X12 Customer EDI, Excel 6.2


IS has opened new regional stocking warehouse distribution centers. 48 Manufacturer lines, consisting of 2,200 to 25,000 items, will be stocked in these warehouses.

Business Impact

IS members will replenish stock for these products through IS rather than through the manufacturer or another vendor. IS will provide a quarterly tape update of these products, which will be used to update the IS member’s product files, as defined in the following detail.

The IS products must be ordered from IS if the product is stocked by the IS member. For those products that are not stocked by the IS member, the member has the option to order them from either IS or a wholesaler.

Purchase Orders to be placed with IS will be transmitted to them using X12 EDI. IS is able to provide a Functional Acknowledgment within 3 to 7 minutes of receiving the PO. Due to internal processing and shipment scheduling, there is an approximately 45 minute wait for the Detailed Purchase Order Acknowledgment to be generated. Because of this time delay, the inbound and outbound EDI processes have been split into separate menu selections.

Customer Impact

The scope of this project only covers modification to The Systems House, Inc. current base product and does not support retrofitting those IS members with older versions of the software.

Quarterly Processing:

The Quarterly Product Update is processed using new Menu 21.1.14:




Prior to running the IS Product Update the ‘IS’ vendor needs to be setup with the appropriate information. There is a new field to enter a Stock Vendor in addition to the Non-Stock Vender on field 1.

Field 16 should be sent to a ‘N’ if you do NOT want new products updated


IS RDC File:

Once you have picked up the quarterly file, and saved it as a tab delimited file, the file will need to be brought into VisionE for processing.


You will need to run this menu item ‘Transfer ISG Product database from PC’ from a wIntegrate session.


Type in a ‘T’ to proceed, you will then be asked to enter your unix login password

‘Please enter your unix password:’

Then enter the full path of the location on your PC where the tab-delimited file was saved:

‘PC File Location (END):’

(Example: C:\ISGroup\B600_2Q04.txt)

Once the file has been loaded you can proceed to the Product update on menu

Menu Product Update


Type in ‘L’ or ‘T’ for the prompt ‘Process (L)ive or (T)est Run’

You will have the following options to choice from:’

Load (S)tock only, (C)atalog only, (A)ll:?

Type in “S” to only load IS Stock items

Type in ‘C” to only load IS Catalog items

Type in “A’ to load all items

Initial X12 EDI Setup for IS:

Menu 25 now has a new Menu selection 4, for IS EDI:



Menu.25.4.7: EDI Parameter Maintenence

IS needs to be setup as a “VAN” in your EDI Parameter record:



If you are already doing X12 EDI, you will want to add IS as another VAN in your 001 EDI Parameter record. IS data transmissions have naming conventions that include the date and time as part of the record name. Because of this, you should not input a filename for the the VAN Send File Name field that is associated with the VAN Name “IS”.

In the following example, we have a Parameter record that is already setup to do X12 using GEIS as a VAN. In this example, IS would be added as an additional “VAN”. All that is needed to complete this maintenance is 0 (zero) to Accept the entry:


If you are not already doing X12 EDI, then you’ll need to initialize your new EDI Parameter record:


Parameter ID – Enter 001.

1. Print Detail Report – Enter Y.

2. Auto Create Order – This is irrelevant to IS EDI, enter Y.

3. Our Sender Qualifier Code – Enter ZZ.

4. Our Sender Id – Enter your 4 digit IS Member Id, followed by –ISG (no spaces).

5. Our Applicatin Sender Id – Enter the same data that you put into field 4.

6. Interchange Version Id – Enter 00403.

7. Subelement Separator – Enter | (pipe).

8. Data Delimitor – Enter A.

9. VAN 1 Name – Enter IS.

Ln#, (S#), (R), (DELETE), (F#), (?), (0)Accept – Enter F2 to proceed to the next screen.


Please note that none of the fields on this page are relevant to IS EDI. If you are not already doing X12 Vendor EDI with a vendor who is sending you invoices, you do not need to use EDI specific data for the entries on this page. However, because the fields are required, you will need to input something.

1. Company – This is validated against the Company file, and the Company Name is displayed.

2. Warehouse – This is validated against the Warehouse file, and the Warehouse Name is displayed.

3. Misc Charge Code – This is the Miscellaneous Charge Code that would be assigned for vendors who send an invoice that includes charges other than freight, delivery, and tax. This is validated against the Miscellaneous Charge Description file, and the Description is displayed.

4. Misc Charge Prod Id – For vendors who send an invoice that miscellaneous charges other than a few that we recognize, we will turn their Service/Charge/Allowance line into a “product” line item, and add it onto the end of the invoice that we generate. This is validated against the Alpha Prod file.

5. Tax Jurisdiction – For vendors who send an invoice, this is the default tax jurisdiction code to use if their vendor master record isn’t setup with one. This is validated against the Tax Rate file, and the description is displayed.


6. Terms Code – For vendors who send an invoice, this is the default Terms Code to use if their vendor detail record isn’t setup with one. This is validated against the Terms file, and the description is displayed.

7. C/M Reason Code – For vendors who send an invoice, this is the Reason Code to assign, if we process their credit memos as a One Step Invoice. This is validated against the Reason Code file, and the description is displayed.

8. Inbound Invoices Auto Verify Linked Order? – For vendors who send an invoice, do we automatically verify a linked Customer Order, Y/N. Enter N.

9. Inbound Invoices Automatically Create an Unlinked 1-Step Invoice? – For vendors who send an invoice. Enter N.

10. Automatically Create Products For Unlinked 1-Step Invoice? – For vendors who send an invoice. Enter N.

11. 1-Step Invoice Product Id – For vendors who send an invoice. This is not relevant for IS, so enter any “junk” product id that you may have on your system.

Fields 12 through 16 will be automatically skipped, because you responded N to field 10.

Ln#, (S#), (R), (DELETE), (F#), (?), (0)Accept – Enter 0 (zero) to Accept.

Menu.25.4.5: IS EDI Vendor Xref Maintenance

IS needs to be setup as an EDI Vendor:



IS’ EDI Sender Id is ISGROUP. Assign this as the EDI Party Code:


1. Stock Vendor No – Enter the Vendor Master Id that you assigned in Menu. as IS’ id for Stock products. This will be validated against the Vendor Master file, and the Vendor Name will be displayed.

2. Non-Stock Vendor No – Enter the Vendor Master Id that you assigned in Menu. as IS’ id for Non-Stock products. This will be validated against the Vendor Master file, and the Vendor Name will be displayed.

3. ANSI X12 Version Id – Enter 004030. This is the X12 version that IS uses.

4. We Send To Them 850 PO – Enter Y.

5. Special Reformatter for 850 PO – Enter EDI.RFMT.850.OUTB.ISGROUP

6. We Rcv From Them 855 PO Ack – Enter Y.


7. Special Reformatter for 855 PO Ack – Enter EDI.RFMT.855.INB.ISGROUP.

8. We Rcv From Them 810 Invoice – Enter N. We do not receive Invoices from IS via this process.

9. Special Reformatter for 810 Invoice – This field will be automatically skipped when you input N for field 8.

10. We Rcv From Them 856 Ship Manifest – Enter N. We do not receive Ship Manifests from IS via this process.

11. Special Reformatter for 856 Ship Manifest – This field will be automatically skipped when you input N for field 10.

12. EDI Type – Enter IS.

13. Auto Process Credit Memo – Enter N. IS does not send invoices.

14. Live, Test, or Inactive – Enter L.

15. Discard 810 ITD Terms – This field will default to N and skip to the command line, because you had input N for field 8.

Ln#, (S#), (R), (DELETE), (F#), (?), (0)Continue – Input 0 (zero) to continue to Screen 2.


1. Company Number – Input 01. This will be validated against the Company file, and the Company Name will be displayed.

2. Warehouse – Input your primary warehouse number for purchasing stock office supplies. This will be validated against the Warehouse file, and the Warehouse Name will be displayed.

3. Operator Id – The operator id will be irrelevant for IS, because members do not receive invoices from IS. Assign any valid operator id who has purchasing permissions. This will be validated against the Operator file, and the Operator Name will be displayed.

4. Order Source – The Order Source will be irrelevant for IS, because members do not receive invoices from IS. Assign any valid order source. This will be validated against the Order Source file, and the Order Source Description will be displayed.

5. Require Cust Ship-to Id – Enter N. This field is irrelevant to IS, because members do not receive invoices from IS.

Ln#, (S#), (R), (DELETE), (F#), (?), (0)Continue – Input 0 (zero) to continue to Screen 3.


1. Authorization Info Qualifier – Input 00 (zero zero).

2. Authorization Information – This field will be automatically skipped when you input 00 for field 1.

3. Security Info Qualifier Code – Input 00 (zero zero).

4. Security Information – This field will be automatically skipped when you input 00 for field 3.

5. Our Sender Id Qualifier Code – Input ZZ.

6. Our Sender Id – Input your 4-digit IS Member Id, and add –ISG (dash ISG) onto the end of it.

7. Our Application Sender Id – Input the same data that you input for field 6.

8. Their Receiver Id Qualifier – Input ZZ.

9. Their Receiver Id – Input ISGROUP.

10. Their Application Receiver Id – Input ISGROUP.

11. Interchange Version Id – Input 00403.


12. Test Indicator – Input L.

13. Subelement Separator Code – Input | (pipe).

14. Element Separator/Data Delimitor – Input A.

15. Send 997 Functional Acknowledgment – Input Y.

16. Receive 997 Functional Acknowledgment – Input Y.

17. VAN Name/EDI Routing – Input IS.

18. Last Interchange Control # Used – Input 0 (zero).

Ln#, (R), (DELETE), (F#), (?), (0)Accept - Enter 0 (zero) to save this record.

To complete the data entry for the next maintenance section, you’ll need to know what your login path is. If you do not already know, the way to find it is to go to ECL and type !pwd. To get to ECL, selection option 30 off of the main menu:



In our example, our pathname is /unidata/home/VE40SUP. To get back to the Main Menu, type M and .

Menu.25.4.6 IS EDI Logon Ids and Passwords Maintenance:

IS needs to be setup for EDI data transmission via ftp:




VAN/Party Code – Enter IS.

1. User/Logon – Enter your 4 digit IS Member id.

2. Password – Enter the password that IS assigns to you.

3. FTP Address – Enter

4. Receiving Data Directory/Path From Them – Enter Outbound. The first letter should be in upper case, with the rest of the name in lower case.

5. Receiving Data Directory/Path To Us – This is where you’ll use the system pathname for your inbound directory. Enter your pathname, plus /ISGROUP/receive. In the example, our system pathname was /unidata/home/VE40SUP. Therefore, the full pathname for the inbound directory on VE40SUP’s system is /unidata/home/VE40SUP/ISGROUP/receive.

6. Sending Data Directory/Path From Us – This is the other place where you’ll use your system pathname. This is for your outbound directory. Enter your pathname, plus /ISGROUP/send. In the example, our system pathname was /unidata/home/VE40SUP. Therefore, the full pathname for the outbound directory on VE40SUP’s system is /unidata/home/VE40SUP/ISGROUP/send.

7. Sending Data Directory/Path To Them – Enter Inbound. The first letter should be in upper case, with the rest of the name in lower case.

After you 0 (zero) to Accept the EDI User/Login record for IS, go back to ECL and double check to make sure the directory was created correctly from the EDI Vendor Xref Maintenance. Some operator logins don’t have the permission level needed to create directories. If that is the case here, you may need to log out, then log back in using a different operator id that does have permission, or contact TSH and have the directory setup for you.

Here’s how to check your inbound directory setup:


At ECL, type AE VOC EDI_ISGROUP_INB and . It should respond that it is at the Top of 3 lines, similar to what you see on the above screen shot. Type P and . This should show you the contents of the VOC entry. The difference that you should expect is that line 2 will use your system pathname instead of “VE40SUP”. Line 2 should look exactly like it does in line 5 of the EDI User/Logon Maintenance for the “IS” record.

(Line 2 should look exactly like it does in line 5 of the EDI User/Logon Maintenance for the “IS” record.)



Here’s how to check your outbound directory setup:


At ECL, type AE VOC EDI_ISGROUP_OUT and . It should respond that it is at the Top of 3 lines, similar to what you see on the above screen shot. Type P and . This should show you the contents of the VOC entry. The difference that you should expect is that line 2 will use your system pathname instead of “VE40SUP”. Line 2 should look exactly like it does in line 7 of the EDI User/Logon Maintenance for the “IS” record.

(Line 2 should look exactly like it does in line 7 of the EDI User/Logon Maintenance for the “IS” record.)



Now, you’ll want to check to make sure the directories exist.

At ECL, type !ls –l /unidata/home/XXXXXX/ISGROUP (XXXXXX is your pathname. In the example, our pathname is /unidata/home/VE40SUP. Please make sure that you use upper and lower case, as illustrated:


If the directories were properly created, you should get a list similar to what is shown in the example. The total may differ, the owner will probably be your logon id, and the group will probably be the group that your logon id is assigned to.

If the !ls –l command doesn’t list a “receive” and a “send” directory, please contact TSH. Your logon id probably doesn’t have directory creation permission. Give the customer service rep at TSH this document name S:\specs\is4737_doc.doc, and let them know what page of the document you’re looking at.

Menu.25.4.8: IS Member Address Maintenence

IS has assigned addresses to you on their EDI processor. Those addresses must appear on your transmission data exactly as IS set them up. Since these addresses may differ significantly from what you have in your Company file, you’ll need to setup their address for your IS EDI:




Parameter Id - to use the default IS.GROUP.

1. IS Member Id – Enter your 4 digit IS Member Id (including any leading zeroes). Required.

2. Bill-to Name – Enter your Bill-to Name as IS assigned it to you. Make sure you use upper and

lower case, periods, and commas, exactly the same way they have it. Interstate’s IS address

is shown in the example. Required. Up to 30 characters.

3. Bill-to Addr 1 – Enter your Bill-to Address line 1 as IS assigned it to you. Required. Up to 30


4. Bill-to Addr 2 – Enter your Bill-to Address line 2 as IS assigned it to you. Optional. Up to 30


5. Bill-to City – Enter your Bill-to City as IS assigned it to you. Required. Up to 20 characters.

6. Bill-to State – Enter your Bill-to State as IS assigned it to you. Required. 2 characters.

7. Bill-to Zipcode – Enter your Bill-to Zipcode as IS assigned it to you. Required. Up to 10



8. Ship-to Name – Enter your Ship-to Name as IS assigned it to you. Required. Up to 30


9. Ship-to Addr 1 – Enter your Ship-to Address line 1 as IS assigned it to you. Required. Up to

30 characters.

10. Ship-to Addr 2 – Enter your Ship-to Address line 2 as IS assigned it to you. Optional. Up to

30 characters.

11. Ship-to City – Enter your Ship-to City as IS assigned it to you. Required. Up to 20 characters.

12. Ship-to State – Enter your Ship-to State as IS assigned it to you. Required. 2 characters.

13. Ship-to Zipcode – Enter your Ship-to Zipcode as IS assigned it to you. Required. Up to 10


Ln#, (S#), (R), (DELETE), (?), (0)Accept - Enter 0 (zero) to save this record.

Daily Processing:

When a Purchase Order is Activated for either the Stock IS Vendor, or the Non-Stock IS Vendor, that Purchase Order id will be updated into the EDI Outbound queue. To actually transmit that Purchase Order to IS, go to the IS EDI Processing Menu off of 25-4:



Menu.25.4.1 Send Purchase Orders to IS:


to send the purchase order(s) to IS:


You’ll see something similar to the following scroll up on your screen. In the first sample screen, the outbound purchase order is being reformatted into X12 EDI data format, then wrapped in the X12 transaction headers and trailers:


An Outbound Preparation Report will be printed. Then, the ftp communications to IS will be run:


You’ll see ftp commands scroll up on your screen. If you are on an NT-type system, the machine id, logon id, and password are all automatically fed into this process by a communications script. If you are on a non-NT system, these will be fed in from the .netrc that was discussed in the Initial Maintenance section:


You can print your report from Menu.26.1.1:


If you have any questions that you would need to contact IS about, this report shows your purchase order number, your X12 Interchange Control Number (000000012 in this sample), your X12 Group Control Number (12 in this sample), and your X12 Transaction Set Control Number (0001 in this sample):


Menu 25.4.9 See if IS has Processed the PO Yet:

It can take 3 to 7 minutes for IS to pick up the inbound purchase order. To see if the data is still sitting there in their queue (which would mean that there isn’t anything for you to pick up yet), run Menu.25.4.9:



In our example, the purchase order has already been picked up by IS, and the queue is empty (Archive is a directory, and will always be out there):


Menu.25.4.2 See If There is Something to Pick Up from IS:

To see if the Functional Acknowledgment is ready to pickup yet, run Menu.25.4.2:



In the following example, we see that there is a record in the queue for us to pick up:


Menu.25.4.3 Receive Acknowledgments from IS:

Run Menu.25.4.3 to pick up the functional acknowledgment:



Outbound ftp communications picks up the data from IS:


Inbound data is validated against outbound transmissions sent:


Reports are generated, then the queue is cleaned up and the data moved to history:


From Menu.26.1.1, the inbound report shows that a Functional Acknowledgment (997) was received. The detail section of the report shows that they report us having sent one “Included Set” (meaning one PO), they received (processed) that record, and they accepted that record.

When you look at the raw data dump of the 997, you’ll see that the AK9 segment says AK9*A*1*1*1. That “A” following the AK9 means that they Accepted the transmission. If there had been an “E” there, that would have meant that IS’ GenTrans processor found something that it didn’t like in the data. If you ever see an “E” in the AK9, you will want to contact IS to check and see if GenTrans passed the purchase order on to the Oracle system.


Please Note: Just because GenTrans said that it Accepted the data does not mean that it will indeed pass the purchase order on to the Oracle system.

All products, and the acceptable units of measure for those products, have been setup by IS in the GenTrans software. If there is any product id on your purchase order that fails to exactly match the product id as IS set it up in GenTrans, or if there is any product whose unit of measure is not among the u/m’s that IS set up in GenTrans for that product – then GenTrans will “disappear” your purchase order. Oracle will never receive that purchase order, and there will be no indication to IS, from GenTrans, that it ever existed.

It will be up to you to be vigilant and contact IS if you do not get your 855 Detailed Purchase Order Acknowledgment within two hours of having received the 997 Functional Acknowledgment for it. They’ll use the information that you provide from your EDI I.S. Outbound Generation Report to find the transmission in GenTrans.

Menu.25.4.2 See If There is Anything at IS to Pick Up:

It takes approximately 45 minutes for IS to process a purchase order. This is partly because line items must be manually scheduled for delivery. You will want to check back, now and then, to see if there is anything new waiting for you to pick up:



In the following example, we see that there is a record in the queue for us to pick up:


Menu.25.4.3 Receive Acknowledgments from IS:

Run Menu.25.4.3 to pick up the Detailed Purchase Order Acknowledgment:



Outbound ftp communications picks up the data from IS:


Inbound data is reformatted into an “order”-type record and validated against the purchase order:


A 997 Functional Acknowledgment is generated and sent to IS, so they know that we successfully picked up their 855:


Line items that aren’t filled in full are cancelled off of the purchase order, a detailed report of the 855 contents is printed, a condensed report of only the line item exceptions is printed, then the data is moved to history:


From Menu.26.1.1, the inbound detail report shows everything that came in on the 855 purchase order acknowledgment. The ID Qualifier Code “MI” will always print “Invalid Code”, because this is not a valid X12 code – “MI” was created by IS to stand for “Member Id”. Everything else on the report should always reference correct X12 qualifier codes:


A second report should also be available from Menu.26.1.1, to show only the exceptions that weren’t acknowledged as being accepted and filled. This report is called “PO Lines Not Accepted and Filled”. Because IS hasn’t coded Oracle to differentiate a short ship from a no ship condition, or what caused a no ship condition, they’re always sending a code “IC” (Item Accepted, Changes Made). You’ll have to call them to find out what the status is on short ships and no ships. Code “IR” (Item Rejected) will be used by them to indicate an invalid Product Id or Unit of Measure.


A third report that you’ll have in Menu.26.1.1 shows your EDI Outbound 997 Functional Acknowledgment Report. This relates to the EDI Inbound Detail Report by showing that your outbound Interchange Control Number (000000016 in this example) was sent to acknowledge receipt of their outbound Interchange Control Number (000000009 in this example). This is your proof that you sent a Functional Acknowledgment.


This concludes the normal Daily Processing. If you go into Menu.7.2, Purchase Order Maintenance, you’ll see that the line items were updated from the acknowledgment data.

Additional Information

If, for any reason, you are unsure that you have a purchase order in the EDI queue, to send to IS, go to ECL and type LIST EDI.OUTBOUND. Check to see if there is anything in the list that begins with 850#ISGROUP.

In the following example, the only thing that we currently have in the outbound prep queue is one purchase order for IS. 850 = X12 EDI id meaning Purchase Order, ISGROUP = IS’ EDI Sender/ Receiver Id, and the last part of the key is the purchase order number (in our example, it is 01AA1748):


If there are any records that are for a different trading partner, those are processed through Menu.25.1 X12 EDI Processing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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