A free monthly electronic newsletter for the VAN BIBBER, VANBIBER,



Vol. 6 No. 11 - September 2003

Greetings once again to all our subscribers. Here we are at the end of another month which means another family newsletter. We are one month shy of having six years (72 editions) worth of newsletters on the Van Bibber family. All the archived editions can be located at the Archived Newsletters section of the Van Bibber website.

A special thanks goes out to our own webmaster and former editor of the newsletter Bruce Logan. Even though I edit and publish the newsletter each month, it is Bruce who uploads it to the website in a timely manner for all to read. It takes a team effort and we must not forget Bruce plays a very important part in bringing you the newsletter each month.

As we head into Autumn and eventually into the colder months of Winter, most of everyone's outdoor activities will be curtailed to a certain degree. If you were wanting to submit something on your family to be published in the newsletter, what better time than now to prepare your articles for submission. We must not forget, the purpose of the newsletter is to share the treasures of our families both past and present. For all who have contributed….good job! For all who are considering contributing….we look forward to hearing from you! For all who just enjoy the family newsletter each month…..happy reading!

Your Editor,

Gary R. Hawpe



1. New Subscribers -- Address Changes -- Invalid Addresses

2. Wagon Train to California

3. Family of Andrew Simmons and Helen Yoakum

4. Elza Jeffords

5. California Death Records (5) 1940 - 1997

6. Obituaries

7. Recent Deaths

8. Death Notices

9. Recent Births

10. Wedding Announcements

11. Weddings

12. Marriages

13. Notices

14. Bits and Pieces

15. Sound Off



For the month of September we have seven new subscribers from various branches of the family. We lost five this month because of invalid addresses. This increases our total of subscribers to 616 receiving the newsletter.

1. Charles & Karissa Van Bibber -- cjvanb@ -- Isaac Van Bibber and Louisa Sharp

2. Colleen O'Neill -- colleen@ -- Thomas Hickerson and Susannah Van Bibber

3. DeVota Littrell -- LEETAFFY@ -- John Liford and Levicy Van Bebber

4. Jeanie Revelle -- jrevelle@ -- John Liford and Levicy Van Bebber

5. Lynn Baker -- strawberriesareblue@ -- James Estill and Matilda Van Bibber

6. Sharon Norris -- x2ski@ -- Ezra Jeffords and Elizabeth Van Bibber

7. Terry Williams -- tandkfarms@ -- Isaac Van Bibber and Louisa Sharp


1. Ann Nechodom -- anechodom@

2. Ken Smith -- ksmith22@mn.


1. Joetta Bennett -- jwb13@ -- User Unknown

2. John Lassiter -- Lassiter@ -- User Unknown

3. Mark Pulliam -- Mrdjk@ -- User Unknown

4. Myron Bergenske -- mdbergen@ -- User Unknown

5. Rosemary Seabolt -- RAS@ -- User Unknown



Mrs. Cordelia Wilson Kincaid, widow of the late Mr. Wiley Kincaid is a bright and good lady. Mrs. Kincaid has had an interesting life, and her friends will enjoy this well written sketch as she relates her experiences as follows:

I was born and raised in Ray County. I am the daughter of W. Wilson. The date of my birth is March 30, 1841. I will be 70 years old my next birthday. I was married to Wiley W. Kincaid, October 14, 1858. In 1861 when the Civil War broke out, my husband joined the Confederate Army, thus leaving me and my two little children at home.

We spent many long, lonely, restless nights thinking we would never see him again. After the war closed, he came home - and in 1865 we started to California on the 22nd of April in ox-wagons, bidding our fathers, mothers and friends good bye, not knowing if we should ever see them again.

As great dangers lay between us and our journey's end, we started in a northwest direction, going into Iowa, crossing the Ishne Botne (?) River, seven miles from Council Bluffs.

There we camped two weeks where John Kincaid of Knoxville was born while in camp. We started on again, went by way of Council Bluffs where we crossed the Missouri River. From here to Omaha on through Nebraska, crossing the Platte River a great many times. There being no bridges then, we had to cross by ferry or ford. As it was spring, the waters were very high and crossing the river was very dangerous, we should prop the wagon beds up six or eight inches with blocks to keep them out of the water when we could get no ferry.

As we traveled along, I saw many buffalo skeletons lying dried on the plains. We saw at one station where the soldiers and Indians had fought and the station burned. The soldiers' graves were there, but recently made. Three Indian skeletons were still in the adobe houses with the

grass tops burned off, with nothing but the sod sides still standing. Those skeletons were simply dried up. Such was the purity of the climate.

The Indians were very bad at that time. We had to Corral our wagons every night for battle with them.

Another incident I call to mind; we saw a tribe of Indians moving. There were about 300 of them. They were Piute Indians. The men were riding ponies, while the women carried the camping outfit and did all the other work. Poles tied together and skins stretched across them were used to put the things on, even the children were carried in this way sometimes on this stretcher when too small to walk.

Some of the squaws were carrying their papooses on their backs. They had a very curious way to keep warm when they slept at night in cold weather. They would pile up some sagebrush and burn it, then, when it was all burned down, they would scrape away the fire, wrap up in their blankets, lie down on the warm ground and soon were fast asleep. They said the ground was "Wah Wah" which meant very warm. When they would get up in the morning they asked for something to eat. Then they would say "We pike away" which meant they would leave.

One site was as we were crossing the most dangerous part of the county - a sight I will not forget. It was three men crossing the plains in a wheelbarrow, in which they carried their camping outfit, taking turns pushing it while they walked. They traveled with us in this way for some time.

We now left the plains, going into Wyoming across a mountainous country, then into Utah, four miles north of Salt Lake City.

Then into the city, where we saw the great Mormon Temple, just begun, the foundation being built and walls just started.

We camped here a few days to view the city and the people. I was at Brigham Young's residence. I saw him and his chariot, a body-guard of twelve men with him, going down the valley to another village. We crossed the Jordan River which empties into the great Utah Lake, which is south in the valley. This Jordan River is not the one in which our Savior was baptized.

We also saw the great Salt Lake which is west of the city of Salt Lake. It looks white and can be seen for a long distance.

Journeying on through a great many villages, I saw many things - I have not time to tell about them all now.

In our travels sickness and death overtook our little group. We were made sad to leave two of our brother Mat Kincaid's little children who died, making their little graves where the coyotes and wolves were howling their lonely calls all around us.

Many tear of sympathy were shed, for we never expected to see those little graves again. We laid them away there to await the great Resurrection Morn. How sad it was to leave the little bodies in those lonely little mounds so far away from home and loved ones.

Here we went on down the valley; the last city we passed in Utah was St. George. From here we crossed over the Nevada Mountains into California. We traveled across southern California and we came to Los Angeles.

Near Los Angeles city we were at our journey's end, having been on the road six months, suffering all the privations, troubles and hardships incident to all who crossed the plains in those

days when there were no railroads or other conveniences we now enjoy.

We were prepared to enjoy the rest so much needed. The fine climate, the luscious fruit, the ocean breezes were certainly enjoyed by our little company. I saw beautiful orange blossoms, picked the oranges from the trees.

As we lived only twenty miles from the coast, I could hear the rolling of the great deep ocean and felt the mist as it carried by the breezes every morning from the ocean down the valley and vanished away over the great hills into the mountains.

The sweet odor from the orange blossoms, mingled with the ocean mists carried to us by the gentle breezes was refreshing and helpful to our tired little company - and we all enjoyed it to the utmost.

We only stayed in California until 1868 when sickness again came taking from us our beloved sister-in-law, Mrs. Hovey Hutchings, leaving six children without a home or a mother in a strange

country. So, at the earnest pleadings of the lonely father, we started back home again.

There were fifteen or twenty of our neighbors who came with us to see us across the San Gabriel river. It was a dangerous river at that time - about a mile wide when we went into it; going about a hundred yards from shore our wagons went into quicksand. The men came and carried us out on horseback to the shore. So we then went to another fording place where we crossed over, bidding our friends good bye.

We started back again to old Ray County, Missouri, to bring the children to their people. We loaded our wagon (having but one) six mule teams and three horses, some of us would ride in the wagon and some walk and some ride on horseback.

I have rode for many miles on horseback and carried my baby (James H. Kincaid) in my lap. He was born in Los Angeles County, California.

We came back the same road we went crossing the great sandy desert, some riding, some walking. We hauled our water for our teams and cooking as we crossed the desert, and only one wagon.

Compare this mode of traveling with a Pullman car now going west and you'll better appreciate your great blessings. We traveled on across the steep, rugged mountains enduring many hardships, at last arriving at Laramie City. The railroad had been built that far then.

So we made better time coming home than we did going. Traveling in ox wagons was slower than with mule teams. We traveled from twenty to twenty five miles a day. We were six months going; and only four coming back.

We left California about the 8th of March, arriving at home on the 8th of July. We had written home when we started from California that we would be home on the 4th of July - we only missed the time 4 days.

This all happened a long time ago. My home is still near Knoxville. My husband died seventeen years ago. To this union were born ten children - only four of them now living, namely, Mrs. Fannie Pryor, Mrs. Alice Kincaid, James and Charles Kincaid.

The Missourian -- Richmond, Ray County, Missouri -- December 1910.


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Martha VanBebber and George Yoakum, Sr.

Jesse Yoakum and Anna Berry

William Yoakum

Note: Also on this trip was my 2nd grandfather William Yoakum, (son of Jesse Yoakum and Anna Berry,) his second wife Eliza Eveline Kincaid (daughter of Alfred Kincaid and Minerva Catherine Cowan), and four children: John E. Yoakum and Mary Ann Yoakum, children of William Yoakum and Sarah Stone (then deceased) and Sallie W. and Kate M. Yoakum, daughters of William Yoakum and Eliza Kincaid. This family stayed in California. Eliza Kincaid Yoakum died in 1876 in Solano County, CA and William Yoakum died in 1893 in Fresno County, CA.

If any other subscribers has additional information about this wagon train, or the wagon train from Tennessee to Missouri, I would be grateful if they would share this information.

Submitted by Jan Hoy -- jhoy1@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Martha VanBebber and George Yoakum, Sr.

Isaac Yoakum and Mary Davis

Aaron Alvice Yoakum and Lucinda Elizabeth Duke

Helen Manerva Yoakum and Andrew Davis Simmons


Andrew Davis Simmons was born December 17, 1849 in Claiborne Co., TN, and died December 03, 1922. He married Helen Manerva Yoakum December 04, 1873, daughter of Aaron Yoakum and Lucinda Duke. She was born February 06, 1850 in Claiborne Co., TN, and died June 27, 1925. Both are buried in the Simmons Cemetery, Claiborne Co., TN.

Back Row - Cornelia, Matilda and Laura Simmons

Front Row - Andrew and Helen Yoakum Simmons

Children of Andrew Simmons and Helen Yoakum are:

1 Ollie Belle Simmons, born February 14, 1875 in Claiborne Co., TN; died October 19, 1887 in Claiborne Co., TN.

2 Zee M. Simmons, born November 12, 1876 in Claiborne Co., TN; died December 14, 1960. He married Sarah Rebecca Hurst; born February 22, 1878; died August 12, 1958.

3 Magnolia F. Simmons, born 1878 in TN.

4 Cornelia Cornie Simmons, born May 08, 1880 in TN; died March 23, 1952. She married Callie Wilson.

5 Esaw Simmons, born December 1881 in TN. He married Victoria Vick Mink 1901 in Claiborne Co., TN.

6 Tipton Tip Simmons, born October 12, 1883 in Claiborne Co., TN; died December 15, 1960 in Knoxville, Campbell Co., TN. He married Ocie Overton Lynch January 24, 1916 in Claiborne Co., TN; born June 30, 1892 in Claiborne Co., TN; died December 15, 1960 in Knoxville, Campbell Co., TN.

7 Ewin Clay Simmons, born May 07, 1885 in TN; died February 03, 1917. He married Martha Tilda Treece 1905 in Claiborne Co., TN; born September 08, 1889 in TN; died June 04, 1977.

8 Leonard Simmons, born December 19, 1886 in TN; died November 1964. He married Martha Miracle 1905 in Claiborne Co., TN; born 1889 in TN.

10 Matilda Tilda Simmons, born July 29, 1888 in TN. She married Jules Campbell Minton 1907 in Claiborne Co., TN; born January 07, 1881; died July 19, 1949.

11 Laura Simmons, born March 19, 1891 in TN; died December 03, 1966 in TX. She married Robert Franklin Conken October 30, 1908 in Claiborne Co., TN; born July 09, 1881; died August 21, 1967 in TX.

Submitted by Kyle Simmons -- Ksimmons681@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Elizabeth VanBibber and Ezra Jeffords

Elza Jeffords and Nancy Pitt


1826 - 1885

JEFFORDS, Elza, a Representative from Mississippi; born in Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, May 23, 1826; attended the common schools in Portsmouth, Ohio; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1847 and commenced practice in Portsmouth, Ohio; served in the Army of the Tennessee from June 1862 to December 1863 as clerk in the Quartermaster’s Department; judge of the high court of errors and appeals in Mississippi 1868 and 1869; delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1872; elected as a Republican to the Forty-eighth Congress (March 4, 1883 - March 3, 1885); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1884; died in Vicksburg, Miss., on March 19, 1885; interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery, near Vicksburg.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@



The following are five deaths from the California Death Records, between the years of 1940 and 1997, who have a Van Bibber connection.

Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

James VanBebber, Sr. and Hannah Hoover

Isaac VanBebber and Hannah Long

James VanBebber and Elizabeth Jane Snuffer

Isaac Franklin VanBibber and Louisa Ellen Sharp

Rufus Ernest VanBibber and Julia Agnes Austin

Eunice Virginia VanBibber and Francis H. Heller

Last Name: Heller

First Name: Francis


Birth Date: January 27, 1913

Mother Maiden: Frutiger

Father Last:

Sex: M

Birth Place: Missouri

Death Place: Kern County

Death Date: February 6, 1984

Age: 71 years


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Olive VanBibber and Nathan Boone

Susan Boone and Joseph VanBibber

Sarah VanBibber and Alsa Woodward

Cinderella Woodward and Robert E. Lee Doggett

Adrah Jane Woodward and Henry G. Yost

Last Name: Yost

First Name: Adrah

Middle: Jane

Birth Date: November 5, 1893

Mother Maiden: Woodward

Father Last: Doggett

Sex: F

Birth Place: Idaho

Death Place: Humboldt County

Death Date: September 7, 1958

Age: 64 years


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Olive VanBibber and Nathan Boone

Delinda Boone and James Craig

Martha Ann Craig and David Craik

Charles Wellington Craik

Last Name: Craik

First Name: Charles

Middle: Wellington

Birth Date: August 16, 1872

Mother Maiden: Craig

Father Last: Craik

Sex: M

Birth Place: Kansas

Death Place: Los Angeles

Death Date: December 18, 1948

Age: 76 years


John VanBibber and Chloe Staniford

Hannah VanBibber and Goodrich Lightfoot Slaughter

John VanBibber Slaughter and Elizabeth Ann Swazey

Marian Walker Slaughter and Richard Thomas Cresap

Dollie E. Cresap and George W. Bates

Robert Henry Bates

Last Name: Bates

First Name: Robert

Middle: Henry

Birth Date: June 17, 1910

Mother Maiden: Cresap

Father Last:

Sex: M.

Birth Place: California

Death Place: Riverside County

Death Date: April 9, 1993

Age: 82 years


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Jacob VanBebber and Catherine Ann Guthrie

Calvin VanBebber and Barthena A. VanBebber

Kitty Ann VanBebber and James T. Minton

James Blaine Minton

Last Name: Minton

First Name: James

Middle: Blaine

Birth Date: December 30, 1889

Mother Maiden:

Father Last: Minton

Sex: M

Birth Place: California

Death Place: Mendocino

Death Date: October 22, 1956

Age: 66 years



Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Jacob VanBebber and Catherine Ann Guthrie

Calvin VanBebber and Barthena A. VanBebber

William Franklin VanBebber and Eliza Ramsey

Charles Elliott VanBebber and Nina Rennison Taylor

Dora Ellen VanBebber and William Louwaert



Sudden death of Mrs. Dora Ellen Louwaert, a lifetime resident of Willits, following an operation at Howard Hospital shocked a host of friends of the well known woman this week.

Mrs. Louwaert was stricken ill only 3 days prior to her confinement to the hospital and she underwent surgery Saturday night with death suddenly claiming her two days later.

Funeral services were conducted under the direction of the L. P. Anker Mortuary at St. Anthony's church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Father Isidore Kennedy officiated and interment followed in the Odd Fellows cemetery.

Mother of 6 children, Mrs. Louwaert was the wife of William Louwaert of this city. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Bebber are longtime, well known residents of Willits.

She was born and raised in Willits and completed both elementary and high school here, becoming well known to a host of friends, all of whom were saddened to learn of her untimely passing.

She was 41 years of age.

Besides her husband and parents, the six surviving children are: Francis, Charles, Nina, Peter and Madeline Louwaert and Ted Van Bebber. She is also survived by a sister, Ila Johnson of Fort Bragg.

The Willits News -- Willits, Mendocino County, California -- April 7, 1950 -- Friday.

Submitted by Ted & Sharon Van Bebber -- tjvanbeb@


John VanBibber and Chloe Staniford

Margery VanBibber and Andrew Donnally, Jr.

Jane A. Donnally and James Henry Fry

Margery Jane Fry and George Alban Goshorn

Henry Fry Goshorn



Member of Pioneer Family

Succumbs at 84; Known

To Many Persons

Funeral services for Henry (Beach) Goshorn, 84 years old, member of one of Kanawha county's pioneer families, who died late Saturday nigh at a convalescent home in Greenbrier street were to be held at the Simpson chapel on Broad street Monday afternoon. Rev. Frank C. Brown, pastor of the Bream Memorial Presbyterian church, was to conduct the services. Burial will be in Spring Hill cemetery.

Mr. Goshorn was the son of George A. Goshorn and was born in Kanawha county, where he lived most of his life. At one time he was employed in a factory in the South and received an injury which necessitated the amputation of an arm.

Mr. Goshorn was never married. He had one sister, Mrs. C. P. Snyder, who died several years ago. For many years, Mr. Goshorn was familiar figure in the business section of the city, where he was known to many persons.

Charleston's history was familiar to him and he loved to talk of his early days, particularly of the time when the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad was under construction and he worked as a water boy.

Another incident of his early life which Mr. Goshorn was fond of recalling, was his meeting with President Grant, when the latter passed through Charleston many years ago on his way to Cedar Grove to visit the Tompkins family.

Mr. Goshorn had many friends who called on him while he was at the convalescent home.

The Charleston Daily Mail -- Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia -- June 6, 1932 -- Monday Evening.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@


Peter VanBibber and Marguery Bounds

Matthias VanBibber and Margaret Robinson

Olive Boone VanBibber and Robert Keenan

William Van Keenan and Electra Caroline Grose

Reuhama Ann Keenan and Charles Wesley Preast

Icie Madora Preast and Andrew Mack Johnson

India Mae Johnson and Arthur Luther Hypes

Herold Luther Hypes and Ida Mae Neil


Herold Luther Hypes, 72, of Poe died Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1994, at home. He retired from Union Carbide Metal Division, Alloy, and was an Army veteran of World War II. He was a member of AFL-CIO, AARP and Bethel Methodist Church, Poe.

Surviving: wife, Ida Mae Neil Hypes; son, David of Calvin; daughters, Alice Hypes-Brown of Charleston, Jeanie Nutter of Keslers Cross Lanes; sisters, Florence Hypes and Elsie Gray, of Poe, Emogene Cavendish of Summersville, Stella Malcomb of Fayetteville, Norma Ruth Skaggs of Buckeye, Ariz.; six grandchildren.

Service will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Bethel Methodist Church, Poe, with the Rev. Larry Jones officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Waters Funeral Home, Summersville, and one hour prior to service at the church.

Charleston Daily Mail -- Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia -- September 15, 1994.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Jacob VanBebber and Catherine Ann Guthrie

Calvin VanBebber and Barthena A. VanBebber

William Franklin VanBebber and Eliza Ramsey

Charles Elliott VanBebber and Nina Rennison Taylor

Ila Pearl Van Bebber and Woodrow E. Johnson


FORT BRAGG - Longtime coast resident Ila P. Johnson, 75, of Fort Bragg died Thursday at her daughter's home near Caspar following a long illness.

Johnson was born near Willits, where she was reared and educated. She graduated from Willits High School in 1934. She moved to Fort Bragg in 1947 where she settled and reared her family.

She loved the outdoors, was an avid gardener and enjoyed spending time on the beach.

She is survived by her daughter, Leslie Arnott of Mendocino, and two grandchildren.

Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Chapel by the Sea in Fort Bragg. Burial will follow at Ocean View Cemetery in Fort Bragg.

Contributions are suggested to the Mendocino Coast Hospice Services, 700 River Drive, Fort Bragg, 95437.

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California -- June 16, 1991 -- Sunday -- Page #B2.

Submitted by Ted & Sharon Van Bebber -- tjvanbeb@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Peter VanBibber and Catherine Ridenour

Olive VanBibber and Thomas Ives Fulfer

John Suttle Fulfer and Margaret Elizabeth Ledbetter

Mollie Louella Fulfer and Andrew Kelsey Wylie

Harmon Pleasant Wylie and Nora Isabell Bailey

John Bailey Wylie and Montra Boles


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Ellinor VanBibber and Peter VanBebber

Peter VanBibber and Catherine Ridenour

Olive VanBibber and Thomas Ives Fulfer

John Suttle Fulfer and Margaret Elizabeth Ledbetter

Mollie Louella Fulfer and Andrew Kelsey Wylie

Harmon Pleasant Wylie and Nora Isabell Bailey

John Bailey Wylie and Montra Boles


Services for retired Lt. Col John B. Wylie, 85, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home in Killeen.

Burial with full military honors will follow at Killeen City Cemetery.

He died May 2, 2002, at his residence.

Wylie was born September 15, 1916, in Xray. He was reared and educated in Xray.

He was employed with the City of Killeen as director of utilities from 1962 till his retirement in 1978.

Wylie served 20 years in the U. S. Army, serving in World War II and Korea.

His military awards include the Silver Star, Purple Heart, World War II Victory Medal, Army of Occupation Medal (Germany), National Defense Service Medal with four overseas bars and the Army commendation medal.

He lived in the community since 1959.

Survivors include a daughter, Pat Sheppard of Killeen: two brothers, Dean K. Wylie of Strawn and Jack M. Carter of Temple; two sisters, Ola Mae Cole of Strawn and Janie Lou Gibson of Temple Terrace, Fla.; five grandchildren; and eight-great grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Montra Boles Wylie on Dec. 13, 2001; a daughter, Susie Wylie Allen Tolbert on May 2, 1999; his parents, Harmon P. and Nora I. Wylie; and a sister Ruby Parsons.

The family will receive visitors 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association.

Killeen Daily Herald -- Killeen, Bell County, Texas -- May 5, 2002.

Submitted by Vanessa Deshazer -- Sanna1998@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Jacob VanBebber and Catherine Ann Guthrie

Calvin VanBebber and Barthena A. VanBebber

William Franklin VanBebber and Eliza Ramsey

Charles Elliott VanBebber and Nina Rennison Taylor

Dora Ellen VanBebber and William Louwaert

Peter Michael Louwaert


A 38-year-old Petaluma man was killed early today in a head on collision on Old Redwood Highway.

Peter Louwaert was driving north on the highway south of Eucalyptus Avenue at 1 a.m. when a northbound car driven by Arthur Golub, 37, Sebastopol, weaved across the road and hit him, according to the California Highway Patrol.

A CHP spokesman said Golub did not have his lights on. Golub is in stable condition at Community Hospital of Sonoma County.

Louwaert was pronounced dead at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat -- Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California -- April 23, 1981 --Thursday -- Page #13A.



A Sebastopol man has been jailed in connection with an auto crash that killed Peter Louwaert, 38, Petaluma, on Old Redwood Highway, just south of Cotati, early Thursday.

California Highway Patrol arrested Arthur Golub, 37, and booked him in the county jail on charges of felony drunk driving and felony manslaughter. Bail is set at $50,000.

The CHP said Golub was driving north when his car crossed the center line and crashed head-on with Louwaert's southbound car, just south of Eucalyptus Avenue, at 1 a.m. Golub's car did not have its lights on.

Golub was arrested at Community Hospital, where he was taken for treatment.

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat -- Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California -- April 24, 1981 -- Friday -- Page #15A.



PENNGROVE - Services for Peter M. Louwaert, 38, are 9:30 a.m. Monday at the Sorensen Funeral Home, Petaluma.

Louwaert died Thursday when the car he was driving south from Cotati at 1 a.m. on Old Redwood Highway was struck by a northbound car which crossed the center line and hit his car head-on.

Driver of the northbound car has been charged with suspicion of felony drunken driving and felony manslaughter.

Louwaert was born in Willits, CA. He was an auto mechanic and operated a service station in Gualala for two years before he suffered a stroke seven years ago, which left him incapacitated.

He moved to Penngrove and took part in rehabilitation training including preparation for work as a salesman in the heavy trucking industry. He had completed training and was about to take a new job when he was killed.

He is survived by his sons, Charles E. Louwaert, Kodiak, Alaska, and Michael Louwaert, Twain Harte; his daughter, Patricia Louwaert, Twain Harte; his brothers, Charles Louwaert, Penngrove; Frank Louwaert, Fremont, and Ted Van Bebber, San Rafael, and his sisters, Nina Bettencourt and Madeline Louwaert, San Rafael.

Burial will be in Cypress Hill Memorial Park, Petaluma.

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat -- Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California -- April 26, 1981 --Sunday -- Page 17A.

Submitted by Ted & Sharon Van Bebber -- tjvanbeb@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Elizabeth VanBibber and Ezra Jeffords

Sarah Jane Jeffords and St. Leger Caud Stout Barklow



Close of a Consistent Christian Life,

Replete with Kind Deeds and Good Works.

Last evening at 7:30 o'clock, Mrs. Sarah Jane Barklow, widow of Stout Barklow, passed from life at the homestead, 26 East Third street. She had suffered from a complication of ailments for two years, but she was usually up and around her duties, and the sudden fatal termination was not looked for by her family and friends.

At seven o'clock last evening she was more than usually cheerful and retired in a happy frame of mind and inside of thirty minutes the spark of life was extinct.

Deceased was born at Cannonsburg, Greenup county, Ky., the daughter of Ezra Jeffords Sr. and Eliza Van Bibben [sic], and came with her parents to Portsmouth, when she was two years old, and resided here ever after. August 15, 1844, she was joined in marriage to Stout Barklow, who became one of our most prominent citizens and died about three years ago. Six children were born of the union, only three of who are living, namely: William E., Margaret J. and Mrs. Agnes Roe. These three all reside at the old homestead. Deceased was the last of a family of fourteen children. Hon. Elza Jeffords, congressman, United States judge and will known Southern statesman, was a brother. He died suddenly in Vicksburg, a few years ago. Ezra Jeffords of East Eight street, and Josiah Jeffords of the West Side are cousins of the deceased.

A peculiarity of Mrs. Barklow's death was the fact the its occurrence was just ten days short of her 76th birthday anniversary, while her husband died twelve days before the 76th milestone was reached.

She was a member of the Christian church and had been for many years. She was prominent for piety and beloved by all for her good works and kind disposition. She possessed a remarkable memory, and was authority upon many matters connected with the early history of the city and county. She was of bright and cheerful disposition, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. She came of the best of pioneer stock. Her grandfather was Ezra Sherman, a relative of General Sherman and Senator John Sherman. This was on her fathers' side. On this side of her mother she came from the Vanbibbers, the famous iron masters of early Kentucky.

The funeral will take place from the house Wednesday at two p.m. standard time. Elder George P. Taubman will conduct the exercises.

The Portsmouth Times -- Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- January 12, 1903 -- Monday.

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Elizabeth VanBibber and Ezra Jeffords

Sarah Jane Jeffords and St. Leger Caud Stout Barklow



Stout Barklow, Well Known by Almost Everyone in the City,

Died Last Night at his Late Residence on East Third Street,

after a Long Illness.

Death continues to make inroads upon our old citizens. Another one has been called to answer the final summons, and to this call one of our best known citizens was compelled to yield. The familiar figure of Stout Barklow will no more be seen upon our streets. This makes sixteen of our old citizens who have been called to the great beyond this winter.

St. Leger Caud Stout Barklow, familiarly known as “Stout” Barklow, died at the Barklow residence on East Third street last night at the age of seventy-six. The deceased was born in Greenup county, Ky., near the old Enterprise furnace, February 15th, 1829. At the age of five his parents moved to a farm opposite Sciotoville, the residence standing on the river bank. The flood of 1832 driving them to higher ground, a residence was erected nearer the hill. At the age of sixteen he came to Portsmouth an engaged in draying. Later he went into the Gaylord mill, becoming what is know as a “shingler.” He soon became an expert a this work and followed it until the great gold excitement in California. During the days of the “Forty niners” he, with several others, purchased teams and a general outfit at this place and started overland for the gold fields of the far west. This at that time was a great undertaking. About six months was required to make the journey, encountering many hardships and dangers. He remained away about eighteen months when he returned by vessel. During the trip he was very successful, and had he remained he would no doubt have been one of the wealthiest men of the country. He owned and worked claims where now stands the city of San Francisco. He had pre-empted the land where the suburb of San Francisco, Oakland now stands. Here he expected to make his future home, improve the land in the best style and eventually move his family there. For some cause he thought best to come home, arriving here in 1852. He worked in the mill again for a short time, then returned to California, remaining there for several years, when he again returned to this city. During the war he was engaged in boating pig iron to Cincinnati and Louisville. He was the owner of the propellor, Brilliant, which burned in 1871, near Louisville.

Mr. Barklow came from Revolutionary stock. His grandmother on the paternal side was born and raised at Princeton, New Jersey, and heard the thunder of Washington’s guns when he routed the British. His grandfather on his mother’s side was Job Foster, a Revolutionary soldier of considerable note.

On August 15th, 1844, the deceased was married to Sarah Jane Jeffords. To them six children were born, three of whom are still living – William, Margaret Jane and Mrs. Agnes E. Roe. Mrs. Barklow also survives her husband. Mr. Barklow as an unusually strong man physically, being six feet three and one-half inches in height. Fourteen years of his live at different periods he has been on the police force of this city and was noted for his courage and close attention to duty.

The funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 p.m., Sunday, Rev. Harp officiating.

Portsmouth Daily Times -- Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- February 4, 1898 -- Friday.

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@



James VanBebber and Hannah Hoover

James VanBebber, Jr. and Nancy Ann Ferrill

Robert McHenry VanBebber and Sarah Elizabeth Jackson

Scena Ann VanBebber and Jasper Wilson Close

Roy Newton Close and Marguerita Nadine Ketner

Veva Ileene Close and Chester Magruder

Stephanie Ann Magruder and Charles Eddy Lane

April Lee Lane and David Allen Hall


August 4, 1963 - April 23, 2003

Mrs. April Hall, 39, of Neosho, MO died Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 4:58 p.m. at Freeman-Neosho Hospital in Neosho, after an illness.

April was born August 4, 1963 in Jacksonville, Arkansas. She had lived in Neosho, MO most of her life. She was a teacher's aide at South School for Neosho R-5 School District. She will be fondly remembered by hundreds of children in the Neosho School District.

She married Allen Hall on November 12, 1982 at Miami, OK. He survives of the home in Neosho. Also surviving are two sons David Anthony Hall and Chet Allen Hall both of the home; her mother Stephanie Lane of Ozark, MO; four brothers Chuck Lane and wife Kim of Ozark, MO, Eric Lane and wife Karen of Taylors, SC, Aaron Lane and wife Angela of Nixa, MO, and Toby Lane of Ozark, MO; one sister Chrisy Eggleston and husband Darren of Seligman, MO; Maternal grandmother Veva Ileene Magruder of Ozark, MO; mother-in-law Rebecca Hall and husband Phil Moomaw of Pineville, MO; father-in-law David Hall and wife Margaret of Neosho, MO; brother-in-law Doug Hall of Pineville, MO; nine nieces and nephews; one great-niece; special friend Jake Dumond and his mother Karen Dumond of Neosho, MO.

Funeral services for Mrs. April Hall were held on Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. at the Full Gospel Church in Anderson, MO. Reverend Cecil Hall officiated. Burial was in the Pineville Cemetery in Pineville, MO.

Pallbearers were Chuck Lane, Eric Lane, Aaron Lane, Toby Lane, Doug Hall and Robert Rodriguez.

Memorial contributions were given to a trust fund for her two boys or the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Dear Friends and Family

Finally, my time has come

to join the rest of my family

and loved ones;

Oh my friends, I loved you so.

When you listened to my stories,

How special for me, you'll never know!

My precious family, I know you knew,

Every breath I took was just for you;

You take our memories, you hold them dear;

Close your eyes and my voice you'll hear.

This is not a tragedy,

I have lived a blessed life;

Be good, be strong, be faithful,

and love your life, As that will be

your gift to me.

I will miss you of course, but I have so

many friends and family to be with me.

I will see you again and we'll visit some more.

But don't make it soon, for now this world is YOURS!

Cynde Klipfel Sikes

In Loving Memory of my Dear Aunt April

(August 4, 1963 - April 23, 2003)

We'll see you in the sun

Oh, how your smile will shine

We'll see you in the stars

Oh, the twinkle in your eyes

We'll see you in the water

Oh, how your radiance flows

And we'll feel you in the breeze

Oh, how your love moves through our lives

We'll see you everyday, everywhere, through everything.

With unconditional love,

Your niece, Bethanie Kay Ables

Submitted by Stephanie Lane -- stephlane65721@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

James VanBebber, Sr. and Hannah Hoover

Isaac VanBebber and Hannah Long

George VanBeber and Mary Elizabeth Tinsley

William M. VanBever and Emily Jane Howard

Samuel VanBever, Sr. and Margaret Angeline Durham

Amanda Florence VanBever and Thomas C. Sherwood


Amanda Florence Sherwood, 84, died Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002, in her residence.

She was born in Pineville, Ky., and had lived in Lake Charles for more than 40 years after moving from New Orleans. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin. She was a member of the American Association of University Women and the Medical Auxiliary. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Lake Charles since 1962.

Survivors include three daughters, Catherine Daugherty of Houston, Dr. Barbara Sherwood of Oakdale and Carol Chor of Allentown, Pa.; three sisters, Vivian Landrum of Harrodsburg, Ky., Catherine Tye of Naples, Fla., and Dorothy O'Brien of New Orleans; 11 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, in Hixson Funeral Home. John White will officiate. Burial will be in Consolata Cemetery. Visitation is 4-9 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Sunday.

Lake Charles American Press -- Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana -- November 2, 2002.

Submitted by Cindy Robinson -- ctrofnc@


James VanBibber and Sarah Margaret Bradburn

Charles Wesley VanBibber and Emma Lee Lowder

Morton Appendix VanBibber and Avis Mariah English

Hazel Nettie VanBibber and James NevilleTrimble


Hazel N. Vanbibber Trimble, 83, of South Portsmouth, Kentucky, died Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003, in Southern Ohio Medical Center in Portsmouth, Ohio.

She was born July 25, 1920, in New Boston, Ohio, a daughter of the late Morton A. VanBibber and Avis English VanBibber. She was a homemaker, a former employee of the former Williams Manufacturing, Selby Shoe Company, Montgomery Wards and Mack’s Men Clothing, a member of the South Portsmouth, Kentucky United Methodist Church, where she was the church pianist. She also was a member of the South Portsmouth Homemakers Club.

Preceded in death by a grandson, Anthony Roberson; four brothers, Earl, Dale, Claude and Paul VanBibber; and one sister, Ruth VanBibber.

Surviving is her husband, James Neville Trimble whom she married Oct. 21, 1938; two sons and their wifes, Neville Leon (Suzanne) Trimble of Waverly, Ohio, Lowell (Wanda) Trimble of Fort Washington, Ohio; two daughters and their husbands, Mona (Dan) Roberson of Minford, Ohio, and Alice (Dennis) Wick of Bellbrook, Ohio; three brothers, Morton VanBibber of Dayton, Ohio, Ray VanBibber of South Portsmouth, Kentucky, and Harold VanBibber of St. Cloud, Florida; and one sister, Avis Tollier of Holly Michigan; 10 grandchildren; and nine great grandchildren.

Funeral Services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Roberson Funeral Home in South Shore, Kentucky, with the Rev. Lynn Beach officiating. Burial will be in Collier Memorial Gardens, South Portsmouth, Kentucky. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday and from 11 a.m. until the funeral hour on Tuesday.

Portsmouth Daily Times -- Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- September 29, 2003 -- Monday.

Submitted by Bruce Logan -- blogan@


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

John Jesse VanBibber and Elizabeth Greenlee

Elizabeth Greenlee VanBibber and Richard Tillis

Clark Tillis and Eleanor Pontsler

Eleanor Mae Tillis and Allen Clarence Higginbotham

Hattie Ernestine Higginbotham and Jesse Elmer Hedrick

Anna Louise Hedrick and Phillip William Lutz


Phillip William “Bill” Lutz, 77, of Dunbar passed away Sept. 18, 2003, in Sun Bridge nursing home, succumbing to kidney cancer that had gone undetected until the end of May.

Born Nov. 13, 1925, in Charleston, he was one of 10 children of the late Roy Sr. and Zella Lutz. He was also preceded in death by his brother, Robert “Bob,” Forrest and Richard “Dick;” and his sisters, Betty “Bet,” Dorothy “Dot,” and Marjorie “Marge.”

An Army veteran of World War II and a retiree of the U.S. Postal Service, he was a letter carrier for 37 years. The last 27 years were spent on the route that served the downtown Charleston area. Upon his retirement, about 50 downtown merchants, lawyers and businessmen honored him with a surprise party which was a featured front page story in the Charleston Daily Mail. A previous newspaper article in 1950 noted the fact that he, his two brothers, Ed and Roy Jr., and his father, Roy Sr., were all employed by the U.S. Postal Service. His nephew, John Lutz, also became a letter carrier. Phil was a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees.

After retirement, Bill and his wife of 58 years, Anna, were active members in the Kanawha Trail Club and the Lawrence Frankel Exercise Program that meets in the Dunbar Library and in which he served as substitute leader. He was also a member of Nitro Moose Lodge since 2001. His friends will remember the many outings and good times they shared hiking, playing cards and Mexican Train Dominos and their regular breakfast gatherings at Cracker Barrel.

Besides his wife, he is survived by his son, Larry, and his fiancée, Leah Valusek, of Ashburn, Va.; his daughter and her husband, Phyllis and Stephen Storck of Westerville, Ohio; his four grandchildren, Christopher, Scott, Michael and Lindsay; his brothers, Ed and Roy Jr. “June;” his sister, Kathleen “Kate;” and numerous nieces and nephews.

A devoted husband and father and a hands-on grandfather, he was greatly loved for his thoughtfulness, his caring, his kindness, his honesty, his knowledge and his basic goodness.

Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday Sept. 21, at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, with the Rev. William Kniceley officiating. Interment service will follow in Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens.

Friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar.

The Charleston Daily Mail -- Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia -- September 20, 2003

-- Saturday.

Submitted by larry_lutz@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Peter VanBibber and Catherine Ridenour

Olive VanBibber and Thomas Ives Fulfer

John Suttle Fulfer and Margaret Elizabeth Ledbetter

Mollie Louella Fulfer and Andrew Kelsey Wylie

Henry C. Wylie and Jimmie King

Willie Andrew Wylie


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Ellinor VanBibber and Peter VanBibber

Peter VanBibber and Catherine Ridenour

Olive VanBibber and Thomas Ives Fulfer

John Suttle Fulfer and Margaret Elizabeth Ledbetter

Mollie Louella Fulfer and Andrew Kelsey Wylie

Henry C. Wylie and Jimmie King

Willie Andrew Wylie


ODESSA — Andy Wylie, 78, of Odessa, died Friday, May 30, 2003, at Hospice House of Odessa.

Graveside services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at Sunset Memorial Gardens with Rev. Emmett Barnard officiating.

Services under direction of Sunset Memorial Funeral Home.

He was born in Ranger, Texas November 12, 1924 and moved to Hobbs, N.M. in 1937. Andy graduated at the age of 16 from Hobbs High School. At age 18 he joined the U.S. Navy “Seabees” Division and served during World War II.

After leaving the service, he attended Texas Tech University for two years.

Andy retired in 1987 from NL Acme Tool. He had been a fishing tool supervisor for a number of years.

Andy also was a gold pro at Glendive Country Club and Miles City County Club in Montana. He was also state golf champ of North Dakota.

Andy was also a member of the Masonic Lodge in Williston, N.D. and the Al Bedoo Temple in Billings, Mont.

Up until the time of his death, he was an active member of the Sunset Country Club. He played with the “Senior Swingers Golf Group” every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

He is survived by his wife of 41 years, Evelyn Wylie of Odessa; his son, Michael Andrew Wylie of Santa Rosa, N.M.; his daughter, Jimmie Catherine and husband Jimmy Ray McKinney and their three children, Jamie D’Lynn, Jimmy Ray Jr. “Bubba”, and Joni Cae. He is also survived by 4 other grandchildren and one great-grandchild of Wyoming.

The family suggests memorials to: Home Hospice, 516 N. Texas, Odessa, TX 79761.

The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 2-4 p.m. Sunday.

Odessa American -- Odessa, Ector County, Texas -- June 1, 2003 -- Sunday.

Submitted by Vanessa Deshazer -- Sanna1998@


Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Levicy VanBebber and John Liford

Lazarus Liford and Elizabeth Huckworth

Hiram Hick Liford and Sarah Sulfridge

William M. Liford and Ellen Brooks

Claude Brooks Liford and Zola Mae Henegar


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Ellinor VanBibber and Peter VanBebber

Levicy VanBebber and John Liford

Lazarus Liford and Elizabeth Huckworth

Hiram Hick Liford and Sarah Sulfridge

William M. Liford and Ellen Brooks

Claude Brooks Liford and Zola Mae Henegar


April 7, 1913 - November 3, 2002

IDA - Zola M. Liford, 89, of Ida died at 4 p.m. Sunday, November 3, 2002 at Shady Groves in Temperance. The Rev. Roy Sutherland, pastor of Monroe Missionary Baptist Church officiated at her funeral service in Monroe, Michigan. Graveside services were held on November 7 at the Irish Cemetery in Tazewell, Tenn.

Born April 7, 1913, in Harrogate, Tenn., she was the daughter of Hugh and Mollie (Essary) Henegar. She married Claude B. Liford June 30, 1934, in Claiborne County, Tenn. He died June 13, 1996.

She lived most of her life in Tazewell, but also lived in Monroe County, Michigan at various times.

She was a graduate of Claiborne County High School. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Tazewell and the Tazewell chapter, Order of the Eastern Star.

Surviving are three daughters, Mary (Anthony) Durham of Sterling, Ill., Billie (Jeffery) Swartz of Ida and Linda (Stan) Piskorski of Willow Springs, Ill.; nine grandchildren, and five great-grand children.

In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by one daughter, Shirley, and nine brothers, Paul, Chester, Eirskin, Curtis, Oscar, Carr, Carl, Charlie and John Ray, and two sisters, Annette Howerton and Ruth Henegar.

Monroe Evening News -- Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan -- November 4, 2002 -- Monday.

Submitted by Linda Impastato -- l.impastato@



Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Jacob VanBibber and Sarah Miller

Ezekial VanBibber and Susan Rice

Mary Elizabeth VanBibber and George W. Crawford

Emma May Crawford and Amos Buell Wright

Nathan Hale Wright and Edith Juanita Mitchell


Nathan Hale Wright, born July 17, 1919 at Preston, MO., died August 31, 2003 at his home in rural Houstonia, MO. He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Edith Mitchell Wright of the home, and three daughters and their husbands: Darold and Cheryl Tilly, Ron and Nancy Royer, Doug and Barb Tanner; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. His funeral was held on September 2, 2003 at Marshall, MO. He was buried in the Sunset Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Marshall. Nathan was the son of Amos and Emma Crawford Wright, and the grandson of George and Mary VanBibber Crawford.

Submitted by Cheryl Tilly -- tilly@



Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

John Jesse VanBibber and Rachel Greenlee

Elizabeth Greenlee VanBibber and Richard Tillis

Miles Tillis and Nancy Kimberling

Peter White Tillis and Viola Victoria Gard

Walter Gard Tillis and Dorcas Woodruff

Selma Betty Tillis and Glenn Maurice Reedy, Sr.

Danny Tillis Reedy and Susan Wilkin

Glenn Richard Reedy and Robyn Forbes

Austin G. Reedy

I would like to announce the birth of another grandchild of mine. He is Austin G. Reedy born on September 22, 2003 at the Clinton Memorial Hospital in Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio. Austin weighed 8 pounds and 4 ounces at birth, and measured 20 inches in length. Glenn and Robyn Reedy are the proud parents. Mother and son are doing fine. Austin is the 5th great grandson of Richard Tillis and Elizabeth Greenlee Van Bibber.

Submitted by Susan Reedy -- dreedy@cinci.


James VanBebber and Hannah Hoover

James VanBebber, Jr. and Nancy Ann Ferrill

Robert McHenry VanBebber and Sarah Elizabeth Jackson

Scena Ann VanBebber and Jasper Wilson Close

Roy Newton Close and Marguerita Nadine Ketner

Veva Ileene Close and Chester Magruder

Stephanie Ann Magruder and Charles Eddy Lane

Christy Lee Lane and Darren Eggleston

Shawnna Rena Eggleston and Terry Lee Burgess

Savanna Renea Burgess

We have a new member in our family and she is my great granddaughter, Savannah Renea Burgess, the daughter of Terry Lee Burgess and Shawnna Renea Eggleston. She was born on February 14, 2003 in Monett, Lawrence County, Missouri. Shawnna weighed 7 pounds and 2 ounces at a length of 21 inches, and she is our little "Valentine Baby." Mother and daughter are doing fine. Savannah is the 7th great granddaughter of James Van Bebber and Hannah Hoover.

Submitted by Stephanie Lane -- stephlane65721@



Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

James VanBibber and Jane Irvine

Melissa VanBibber and Lorenzo D. Hutts

Louisa Hutts and Jesse Lorenzo Davis, Sr.

Louisa Melissa Jane Davis and Cleminth Trin Wackerly

Susie Eveleen Wackery and Robert Euin Tucker

Janice Beth Tucker and Earl Freeman Jones

Terrye Beth Jones and Donald Wayne Lambert

Susan Evelyn Lambert

Donald and Terrye Lambert joyously announce the engagement of their daughter Susan Evelyn Lambert to William Michael Martin. William is the son of Randy and Susan Martin. The wedding is planned for July 4, 2007 at Conway, Faulkner County, Arkansas.

Submitted by Terrye Lambert -- tbjl@



John VanBibber and Chloe Staniford

Margery VanBibber and Andrew Donnally, Jr.

William Howard Donnally and Margaret Catherine Wood

Anna Maude Donnally and Albert Barnes Lewis

Charles Pell Lewis and Marian Virginia Stine

Charles Pell Lewis, Jr. and Margaret Seaks



In a ceremony performed Saturday afternoon at Grace Methodist church in Harrisburg, Pa., Miss Margaret Seaks, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George Henry Seaks of River road, Harrisburg, became the bride of Maj. Charles Pell Lewis, Jr., USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lewis of St. Albans.

Couple's Attendants

The marriage service was read at 4 o'clock by Dr. W. Emory Hartman. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin fashioned with a basque effect and a heart shaped neckline outlined by lace. She carried a prayer book adorned by an orchid marker.

Miss Mary Ann Lewis of St. Albans, sister of the bridegroom, served as maid of honor and Mrs. Robert Seaks and Mrs. John Seaks were bridesmaid. Miss Lewis' dress was of pink satin damask and the bridesmaids wore aqua and maize gowns of similar material. All carried bouquets of mixed fall flowers.

Mr. Lewis was best man for his son and ushers were Lt. (j.g.) Robert M. Hursh, Cpl Charles Stroup, Jr., Lt. (j.g.) Albert L. Allen and Mr. R. W. Gregory.

At the reception held after the wedding at the Seaks home, Mrs. Seaks received guests in a blue crepe dress and the bridegroom's mother wore brown crepe. Both had shoulder corsages of orchids.

Among out-of-town guests present for the wedding and reception were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lewis, Miss Mary Ann Lewis, Mrs. E. D. Snapp and Mrs. Edyth Weimer, all of St. Albans; Mr. B. D. Truslow and Mrs. W. Don Lewis of Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Middleton of Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Reed of Evanston, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Dawson of Rockville, Md.

Junior League Member

When the couple left later for a wedding trip, young Mrs. Seaks chose a blue tweed suit for traveling. Upon their return, Maj. Lewis and his bride will reside in Philadelphia.

Saturday's bride was graduated from the Seiler Preparatory school in Harrisburg and National Park Junior college in Washington D.C. She is a member of the Harrisburg Junior League.

Her husband received his early education in Charleston and St. Albans schools and was graduated from Washington and Lee university with a B.S. degree. He is a member of Sigma Chi Gamma Theta chemical fraternity. The bridegroom is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Stine and the late Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lewis of this city. He recently returned from 28 months' duty with the Marine Corps in the South Pacific.

The Charleston Daily Mail -- Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia -- October 2, 1944 Page #6.



Isaac VanBibber and Sarah Davis

Peter VanBebber and Ellinor VanBibber

Levicy VanBebber and John Liford

Lazarus Liford and Elizabeth Huckworth

Mary E. Liford and Isaac Littrell


Peter VanBibber, Jr. and Marguery Bounds

Ellinor VanBibber and Peter VanBebber

Levicy VanBebber and John Liford

Lazarus Liford and Elizabeth Huckworth

Mary E. Liford and Isaac Littrell


Tazewell, Tenn., August 18, 1882 STATE OF TENNESSEE.

This day issued to CLAIBORNE COUNTY

Isaac Littrell I solemnized the rite of matrimony between the

TO MARRY within named parties, on the 20 day of

Mary Liford Aug 1882.

T.W. Stone Clerk J.C. Brown J. P.

Claiborne County, Tennessee Marriage Book #5, Page #119.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@



(1864 - 1899)

VanBibber, J. H. -- Berry, Bettie -- February 22, 1899 -- Book #6 -- Page 287

VanBiber, Sherman -- Parker, Nora A. -- April 9, 1897 -- Book #5 -- Page #273

Marriage Records of Stoddard County Missouri 1864 - 1899, Compiled and Edited by Grant Thorn and Mary Thorn, Page #113.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@



Just a quick note to let everyone know that I have moved my Hooker Genealogy website to:

-- There is a limited amount of information at this site on the family of James Henry Van Bebber and Ruth Ann Hooker.

Submitted by David J. Hooker -- davidjhooker@



John VanBibber and Chloe Staniford

Margery VanBibber and Andrew Donnally, Jr.

Caroline Donnally and John Lewis

Margery Lewis and Edward Kenna

John Edward Kenna and Annie Benninghaus

Joseph Norris Kenna and Louise Mountcastle


Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 10 (AP) -- Plans for a February trip to Florida and subsequent return to work were disclosed by Judge Jo N. Kenna, of the West Virginia supreme court, recovering from injuries suffered in a Virginia highway accident last August 21.

Judge and Mrs. Kenna, of Charleston, W. Va., are guest of relatives at Mountcastle.

Judge Kenna said "I have practically recovered from my injuries."

The Charleston Daily Mail -- Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia -- January 10, 1938 -- Monday Evening -- Page #1.

Submitted by Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@



From: Ksimmons681@ (Kyle Simmons)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)

I appreciate all that you do on the VanBibbers and their related families.


From: jhoy1@ (Jan Hoy)

To: GRH9999@ (Gary Hawpe)

Thanks again Gary for editing the newsletter and sharing family information.



Van Bibber Website:

The editor reserves the right to edit contributions to the newsletter.

Editor of the Van Bibber Pioneers Electronic Newsletter:

Gary R. Hawpe -- GRH9999@

Owner of the Van Bibber FTM database -- 48,911 names




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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