Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES
At: 11:00 a.m.
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Place: BOCES Business Office, Olean, NY 14760
Distance Learning Classroom Equipment & Installation
Submit Bid to:
Purchasing Agent
Board of Cooperative Educational Services
Cattaraugus, Allegany, Erie & Wyoming Counties
1825 Windfall Road
Olean, NY 14760
(716) 376-8226
“DL Classroom Equipment, 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 28, 2011”
Prices are delivered prices, FOB Destination
The Board of Education of the Sole Supervisory District of the Cattaraugus, Allegany, Erie, and Wyoming counties, popularly known as the Cattaraugus/Allegany Board of Cooperative Educational Services, (in accordance with Section 119-0 of the General Municipal Law) hereby invites the submission of sealed bids for:
“Distance Learning Classroom Equipment & Installation”
Bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at the Cattaraugus/Allegany BOCES’ Business Office, 1825 Windfall Road, Olean, NY 14760, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened. Specifications and bid forms may be obtained from the Internet on website under Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES. (Free vendor registration is required to view the bid. If there are any problems with registration please call Bidnet at 1-800-677-1997 and ask for their vendor support department at extension 214.) The Board of Education reserves the right to reject all bids.
Board of Education, Sole Supervisory District Counties of Cattaraugus, Allegany, Erie, and Wyoming
1825 Windfall Road
Olean, NY 14760
By: April Shelton, Purchasing Agent
A. All bids will be opened at the time and place set forth in the advertisement. Every bid received before that time, or authorized postponement thereof, will be publicly opened. Bidders and other persons properly interested may be present in person or by authorized representative.
B. The owner may consider informal any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with any provision hereof, or may waive any informality in or reject any or all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the advertised time of bid opening or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified will not be considered and will be returned unopened. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by the employees of BOCES. The bidder assumes responsibility for having their bid arrive on time at the designated place. No bidder may withdraw a bid within sixty (60) days after the actual opening thereof.
C. Conditional bids will not be accepted.
A. Proposals must be submitted on prescribed forms or facsimiles thereof. All blank spaces must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, in figures where so indicated. Vendors may duplicate this form on their system as long as it includes all the information we require. Vendors need only return pages or sections that apply to their bid proposal. The price we will use as the vendor’s bid will be the one listed under the “Unit Bid Price” column. In some cases component or trade-in prices are requested within the description of the item, these prices must be reflected in the total price indicated on the “Total Bid” price line.
B. Each proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall have clearly designated on the outside of the envelope the name and address of the bidder, the name of the bid (DL Classroom Equipment & Installation #1119, Attention: April Shelton, Purchasing Agent), for which the proposal is submitted, and the date and time of the bid opening (June 28, 2011, 11:00 a.m.).
C. Proposals forwarded by mail must have a sealed bid envelope containing the proposal and labeled as directed above enclosed within the mailing envelope addressed to the owner. Registered mail is recommended. BOCES’ mail arrives late in the afternoon. It is recommended that if you choose to use regular mail that you plan on having it arrive a day early. It is also recommended that if you choose to use Federal Express that you plan on having it arrive a day early, as we are not a 10:00 guarantee area. UPS next day is the best overnight choice.
D. Each proposal must include a signed Non-collusion Statement, a copy of which is included with these instructions.
A. At the time of the opening of bids, each bidder will be presumed to have read and to be thoroughly familiar with the contract documents. The failure or omission of any bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument, or document shall in no way relieve any bidder from any obligation in respect to the submitted bid.
A. Bids will be awarded after review and recommendation by the specification committee. Decisions of the committee will be final. If a bid is received for the items, the award will be made to the lowest qualified bidder as determined by the specification committee and in the best interest of the BOCES and school districts.
A. All exceptions to the bid must be clearly identified. If the bidder’s exception is covered by a clause, sentence, or paragraph in the bidder’s documents, such clause, sentence, or paragraph must be referenced next to the exception.
A. After acceptance by the BOCES Board of Education, a listing of awarded items will be posted to the website at . The scheduled date for the BOCES Board meeting is July 6, 2011. It is anticipated the award will be made at this time. Purchase orders from participating school districts and municipalities that are received after this date, but before award notification has been sent, that reference the bid identification number and bid price, will constitute an indication of award.
A. The bid effective dates will be July 7, 2011 through July 31, 2012. The BOCES would also like to include an option to extend for an additional length of time agreed upon by all parties if the need arises. A request to do so will be made before the original expiration date.
A. The quantities of the rooms are estimated in this bid. There may be additional rooms added to the scope if funding becomes available. BOCES reserves the right to purchase equipment or services from this bid through July 31, 2012.
A. A high level of quality service is expected of all awarded vendors. The awarded vendor shall work with the designated BOCES staff to determine mutually convenient delivery times, installations, training schedules, and any other service required to make sure the equipment is running according to the BOCES needs. The specific products required to run the equipment will not be substituted unless agreed upon by the BOCES.
1. Bid Instructions – The Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES is seeking bid from qualified Audio/Video Contractors for distance learning classroom equipment and AMX programming. The attached bid forms identify the items and estimated quantities that we wish to purchase. As the plan is to award the bid in whole, the bidder should bid on all items. Estimated quantities are just that and may vary by an increased or decreased amount and may be ordered all at once when awarded or in partial orders throughout the effective bid period (July 7, 2011 through July 31, 2012.) The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or part.
2. Pricing - The bidder shall insert the price for each item in the area provided on the bid form. The price used as vendor’s bid will be the one listed under the “Unit Bid Price” column. Please price according to the unit of measure indicated (box, case, package, etc.) No additional charges will be allowed for freight, packing, or delivery. Please add the cost of freight into each individual item (i.e. if an item is $10.00 and you charge 10% freight the bid price will be $11.00) No charges will be allowed for federal, state, municipal, sales or excise taxes from which the BOCES and participating districts are exempt. Bid pricing will be effective July 7, 2011 through July 31, 2012.
3. Sale or Reduced Items – When a bid item appears on a company sales flyer at a lower price or if the item is offered at a reduced price, the lower price will apply to all bid participants.
4. Unit of Measure - Each bidder is requested to pay attention to the units of measure that are specified. Bids made according to a different pack size or case quantity should be specified on the bid forms. BOCES will calculate equivalents and award accordingly. Do not bid split cartons. Some items are specified in units of one or “each”. Prices must be bid per each unit. If you only ship per a unit of measure other than indicated clearly mark that on the bid but bid as requested.
5. Alternates – Where a brand name is listed, it is done as a quality and specification standard and alternates offered by the bidder are expected to meet or exceed the quality implied by the brand specified. If an alternate is offered the bidder must so specify on the bid form. The bidder will guarantee to meet all performance and reliability standards set by the written specification for each item. In addition, the equipment must be compatible with other components and operate with the other equipment currently in operation within the BOCES’ Distance Learning network. The specification committee prior to the award will determine the equivalency of alternates. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part.
6. Purchasing – BOCES, districts, and municipalities will, upon notification of the bid award, prepare purchase orders to the winning vendors. Under no circumstances should the vendor make any shipment prior to the receipt of a district purchase order. Orders are to be shipped to each participating district or municipality. It will be the intent of BOCES and other participants to purchase the bid items from the awarded bids in the quantities indicated in the bid documents. No legal or financial obligations to vendors are created or implied by the participation in this bid. Delivery and invoicing is to be completed within thirty five (35) days of the date of the purchase order. Under no circumstances will BOCES incur any responsibility for financial obligations of the component districts.
7. Stock-out Clause – Bidder agrees to inform the ordering districts on out of stock items within three (3) working days of the receipt of the purchase order. The awarded vendor will make NO substitutions for out of stock items without advance approval by the ordering district. If a district is forced to purchase out of stock items or items not meeting specifications from another vendor, the original vendor MUST DEDUCT the excess amount paid from the next invoice sent to the district.
8. Delivery – Deliveries are to be made to the ordering district according to the instructions on their purchase orders. Shipping containers shall be labeled with purchase order number, district name and address. Deliveries made by company truck or sales representatives must comply with these labeling requirements. The district may refuse shipments that lack this identification. Packing slips and invoices must contain the following:
Purchase Order Number Description of Item
Item Number Quantity
Bid Number (1119)
9. Damaged Goods/Shipping Errors – The bidder agrees to remove and replace any visibly damaged cartons and all products found damaged upon opening or products that do not meet specifications. The bidder agrees to make good any discrepancies or errors found in receiving such as incorrect amounts, etc. Failure by the bidder to remove damaged or incorrect products will be regarded as abandonment and the district will have the right to dispose of said items as it sees fit.
10. Material Safety Data Sheets – An MSDS must accompany each shipment of all required items as established by the NYS Right to Know Law, enacted in 1970, and the Federal Communication Standard enacted in 1983. Vendors that fail to comply will not be considered for future bids.
11. Complaints – A variance sheet is to be filed by the affected district for items shipped that deviate from the required specification. This can be material specifications or shipping and invoicing deviations. Problems that are not resolved to the district’s satisfaction will be reviewed by the committee and may affect the vendor’s status with the Co-op.
12. Samples – Samples may be required for specific items as listed on the enclosed Sample Request List. Lack of samples may affect the awarding of the bid. All house brand items and alternates must include samples. All samples become the property of Cattaraugus/Allegany BOCES and may be returned or retained at the discretion of C/A BOCES. Bidders should include all pertinent product literature or catalogs with the bid.
13. Literature – Bidders must include all pertinent product literature or catalogs with the bid. In addition, the awarded vendor will provide all technical data, a parts list, and any operation manuals.
14. Warranty – All equipment must carry at least the manufacturer’s warranty unless another is specified.
15. Extended Service – The awarded vendor must be able to provide service availability (for a cost) for at least one year after the manufacture’s warranty expires.
16. Installation – For items requiring installation, the vendor shall be a factory authorized installer. Install rates must be paid at NYS Prevailing Wage rate. A Certificate of Insurance is required prior to install. The vendor shall provide at least a one-year warranty on their installation. The warranty period will begin on the date of acceptance of a good install by owner.
17. Pre-Installation/Work Meeting – Upon bid award notification, the successful bidder who will be providing the service may wish to conduct a pre-installation/work meeting with each BOCES’ designated staff to firm up all aspects of the job.
18. Prevailing Wage Rates - The awarded Contractor who provides the service to the BOCES and component districts shall insure that each laborer or worker employed by the Contractor or Subcontractor shall not be paid less than the prevailing rate of wages as indicated on the current wage schedule provided by the New York State Department of Labor, Bureau of Public Works. The successful vendor(s) is/are responsible for complying with all current labor rates and regulations throughout the duration of any contract resulting from this document. A current wage schedule is available on the New York State Department of Labor’s website at The new wage schedules are available on July 1 of each year.
“The Contractor and subcontractor(s) if any shall submit to the BOCES with all requests for payment, certified payrolls or transcripts of the original payroll record, subscribed and affirmed as true under the penalties of perjury. At a minimum, payrolls must show the following information for each person employed on a public work project: Name, social security number, classification(s) in which the worker was employed, hourly wage rate(s) paid, supplements paid or provided, and daily and weekly number of hours worked in each classification.”
PLEASE NOTE: Vendors currently on the NYS Labor Department Debarred list will not be considered for award. By submitting a bid for consideration, the vendor is indicating to the BOCES that they are currently in good standing with the NYS Department of Labor at the time of the bid.
19. Liability Insurance - Each bidder who bids on the service must show proof of liability insurance with their bid. The successful bidder will be asked to submit a Certificate of Insurance prior to any work beginning at any District.
20. Hold Harmless – The bidder agrees to save, defend, keep harmless, and indemnify the BOCES and the participating districts and all their agents from any and all claims, how ever caused, resulting from or in any way connected with the awarded bidder’s performance of the contract or arising out of each and any product defect or failure.
21. Service – The contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision required to complete the project complying with the outlined specifications and details including the BOCES, districts, or municipalities’ needs.
22. Setup & Training – For items requiring setup and training, the cost will be included and will include all direct and indirect labor and overhead costs. The bidder shall have no claim to any additional costs should the setup and training take longer than the bidder calculated. If a specified number of training hours is not provided in the specification, the vendor must state the number of hours included in their bid price. A list of training results should also be included with the bid. Setup and training costs will included all trade consumables required to have the equipment in running condition. The successful bidder shall make arrangements with the interested parties for training at the convenience of both the vendor and BOCES’ staff.
23. Omissions – Products and services which are not specifically requested in the bid, but which are necessary to provide the functional capabilities of the items proposed by the vendor will be included in the bid.
24. Site Inspection – The prospective bidders shall examine the work site prior to submitting a bid. The submission of a bid shall be evidence that this requirement has been met. Failure to inspect the site prior to the bid opening will not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of performing all work included in the scope of the project.
25. Damages – BOCES’ property and contents shall be protected. Any damage done by the contractor shall be repaired by the contractor at not cost to the BOCES, districts, or municipalities.
25. Notification – The contractor shall notify the designated BOCES personnel of any areas that the contractor feels has deteriorated so significantly that will render ineffective the service being provided.
26. Guarantees – The successful bidder guarantees against defective materials or workmanship and to repair or replace any damages.
27. References – The bidder should include a minimum of three (3) references of similar size and type of contracts. All contracts must be in place at least one year and must be using the same manufacturer as that offered on this bid. Each reference must include the Company name, Company address, Company telephone number, Contact Name and Title, and length of contract.
A. The vendor shall guarantee that the equipment offered is standard new equipment, latest model of regular stock product, and in current production, with all parts regularly used with this type of equipment; also that no attachment or part has been substituted or applied contrary to manufacturer’s recommendations and standard practice. Every unit delivered shall be guaranteed against faulty material and workmanship for a period of at least one year or for the full term of the manufacturer’s warranty, whichever is greater, from the date of installation. If, during this period, such faults develop, the unit(s) or part(s) affected shall be replaced without any cost to the BOCES. Any merchandise provided under the contract that is or becomes defective during the guarantee period shall be replaced by the vendor free of charge with the specific understanding that all replacements shall carry the same guarantee as the original equipment from the date of the replacement equipment for a period of one year. The vendor shall make any such replacement immediately upon receiving notification from BOCES.
A. Bids will only be accepted from established manufacturers or their authorized dealers. In the event a bid is submitted by a dealer, the dealer shall guarantee that he/she is an authorized dealer of the manufacture and the manufacturer has agreed to supply the dealer with the equipment offered in the bid. Further, the dealer agrees to submit a certificate from the manufacturer acknowledging that he/she is an authorized dealer, if so requested.
A. This contract shall be deemed executory only to the extent of the monies appropriated and available for the purpose of the contract and no liability on account thereof shall be incurred by the contract beyond the amount of such monies. Neither this contract nor any representation by any public employee or officer creates any legal or moral obligation to request, appropriate, or make available monies for the purpose of this contract.
A. The Contractor guarantees their products against defective material or workmanship and to repair or replace any damages or marring occasioned in transit and to furnish adequate protection from damage for all work and to repair damages of any kind for which he or his workmen are responsible to the building or equipment, or to his own work, and to carry adequate insurance to protect BOCES from loss in case of accident, fire, theft, etc.
B. In addition, the Contractor is solely responsible for the timely purchasing of all audiovisual equipment and the coordination with the various vendors and suppliers.
A. The failure or omission of any bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument, or document shall in no relieve any bidder from an obligation with respect to the bid proposal. By submitting a bid, the bidder represents and agrees that they have examined the documents and requirements contained within this document.
A. Bidders interested in seeing an existing room to familiarize themselves with the general requirements for installation and programming may contract anyone listed below:
Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES
Mike Torrey, Distance Learning Technician
Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES
1825 Windfall Road
Olean, NY 14760
Tel: (716) 376-8236 Fax: (716) 376-8442
Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES
Nathan Malick, Telecommunications Technician
Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES
1825 Windfall Road
Olean, NY 14760
Tel: (716) 376-8253 Fax: (716) 376-8442
Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES
Dave Stevens, Program Manager
Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES
1825 Windfall Road
Olean, NY 14760
Tel: (716) 376-8333 Fax: (716) 376-8442
A. Technical questions regarding this bid may be directed via e-mail to Mike Torrey:
A. Bidders must provide the following information in their sealed bid submission:
I. Fully completed Equipment List/Bid Proposal Forms
II. Fully completed forms included herein (Bid Certification, Non-Collusion, etc)
III. Three full copies of the bid response
IV. Technical specification sheets for any and all proposed equipment substitutions
A. The following organization is participating in this bid:
Belfast Central School,
1 King Street
Belfast, NY 14711
Cattaraugus/Allegany BOCES Olean Center
1825 Windfall Road
Olean, NY 14760
Portville Central School,
500 Elm Street
Portville, NY 14770
Wellsville Central School,
126 West State Street
Wellsville, NY 14895
A. All equipment supplied by the Contractor shall meet the requirements of the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) and be system design-engineered electrically and mechanically as a standard product offering. All equipment must be standard new equipment, or latest model, and in current production unless otherwise specified.
A. Components determined by the bidder to be missing from the equipment list contained in this bid must be included in the bid submittal.
A. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review the attached flow chart and equipment lists to verify there are no discrepancies or missing components. The Contractor is responsible to make the distance learning classrooms completely operational as specified.
A. It is the responsibility of the bidder to submit pricing for each piece of equipment specified in this bid. Equipment other than that specified may be offered providing the substitute article is fully equal in every respect to the equipment specified herein by model and manufacturer’s name, with justification for such substitution. Illustrative and descriptive catalogs, data sheets, and specifications for any item substituted shall accompany each bid. BOCES reserves the right to reject any and all proposed substitutions not deemed “equal.”
A. The Contractor must provide system drawings, including wiring schematics, control panel menus, control panel screen layouts, and any other essential drawings. This documentation will be reviewed and approved by Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES.
A. All control system programming will be the property of Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES. Source code and touch panel design must be accessible directly from the classroom controller and touch panel. In addition, all source code and touch panel design must be submitted to Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES in electronic form via e-mail.
A. Upon bid award, BOCES may choose to purchase additional equipment at unit prices identified in this bid for purposes of maintaining a spare equipment inventory or to install additional DL room for a period of one year from the date of the bid award, manufacturer price increases not withstanding.
A. All equipment necessary to complete a room must be delivered to BOCES located in Olean, NY.
B. At the time of delivery, the Contractor will supply a service manual, parts list, and source for replacement parts for each group of items awarded.
A. The Contractor shall include a statement of warranty on individual pieces of equipment. The programming warranty shall be for a minimum of one year from the date of system acceptance by the BOCES. This warranty shall obligate the Contractor to provide all corrective programming at no charge to Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES during the warranty period.
B. All manufacturers’ equipment warranties shall be activated in the name of Cattaraugus Allegany BOCES and shall begin on the date of system acceptance.
A. The Contractor must comply with national, state, and local ordinances, codes and regulations during the entire installation.
B. All equipment must be installed using manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. The Contractor is responsible for any voided warranties due to improper installation.
C. BOCES will ensure that the classrooms are ready for installation, including any required AC connections for ceiling/wall mounted equipment.
D. The Contractor shall deliver and install the instructor console, if one is necessary.
E. The Contractor will be responsible for the proper installation of any required mounting fixtures/brackets (projector mount, flat screen wall brackets, etc.)
F. Vented blank panels are required for any unused rack openings at the instructor console.
A. Industry standards shall be used in the wiring of the classrooms and must conform to all applicable electrical codes.
B. All wiring must be neat and housed in raceway/conduit where applicable. No cables should be exposed.
C. Cables must have clear identification on both ends and correspond to the letters/numbers as they appear on the wiring diagrams. Pre-printed labels must be used.
D. Custom cables shall be made with solder type connectors or approved mechanical connectors.
E. All cables will be continuous from source to destination, without interruption.
F. A 36” service loop is required to all equipment for troubleshooting and repairs.
A. The Contractor must be qualified to install both the projection system AND video wall system as specified in the attached flow chart and equipment list. Both types of systems may be required through this bid.
B. The Contractor will be responsible for all required video cabling/connectors for integrating the existing multi channel Motorola codec.
C. BOCES shall provide network cabling and IP configuration information for all videoconferencing codecs.
A. The Contractor must coordinate with BOCES for microphone and speaker placement for optimal system response.
B. The Contractor will be responsible for all required audio cabling/connectors for integrating the existing multi channel Motorola codec into the new system.
A. All classroom control systems must have identical touch panel design and programming logic to existing BOCES DL classrooms.
B. BOCES will provide specific touch panel layouts and control functionality, to the Contractor, once the bid is awarded.
C. BOCES must approve any touch panel design and programming logic prior to installation.
D. The Contractor shall provide any requested changes to touch panel design or control programming for a period of sixty (60) days after initial installation and acceptance by BOCES.
E. The Contractor will be responsible to correct any issues related to the control system programming for a period of one (1) year after the initial installation and acceptance by BOCES.
A. Upon installation completion, the Contractor shall include a written statement of warranty for the entire system. The system warranty will be for a period of one (1) year from the date of system approval by BOCES.
B. Upon installation completion, the Contractor shall provide BOCES with the following:
I. Video, audio, and control wiring diagrams, including cable designations
II. Manufacturer’s installations manuals, operator manuals, and warranty cards, for the entire system, prepared in a 3-ring binder.
III. A detailed systems equipment list including manufacturer, model number, brief description, and serial numbers.
To be opened 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Vendor Name: ________________________________________
Vendor Address: ________________________________________
Phone: ______________________ Fax: __________________
Contact Name: _______________________ Number: _________________
Federal or Tax ID # ________________________________________
Name of Person
Who Completed Bid: ________________________________________
Please Print
Signature/Title: ________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________
M/WBE Designation: Minority Owned ____________ Women Owned ____________
Vendor Bid Number: _________________ (if required). Date Completed: ______________
At the time of the opening of bids, each bidder will be presumed to have read and be thoroughly familiar with the contract documents. The failure or omission of any bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument, or document shall in no way relieve any bidder from any obligation in respect to the submitted bid. By submitting a bid, the vendor understands and agrees to all terms, conditions, and stipulations contained herein without reservation and/or alteration.
Signed: __________________________ Date: ________________
• The Signed Non Collusive Bidding Certificate
• Proof of Liability Insurance
• Indemnification Form
• Prevailing Wage Acknowledgement
• List of References
• Fully Completed Equipment List/Bid Proposal Form
• Three full copies of bid response
• Bid Form (Attached form or your Prepared Document including all Pertinent Information)
• Technical specification sheets for any and all proposed equipment substitutions
• Other Forms as Identified throughout Specifications
By submission of this bid (DL Classroom Equipment & Installation #1119), each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidders, certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief:
1) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor:
2) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not knowingly been disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and
3) No attempt has been made or will be make by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition.
NAME OF COMPANY: ___________________________________________________
Individual or Legal Name of Firm or Corporation
MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE: __________________________________________________
BY: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature of Representative of Firm or Corporation
NAME: ________________________________ TITLE: ______________________
Please Print Please Print
DATED: ________________
The awarded contractor shall insure that each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages as indicated on the current wage schedule provided by the New York State Department of Labor, Bureau of Public Work.
By submitting an informal quote or formal bid, the contractor shall insure that each laborer, worker or mechanic employed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages as indicated on the current wage schedule provided by the New York State Department of Labor, Bureau of Public Work.
A current wage schedule is available on the New York State Department of Labor’s website at
Certified payrolls are to be submitted to the Purchasing Agent at the 1825 Windfall Road, Olean, NY 14760 address.
Signed: _______________________________ Date: __________________________
Print Name: ___________________________ Phone: _________________________
Company Name: ________________________________
Federal ID Number: _____________________________
Address: _______________________________________
The Contractor agrees:
(a) that except for the amount, if any, of damage contributed to, caused by or resulting from the negligence of the BOCES, the Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the BOCES, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, damage, claims, demands, costs, judgments, fees, attorney's fees or loss arising directly or indirectly out of the performance or failure to perform hereunder by the Contractor or third parties under the direction or control of the Contractor; and
(b) to provide defense for and defend, at its sole expense, any and all claims, demands or causes of action directly or indirectly arising out of the Agreement and to bear all other costs and expenses related thereto.
|VIDEO SYSTEM | | | | |
|2 |HD PTZ Cameras |Sony |EVI-HD7V | | |
|1 |HD Document Camera |Elmo | P10 | | |
|2 |Camera Brackets |Innovative Comm. |WM-100B | | |
|1 |RGB-DVI 300 Scaler |Extron |60-906-01 | | |
|1 |SW2 DVI A Plus Switcher |Extron |60-964-21 | | |
|1 |DVI DA4 Plus D/A |Extron |60-931-21 | | |
|2 |RSU 126 Universal Rack Shelf |Extron |60-190-10 | | |
|1 |Interactive LCD Tablet |Numonics |PI-1900 | | |
|1 |Blu-Ray Disc Player |Sony |BDP-S580 | | |
|1 |H.323 Video Conferencing Unit |Polycom | HDX7000-1080P | | |
|1 |Codec Mounting Bracket |Polycom |HDX 2215-28283-001 | | |
|3 |3G HD-SDI To DVI ProScale Scaler |Kramer |VP-471 | | |
|2 |1RU Universal Rack Adapter |Kramer |RK-T28 | | |
|1 |DMS 16x16 DVI Matirx Video Switch |Extron |60-1091-000003 | | |
|1 |Dual DVI To SDI Converter + Scaler |Gefen |EXT-DVI-2-HDSDIPRO | | |
|1 |Webcasting/Recording Appliance |Polycm Accordent |Capture Station | | |
|1 |46" 2x2 TileMatrix Video Wall Kit |NEC |X462UN-TMX4D | | |
|1 |6 Output Video Wall Processor |RGB Spectrum |MediaWall 2000 | | |
|1 |HD Video Projector |Eiki | EIP-HDT20 | | |
|1 | Zoom Lens |Eiki |AH-43003W | | |
|1 |Universal Ceiling Plate |InFocus |SP-LTMT-PLTB | | |
|1 |Projector ceiling mount bracket |Chief |RPA Series | | |
|1 |Projector Mount Extension Column |Chief |CMS018024 | | |
|1 |Contour Electrol w/LVC (110") |Da-Lite |94275 | | |
|1 |DVI Quad Processor |RGB Spectrum |QV-HDXv | | |
|AUDIO SYSTEM | | | | |
|8 |Ceiling Microphones |Shure |202 W/S | | |
|1 |Digital Audio Mixer |Clearone |Converge Pro 880 | | |
|1 |Digital Audio Mixer |Clearone |Converge Pro 840T | | |
|1 |Audio Amplifier W/ Rack Kit |Crown |D75 | | |
|4 |Ceiling Mount Audio Speakers |KSI |6061 CS | | |
|1 |Integrated Controller |AMX | NI-3000 | | |
|1 |Touch Panel |AMX |NXT-CV10 | | |
|1 |Power Supply |AMX |PS4.4 | | |
| | | | | | |
|1 |Equipment Rack w/ Solid Rt Panel |Spectrum |67050CD | | |
|1 |Equipment Rack w/ Solid Lft Panel |Spectrum |67051CD | | |
|1 |Triple Work Surface |Spectrum |67071CD | | |
|1 |Wall Filler Panel |Spectrum | 67060CD | | |
|2 |Acrylic Rack Doors |Spectrum | 67062CD | | |
|1 |Pencil Drawer |Spectrum |97500CD | | |
|2 |Rack Mount 14 Outlet Power Strip |Middle Atlantic |PD-915R | | |
|2 |2 Space Rack Shelf |Middle Atlantic |U2 | | |
|6 |2 Space Blank Vented Panels |Middle Atlantic |VTF2 | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | |Equipment Subtotal | |
|1 |Installation, Cabling, Connectors, Accessories, and Programming | |
| | | | | | |
|Total Installed System | |
Authorized Signature:___________________________________________Tel:___________________
Typed Name: _________________________________________________Fax: __________________
A/V Contractor: _____________________________________________________________________
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