Batch file to list all files in a directory and subdirectory

Batch file to list all files in a directory and subdirectory


Batch file to list all files in a directory and subdirectory

Batch file to list all files in a directory and subdirectories with size.

Copy folders, subfolders and files using the batch file? I have a program that will not support a silent installation and you do not need to run an installation routine for it to work properly. I created a post-installation task that I hoped to copy the files to their correct locations. The batch file I created works perfectly when I run it locally on the target computer. I tried copying the program directory structure to C:\Program Files\SellRName\ProgramName without success. (There are also several subdirectories, each with its own files and subdirectories) running it as a post installation activity on the K2000, will only create the first directory. The batch file (installworkflows.bat) is listed below: REM Install REM workflows Create the SIRSI directory in C: \ MKDIR program file "C: \ Program file \ SIRSI" Create the Sirsidynix directory in C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Start Menu \ MKDIR programs "C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Menu Start \ Programs \ Sirsidynix" REM Copy Java workflows to C: \ Programs \ SIRSI XCopy SIRSI "C: \ Programs \ Files \ SIRSI" / S REM Copy Connection to all Users Desktop Copy "workflows workflows 3.4.0j.l "C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Desktop" Rem Copy shortcut to Programs directory in all menu startup users Copy "Workflows 3.4.0j.lnk" " C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Sirsidynix "on K2000, I uploaded a ZIP file called workflows .zip and in the post installation task I created, runs the batch file "installworkflows.bat". Does this have to be a VB script, or can I do it with batch files? If so, what am I missing? Thank you for any guidance you can provide. Replies (2) Sort by the most popular Most Recent by date you are looking for XCopy / E Check out The XCopy Help: XCopy Origin [Destination] [/ A | / M] [/ d [: date]] [/ p] [/ s [/ e]] [/ v] [/ w] [/ c] [/ i] [/ q] [/ f ] [/ l ] [/ G] [/ h] [/ R] [/ t] [/ u] [/ k] [/ n] [/ o] [/ x] [/ y] [/ -y] [/ z] [/ B] [/ Exclude: file1 [+ file2] [+ file3] ...] source Specifies the files to be copied. Destination Specifies the location and/or name of new files. / Copying only files with the archive attribute set, does not change the attribute. / M Copies only files with archive attribute set, turns off archive attribute. / D: m-d-y copies the modified files or after the specified date. If no date is provided, copy only those files whose origin time is more recent than the destination time. / Exclude: file1 [+ file2] [+ file3] ... Specifies a list of files containing strings. Each string should be on a separate line in the files. When any of the strings match any part of the absolute path of the file to be copied, that file will be excluded from being For example, specifying a string like \ obj \ or .obj will exclude all files under the obj directory or all files with the .obj extension respectively. / P requires before creating each target file. / S copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones. / And copy directories and subdirectories, subdirectories, The empty ones. As /S /E. Can be used to edit /T. /V Check the size of each new file. /W Requires to press a button before copying. /C Continue to copy even if errors occur. / If the destination does not exist and copying more than one file, it assumes that the destination should be a directory. / It does not display file names while copying. /F Displays the full names of source and destination files while copying. /L View files to copy. /G Allows copy of encrypted files to a destination that does not support encryption. /H Copy also hidden and system files. /R Overwrites read-only files. /T Create directory structure, but don't copy files. It does not include empty directories or subdirectories. /T /E includes empty directories and subdirectory. /U Copy only the files that already exist in the destination. /K Copy attributes. Normal Xcopy resets read-only attributes. /N Copies using short generated names. /O Copy file ownership and ACL information. / Copy file audit settings (implica /O). /Y Deletes the confirmation request that you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /Y Please confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file. /Z Copy the networked files in rebootable mode. /B Copy the symbolic link itself with the goal of the link. /J Copies using I/O without buffer. Recommended for very large files. The /Y switch can be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable. This can be overwritten with /-Y on the command line. Thanks Weberik! It was the missing piece of the puzzle. The use of xcopy with switches /s /e made everything perfect. Use Windows's computer search to search for files that you cannot find. You can find it in the upper right corner of each directory view. Create a file list manually from the Note desktop: this process can be automated using a batch file - see below. If you hold the button and right click on any directory, you will get a context-sensitive menu. Choose "Open the command window here" from the drop-down list. This will open a command window from within that directory. In the example below, right-clicking on the xa21 directory within eva_hoffman_lab, a command window has been opened in the directory: R:\gdsc\eva_hoffman_lab\xa21 Type the command: dir /s > filelist.txt dir: means print a list of /s directories: means to include files within any subdirectory (this can be omitted) >: means to send output to a file rather than to the filelist.txt screen: it is the file name (can be any name you want) Alternatively, just copy and paste the command line above in the command window and press return. Click on the icon in the cornerleft of the command window to get a menu: a file will appear within the directory called 'filelist' (or any name you have chosen). You should consider giving this file a significant name (including the date for example) and moving it to a different location, such as your home directory. Automatically use a batch fileand run the batch file called "Create Filelis" (download from the quick link menu on the right) by following these steps: look under the quick link menu and double click on "Download Create Batch File 'you can choose to open or save the file. In any event extract the file to a suitable location on your n:drive copy the file to any directory you wish double click on the Create Branch icon to run the batch file a text file called filelist_ _ will be created this The file list will contain a list of files within the current directory and all subdirectories you can choose to leave the file listist where it is or move it somewhere else, for example. In an appropriately named directory within your N: Drive I found a batch file script to do the job I need to do. I posed the question of how to add directories and subdirectories recursively in the batch process in a comment on the post I got this code from, but no one has responded after 4 months. I didn't find an answer to this question while searching for this site, so I thought I'd start a new thread on the topic. What I wanted to do is be able to break through the meta data data information into the MKV files which was made shortly. #! / Bin / Bash # This script takes all the MKV files in the current directory and sets the filename # (without .MKV) as the metadata title for MKVFile in * .MKV; Do mkvpropedit "$ mkvfile" -and info -s title = "$ {mkvfile:: ? 4}" Done how can I modify this to run on a root directory to include all folders and subfolders in the process? Thank you! 20 May 2008 09:25 Smyrno Hello, I am trying to write a simple batch file to generate a list of latest level folders in Windows XP. For instance. When I'm running this script in the folder c:\ script and in this folder I have first, second and third folders and in the second folder I have a folder "fourth space" it should produce outputs like: first second fourth space third when I use: Dir/B/A: D/S> List.txt We will list all the path I need but I need to remove everything before the last name of the file. Simple Prover Think like:% Variable: Strtofind = Newstr% But this doesn't work for the loop as I expected: Code: Select All @ echo Off CLS Dir/B/A: D/S> List.txt for / F "delils =" %% i in (list.txt) do (set "_ccc = %%% i: % ~ dp0 =%" echo% _ccc% >> folders.txt) or I was thinking of using something like: Code: Select Allfor / F "Tokens = * delils = \" %% i in (list.txt) do (echo %% i >> folders.txt) But I don't know how to say that loop only uses the Last token. It is the only way to use eg. What if he's ordering to get the last token? Does anyone have any ideas? ------------------------------ # 2 May 20, 2008 12:37 pm Bluesxman If you correctly, you are saying it in this Fittizio "Dir / B / S / A: D" List: D "Elenco: C: \ Script \ Dir1 c: \ Script \ Dir1 \ Dir1.1 c: \ Script \ Dir2 c: \ Script \ Dir3 c: \ Script \ Dir3 \ Dir3 .1 c: \ script \ dir3 \ dir3.1 \ dir3.1.1 You want to view: Dir1.1 dir1 dir3 dir3 dir3.1 dir3.1.1 If so, this should make up: code: select all @ echo Off / f "UsabackQ tokens = *" %% A in (`dir / b / s / a: dc: \ scripts`) Do (echo: %%~NXA) NXA)* sh |. Ruby |. Chef ------------------------------------ 3 20 May 2008 14:33 Smirno Thanks. I didn't realize that%~NXI also works for folders. But the dir command didn't produce what I want. The problem is the order in Witch The folder names are. When I use dir I get this: dir1 dir2 dir1 dir1 dir1 dir3.1 dir3.1.1 but I need this: dir1 dir1.1 dir2 dir3 dir3.1 dir3.1.1 which I used for / r and in list2 i wanted : Code: select Allforfor / R %% I in (.) DO (ECHO %% ~ FI > LIST1.txt) For / F "Tokens = *" %% I in (list1.txt) Do (echo %~ Is there a way I could make it unlisted1.txt in one step? Last modification of Smirno (20 May 2008 14:39) ---------------------------------- 4 20 May 2008 16:26 Bluesxman " for / r" was showing me a little strange behavior, so I pushed with that ... this should do it: Code: select all @ echo off (per / f" tokens = * UsabackQ "%% I in (` Dir / B / S / A: D`) Do @ (echo: %%~NXI))) | Sort> List1.txt Last edit of Bluesxman (20 May 2008 16:39) CMD | * sh | Ruby |. Chef ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This makes it even worse, order in alphabetical order in alphabetical order. I think the only way is to use it to get a list of folders so that they are saved on the drive. Thank you for your help. You helped me a lot too that they were just two characters of what I needed, but without your help, I won't realize I could use it like this. This is the version with for \ r that works very well for me. Code: Select all @ echo Off CLS if folderslist.txt exists (goto: exit1) for / r% I in (.) Do (echo %% ~ NXI> > Carnerslist.txt) Echo list of all folders and subfolders in the folder:%~ dp0% eco. Echo was created and was saved in the file: folderslist.txt in the same folder. Echo for end and closing of the window Press any GOTO PAUSE key: exit2: EXIT1 ECHO ERROR - List of folders not created ECHO FilersList.txt already exist. Delete or move it and try again. Pause: Exit2 Last modified by Smirno (May 21, 2008 11:09) 11:09)

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