Tariff Water - Pa


















Increase Rates by 50%

Change Interest on Deposits to 11%

Change Late Payment Charge to 1.25%



Left Blank Intentionally 2

Table of Contents 3 First Revised

Rules and Regulations

1. Application of Tariff 4 Original

2. Application for Service 4 Original

3. Definition of Customer 5 First Revised

4. Deposits 5 First Revised

5. Discontinuance of Service 6 Original

6. Leaks, Stoppages and/or Defective Plumbing 6 Original 7. Prohibited Wastes 7 Original

8. Changes of Rules and Rates 8 Original

9. Authority of Officers To Vary Rules 8 Original

10. Service Connections 8 Original

11. Payment of Bills 10 First Revised

12. Rates 11 First Revised



Rule 1. (a) This Schedule applies to all service throughout the entire territory served. These rules and regulations are a part of the contract with every customer who utilizes the sewage facilities and every such customer, by utilizing the facilities, agrees to be bound thereby.

(b) All applications, when accepted by the Company, shall constitute a contract between the consumer and the Company for the service applied for and each such contract is subject to and governed by the rates, rules and regulations published herein in the same manner and to the same extent as though they were specifically included therein.


Rule 2. (a) Any property owner desiring the introduction of a service connection from the Company’s main to his or her premises must first make written application on a form furnished by the Company. The application must be signed by the property owner or his duly authorized attorney.

(b) Any person desiring sewage facilities, must first make written application on a form furnished by the Company, which must be approved by the Company before facilities are utilized. Where the person desiring sewage facilities is not the owner of the premises, the application must also be signed by the owner. The party or parties making the application will be considered the customer under this contract and will be responsible for all sewage bills and proper observance of the Rules and Regulations.

(c) No owner or tenant of any premises connected with the sewer lines of this Company will be allowed to permit another person or premises to use or connect with his service line, not stipulated by his or her application or otherwise, except upon written permit from the Company.

(d) Any violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Company shall render the Contract between the Customer and the Company void, and service may be discontinued after due notice, remaining so until such time as the Company is satisfied that the customer will observe the rules and regulations. Service will not be connected until the actual costs of the discontinuing and reconnections are paid in full.


Rule 3. “Customer” as used herein shall be the party contracting for service to a property as hereinafter classified:

a) A building under one roof and occupied by one family or business, or

b) A combination of buildings in one common enclosure, occupied by one family or business, or

c) The one side of a double house occupied by one family or business having a solid vertical partition wall, or

d) Each apartment in a building having more than one apartment, or

e) Each apartment, office or business in a building having a number of apartments and/or office and/or businesses.


Rule 4. (a) Deposits may be required from customers taking service for a period of less than thirty days, in an amount equal to the estimated gross bill for such temporary period. Deposits may be required from all other customers, provided that in no instance may deposits be required in excess of the estimated gross bill for any single billing period plus one month (the maximum period not to exceed four months). Upon this deposit the Company will pay eleven (11) per cent interest per annum. (c)

Upon deposits held for more than a year, the Company will pay to the Customer, at the end of each calendar year, the interest accrued thereon.

b) The Company will refund such deposit on notice to discontinue service and after payment in full has been made for all service rendered; or when Customer shall have paid undisputed bills for service over a period of twelve consecutive months; and any Customer having secured the return of a deposit shall not be required to make a new deposit unless the service has been discontinued and the Customer’s credit standing impaired through failure to comply with tariff provisions.

(c) Indicates Change


Rule 4 concluded

(c) The payment on any undisputed bill shall be payment of the bill with or without delayed payment charge, within fifteen (15) days following the period for which the bill was rendered or payment within fifteen days (15) days following presentation of the bill, or the payment of any contested bill, payment of which is withheld beyond the period herein mentioned and the dispute is terminated substantially in favor of the Customer and payment made by the Customer within ten days thereafter.


Rule 5. (a) Whenever the customer desires to have his service contract terminated or his sewerage service discontinued he shall notify the Company to that effect in writing. The customer will be responsible for the payment of all service rendered by the Company prior to receipt of such written notice and during a reasonable time thereafter to enable the Company to discontinue service.

(b) In recognition of the level of charges and the nature of the area served, no provision can be made for temporarily unoccupied premises.

c) Service to any customer may be discontinued for violation of any of these Rules and Regulations. However, before service may be discontinued for any violation, the Company shall give written notice to the customer, stating the rule violated, the manner of violation, and a reasonable date after which service will be discontinued if the violation continues. After service is thus discontinued for violation of rules and regulations, service will not be resumed until reasonable assurance is given that the customer will comply with the Rules and Regulations and until all rentals due and reconnection charges based on actual costs of reconnection or a Ten ($10.00) Dollar fee have been paid to the Company for restoral of service.


Rule 6. (a) The Company shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring


Rule 6 concluded

to any premises, or within any house or buildings; and it is expressly stipulated by and between the Company and the Customer that no claims shall be made against the said Company on account of the breaking, stoppage or any damage or expense to any service lines on said property, when the cause thereof is found to be in that part of the service line lying on said property.

(b) The Company will not be liable for any claim or damage arising from a deficiency of service or discontinuance of service, the breaking of machinery or other facilities, or for any other cause. The Company reserves the right to rescind service whenever the public welfare may require it.

(c) As necessity may arise in case of break, emergency or other unavoidable cause, the Company shall have the right temporarily to discontinue service in order to make necessary repairs, connection, etc. The Company shall use all reasonable and practicable measures to notify the customer, in advance, of such discontinuance of service. The Company shall not be liable for any damage or service for any cause.

(d) All leaks in consumer’s service line and fixtures must be repaired promptly and by and at the expense of the consumer. After failure to repair leaks within five (5) days after notice to do so, the Company reserves the right to shut off consumer’s service. The Company will not restore the service until all needed repairs have been made and until all charges incurred by the Company in shutting off and restoring the service have been paid.

(e) The Company reserves the right to inspect the service line, and all connections, fixtures and appliances on the premises of the consumer and where the installation, maintenance or repairs to the service line and all connections, fixtures and appliances do not conform to established standards of workmanship and materials, the Company may refuse to institute or restore service until the workmanship and materials have been corrected to the satisfaction of the Company.


Rule 7. (a) The Company Sewerage System is meant to provide sanitary collection and final disposal of domestic sewage and certain types wastes amenable to


Rule 7 concluded

disposal in the Company’s facilities. The Company reserves the right of approval of all wastes to be discharged to its system in specific conditions contained in Permits issued to the Company by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.

(b) Sewerage system connection shall not be made to any customer’s premises by any person who is not an agent of the Company, except temporarily by a plumber, with Company approval to enable him to test his work, provided it shall be severed immediately after the test is made.


Rule 8. The Company reserves the right to change or amend, from time to time, these Rules, Regulations and Rates, in accordance with law.


Rule 9. No officer or employee of the Company can very these Rules without action of the Board of Directors, and no agent or employee of the Company can bind it by any agreement or representatives except when authorized in writing by an executive officer of the Company to do so.


Rule 10. (a) No sewer connection, or disconnection, shall be made except under the

supervision, control and approval of the Company’s authorized


b) The Company will make all connections to its street sewers and will

furnish, install, and maintain all laterals from the sewer to a point

immediately inside the portion of the customer’s property which

abuts the street or road, all of which service line shall be and remain

the property of the Company and shall be accessible to and under

its control.


Rule 10 continued

c) Service lines from premises to the property lines shall be laid by customer at his expense on hard bottom, or in concrete if in rock or soft bottom. Sewer pipes shall be approved by the Company’s representative as to size, kind of pipe, and installation. After all pipe is laid and before any ditch is closed, the work must be inspected and approved by the Company’s representative. Any accessible trap and vent shall be constructed on each service line within the confines of the premises served. All service lines shall be kept in good repair by the customer at his expense.

d) No work shall be covered or concealed in any way until inspected and approved by a representative of the Company.

e) Before any pipe is laid in a dry trench, the trench shall be evenly graded, the minimum grade being one-quarter ( ¼ ) inch fall to the running foot. After the pipe is laid, then loose earth shall be carefully tamped, about the pipe and, to a depth of six (6) inches above top of pipe when courser materials may be backfilled.

f) Every terra cotta joint, after being made, shall be scraped on inside before the next pipe is placed to insure a perfect flow.

g) Where ground has been filled in, or in wet places, medium weight iron soil pipe shall be used with lead joints properly caulked.

h) All main drains shall not be less than six (6) inches in diameter, unless otherwise approved by a representative of the Company and of first class vitrified pipe for dry trenches and cast iron soil pipe for wet trenches or for trenches which have been refilled to support pipe.

i) All building plumbing shall be in accordance with the American Standard National Plumbing Code (ASA A 40.8) or local code as adopted.

j) The Company shall in no event be responsible for maintenance of, or for damage done by water escaping from or blockage of the lateral or any other pipe or fixture of the customer. The customer at all times shall comply with state and municipal regulations in reference thereto and shall make any changes thereon which may be required because of change of grade, relocation of mains or otherwise.


Rule 10 concluded

k) No roof, storm, surface or ground water of any nature shall be allowed to

enter the sewer system. No connection will be allowed with any cesspool, privy vault, cistern or other depository. No standpipe or pipes will be permitted to be connected with the Company sewer. No ground water from foundation drains, or basement drains shall be connected to the sewer system. Basement drains will be permitted to be connected to the house sewer, when it can be demonstrated that ground water will not be encountered.

l) No repairs, alterations, or additions to any drain or sewer connection with the Company’s sewer shall be made, unless the person desiring to make the same shall first make application to and receive permission from the Company for doing so.

(m) Connections with sewers where same are run through private property shall in all respects be governed by these Rules and Regulations.


Rule 11. (a) All bills will be rendered monthly or quarterly at the option of the Company and are due and payable upon presentation. If bills are not paid within 20 days following presentation, a 1.25% delayed payment charge will be added. (c)

If bills are not paid within 30 days after the same are due, 7 days notice will be given, after which if the bill is not paid, the service will be disconnected from the premises of the delinquent customer. Such customer’s service will not again be reconnected nor will he be allowed to reconnect, except upon payment of all arrearages, plus actual cost of making such reconnection, or a $10.00 fee.

(b) The presentation or nonpresentation of a bill shall not be held to be a waiver of any of the Rules or Regulations.

(c) If bills are paid by mail, the date of the postmark will be considered the date of payment. A 1.25% delayed payment charge will be added to any (c)

bill not paid within twenty (20) days following presentation or rendering (c)

by the Company.

(c) Indicates Change


Rule 12. The charge to each customer shall be a flat rate of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars per month. (I)

No customer’s sewer service will be shut off for non-payment of bills or violation of any rules without the company‘s first complying with the shut-off procedure prescribed by Public Utility Commission rules and regulations.

(I) Indicates increase


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