Will xbox rock band drums work on ps3 - Weebly


Will xbox rock band drums work on ps3

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. When Rock Band 4 was first announced, Harmonix promised that it was working on making as many of the Xbox 360 drums, guitars, and microphones compatible with the new game as possible. Harmonix has since revealed an extensive list of

backward-compatible instruments that work with the Xbox One, so you can use your old Xbox 360 guitar with Rock Band 4 thanks to the Xbox legacy game controller adapter. Because the Xbox 360 controllers use a proprietary wireless signal and the Xbox One uses Wi-Fi Direct for its controllers, using your old wireless

Xbox 360 instruments on Xbox One requires an extra adapter. The legacy adapter for Xbox One is a small USB device that you plug into your Xbox One that enables your console to receive signals from your wireless Xbox 360 drums and guitars. In contrast, the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 both use Bluetooth, so no

special adapter is needed to play older Rock Band instruments on the PS4. The legacy adapter comes bundled with some standalone versions of Rock Band 4. Other hardware bundles that include the new Xbox One guitars, drums, and microphones do not come with the legacy adapter, but you can purchase one

separately online. If you buy the digital version of Rock Band 4 on Xbox One, you'll be given instructions on how to get the legacy adapter. Only instruments from the same console family are backward compatible, so only PlayStation 3 (and some PS2) instruments work on PS4, and only Xbox 360 instruments work on

Xbox One. Just about all of the wireless Xbox 360 instruments are compatible with Rock Band 4 on Xbox One. Most wired instruments, like the original Rock Band drums and guitar or the Guitar Hero 2 controller, are not compatible. Rock Band 1 Wireless StratocasterRock Band 2 StratocasterRock Band 3

StratocasterBeatles Rock Band Hofner BassBeatles Rock Band Rickenbacker 325Beatles Rock Band Duo-Jet GuitarGuitar Hero 5 GuitarGuitar Hero World Tour GuitarGuitar Hero 3 Les PaulGuitar Hero Warriors of Rock GuitarGuitar Hero Aerosmith Les PaulMad Catz Precision BassMad Catz Fender Telecaster Guitar

Hero World Tour DrumsRock Band 2 DrumsRock Band 3 DrumsBeatles Rock Band Ludwig Drums It's possible to mix and match the new Xbox One instruments with your old Xbox 360 instruments while playing Rock Band 4. You can connect up to four instruments at a time. Any wired USB microphone released with

previous Rock Band games will work. You do not need the legacy adapter to sync microphones. So long as a controller is synced to your console, you can just plug in your microphone via the USB port. Once you've determined which of your old instruments are compatible with Xbox One, you must set up the legacy

adapter. Make sure the instruments that you wish to sync have fresh batteries and follow these steps: Turn on your Xbox One and start Rock Band 4. Plug the legacy game controller adapter into the console. Hold down the Xbox 360 button located in the center of your drum kit or next to the directional pad on your guitar.

A green light around the Xbox 360 symbol should start blinking to indicate that the controller is waiting to sync. Simultaneously hold down the sync button on the legacy adapter and the small wireless button on your instrument for about two seconds. For Rock Band guitars, the wireless button can be found where the amp

plug would be. The green light around the Xbox 360 symbol on your instrument should stop blinking, and a solid green light will appear in one of the four corners indicating which player the controller is assigned to. Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why! Since the Wii version of the instruments are connected to the

console through USB, I was wondering if it was possible to use them on the other current consoles such as Xbox 360 and PS3. I know that the game software doesn't carry over, I was just wondering about the hardware. 4 By Louis Gutierrez Updated September 22, 2017 XCM cross fire converterWired Xbox 360

controller Using your PlayStation 3 (PS3) guitar controller on your Xbox 360 is a simple procedure of buying and installing the right adapter. This simple adapter will let you use any of your PS3 or even your original Xbox controllers on your Xbox 360 console. You can use it with any PS3 light guns, racing wheels, dancing

mats, and most musical instruments. The controls will be compatible with all Xbox 360 games, including "Rock Band." Buy a XCM Cross Fire Converter online. There are links to where you can buy it in the Resources section. It's a simple process, just add the XCM Cross Fire Converter to cart and check out. As of right

now the only product out there that will work with your PS3 guitar is the XCM Cross Fire Converter.Turn on your Xbox 360.Plug in your XCM Cross Fire Converter, to any of the front USB ports on your Xbox 360.Plug in your wired Xbox 360 controller to your XCM Cross Fire Converter. Keep it plugged in for a minimum of

6 seconds.Unplug your wired Xbox 360 controller.Plug your PS3 guitar into your XCM Cross Fire Converter. The LED light on your XCM Cross Fire Converter will turn blue. Now you can proceed to play "Rock Band" on your Xbox 360 using your PS3 guitar. The XCM Cross Fire Converter will also allow you to play any

game using any PS3 controller on your Xbox 360. If Rock Band 4 is your first entry into the recently revived rhythm game franchise, congratulations! Not only are you in for a hell of a party, but you've officially got the easiest set-up out of everyone: Simply buy the Band-in-a-box bundle, insert the disc, maybe download a

few extra tunes from the store, and you're all set. For those returning to Rock Band with their old instruments and downloaded tracks, it's a completely different story.Rock Band 4 makes a vast effort to let you use almost every single song or plastic instrument you've ever bought over the years, and while it's

commendable what Harmonix has done to cater to a wide variety of returning customers, the sheer number of configurations makes things a bit complicated. And in order to consolidate things under the Rock Band 4 'platform' and bring them to Xbox One and PS4, some things had to be left by the wayside. If you're

wondering what made the leap forward, what you'll have to re-buy, and what didn't make the cut, read on.Most of this information was provided courtesy of the Harmonix Rock Band forums and the official Rock Band Twitter account.The Rock Band Music StoreGenerally, if you bought a song on the store as DLC, it'll

make its way over to Rock Band 4, and you'll be able to redownload it for free. Harmonix has added hundreds of songs to the store pre-launch, and will continue to add more over the coming weeks. So if your favorite song on the Xbox 360 hasn't shown up yet, give it some time. It'll most likely be there soon.Also, if a song

on the store is asking you to pay money, but you know you've purchased it before, don't buy it again. Harmonix is still working out some kinks, and a few track packs haven't had their licenses transferred over yet (like the special Doors pack or the Rock Band 3 pre-order bundle). These songs will be made available to

you eventually, so be patient - 1700+ songs is a lot to go through, and there are going to be a few hiccups until everything's running smoothly.Perhaps the most important thing to remember in all of this is that licenses only transfer between console families. Xbox 360 licenses will only transfer to Xbox One, and PS3

licenses will only transfer to PS4. So if you bought all your Rock Band DLC on and Xbox 360, and you currently own a PS4, those tracks will not transfer over, and you'll either have to rebuy them all on your PS4 or pick up an Xbox One (which, ironically, might actually be cheaper for some people). Sorry Wii Rock

Banders - since there's no Wii U version of Rock Band 4, and no way to transfer those licenses to either Xbox One or PS4, you're out of luck.Rock Band NetworkIn addition to the main offering of DLC tracks that Harmonix themselves licensed and released, there was also a massive library of independently-created and

published tracks made available in the Rock Band Network. RBN features over 2000 tracks from a wide variety of indie and major artists, from all corners of the globe - and as of launch, none of these tracks are making their way into Rock Band 4.The issue stems from the XNA framework these tracks used when RBN

was active. XNA was a programming language created by Microsoft specifically to enable easy game creation on PC and Xbox 360. Once Microsoft stopped supporting XNA, RBN all but shut down. And since neither the PS4 or Xbox One support this framework, porting these tracks over means recharting all of them

specifically for Rock Band 4 - which opens up a whole new can of licensing worms.There's no official word on whether any of these songs will get brought back to Rock Band 4 through official means, let alone whether you'll be able to download them for free if you purchased them in the past. If support for any of these

tracks comes to Rock Band 4, it'll be after launch.If you've exported tracks from any of the Rock Band games that let you do so, their songs will be available to play in Rock Band 4 after launch. Games that will allow you to import their songs into Rock Band include:-Rock Band -Rock Band 2 -Lego Rock Band -Green Day

Rock Band -Rock Band BlitzIf you haven't imported these tracks yet, you're probably out of luck. While you can currently export tracks from Rock Band (by paying a nominal fee) and Rock Band Blitz (by simply buying the game), Rock Band 2, Lego Rock Band, and Green Day Rock Band's export keys have expired,

though a few of the songs from these games have been made available on the Rock Band Music Store.Rock Band games that cannot currently be exported include:-Beatles: Rock Band -Rock Band 3There are plans to allow players to export Rock Band 3's set list, though nothing concrete about how it will happen has

been announced. If it comes, it'll be after launch - and hopefully soon, as Rock Band 3's set list was killer.Oh, and remember: certain songs from individual entries that wouldn't export due to licensing issues still won't be available in Rock Band 4.Track PacksTrack packs are disc-based stand-alone expansions that

provide fans with various bundles based on different musical genres. Track packs like the AC/DC Live Album or anything with the "Track Pack" label on the case can also be exported as well, and since the songs from these discs are also featured in the Store, their export codes still work (well, all of the songs are in the

store except the AC/DC Live Album because the band has this weird rule about not selling singles so the only way to get it is by buying the disc and dear God why is this so confusing). As long as the code hasn't been used before, they should still be valid, and if you can find a good deal on them, it's a good way to beef

up your library.Update: According to a list provided by reddit user Easy_Fan, the AC/DC Live Track Pack isn't available yet in the Rock Band 4 Music Store, but it should be when the rest of the exportable tracks make their way up.Delisted tracksSometimes, Harmonix loses the rights to certain songs. It happens for a

variety of reasons, but ultimately, it means that once it's delisted, you're no longer able to purchase that particular track. If you bought it before it was delisted, you should still have access to it in Rock Band 4, even if it's been removed from the Store. And remember, if the song hasn't shown up in your library yet, give it

some time before you go complaining to Harmonix.Instrument compatibilityHere's where things get really confusing. Click here if you'd like to look at a very convoluted chart about what gear will and won't work in Rock Band 4, but the gist is this: most wired Rock Band controllers will work on PS4, but not on Xbox One. If

you've got wireless PS3 controllers, they should work just fine on the PS4, since they just use Bluetooth signals. Wireless Xbox 360 controllers, however, require a special legacy adapter to read the signal, which you can buy separately at many fine retailers for $24.99. The Legacy adapter is also included with the disconly version of Rock Band 4, but it increases the price by $20.Other things to note: The Rock Band 3 Keyboard is not compatible with Rock Band 4, as none of the songs have had their keyboard notes charted (I know, it really sucks). The Rock Band 3 Pro Guitar is currently in testing, but not supported. Guitar Hero 2

controllers are currently in testing as well. Singstar and Lips microphones are not supported. That hugely expensive ION Drum Kit? Compatible on PS4, not on Xbox One (it's wired). Rock Band 4 includes support for the cymbal add-on for the drums, but not for the stage kit (aka home-grade fog machine and strobe light),

though support for the latter might be coming post-launch.

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