Carol Ledgewood


575-973-1768 ( cdledgewood@

– Landman –

A dedicated Landman providing professional services specializing in the petroleum/energy industry, curing title issues, analyzing leasehold interests, experienced in use of Courthouse records to complete mineral title ownership reports, determination of held by production acreage, compiled abstracts, use of production data to determine active formations and producing depths against depth clauses in oil and gas leases. Comprehensive history of outstanding performance in building relationships. Effective negotiation skills, strong ability to overcome obstacles. Excellent prioritization and time management skills developed through managing multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment.

Core Competencies

( Petroleum Industry Specialist ( Mineral Ownership Reports ( Last Lease Checks

( Contract Administration ( Right of Way Easements (Verification of HBP

( Cursory Checks ( Negotiating Agreements ( Documentation


University of Houston, Downtown

Advanced Petroleum Land Management Certification

Completed February 2015

Coursework Included 144 hours of studies in: Critical Legal Concepts in the Land Profession, Comprehensive Study of the Oil and Gas Lease, Curing land Titles, Environmental and Ethical Issues in PLM, GIS Uses for the Land Professional, Renewable energy Sources

University of Houston, Downtown

Petroleum Land Management Certification

Completed September 2012

Coursework Included 144 hours of studies in: Petroleum Land Management, Petroleum Land Practices, Basic Contracts, Negotiating, Property and Mineral Ownership, Calculating Oil and Gas Interests

Education and Development

Rocky Mountain Law Foundation

Legal and Regulatory Issues in New Mexico, July 2014


Negotiations Seminar, Aug 2014

Due Diligence, April 2014

Basics of GIS, Nov 2013

Pooling, July 2013

Applied Land Practices, June 2013

Petroleum Landman School, LLC @ Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City, OK

Basic Landman Title Curative Course, 2010

Coursework Included: Lease Hold Reporting – Surface and Mineral Ownership Reporting

Ownership of Real Property – Chain of Title – Right-Of-Way

Held by Production (HBP) – Township and Range – Metes and Bounds – Leases and Clauses

Probate and Heirship Issues – Basic Well Spacing

Working Interest – Net Revenue Interest – Due Diligence Reporting – AAPL Code of Ethics

Professional Development Institute, Artesia, NM

Petroleum Accounting Applications, 2009

Midland College Petroleum Professional Development Center

JIB Accounting Principles, 2008

Ft. Worth Women’s Business Center, Ft. Worth, TX

Project New Entrepreneurship, 2005

Dallas Community College, Dallas, TX

Studies in Business Administration, 1979 – 1980

Professional Affiliations


Active Member # 95270 since 2012

Desk and Derrick, Roswell Chapter

Member 2007-2010

Professional History

Willbros Professional Services

Sr. Land Representative – Mar 2015 – Present

Electric Transmission ROW

• Research current Owner, obtain copies of Tax Cards, Tax Maps, Vesting Deeds and or support documents in multiple counties

• Assist team members in understanding issues of title, internal required reporting and processes

• Data input and reporting in company systems, and client systems

• Secure easements from owners

Sr. Land Representative – Oct 2014 – Feb 2015

Oil and Gas Pipeline ROW

• Land Owner introductions and Permission to Survey

• 30 Year title reports

• Reviewed team members title reports

• Worked with Team members and programmers to get data program working

• Performed additional research as requested from the Project Manager

Jicarilla Apache Energy Corporation, Jicarilla Apache Nation

Contract Consulting Landman - July 2013 – October 2014

• Mineral Development Agreements

• Joint Venture Agreements

• Point of Contact with Jicarilla Oil and Gas Administration, BIA, BLM, NM OCD

• Member of the Strategic Development Team

West Land & Legal, LLC

Contract Due Diligence Projects – April 2013 & January 2014

• Both projects were due diligence for acquisition of assets in NE CO and E2 of WY

Comanche, LLC

Contract Independent Field Landman – November – March 2013

• Mineral Ownership Takeoffs in Wyoming

• Last Lease Checks

Transcontinent Oil Company

Contract Independent Field Landman – January – September 2012

• Cursory Lease hold check in Kansas

• Verification of HBP in Kansas

• Mineral Ownership Reports – Patent to Present in Kansas

Armstrong Energy Corporation, Roswell, NM

Accounting / Administrative Assistant, June 2008 – September 2011

▪ Facilitate all accounting functions for a corporation comprised of 15 diverse companies

▪ Perform journal entries, month-end reporting, balance sheets, income statements, and bank reconciliations; maintain the general ledger

▪ Work with the geology department to create an internal library of well logs and research documents

▪ Assisted in-house landman with abstracts, mineral ownership reports, leasehold ownership reports, using courthouse documents to load land database

▪ Perform mapping of leased properties and wells

Pioneer Bank, Roswell, NM

Customer Service / Payoff Clerk, 2007 – 2008

▪ Responded to customer inquiries; provided phone assistance for mortgage customers

▪ Responsible for final distribution of mortgage escrow funds

▪ Completed releases to be recorded with the county clerk and returned appropriate documents to mortgager/title company

XTO Energy, Ft. Worth, TX

Operations Associate, 2006

▪ Supported the foreman, operations supervisor, and pipeline supervisor for all work done in the Barnett Gathering.

▪ Facilitated onboarding, orientation, benefits enrollment, and HR files administration for all new hires

▪ Handled sales reporting for daily gas production; maintained DOT records

Glass Innovations, Ft. Worth, TX

Owner/Operator, 2003 – 2005

▪ Managed a creative graphics design firm, specializing in computer-generated window graphics

Keep Us in Mind, Ft. Worth, TX

Owner/Operator, 1996 – 2003

▪ Facilitated all business management functions including staffing, team development, payroll, bookkeeping, marketing, and customer service

References Available Upon Request[pic]


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