

Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates Opens Closes Oct. 15 Nov. 30 Oct. 15 Nov. 30 Oct. 21 Nov. 1 Sep. 18 Sep. 27 Oct. 21 Nov. 1 Sep. 18 Sep. 27 Oct. 21 Nov. 1 Sep. 15 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Jan. 31

Quota 100 75 60 80


Aug. 15 Nov. 30 200 Dec. 1 Jan. 31

Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Nov. 30

Oct. 15 Nov. 1 Oct. 15 Aug. 15

Oct. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 31


50 1100

Oct. 15 Nov. 20 1500 Nov. 21 Dec. 31 Nov. 21 Dec. 31 350

Limitations Any elk Antlerless elk Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf Cow or calf Any elk Any elk valid south of U.S. Highway 26

Cow or calf Cow or calf valid south of U.S. Highway 26

Any elk valid off national forest Antlerless elk valid off national forest

Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk

Cow or calf valid off national forest

Any elk Antlerless elk Antlered elk four (4) points or less on either antler; valid in Converse County


Hunt Area 7




7 8 8 9 9 9, 10

10 10 11 11

Type 4




7 1 6 Gen 6 7

Gen 6 1 1

Special Archery Dates Opens Closes

Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates

Opens Closes Aug. 15 Oct. 14

Quota 1200

Oct. 15 Dec. 31 Aug. 15 Oct. 14 2250

Oct. 15 Dec. 31

Jan. 1 Jan. 31 50 Oct. 1 Jan. 31 150 Aug. 15 Jan. 31 200 Oct. 15 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Dec. 31 250 Aug. 15 Jan. 31 250

Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Dec. 1

Oct. 31 Dec. 31 100 Nov. 30 200 Dec. 31

Limitations Antlerless elk valid on private land; valid in all of Platte County

Antlerless elk valid in the entire area

Cow or calf valid on private land; valid in all of Platte County

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

Cow or calf Any elk Cow or calf Any elk Cow or calf Cow or calf valid off national forest

Any elk Cow or calf Any elk Any elk valid off national forest; the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission's Wick Wildlife Habitat Management Area south of Interstate 80 shall be closed

11 4 11 6

Sep. 15 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Nov. 30 300 Aug. 15 Jan. 31 250

Antlerless elk

Cow or calf valid off national forest; the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission's Wick Wildlife Habitat Management Area south of Interstate 80 shall be closed

11 9

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 50

Any elk, archery only

12 Gen Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 15 Oct. 31

Any elk

12 6

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Nov. 14 200 Cow or calf


Hunt Area 12

12, 13, 15, 110 13 13 13

15 15 15

16 16 16 16 16

Type 6


Gen 6 6

Gen 6 6

1 1 2 2 4

Special Archery Dates Opens Closes

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates

Opens Closes Nov. 15 Dec. 31


Aug. 15 Jan. 31 225

Oct. 15 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Nov. 14 100 Nov. 15 Dec. 31

Oct. 15 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Nov. 14 100 Nov. 15 Dec. 31

Oct. 1 Dec. 1 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 Sep. 1

Oct. 31 175 Jan. 31 Nov. 30 75 Jan. 31 Sep. 30 300

Limitations Cow or calf valid off national forest and off Pennock Mountain Wildlife Habitat Management Area

Cow or calf valid on private land

Any elk Cow or calf Cow or calf valid off national forest

Any elk Cow or calf Cow or calf valid off national forest

Any elk Antlerless elk Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk valid on private land; also valid on or within one-half (1/2) mile of irrigated land and on the Hanna Draw Hunter Management Area (HMA permission slip required)

16 4 16 6

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Jan. 31 Aug. 15 Sep. 30 300

Antlerless elk valid in the entire area

Cow or calf valid on private land; also valid on or within one-half (1/2) mile of irrigated land and on the Hanna Draw Hunter Management Area (HMA permission slip required)

16 6 16 7

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Jan. 31 200

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

Cow or calf


Hunt Area 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 21

Type 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 6

Gen Youth only

Special Archery Dates Opens Closes Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates Opens Closes Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Nov. 21 Jan. 31 Nov. 1 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Jan. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Nov. 21 Jan. 31 Nov. 1 Jan. 31 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Nov. 1 Jan. 31 Oct. 13 Oct. 31

Quota 150



125 225

Limitations Any elk Antlerless elk Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf Cow or calf Any elk; youth only

21 Gen

Oct. 15 Oct. 19

Antlered elk

21 Gen Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 20 Oct. 31

Any elk

21 6

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 15 Nov. 15 250 Cow or calf

21 7

Aug. 15 Dec. 31 25

Cow or calf valid on private land

22 1

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 8 Oct. 31 60

Any elk

22 1

Nov. 15 Dec. 15

Any elk, also valid in Area 111

22 1

Dec. 16 Dec. 31

Antlerless elk

22 6

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 8 Oct. 31 50

Cow or calf valid in the Muddy Creek Drainage

22 6

Nov. 1 Dec. 31

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

23 1

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 150 Any elk

23 1

Nov. 15 Dec. 15

Any elk

23 4

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 125 Antlerless elk

23 4

Nov. 15 Dec. 15

Antlerless elk

23 6

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 200 Cow or calf

23 6

Nov. 15 Dec. 15

Cow or calf

23 7

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 15 50

Cow or calf

24 1

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 175 Any elk

24 1

Nov. 1 Nov. 30

Antlerless elk

24 4

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 75

Antlerless elk

24 4

Nov. 1 Nov. 30

Antlerless elk also valid in Area 128

24 5

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 30 175 Antlerless elk



Area 25, 27 25

Type 1


Special Archery Dates Opens Closes Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates Opens Closes Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Oct. 11 Oct. 31

Quota 150


Limitations Any elk

Antlerless elk

25 5 25 5

25 6

27 4

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 21 Oct. 31 75 Nov. 1 Nov. 10

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 21 100

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Nov. 21 50

Antlerless elk Antlerless elk, valid north of the Sweetwater River

Cow or calf, valid north of the Sweetwater River

Antlerless elk

28 Gen Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 14

Any elk

28 Gen

Oct. 15 Oct. 22

Antlerless elk

28 4

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 21 175 Antlerless elk

28 6 30 1

Dec. 1 Jan. 31 25 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 50

Cow or calf valid off national forest north of the Little Popo Agie River and east of R 101 W; also valid in Area 127 south of the Boulder Flats Road and west of U.S. Highway 287 Any elk

30 4

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 8 Nov. 15 50

Antlerless elk

31 1

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 75

Any elk

31 4

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 8 Nov. 15 150 Antlerless elk

32 1

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 50

Any elk

32 4

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 8 Nov. 15 50

Antlerless elk

32 9

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 25

Antlerless elk, archery only

33 1

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 9 Oct. 31 200 Any elk

33 1

Nov. 1 Dec. 31

Antlerless elk

33 4

Aug. 15 Sep. 30 150

Antlerless elk valid on private land east of Buffalo Creek and the Bar C Road (B.L.M. Road 6214)

33 4

33 6 34 1

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 9 Dec. 31

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 300 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Oct. 15 Nov. 15 800

Antlerless elk valid in the entire area

Cow or calf Any elk


Hunt Area 34 34


35 35 35


35 36 36 36


36 37 37


37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39

Type 1 6


1 4 6


9 Gen 4 6


9 Gen 6


9 1 1 4 4 9 1 1 4 4

Special Archery Dates Opens Closes

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Sep. 15 Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates Opens Closes Nov. 16 Dec. 31

Aug. 15 Oct. 14

Quota 700

Oct. 15 Dec. 31

Oct. 15 Nov. 5 150 Oct. 15 Dec. 31 250 Aug. 15 Oct. 14 350

Oct. 15 Dec. 31

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 75 Oct. 15 Nov. 5 Oct. 15 Dec. 31 300 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 250

Oct. 15 Nov. 5

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 50 Oct. 15 Nov. 5 Sep. 15 Sep. 30 700

Oct. 1 Dec. 31

Sep. 1 Oct. 15 Nov. 6 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Sep. 1 Oct. 15 Nov. 5 Oct. 1 Oct. 15

Sep. 30 150 Nov. 5 400 Nov. 15 Oct. 10 550 Nov. 15 Sep. 30 250 Nov. 4 200 Nov. 30 Oct. 10 150 Nov. 30

Limitations Antlerless elk Cow or calf valid on private land north of the North Fork Powder River

Cow or calf valid off national forest

Any elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf valid on private land

Cow or calf valid off national forest

Any elk, archery only Antlered elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf valid off national forest north of Rock Creek

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

Any elk, archery only Any elk Cow or calf valid off national forest

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

Any elk, archery only Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Any elk, archery only Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk


Hunt Area 39


39 40 40 40 40 40 40


40 41 41 41 41 41 45 45 45 45 45

45 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 49

Type 6


9 1 1 4 5 5 6


9 1 4 4 6 9 1 4 5 5 6

9 1 1 6 1 1 4 4 6 6 1

Special Archery Dates Opens Closes

Sep. 15 Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Sep. 15 Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Sep. 30 Sep. 15 Sep. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates

Opens Closes Oct. 1 Nov. 4

Quota 50

Nov. 5 Nov. 30

Sep. 1 Oct. 15 Nov. 5 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Sep. 1

Sep. 30 75 Nov. 4 225 Nov. 30 Nov. 30 125 Oct. 10 125 Nov. 30 Nov. 4 100

Nov. 5 Nov. 30

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 100 Oct. 15 Nov. 4 375 Oct. 1 Oct. 10 450 Oct. 15 Nov. 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 21 300 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 125 Oct. 15 Nov. 4 350 Oct. 15 Nov. 30 150 Oct. 1 Oct. 10 200 Nov. 5 Nov. 30 Aug. 15 Nov. 30 225

Sep. 1 Oct. 9 Nov. 1 Oct. 9 Oct. 9 Nov. 7 Oct. 9 Nov. 7 Oct. 9 Nov. 7 Oct. 9

Sep. 30 150 Oct. 31 150 Nov. 30 Nov. 30 100 Oct. 31 400 Dec. 15 Oct. 31 100 Dec. 15 Oct. 31 650 Dec. 15 Oct. 31 350

Limitations Cow or calf valid off national forest

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

Any elk, archery only Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf valid off national forest

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

Any elk, archery only Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf Any elk, archery only Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf valid off national forest

Any elk, archery only Any elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf Any elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf Cow or calf Any elk


Hunt Area 49 49 49 49 49 51


51 51 53 53

53 53


53 54




54 54

54 55 55 56 56 56

Type 1 4 4 6 6 1


4 9 1 2

4 6


9 1




7 7

9 1 9 Gen Gen 1

Special Archery Dates Opens Closes Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 14

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 Sep. 1 Sep. 30

Regular Season Dates Opens Closes Nov. 7 Dec. 21 Oct. 9 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Dec. 21 Sep. 15 Oct. 31

Quota 100 850

Nov. 7 Dec. 21 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 100

Oct. 1 Oct. 31 40

Nov. 16 Dec. 15 100 Sep. 1 Sep. 30 70 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 10 Nov. 1 Nov. 30 35

Oct. 1 Dec. 15 25 Oct. 15 Dec. 21 75

Sep. 1 Dec. 21 25

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 10 Oct. 1 Nov. 30 50

Oct. 1 Oct. 31 25

Sep. 1 Sep. 30 150

Oct. 1 Oct. 31

Nov. 1 Nov. 24 300 Nov. 25 Dec. 21

Sep. 1 Oct. 1 Sep. 1

Sep. 30 35 Oct. 31 50 Sep. 30 25

Oct. 1 Oct. 21 Nov. 1 Dec. 7 10

Limitations Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Antlerless elk Cow or calf

Cow or calf Any elk south and west of the Clarks Fork River

Any elk north and east of the Clarks Fork River

Antlerless elk Any elk, archery only Any elk Any elk valid in the North Fork Shoshone River Drainage

Antlerless elk Cow or calf valid in the North Fork Shoshone River Drainage

Cow or calf valid on private land

Any elk, archery only Any elk valid south of the Clarks Fork River

Any elk valid north of the Clarks Fork River

Cow or calf valid on private land

Cow or calf valid in the entire area

Cow or calf Cow or calf valid east of Wyoming Highway 120

Any elk, archery only Any elk Any elk, archery only Any elk Antlered elk Any elk



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