The 7th Aguilon Annual Ryder Cup Competition

The 9th Aguilon Annual Ryder Cup Competition

This years annual match will take place over the weekend of 4th& 5th November, featuring a team of U.K. (and rest of Europe) golfers and the team representing Spain, the format being pairs betterball on Saturday and Singles Matchplay on Sunday.

For those wishing to play for the U.K. team there will be 3 qualifying competitions.

Wednesday 4th October Tee Times 9am to 10am then 12 to 1pm

Wednesday 18th October Tee Times 9am to 10am then 11am to 12.30

Monday 23rd October Tee Times 9am to 10am then 11am to 12.30

The format is Individual Stableford with the player having the choice of tee to play from I.E. White, Yellow Or Blue for men and Blue or Red for ladies.

When your choice is made ALL players MUST use their exact handicap and then apply the relevant slope handicap of the tee chosen.

The top 30 scores taken from any of the three rounds will qualify for the U.K. team.

The costs are as follows: to play in one qualifier for non-members it will be 32 euros including buggy, for those who want to play in 2 or 3 qualifiers, the cost of the second and/or third game will be 22 euros inc buggy.

For members the cost of the first qualifier will be 15 euros inc buggy and the 2nd or 3rd round will be 15 euros

All cards must have “ryder qualifier” and be signed showing the tee played from and exact handicap and slope handicap and left with the caddymaster.

For those of you wishing to book tee times please contact ME (Les Raufer) at this email address, NOT the club.

For those lucky enough to qualify the cost over the weekend of the 4th & 5th November is 40euros for non members and 30 euros for members, this includes the two days golf inc buggy, a team polo shirt and a bar-b-que after the presentation.

Good luck to all participants and it is about time we regained the cup.


Les Raufer


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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