

MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System


kñúgEpñkenH eyIgelIkykmkEtEpñkRKwHmYycMnUYn énRbB½n§tMeNIrkar MS-DOS edIm,IgayRsYl kñúgkar EsVgyl; nig eRbIR)as;bBa¢a (Commad) rbs; DOS . EtmunnwgsikSaeTAelIRbB½n§tMeNIrkar MS-DOS Gñk RtUvEsVgyl;eGay)anc,as;GMBIGVI ehAfa File, Directory nig Directory Structure kñúg Windows sin .

-File KWCasMnMuénÉksarEdlpÞúkenAelIépÞ Media rbs; Disk ehIyvamaneQµaHtMNag nig TItaMgc,as;las;mYy . File GacCakmµviFI (Program), Éksar (Document) b¤ Collection of Data .

-Directory or Folder KWCaTU b¤ CaftsMrab;pÞúkral; Files eTAtamRbePT gayRsYlcMnaM nig EbgEck ehIyenAkñúg Directory mYyGacmanftsMrab;pÞúkral; Files CaeRcInteTot ehAfa Subdirectory or Subfolder .

[pic] [pic]

2-RbB½n§tMeNIrkarsMrab; IBM-PC

kñúgEpñkenHeyIgnwgsikSa Cak;EsþgGMBI DOS EdlCaRbePTkmµviFImYycMa)ac; CaTIbMput sMrab;RbePT IBM-PC bc©úb,nñenH . mann½yfaenAmanRbB½n§tMeNIrkarepSg²CaeRcIneTot dUcCa System sMrab;RbePT Macintosh nigmanRbB½n§tMeNIrkar UNIX,Windows ....

RbB½n§tMeNIrkar (Operating System) KWCaRbB½n§kmµviFImYy eRbIsMrab;RtYtBinitüéntMeNIrkar RKb;RKgkarEbkEck nig eRbIR)as;épñkepSg² énma:sIundUcCa ryHeBlcaM)ac;sMrab; CPU kareRbIR)as;én Memory nwgk¾dUcCa bNþal]bkrN¾xageRkAepSg²eTot .


DOS mkBIBaküfa DISK Operating System mann½yfaCa RbB½n§tMeNIrkarrukrk nig eFVIkarelI Disk (Harddisk or Diskette) . vaCaRbB½n§RKb;RKg Disk Space RKb;RKgÉksarenAelI Disk dUcCakarcMlg lubnig karbegáIt Diectorys, erobcMbegáIt Partition b¤ Track and Sector .l. cUlGñkRsm½yemIlfaebIKµan RbB½n§tMeNIrkar DOS enaHeTetIGñkGacnwgeFVIGVI)an CamYy Harddisk fµImYy .

rebobcUleTAkan; DOS manviFIdUcxageRkam (Windows 98)

a-eBl ma:sIunkMBug Boot eLIgcuc ALT+F5

b-eBlma:sIunkMBug Boot eLIgcuc F8 eGayCab;rYceRCIserIsyk Command Prompt Only

c-cuc Start, Shut Down, Restart in MS-DOS Mode

d-cuc Start, Program, Ms-Dos Prompt nigman viFICaeRcIneTotedIm,IcUleTAkan;RbB½n§tMenIrkar DOS

rebobcUleTAkan; DOS manviFIdUcxageRkam (Windows 2000 or XP)

a-eBlma:sIuntMeNIrkardl; Windows, cuc Start, Program, Accessories, Command Prompt

b-eBlma:sIuntMeNIrkardl; Windows, cuc Start, Run, vayBaküfa CMD cuc OK

4-sBaØaNTUeTAén Command

TMrg; nig rebobbBa¢a Command

bBa¢arbs; Dos RtUv)anbBa©ÚlRtg;sBaØarg;caMbBa¢a (Prompt or Root A:, C:) EdlkMBugEtelceLIg .

bBa¢arbs; Dos GacrYmmanTMrg;dUcxageRkam ³

• bBa¢ar

• bBa¢ar / parameters

• bBa¢ar Disk Drive\Directory\File

cMnaM -XøabBa¢arbs; DOS Gacsresr GkSrFMb¤tUc k¾)an.

-eBlbBa¢axusvanwgecjXøafa “Bad command or file name” (Windows 98) b¤ “ 'Command' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.” (Windows 2000, XP)

Rkum Command rbs; DOS

bBa¢abs; Dos EckCa 4 RkumKW ³

1-bBa©aEdlmankarTak;Tgnig Directory man MD, CD, RD, DIR , XCOPY,. ...

2-bBa©aEdlmankarTak;Tgnig File man Copy, Type, Del, Ren.....

3-bBa©aEdlmankarTak;Tgnig Disk man Format, label, Diskcopy......

4-bBa©aepSg²eTot man Date, Time, Cls, Ver.......

5-XøabBa¢arbs; MS-DOS ( DOS Command)

bB¢aarbs; Ms-Dos EckecjCaBIrya:gKW³

-bBa¢axagkñúg (Internal Command) KWCabBa¢aEdlsßitenAkñúg System File ()

CaRkumbBa¢aTaMgLay EdleRkayeBl Boot ma:sIun Computer eyIgGaceRbIR)as;va)aneBal KWmineTomTareGaybBa©ÚlBIeRkA eGayvaeTeRBaH File TaMgenaHeRkayeBl boot computer vaRtÚv)annaM ecjBI Memory (RAM) eday File Etmþg .

Internal Command rYmman ³ DIR, CLS, CD, COPY, DEL, DATE, TIME, VOL, VER, MD, PROMPT, COPY CON, REN, EXIT, ....... .

Note: RkumbBa¢a Internal Command minGacemIleXIjedayeRbIbBa¢ar Dir )aneLIy .

-bBa¢axageRkA (External Command) KWCabBa¢aEdlsßitenAxageRkA System File . vasßitenA kñúgfas (A:,C:,..) NamYyEdlmaneQµaHcab;BI 1tYrdl; 8tYr ehIymanGkSr 3tYrenAxageRkayEdleK eGayeQµaHfa (extension) dUcCa .COM ;.EXE ; .BAT... External Command CaRkumbBa¢ar TaMgLayEdl ral;eBleRbIR)as;)an luHRtaEtmanvaCamun KWeyIgbBa¢Úl Files TaMgenaHtam ryH Disk xageRkA .


Note: RkumbBa¢a External Command eKGacykvaeTAdak;kñúg Directory windows\Command (For Win 98).

6-bBa¢asMxan;²EdleyIgRtUvsikSaman ³

1-Date (Internal Command) CabBa¢armYyeRbIsMrab; emIl nig Ekéf¶ Ex qñaM

C:\>DATE [mm-dd-yy]

Parameters :

mm : cMnYnExBI 1 dl; 12

dd : cMnYnéf¶BI 1 dl; 31

yy : cMnYnqñaMBI 1980 dl; 1999 b¤BI 1980 dl; 2099 .

2-Time (Internal Command) bBa¢arsMrab;emIl nig Ek RbBn½§em:ag

C:\>TIME [hh:mm:ss]


hh : bBa¢ak;eBlem:agb:unµan (man 24 em:ag)

mm : bBa¢ak;ry³eBlnaTI (0 dl; 59 naTI )

ss : bBa¢ak;ry³eBlCavinaTI (0 dl; 59 vinaTI )

3-VOL (Internal Command) bBa¢arsMrab;emIleQµaHfas nig elxesrI

C:\>VOL [Drive:]


Drive : eQµaH Disk Drive (A: or C: or ...)

4-LABEL (External Command) dak;eQµaHfas

bBa¢arenHsMrab;dak;eGayfasehIy vanwgbgðajeGayeXIjral;eBl Edl Dir emIl Éksar .



Drive : eQµaH Disk Drive (A: or C: or ...)

Label : GkSrtMNageQµaH Disk Drive Gacdak;)anRtwmEt11 tYGkSrb:ueNÑaH .

5-Ver (Version) Ms-dos (Internal Command) sMrab;emIlCMnan;rbs; MS-DOS


6-CLS (Clear Screen) (Internal Command) sMrab;sMGateGRkg;rbs; DOS


7-Change Drives sMrab;pøas;bþÚr Drive




kñúg]TahrN¾enHeyIgnig pøas;bþÚr Drive BI C:\ eTA A:\

8-MD (Make Directory) (internal Command) begáItTUdak; File

C:>MD [drive:] [path] [Directory Name]


drive : eQµaH Disk Drive

path : pøÚveTAdl;TItaMgNamYy

Directory Name : eQµaH Directory

Note : ebI Directory manehIyvaecj Directory already exists

9-DIR (Internal Command) sMrab;BinitüemIl Files nig Directory Edlmankñúg Drive

eyIgeRbIbBa¢a Dir edIm,IIRsg;yk Information mYycMnYndUcCa³

-eQµaHÉksar (File Name)

-RbePT (Extension)


-kalbriecäT nig em:agEdlbegáItÉksarenaH b¤ k¾eBlEdlGs;elakbþÚrvaCacugeRkay .

-cMnYnÉksar enAkñúg Disk

-TMhMEdlenAsl; nig eRbIGs;kñúg Disk

C:\>DIR [drive] [path] [filename]/[parameter]


Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.

(Could be enhanced file specification or multiple filespecs.)

/P Pauses after each screenful of information.

/W Uses wide list format.

/A Displays files with specified attributes.

attributes D Directories R Read-only files

H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving

S System files - Prefix meaning not

/O List by files in sorted order.


N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first)

E By extension (alphabetic) D By date & time (earliest first)

G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order

A By Last Access Date (earliest first)

/S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.

/B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).

/L Uses lowercase.

/V Verbose mode.

/4 Displays year with 4 digits (ignored if /V also given).

10-RD or RMDIR (Remove Directory) (internal Command) lb;TUecjBI Disk

Removes (deletes) a directory.

C:\>RDDIR [drive:] [path] [Directory Name]

C:\>RD [drive:] [path] [Directory Name]

Note : RtÚvcgcMaeGayc,as;faTU EdlGaclubecjTal;EtCa TUTMenreBalKWKµanÉksar nig TUrg (Sub Directory) eT.

11-CD (Change Directory)(Internal Commnd)cUl b¤pøas;bþÚrTItaMg Directory NamYy

C:\>CD [Drive] \[path] [directory name]

Displays the name of or changes the current directory.

CHDIR [drive:][path]


CD [drive:][path]


Type CD drive: to display the current directory in the specified drive.

Type CD without parameters to display the current drive and directory.

eg:-cg;cUl Directory mYykñúg C:\ eQµaH Windows RtUvvaydUcxageRkam

C:\>CD windows

-cg;ecjBI Directory NamYy

C:\windows>CD\ or


12-COPY CON (Internal Command) sMrab;begáIt Éksar (File) kñúg DOS

Copy Con GnuBaØatieGayeyIgbegáIt ÉksarenAkñúg Directory NamYy b¤ enAkñúgKl;fas (Root C:) Etmþg .

C:\>COPY CON [Drive:] \[Path]\[FileName.extension]

eg:eyIgbegáIt File mYyeQµaH MyFile Edlman Extension .txt nwgmanTItaMgenAkñúg C:\windows eday vay C:\>COPY CON C:\windows\MyFile.txt

bnÞab;mksresrGtßn½yEdlGñkcg;dak;kñúg File enaHrYc Save vaedaycuc F6 rYccuc Enter .

13-TYPE (Internal Command) bBa¢arsMrab;emIlGtßn½yEdlmankñúg File

Displays the contents of text files.

C:\>TYPE [drive:]\[path]\[filename]

eg:emIlGtßn½yEdlmanenAkñúg File eQµaH MyFile.txt EdleyIg)anbegáItehIy

C:\>TYPE C:\WINDOWS\MyFile.txt

Note : kñúgkrNIEdlxøwmsarkñúg File manTMhMeRcIneFIVeGayelIsmYyeGRkg;én Screen eyIgGaceRbI Parameter CMnYyedIm,IeGayeyIgemIlGs;Gtßn½yKW

C:\>TYPE C:\WINDOWS\MyFile.txt /p b¤

C:\>TYPE C:\WINDOWS\MyFile.txt |more

eBlenaHvanig GnuBaØatieGayeyIgemIlmþg 1 eGRkg;² .

14-EDIT(External Command) sMrab;emIlxøwmsarÉksar nig begáItÉksar

vaCabBa¢amYyRsedognwg COPY CON or Type Edr .

C:\>Edit [drive:]\[path]\[filename]

MS-DOS Editor Version 2.0.026 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1995.

EDIT [/B] [/H] [/R] [/S] [/] [/?] [file(s)]


/B - Forces monochrome mode.

/H - Displays the maximum number of lines possible for your hardware.

/R - Load file(s) in read-only mode.

/S - Forces the use of short filenames.

/ - Load binary file(s), wrapping lines to characters wide.

/? - Displays this help screen.

[file] - Specifies initial files(s) to load. Wildcards and multiple

filespecs can be given.

15-Attrib (External Command) sMrab;eFVIkarCamYyÉksar

bBa¢arenHeRbIsMrab;erobcM Files dUcCaRKan;EtGan b¤ RKan;Etsresr (read/write) nigkarkMNt; siT§ieGay Files .

Displays or changes file attributes.

C:\>ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [[drive:][path]filename] [/S]

+ Sets an attribute.

- Clears an attribute.

R Read-only file attribute.

A Archive file attribute.

S System file attribute.

H Hidden file attribute.

/S Processes files in all directories in the specified path.

eg:lak; file eQµaH MyFile.txt eGaykøayeTACa File lak;xøÜn

C:\>ATTRIB +H C:\windows\MyFile.txt

eg:edaH file eQµaH MyFile.txt eGaykøayeTACa File Fmµtavij

C:\>ATTRIB -H C:\windows\MyFile.txt

17-Copy (Internal Command) ftcMlgÉksarBIkEnøgmYyeTAkEnøgmYyeTot

Copies one or more files to another location. Cannot copy directory.

C:\>COPY [drive:]\[path]\[filename] [drive:]\[path]

cMnaM munnwgeRbIR)as;bBa¢arenHeyIgRtUvsÁal;BI TItaMgRbPB (Source) nigTisedA (Target) .

cMlgmYy File

eg:cMlg File mYyeQµaH MyFile.txt BI C:\ eTAdak;kñúg Floppy Disk (A:\)

C:\>copy MyFile.txt A:\

cMlgeRcIn Files kñúgeBlEtmYy

eg: cg;cMlg Files TaMgGs;enAkñúg A:\ eTAdak;kñúg C:\

C:\>COPY A:\*.* C:\

cMlgeRcIn Files kñúgeBlEtmYyedaykMnt;BIRbePT File EdleyIgcg;cMlg

eg: cMlg Files TaMgGs;Edlman Extension (Doc) BI A:\ eTAdak;kñúg C:\MyDoc

C:\>Copy A:\*.doc C:\MyDoc

18-XCOPY(External Command) ftcMlgTaMg File nig Directory

bBa¢ar xcopy eRbIsMrab;ftcMlgÉksar nig ftTaMg Directory pgRbsinebI Directory enaHman File ehIycMeBaH File RbBn§½ nig File lak;vaminfteT .

C:\>xcopy [drive:] [path] [parameters] [drive:] [/path]


/s :ftTaMg File nig Directory

/d : mm-dd-yy cMlgEtÉksarEdl)anbegáItkñúgeBl nig eRkayklbriecäTEdl)ankMNt;enH .

/p : eGaymankarbgðajB½t’manmuneBlvacMlgÉksarnImYy²

19-DEL(Internal Command) lb; File

Deletes one or more files.

C:\>DEL [drive:][path]filename [/P]

C:\>ERASE [drive:][path]filename [/P]

[drive:][path] : filename Specifies the file(s) to delete. Specify multiple files by using wildcards.

/P : Prompts for confirmation before deleting each file.

20-DELTREE (External Command) lb;TaMg Directory nig Files Edlmankñúg Directory enaH

Deletes a directory and all the subdirectories and files in it.

To delete one or more files and directories:

C:\>DELTREE [/Y] [drive:] \[path] [[drive:]path[...]]


/Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to delete the subdirectory.

[drive:][path] Specifies the name of the directory you want to delete.

Note: Use DELTREE cautiously. Every file and subdirectory within the specified directory will be deleted.

22-Format (External Command) erobcMkEnøgeGayfas

Format mann½yfaerobcM begáIteGayman File System (GñkerobcMTItaMgnig Address eGay File or Directory GacmansiTi§cUleTATItaMgNamYyrbs; Disk Space) dl; Disk (A,C...).

C:\>Format [Drive:] [/option]

Options (kareRCIserIsnUvlkçN³epSg²kñúgeBl Format)

/B :erobcMTukkEnøgsMrab;dak; System Files

/S : eRkayeBl Format ehIyvanig Copy System File cUleTA Disk eday sV½yRbvtþi

/F:size kMnt;cMnuHfasenAeBl Format

Rby½tñ ³ munnwg Format GñkRtUvBinitünig BicarNaeGay)anc,as;las;faetI Disk NamYyEdlGññññkcg; Format eRBaHkar Format nwgRtUvlb;ral; Éksar (File and Directory) TaMgGs; EdlmanenAkñúg Disk enaH.

rebobeFVI Disk boot (Startup disk)

Startup disk KWCa Disk mYypÞúknUv System Files EdlmanlT§PaB Startup RbB½n§)anenAeBl RbB½n§ (System Files) enAelI Disk manbBaða .


-tam DOSvay C:\>format A:/s or C:\>sys A:


-eBleyIg Set up windows vaGnuBaØatieGayeyIgbegáItpgEdl


-tam Windows ,cuc Start, Settings, Control panel, Add/Remove Programs, Start up Disk rYcyk Disk A:\ fIµmYydak;kñúg Drive rYccuc Create .

cMnMa eBlEdlGñkeFVI Disk boot rYcGñkGac Copy File run epSg²dak;kñúg DiskenaH edIm,ICMnYydl;karrkemIl errorkñúg ma:sIun)an.

23-Sys (System) (External Command) epÞrRbBn½§

Copies MS-DOS system files and command interpreter to a disk you specify.

C:\>SYS [drive1:][path] [drive2:]

[drive1:][path] Specifies the location of the system files.

[drive2:] Specifies the drive the files are to be copied to.

eg:epÞrRbB½n§ BI C: eTA A:

C:\>sys A: eRkayeBl Enter vanigbBa¢Ún System files (Files RTRTg;m:asIun)cMnYn 4 KW IO.sys, Msdos.sys ,, Drvspace.bin eTAkan; A:

24-Scandisk (External Command) sMrab;RtYtBinitü nig Check Error elI épÞ Disk

C:\>Scandisk [drive:]/[parameter]


/All vanig Scan disk TMagGs;

/surface vanig Check emIlépÞ Disk

/custom kar Check emIl Disk rbs;vanigyktamkarkMnt;kñúg File scandisk.ini


26-Fdisk(fix disk)

Configures a hard disk for use with MS-DOS.


/STATUS Displays partition information.

/X Ignores extended disk-access support. Use this switch if you receive disk access or stack overflow messages.

Fdisk KWCabBa¢amYyeRbIsMrab;begáIt Partition Table (Disk Volume) (épÞfasEdltMNagedayGkSr Drive mYy)eGay Disk .eKeRbIbBa¢aenHedIm,IEck Logical Disk Drive (Eck Partition Harddisk)

eg:eyIgykfas A: mYyEdl)anbBa©Úl System ehIymk Copy file nig Fdisk.exe


1-Create DOS partition or logical DOS drive.

2-Set active partition

3-Delete partition or logical DOS drive

4-Display Partition information

5-Change current fixed drive

Enter Choice: [-] (1,2,3,4,5)

I-eyIgbegáIt Partition eGay Hardisk fµImYyEdleTIbecjBIeragcRk (eyIgykEt Drive mYyKt;KW Drive C:)


-eyIgykfas A: xagelIeTA Boot rYcvay A:\>Fdisk

-eRCIserIsykelx 1 edIm,IbegáIt Partition eGay Disk (Create DOS partition or logical DOS drive.)

-eRCIserIsykelx 1 mþgeTot (Create primary DOS partition)

-rYcyk YES (mann½yfa Create Maximize partition)

-eRkayeBlcaMmYysnÞúH Fdisk nig Restart Machine

-rYceyIg Format C: CaeRkay (A:\>format C:/s)

II-cUrGñkEck Hardisk xagelICaBIr Partition(C: & D:)

-ykfas A: xagelIeTA Boot

-rYctMeNIrkar Fdisk mþgeTot

-eRCIserIsykelx 1 edIm,IbegáIt Partition eGay Disk (Create DOS partition or logical DOS drive.)

-bnþykelx 2 ehIyyk NO

-rYcbMeBjtMélTMhMcMnuHeTAeGay Disk Partition TI 1 (eg:4000)

-bnÞab;mkeyIgcuc ESC edIm,IvileTAkan; Main Menu rbs; Fdisk rYceRCIserIs ykelx 2 (Set active partition)

-kñúgMain Menu GñkeRCIserIs ykelx 1 sarCafµI

-kñúgenaHeyIgbnþykelx 2 (Create extended DOS partition)

-rYc Enter rYc ESC

-eRCIserIsykelx 4 én Main Menu (Display Information Partiotion) edIm,IRtYcBinitüsarCa fIµnUv Partition TaMgLayEdleyIg)anbegIþtehIy.

-cuc ESC edIm,ItMeNIrkareday A: sarCafIµrYc Format fasTaMgBIrenaHCabnþbnÞab;

-A:\>Format C:/s

-A:\>Format D:

28-Exit cakecjBI DOS


Note: eyIgGaceRbIR)as;bBa¢amYyedIm,IeGay Dos bgðajnUvB½t’manCMnYyEdlTak;Tgnig Command NamYy eday ³

C:\>commnad_name /? or

C:\>commnad_name ?

Command_name :KWCaeQµaH Internal or External Command rbs; Dos EdlmanvtþmanenAkñúg Current Disk Drive . eg: C:\>dir /?


edayeRbI bBa¢arrbs; DOS cUr³

1-begáIt Directory dak;eTAkñúg Drive A: dUckñúgrUb edaybBa¢aecjBI Prompt C (C:\>)

2-begáIt File mYyeQµaHfa hello.txt dak;eTAkñúg Directory Letter (A:\mydoc\letter) . kñúg File manGtßn½yfa “Hello world…” .

3-lb; Directory TC ecjBI A:

4-ebIkemIl File Hello.txt

5-cMlg File Hello.txt BIkñúg A: cUleTAkñúg C:\mydocument

6-lb; File Hello.txt ecjBIkñúg A:

7-lb; Directory Mydoc ecjBI A:

8-eRbI Command DOS EqkemIl Directory Mydocument enAkñúg Drive C:







Path eTAkan; File POD.EXE




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