
Human Physiology:An example for structural protein is muscles.Haematoma is formed during Bone fracture.A generalized hyper pigmentation of the skin Addison’s disease.A characteristic rain – drop pigmentation of the skin is due to chronic arsenial poisoning. A permanent birth control method in male is vasectomy.Which enzyme acts on milk protein? Renin.The region of brain which secretes CSF is choroid plexus.The gall stones are formed of cholesterol.The area responsible for reabsorption of water, glucose, sodium phosphate & bicarbonates in nephron is proximal convoluted tubule.The place of the fertilization of ovum in female reproductive system is Ampulla.Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes beri beri.The disease due to inborn error of purine metabolism is commonly called Gout.Which disease is associated with atrophy of cerebral cortex? Alzheimer’s disease.The principal organ of urea biosynthesis is Liver.Which is called artificial kidney? Dialysis. Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause Skin cancer.Deficiency of vitamin D causes Osteomalacia .Partial albinism causes leucoderma.In the presence of testosterone, FSH in male promotes formation of sperms.The polysaccharide found in liver and muscles is glycogen.Protein substance present in cones is photopsin.A clot in the cerebral vessel causes stroke.Leydig cells secrete testosterone. The wall of the stomach is protected against the action of HCl by mucous layer.The granulation of tissues around the site of fracture is called callus.An oily substance called sebum is secreted by sebaceous gland.Hyperglycemic hormone is otherwise known as glucagon.Histamine is secreted by mast cells.Albinism is due to absence of melanin.Vitamin A plays an important role in visual perception. Which is a autoimmune disease ? Myasthenia gravis. Stones formed in the urinary bladder can be disintegrated by a treatment called Lithotripsy.At the termination of menstruation the corpus luteum is converted into a scar tissue called Corpus albican. The percentage of urea in urine is 2%. Alzheimer’s disease is associated with atrophy of cerebral cortex.The smallest leucocytes are Lymphocytes.The daily secretion of saliva ranges from 1000- 1500 ml. The condition of wrinkled and carotinised corneal epithelium is called Xerophthalmia. The percentage of oxygen in the inhaled air is 21. Which part of the brain aids in visual tracking of moving objects? Superior collicule. Grave’s disease is otherwise known as Thyrotoxicosis. Myasthenia gravis is a autoimmune disease.According to ICMR , the daily requirement of protein for an average Indian is 100 g/day. Which arthritis is characterized by the deposition of sodium urate crystals on the articular cartilage, synovial membrane and in the periarticular tissues ? Metabolic arthritis.The soluble plasma protein fibrinogen is converted to insoluble protein Fibrin by Thrombin.The device used to record the electrical activity of the brain is Electro Encephalogram.Urea Biosynthesis takes place in Liver.The mineral necessary for blood clotting is Calcium.Increased ocular pressure causes Glaucoma.Number of ATP molecules spent to convert ammonia to urea is Three.Corpus Luteum secretes Progesterone.What is called the ability of the human eyes to focus object at varying distance? Accomaodation.Which are refers to the largest part of Diencephalon? Thalamus.The Acinus of thyroid gland is lined by Glandular Cubical epithelial cells.The amino acid which is necessary for the synthesis of melanin is Tyrosinase.The connective tissue proteins are not synthesized properly due to the deficiency of Vitamin C.The left and right hemispheres of Brain exchange information through Corpus Callosum, The disease which is caused by airborne droplets is Tuberculosis.Pancreatic amylase converts Starch into Maltose.Which is responsible for Rigor Mortis- Lysosome Enzymes. Which disease is related with Down’s Syndrome- Alzheimer Disease.The Vitamin that remains as a Co- enzyme in tissue Metabolism and found useful in the process of oxidation of glucose in CNS is B1.Dubb sound of Heart is caused by Closure of Semilunar Valves.Deficiency of Thyroxine Harmone in adults causes a Syndrome called Myxoedema.The volume of the glomerular filtrate produced in each minute is 125 ml.Intake of less amount of protein leads to the deficiency disease called Kwashiorkar.Each gram of lipid is capable of yielding 9.3 Calories.The calorie requirement for IRM at heavy work during occupational activities is 2200 Calories.The normal BMI (Body Mass Index) range for adults is 19 – 25.The normal blood glucose level during fasting is 70 to 110 mg/dl.During Root canal treatment the cavity of the tooth is filled with a sealing paste made of Gutta- Percha Resin.A fracture can be caused by Impact of Force .An inflammation of synovial membrane is called as Rheumatic Arthiritis.During the Contraction of Muscle the ATP molecules bind within the active site of Actin Filaments.Ca ions necessary for the contraction of muscles are released from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum.The surface area of skin in our body is 1.1 – 2.2 m2.Albinism is an extreme degree of generalized Hypopigmentation.Partial albinism causes Leucoderma.Rag weed plant causes allergic responses and results in Contact Dermatitis.The amount of Urea present in Blood is 0.004 gms/100ml.The urea biosynthesis is also called as Ornithine Cycle .During Glomerular filtration the malpighian body acts like a Biological Filter.The amount of Blood supplied to the Kidneys is about 20 – 25 % of Cardiac output .Net Filteration force which is responsible for the filtration in glomerulus is 25 mm Hg.The amount of Urea reabsorbed in the Urinary Tubules is 28 gm.The volume of Water found in the Glomerular filtrate is 170 – 180 lit (or) 170 Lit or 180 lit.In Recent Days insulin resistant diabetes is commonly noticed in the age group of 40 -50 Years.The amount of Urea excreted in Urine each day is 25 Gms.The sperms are stored in Epididymis.The permanent birth central method in female is Tubectomy.An example for PUFA Sunflower Oil (or) Safflower Oil.Maltose is a Disaccharide .The pH value of Pancreatic Juice is 7 to 8.The conversion of Food into energy and cellular organism is called Assimilation.The serious inflection in appendix is called Peritonitis.The fracture occurring in a new born babies is Birth Fracture.Paralytic Dislocation is realted with Poliomyelitis.Blood – Cleansing process involved in treatment of Myasthenia gravis Plasmophoresis.The floor of the Thoracic cavity is completely closed by the Diaphragm. Bicuspid Valve is also called as Mitral Valve.Which contain heparin which inhabits blood clotting Basophils.The oxygenated form of hemoglobin is Oxyhaemoglobin.Amnesia means loss of memory.This is frequently called ‘Dreamless Sleep ‘Slow Wave Sleep.This lasting 5 – 30 Minutes usually appear on an average every 90 minutes REM Sleep.ADH deficiency leads to Diabetes Insipidus.Removal of parathyroid results in Tetany.This harmone increases the rate amplitude and frequency of the heart beat Adrenalin.Myopia can be corrected by using Concave lens.Hypermetropia is corrected by placing Convex Lens .The opacity in the lens of the eye is Cataract.Allergic conjuctivitis may be relived by use of eye drops containing Anti-histamine Drugs.The Range of IOP in eye which causes blindness 50 – 70 mm Hg.The type of permanent hearing impairment is due to Sensory hearing Loss.This is an adaptation for a Semi terrestrial Habitat Ureotelism.An example for alecithal egg Human Ovum.The unstriated primary egg membrane in human ovum Zona Pellucida.The diameter of human ovum is more than 100 micro meterSperms are stored in Epididymis.A ring of smooth muscles present between the stomach and the duodenum is Pyloric Sphinter.MICROBIOLOGYEnterotoxin is produced by Vibrio cholerae.The pathogenic form of Entamoeba hisotlytica- vegetative trophozoite.Cyclognanosine is an antiviral antibiotic.The shape of HIV is spherical.The most promising chemotherapeutic agent for treating viral disease is interferon.Tumour (Cancer) inducing viruses are called Oncogenic viruses.Which is associated with diarrhoea in children? Giardia intestinalis.Who discovered a system for ‘antiseptic surgery’? Joseph Lister.Which are the largest of all viruses? Pox viruses and Herpes.Which is a protozoan disease ? African sleeping sickness.Pain during urination and a yellow discharge from the urethra of male are the symptoms of Gonorrhoea.The germ theory of diseases was established by Louis Pasteur.Which is antiviral ? Interferon.Virions contain only a single copy of nucleic acid hence , they are called as haploid viruses.The strains which are widely used as vaccines to elicit immunity are Avirulent (or) attenuated.The number of lymph nodes distributed in human body is about 600.Who first (initially ) developed vaccine for rabies in man ? Louis Pasteur.Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis.Parasitic infections which man acquires from animals are known as Zoonoses.Some of the antifungal antibiotics are Griseofulvin and imidazole.The bacterial disease caused by Yersinia pestis is plague.Paraviruses may have 3- 4 genes.The production of scattered purplish lesions over the chest and abdomen is due to Kaposis sarcoma.HIV infection causes Immuno depression.The causative organism for cholera is vibrio cholerae.The virus which causes smallpox is variola virus.Which is a sexually transmitted disease ? Syphilis (or) Gonorrhoea.Gingivitis is caused by Trichomonads.Which disease is characterized enlarged and inflamed lymph glands? Bubonic Plague.The pathogenic protozoan that causes kala azar is Leishmania donovani.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an enveloped virus with a Double Stranded DNA (ds DNA).The test which is used to confirm the HIV infection is Western Blot.On the basis of whose evidence did Joseph Lister discover ‘antiseptic Surgery’? Pasteur.Black water fever which is a very serious infection is caused by Plasmodium Falciparum.Jaundice and Hepatic carcinoma are caused in human by Hepatitis B Virus.Which fields paved the way for modern microbiology development of pure culture Technique.Which is a incorrect statement regarding the structure of virus The additional envelope is made up of Glycoprotein.Sexual reproduction of Plasmodium takes place in body of mosquito.Bacterial viruses are called as Bacteriophage.The inflamed lymph glands in bubonic plague is Bubos.In HIV the enzyme reverse Transcriptase is attached to RNA Antibodies formed during HIV infection: CD4 Plus T-helper mon opportunistic infection in HIV is Tuberculosis.An example for antiretroviral drug is Azidothymidine (AZT), Zidovudin, Saquinovoir.3. IMMUNOLGYThymus growth occurs upto 12 Years.Immunoglobulins (Antibodies) are chemically Glycoprotein.Graft between identical twins is called Isograft.Immunoglobin is secreted by B lymphocyte.Plastic surgery is an example for Autograft.The graft of transplanting an organ from pig to human is known as Xenograft.How will you name a graft if an organ is transplated from a cat to a man? Xenograft.MHC genes is mouse are located in Chromosome 6.Lysozyme is present in Tears and Saliva.Which is acting as a filter for trapping circulatory blood born foreign particles Spleen.The part of the antibody molecule which makes contact with the antigen is called Paratope.The Hassall’s corpuscles are seen in Medulla of thymus.Which can induce immunity--- all the bacteria , Viruses and Parasities.Skin is a/an Anatomical Barrier.Which is anti-bacterial? Lysozyme.Which is anti-viral? Interferon.Which are grouped under phagocytic cells macrophage and neutrophil.Histamine is secreted by Mast Cells.Humoral immunity consists of Immunoglobulin molecules.Which type of graft is used in Plastic surgery? Autograft.Which is autoimmune disease? Multiple Sclerosis.Which antibody characterized the allergic reaction- IgE (IGE).SCID is due to Adenosine deaminase deficiency.Which causes AIDS? Retro Virus (HIV).The H-Chain of immunoglobulin has a molecular weight- twice that of Light Chain.Hyper variability regions (HOTSPOTS) are present in Heavy and Light Chains.4. MODERN GENETICSThe term ‘Super bugs’ refers to genetically engineered bacteria.“Bubble by Syndrome is a “ SCID (Severe Combined immune deficiency Disease).Number of mRNA in human Beings 60,000.Total number of functional genes identified in human beings 30,000.Number of hereditory diseases identified in human beings More than 300.Genetic Paste to join the DNA- DNA Ligase.Enzyme used to cut the DNA (molecular Scissors) Restriction puter graphic model for protein Glowing Coal Model.Automated sequencing machine used to read the basis in DNA Sequenators.By this technique, the genome of an organism can be split up into different sized molecules ELECTROPHORESIS.The chromosomes of 19 and 20 represent as Group F.Which is an ERYTHROBLASTIC ANAEMIA? Thalassemia.X- Chromosomes is present in Group C.During the electrophoresis the DNA particles migrate towards the Positive Pole.The chromosomes 4 and 5 belongs to the group classified by karyotyping - B.In proteomics/ the amino acid sequences are read by Sequenators.Name the human disease due to defective autosomal dominant gene Huntington’s Chorea.Which of the structures of protein is stored in Protein data – bank? Three dimensional Structure.In man Y Chromosomes belong to Group G.Dr.Ian Wilmut has produced a cloned sheep called Dolly by the method of Nuclear Transplantation.Proteins are linear chain molecules made up of units called Amino Acids.The Chromosomes 6 to 12 that belongs to the group classified by Karyotyping in man is C.The fertilized eggs are selected for the transfer of Whole Nuclei (or) Whole Chromosomes (or) Chromosome Fragment (or) DNA Segments.The Persons suffering from Sickle cell anaemia but survive have the genotype HbA HBSThe enzyme which joins DNA fragments is DNA Ligase.‘Protein data Banks’ are store houses for information related to three dimensional structure of Proteins.Which is a genetic diseases mostly affects boys? Agammaglobulinemia.For the transfer of whole nuclei, the cells are treated with Cytochalasin B to enucleate In Huntingston’s chorea the defective gene is located on the chromosome 4.What is the name of mobile genetic elements? Transposens.One of the reasons for the manifestation of genetic diseases in human is Gene Mutation.In human chromosomes Karyotyping the Chromosimes X and Y belongs to groups C and G.The enzyme necessary to convert DOPA into melanin in the Melanocyte is Tyrosinase.In human chromosomes karyotyping the X chromosomes belongs to Group C.The first gene cloning was done by Hebert Bayer and Stanley Cohen.…… is an inborn error of metabolic disease--- Albinism.In which prokaryote has voluminous genetical works been made Escherichia Coli.Who discovered the double helide DNA model? Watson and Crick.Which is the method help in obtaining of information about genetic characters in man Pedigree Analysis.Sickle cell anaemia is due to Autosomal Gene (Mutuant Allele)Albinism is due to absence of Melanin.Idiogram means diagrammatic representation of Chromosomes.The chemical used to stop the mitosis is at metaphase Colchicine.Damaged heart, Kidney, Spleen and Brain are the characters of the disease Sickle Cell Anaemia.In human karyotyping, acrocentric chromosomes are 21,22 and Y.The person affected by this disease may die at the age of seventeen Thalassemia.The gene for SCID is located at the chromosome 20.The shape of Plasmid DNA is circular.Y- chromosomes is the type of Acrocentric.Defect in the metabolic pathway of phenylalanine leads to Albinism.The technique used in genome sequencing is Electrophoresis.Number of eggs implanted to get the one cloned survived cat is 200.In gene therapy which is used as a carrier Retroviruses.In human karyotyping X- chromosomes resemble the chromosomes number 6.Glowing Coal model’ is useful to understand function of protein.Skeleton model of protein can be provided by X-Ray Crystallography.The person with Hbs Hbs die due to damaged Spleen.The stage which is ideal separating chromosomes for transfer of whole chromosomes is Metaphase Cells.Somatic Cell gene therapy can cure disease caused by Single gene mutuations.EMBL,NCBI and DDBJ are the premier institutes in the Nucleotide sequence database (Nucleic Acid).A collection of DNA fragments, which contains all the sequences of a single organism DNA library.The method which can give skeletal model of a Protein from its results on its atomic Details X- Ray Crystallography.The disease which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and affects blood supply to various organs: Sickle – Cell Anaemia.5. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE The military related wastes are disposed by Land fills.Which is commonly considered as a ‘Biologist’s Paradise Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve.Ozone Loss was first detected in the Strastosphere over the Antartic Region.A good chance among all the alternative fuel option is Hydrogen.The geothermal energy is drawn in the form of Steam.The most abundant greenhouse gas is CO2The plants that can break down cyanide and reduce it to a non- toxic from are Gibberella Fusarium.Which gases destroys ozone layer faster Both CHLORO FLUORO CARBONS and HYDROCHLOROFLUROCARBONS.Which provides about 95 % of all commercial energy in the world? Petroleum, Natural Gas and Coal (Fossil Fuel).The hazardous bio-medical wastes are disposed of by means of Incineration.The solar cells contain both poisonous and a possible carcinogenic substance called Cadmium.The particular radiation which can damage DNA is Electromagnetic.Which one of the organisms plays a vital role in pollination of trees in tropical forest? Orchid Bees.The number of HOT SPOTS identified from all over the world is 25.The genetically engineered bacteria that are capable of degrading oil spills are called Super Bags.India’s first power Plant generating electricity from ocean energy is commissioned at Kerala.Which is considered as a future source of Power that can meet our unlimited demand? Hydrogen Power.Loss of fresh water sauces due to salt water intrusion may be due to over use of ground freshwater.95% of all conventional energy is produced from Fossil Fuels.Which is not an ozone depleting substance? Hydrogen.Bio – mediacal wastes are removed by Incineration.Which is a marine biosphere reserve of Tamilnadu? Gulf of mannar.The number of times heat absorbed by nitrous oxide than CO2---- 300 timesThe substance used in fabricating Thin film solar cells which is poisonous and possible carcinogenic is Cadmium.The energy received by the earth from the sun in each year is 5x1020 k.CalWhat is the rate of growth of human population? 90 billion per yearThe present sudden acceleration of population is called as Population Explosion (or) Population Trap (or) population bomb.Global warming is caused due to Human activities against nature.Which is a better method to dispose large amounts of water carrying relatively small amounts of chemical wastes Surface impoundments.Of the Total amount of water, how much is available as freash water? 3 %Which are the countires depend on desalination process for getting freshwater Dubai, Oman and Bahrain.Leather and wood are Bio – Degradable Wastes.Plastics and mining wastes are Non – Biodegradable Wastes.Percentage of Plastics which can be reduced is 2.2%.Manufacture of Foams releases Chloroflurocarbons.Biosphere reserve in West Bengal is Sundarbans.Of our total energy requirement 25% of energy account for Transpentation.Rotting of organic wate in sanal Fill emits Methane.Science which deals with population is called Demography.The method used to convert salt water into drinking water --- Reverse osmosis.Ultraviolet radiation can cause damage to DNA.The man and the biosphere program (MAB) was launched in the year 1971.Who propsed that ‘popultion grows geometrically rather than arithmetically Thomas Malthus.World network of biosphere reserves includes 495 Sites.This is established to conserve in sites genetic diversity Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.Nitrous oxide traps how much heat more than carbondioxide 300 times.The average temperature of earth is about 590 F (150 C)The number of islands in the Gulf of Mannar is 21.Total number of Plants and animals in gulf of mannar is 3600 Species.Center for ecological science is located at Bangalore.Estimated energy potential by Wind energy in India 20,000.The first power plant generating electricity from ocean energy provide energy of 150 MV in a year The oldest age to which a species known to survive is Life span.This is the average age that a new born infant can expeit to attain in any given society Life expectancy.The chemical used in seeding clouds Dry ice (Or) Potassium Iodide.The number of children born to an average woman in a Population during her entire reproductive life is called Total Fertitlity Rate.Nearly 95% of rural population for their need depends on ground water.6. APPLIED BIOLOGY‘Milk Fever’ in cows is normally due to inability to assimilate calcium from the feed.The tastiest fish among the carps is Labeo Rohita.Chittagong Breeds of fowls is largely found in West Bengal.The milk of which cow has a characteristic Yellow colour becaue of high carotene content? Jersey.In normal ECG the waves are designated from left to right as PQRST.Which is the most popular and commercial breed of fowl in India? Leghorn.The diluting fluid used to count RBC is Hayem’s Solution.Which is an example for contagious disease in cattle Cowpox.Which is a air breathing fish Cat Fish.The blood cell count is made by using Haemocytometer.Murrels belong to the order Channiformes.Among the fresh water fishes, carps belongs to the order Cypriniformes.The normal ECG is composed of waves designated upward or positive waves which are :PRT.The fast growing species among the Indian major Carps is Catla Catla.In chicken embryo technique of virus culture the eggs are incubated at the temperature of 360 C.Which fowls is noted for its pugnacity? Aseel.Which is a viral disease in cattle? Rinderpest.Which is a draught breed of cattle? Kangayam.The vitamins found much in fish food are Vitamins A and D.The instrument used for counting the blood cells is Haemocytometer.Polycythemia is an indication of increased RBC.The scientific name of Tilapia is Oreochromis mossambicus.The fully formed bird emerges out of the egg after a hatching period of 21 – 22 Days.The milk fever is due to the inability of the animal to assimilate calcium from the feed.The cattle breed’s belonging to diary breeds are Sindhi and Gir.The diluting fluid used for counting of WBC is Turk’s Solution.What is the scientific name for the common ‘viral meen’? Channa Striatus.Which is not an indigeneous breed of fowls? Brahma.An example for Brackish water fish is Koduva.The WBC diluting fluid is called Turks Solution.The yellow colom of milk in Jersey breed is due to Carotene.Karaknath fowl is found abundantly in Madhya Pradesh.Ventricular repolarization is due to T wave.Of all the Indian Carps the tastiest fish is Rohu.The negative waves in Normal ECG are Q and S.The order of cat fish is Siluriformes. Which techniques gives excellent job of showing soft tissues and blood vessels? Magnetic Resonance image(MRI).Which breed of fowl contains black colour flesh? Karaknath.Which is the home area for milch breed Sindhi? Karachi.With the help of what instrument waller first recorded electrical activity of heart? Capillary electrometer.Which is a bacterial diseases in cattle? Anthrax.Peacomb is one of the important breed Characters of Brahma.11% area of fish farming is occupied by Rearing Pond.----------is a guide to the activity of artia P wave.The breed of cattle now available in India are 26.Which is not a draught breed Kankraj.The other name for the cattle “sindhi” is Red Karachi.Kangayam originated from Coimbatore.Which is not an exotic Breed? Gir.Feeding jaggery along with lime water is one of the first aid measure for Milk Fever.Mating of closely related animals is called Artificial Insemination.Which is a symptom found in anthrax? Blood Discharge from natural openings.The Synonym for Sindhi is Red Sindhi or Red Karachi.The cattle breed meant for both milk and draught Ongole, Hariana, Tharparker, Kankrej.The PH of water in fish culture pond should be ranges from 6.5 to 9.0.The essential amino acid present in fishes Methionine.An invaluable tool for the diagnosting of cancer is CT scan.The duration of QRS complex is about 0.08 – 0.1 sec.The electrical activity of the heart was first recorded by Waller.Which fish keeps the fertilized eggs guarded in its mouth Tilapia.7. THEORIES OF EVOLUTION.1. Who developed the concept of genetic drift? Sewall Wright.2. The classical example of polymorphism is Sickle cell anaemia.3. Which is considered as raw materials for evolution? Gene Mutation.4. The German scientist who segregated germplasm from Somatoplasm for the first Weismann.5. The factor that enriches the gene pool with new modified genes is Mutation.6. The block ‘Philosophie Zoologique’ was published by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck.7. Mc Dougall supported Neo-Lamarckism and proved the concept of Learning is a acquired character.8. Prodigality of nature is otherwise called as Over Production.9. When the Phenotypic features coincide with normal environment situation the selection is said to be Stabilizing Selection.10. Closely related species living together in one common locality and maintain their species identity are termed as Sympatric species.11. The book ‘Process of organic Evolution’ to support modern synthetic theory of evolution was written by Stebbins.12. According to Mc Dougall learning is an acquired character that can be inherited.13. Through which concepts Darwin explained his theory of Evolution? Survival of the fittest.14. The theory of inheritance of acquired character was proposed by Lamarck.15. Modern horses are called Equus.16. The theory of pangenesis was believed by Darwin.17. Sickle cell anaemia is an example of Polymorphism.18. The law of use and disuse theory was proposed by Lamarck.19. An elephant begins to breed at the age of 30 years.20. Hardy – Weimberg equilibrium (law) give importance to relative frequency.21. Animals having few chromosomes less or more than normal Polysemics.22. Bottle neck effect occurs in genetic drift.23. To prove Neo Lamarckism, FB Summer worked on mice.24. The connection between Sickle cell anaemia and malaria was established by Allison.25. Which is ancestral form of horses? Hyracotherium (or) Eohippus.26. Ancestral Giraffe lived in the grasslands of Africa.27. In which ship Darwin was spent 5 years in exploration around South Africa HMS Beagle.28. How many eggs are produced by a single salman fish in a season? 28,000,000.29. Which variations form the raw material for evolution? Heritable variation.30. The collection of genes in a population is referred to as the gene pool.PROTOZOAN DISEASESAfrican Sleeping sicknes Trypanosoma Gambiens.Kala Azar Leishmania DonovaniSkin LeishmaniasisLeishmania TropicaMalariaPlasmodium VivaxAmoebiases (Or) Amoebic Dysentry Entamoeba HistolyticaDiarrhoea in Children Giardia intestinalisBlack Water Fever Plasmodium FalciparumGingivitisTrichomonadsBACTERIAL DISEASESSyphilis Treponema PallidiumGonorrhoea Neisseria GonorrheaOther Bacterial Diseases Typhoid FeverSalmonella TyphiGastroenteritisSalmonella CholeraesuisCholera Vibrio CholeraePlague Yersinia PestisPeptic ulcer Helicobacter pyloriViral Diseases AIDS (Acquired ) HIV (Human Immuno Immuno Deficiency deficiency Virus)Syndrome (LENTIVIINAE Sub family of Huma)Rabies Rabies Virus (Rhabdovirus Family)Small Pox Variola VirusHepatitis – B Hepatitis B VirusVitamin Deficiency AilmentVitamin D (Califerol): Rickets (in Children) and Osteomalacia (in adult)Niacin(Nicotinic Acid) : Pellagra (Dementia, dermatitis and Stomatitis)Vitamin C: Scurvy (Collagen and (Ascorbic Acid) connective Tissue proteins are not synthesized)Vitamin A (Retinol): Xerosis (Red and Dry Cornea) Xerophthalmia (Wrinkled and Keratinised Cornea) Keratomalacia (Necrosed Cornea) Nyctalopia (Night Blindness)Vitamin B1(Thiamin): Beri BeriVitmain B12: Pernicious Anaemia(Cyanocobalamine)Vitamin E: Sterlity(Tocopherol)Vitamin K: Defect in Blood Coagulation HaemorrhageVitamin B6: Dermatitis, Fissures (Pyridoxine)Proteins : Marasmus and KwashiorkarAutoimmune Diseases – Examples1. Insulin – dependent diabetes2. Multiple Sclerosis (Against mycelin sheath of nerve cells)3. Rhematid arthritis (to unknown antigen) Myasthenia Gravis (Against acetylcholine)5 Types of Immunoglobuline (Anti Bodies)Ig G - (GAMMA)Ig A - (ALPHA) – MALT (Mucosa is endowed with secretary Ig A)Ig M - (mu)Ig D - (Delta)Ig E - (Epsilon) Involved in ALLERGYSpecial Cells And Their Functions1. Mast Cells : Secrete Histamine, (Wall of Blood Vessel) Seratonin and Prostaglandins2. Leydig Cells ( Testes) : Secrete Testosterone3.Oxyntic Cells (Or) : Secrete Hcl Parietal Cells (Stomach) 4.Chief Cells (Stomach) : Secrete Pepsin and Rennin5. Sertoli Cells (Testes) : Secrete Androgen binding Protein and inhibitin 6. Alpha Cells (Islets of Langerhans) : Secrete Glucagen 7. Beta Cells : Secrete Insulin8. T Cells (Or) T Helper Cells : Involved in Cell – (Or) Thymus (T) Mediated Immunity Dependent lymphocytes (CMI) (Thymus)9. Cytotoxic Lymphocytes : Eliminate Antigen (CTLS)10.Antigen Presenting Cells : Process the ( Macrophages ,B, antigen(APC) Lymphocytes Dendritic Cells)11. B- Cells : Produces antibodies and (B Lymphocytes) direct antibody mediated (Bone Marrow) immunity 12. Associated Cells : Secretes Oestogens of Grafian Follicle (Ovary) Glands and Their SecretionsSalivary Gland : Secrete SalivaThyroid Gland : Thyroxin (Tyrosin)Parathyroid Gland : Parathormone and CalcitoninCortex of: Cortisone Adrenal Gland (Glucocorticoid and Aldosterone)Medulla of: Adrenaline Adrenal Gland Epinephrine and nor adrenaline (Nor Epinephrine)Endocrine: Insulin and Glucagon (Alpha) Part of Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans) Corpus Luteum : ProgesteroneCeruminous : Secrete Ear WaxGlands ) (Ear) Sebaceous Glands : Secretes Sebum(Skin) Merocrine Glands : Secrete Sweat (Found throughtout (Clear Watery fluid)the Body) Apocrine Glands : Secrete Sweat(Found in Axilla, areola,Pubis, Scrotum, Perianal Region)Onocogenic Viruses (Cancer Causing Viruses)Oncogenic DNA VirusesAdenovirusPolioma VirusSimian Virus 40 (SV40)Epstein – Barr Virus (EBV)(A Herpes Virus)Oncogenic RNA VirusesRous Sarcoma VirusMajor Types of GraftsAutograft – Plastic Surgery for burn individualsIsograft – Identical Twins, ClonesAllograft – One man to another (between (or) Allogenic Individuals)Homograft Xenograft – Pig to man, Baboon to Man(Heterograft) (Between Xenogenic Individuals)SteroidsC18 – OestrogensC19 – Androgens (Testosterone)C21 – ProgesteroneAffected Genes in Particular ChromosomesHuntington’s Chorea : 4SCID : 20(Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency) Human Leukocyte : 6antigen (HLA Alleles) for Histocompatibility in man ( Haplotype) Major : 6histocompatibility Alzheimer’s Disease : 21with Down Sundrome Essential Amino Acids ArginineValineHistidine IsoleucineLeucineLycineMethioninePhenylalanineTryptophaneThreonineNon essential Amino Acids ProlineYield of energy Per GramCarbohydrates : 4.1 CaloriesProteins : 4.0 CaloriesLipid : 9.3 CaloriesDiluting Fluids to Count Blood CellsTo Count RBC : Hayem’s SolutionTo Count WBC : Turk’s Solution (Or) Toisson Solution is used.Levels of SecretionsThe normal fasting: 70 to 110 mg /dl Blood Glucose level (dl = Deciliter)Saliva Secretion : 1000 to 1500 mlper day Total Blood Volume : about 4 – 5 Lin human Female Blood Volume: about 5 – 6 L in Males Amount of Blood : 1200 mlSupply to Kidney Per minute Secretion of total : 170 to 180 litresVolume of Glomerular filtrate in 24 Hours Volume of CSF: 150 ml In human Rate of : 550 mlSecretion of CSF per day Water LossThroughUrine – about 1400 mlExpiration – about 400 mlSkin – about 600 mlFaces – about 100 mlExotic Breeds of CattleAyreshireJerseyBrown SwissHolstein FrieseanGuernsyRed DaneTamil names of FishesCarps (Catla) - KendaimeenCat Fishes - KeluthiFreshwater - Valai (or) Ribbon FishSharkMurrels (Or)- Viral meen(Snake Heads)Tilapia - Jilebikkendai(Oreochromis)Sea Boss (Or) - KoduvaCockupGrey Mullet - MadavaiBlack - VavvaPomfretsIndian Mackeral- KanangeluthiSeer Fish - Vanjiram (or) NeimeenCarangids- Para meenFlat Fish - Naakku MeenSardines (Or) - MaththimeenIndian oil SardinesIndigenous Breeds of Fowls in IndiaDesi – Common Country Hen in India ASEEL – noted for Pugnacity, (Excellent Abudant by Andhra PradeshSiters)Chittagong– Found in West Bengal, (Good Egg Delicious fowlLayers) 4.Karaknath (Breed by Tribals) – Abundant inMadhya Pradesh with Black Flesh 5.Busra – Found in Gujarat and MaharastraOrders Of FishesCarps – CypriniformesCat Fishes – SiluriformesMurrels– ChanniformesTilapia – PerciformesTrouts – SalmoniformesBreeds of Wowls American BreedsRhode Island RedsPlymouth RockNew HampshireWyan dotteAsiatic BreedsBrahma (From Brahmaputra Valley in India) Cochin (From China)Langshan (From China)English BreedsSussex OrpingtonAustralorpCorinshMediterranean Breeds(Orginated from European Countries – Side of Mediterranean SeaLeghorn (Italy)Ancone ( Italy)Minorca (Orginated from Spain)Antibiotics First Antibiotic discovered : Penicillin(From Fungus – Pencillium in 1929)Examples for antibiotics : Ampicillin, Streptomycin, Tetracyclin and ErythromycinAntifungal Antibiotics : Griseofulvin and ImidazoleAntiviral : Amantidine and cycloguanosineAntitumour Antibiotics : Anthromycin GroupAlexander : PenicillinFlemming In 1929InstrumentsTo record the electrical activity of the brain via electrodes attached to the scale – Electro Encepyalography (EEG)To do clinical tests for more number of samples for more assays simultaneously– AutoanalysersUsed to help the heart to beat regularly and at an appropriate rate – Artificial pacemakerUsed to examine the interior of a body cavity or hollow organ – EndoscopeExcellent job of showing soft tissues and bood vessels – MRI scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)Imaging tumors or Polyps in sinuses plan for radiotherapy cancer treatment to – Computed tomographymeasure bone mineral density (or) Computerized axial tomography (CAT)Used to record Electrocardiogram (A record of the Electrical Potential changes – Electrocardiograph that occur in the heart during the cardiac cycle) The instrument used to count the blood cells – HaemocytometerThe instrument used to measeure Blood Pressure and estimate the state of – Sphygmomanometerblood circulation and working of Heart Used to hear the Heart beat Sounds – StethescopeAutomated sequencing machines developed to read hundreds of bases in DNA – SequenatorsStone in the urinary bladder and lower ureter are crushed and removed – Cystoscopy (or) UreterorenoscopyThe first line treat which disintegrates stones by focusing shock waves on them – LithostripsyUsed for removing waste from outside the body products from the blood – Artificial Dialyser Scientists & Inventions & Discoveries & ContributionsThe first human heart transplant was performed by – Professor Christian Bernard (South Africa in 1967)First Heart Transplantation in Animals – 1959The first test tube babies (In Vitro Fertilization) – Steptoe and Edward of Uk in 1978Sliding – Filament hypothesis for the mechanism of muscle contraction – Hanson And Huxley in 1955First demonstrated the Condition Reflex – Ivan Pavlov (Russian Physiologist)Pasteurisation of Milk Developed vaccines for the control of CHOLERA, ANTHRAX and RABIES – Louis Pasteur ( 1857)in Man. Techniques to reduce the virulence of infectious organism with capacity to produce immunity. Liquid culture Pure Culture of Bacteria. Discovery of antiseptic surgery (Based on pateur’s Evidence) – Joseph Lister (1860)Immunization therapy and work on Tuberculosis Solid Culture of Bacteria – Robert Koch (1905) (Awarded Nobel Prize)Bacterial Transformation (Conjugation) – Griffith (1928)Important in DaysHatching Period or incubation period for fowl to emerge out from the egg : 21 – 22 DaysIn chicken embryo technique (Culture of Animal Viruses), the eggs : 5 to 12 daysare incubated for Incubation period of Rabies virus in man : 3 to 8 WeeksTemperatureThe Average temperature of earth is about : 59o F (15oC) (Average increase 1o F by 2100 the raise may be between 2.5 and 10.4o F )Temperature of the body in Anthrax affected cattle : 41 – 41.5o CIn chicken embryo technique, eggs are incubated in this temperature which are ideal sources for the growth of virus) : 36o CThe optimum temperature in artificial brooder for first 3 days : 33o CCm Metres – FeetThe length (long) of the Small intestine – about 5 – 7 MetresHeight of the adult dwarf with dwarfism – 0.9 to 1.2(Due to hyposecretion of GH (STH) Height of a person with Gigantism – 7 – 9 FeetLitter bed thickness in the floor of the brood house – 5 to 7.5 cmMl – Litres Total volume of csf (Cerebro spinal Fliuid in man) : 150 mlRate of Secretion of CSF : 550 ml/dayThe daily secretion of Saliva ranges from 100 to 1500 mlStomach volume during feeding 1.5 litAmount of Blood supply to Kidney (20 – 25 % of cardiac out put) : 1200 ml/minIn man GFR (Glamerular filtration rate) – about 125 ml/minTotal volume of glomerular filtrate in 24 hrs – 170 – 180 litresWEIGHTHOURS1.Weight of the cerebrum : about 1400 g (Largest part of the Brain) in male 2.Weight of Cerebrum in female : about 1200 g3.Weight of the pituitary : 500 mg1.The half life of parathormone : 20 – 30 minutes2.The hatched chicks are left inside the incubator for about: 36 hours Bio Remediation Super bugsIt is a rapidly developing clean technology Cleaning the envionemt with biological options such as microbes and plants is called bioremediationGibberella Fusarium – the palnt able to breakdown cyanide and reduce it to a non – toxic formSuper BugsThe bacteria Pseudomonas nicknamed as SuperbugsSuperbugs are capable of degrading variety of toxic compoundsAble to degrade oil, employed in cleaning oil spills in the oceanAble to degrade several hydrocarbonsSuperbugs can destroy octanes, Xylenes, Camphors and toluenesSuperbugs are genetically engineered bacteria (GEMS)First produced by Indian Researcher Anand Chakrabarthy in USASickle Cell AnaemiaCaused due to Autosomal Mutant Allele : HbSDue to abnormal Haemoglobin (Affected) : HbS HbSNormal Haemoglobin (Not Affected) : HbA HbASuffer and affected with fatal haemolytic anamia : HbS HbSSaid to be carriers and Survive : HbA HbSBlood PressureBlood Pressure is measured using a SphygmomanometerIn human Beings, Normal Blood Pressure is about : 120/80 mm Hg.120 mm Hg (Mercuric Presssure) is Systolic pressure80mm hg is diastolic pressure.Abnormal high blood pressure is called HYPERTENSION.(systolic equal or greater than 160 mm hg (or)Diastolic equal or greater than 95 mm hg.Abnormal low pressure is called hypotensionWorld Population Growth5000BC ------- 50 millionAD 1900 ------- 1.65 billion (1600 million)AD 1960(or) ------- 3.20 billionAD 1965AD 2000 -------- 6.1 billion(6100 million)AD 2050-------- 12.5 billionHuman population --------90 MILLION PER YEARgrowing Composition Of Urine96% WATER2% UREA2% METABOLIC PRODUCTSComputer languages used in bioinfamaticsCC++JAVAFORTRANLINUXUNIXORACLE DATABASESYBASECGI(common gateway interface)Heart beatThe heart beats at the rate of about 72-80 times per minute in adult human Sound Duration Specification LUBB 0.16-0.90 seconds First soundLonger durationDue to closing of ATRIO VENTRICULAR valvesAt the beginning of VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE DUBB 0.10 secondsSecond sound Shoter durationDue to closage of SEMILUNAR VALVESCaused at the end of ventricular systoleBlood sugarThe normal fasting b;lood glucose level is : 70 to 110 mg/dl(the blood sugar level is more than 120 mg in diabetic patients)After a carbohydrate meal the blood sugar : About 140 mg/dlReach a peack level ofElevated blood sugar level causes : 400 mg/dl(or)moreDehydration leading to corna and death Hypoglyverinia means a low plasma : Also called as fasting hypoglycemiaGlucose concentrationGlycogenalysis raises the blood sugar leve : HyperglycemiaBy glucationUrine sugarThe surplus glucose appears in urine and : Glycosuriathis condition is know as This indicates the chromic disorder diabetes mellitusThe leve of glucose found in the urine during glucosuria :280 milli moles/l of glucoseThin layer chromatography is considerd as a superior method for identification of urine sugarsRBC(erythrocytes)RED BLOOD CORPUSCLESManufactured in : bone marrow of ribs and vertebraeDisintegrated in : spleen and liver Diameter : 7.5 mmLife span : about 120 days in males and about 110 days in femalesECG- PQRST WAVEP,Q,R,S and T are the ECG wavesP,R,T are the upward (or) positive wavesQ and S are DOWNWARD or NEGATIVE WAVES NAME OF THE WAVEDURATIONAMPLITUDESPECIAL FEATURESP Wave0.1 secondAbout 0.1 to 0.3 mvAn atrial waveDue to spread of DEPOLARISATION in the atriaGuide to the activity of ATRIAQ Wave--Small negative downward deflectionMostly indistinctRepresent APTRIAL SEPTALDEPOLARIZATIONRWave-1 mvPraminant positive waveS Wave--Small negative waveR and S--Dwe to DEPOLARIZATION of the ventricular muscle.QRSComplexAbout 0.08(not exceed 0.1 Second)-Lot of diagnostic information can be guided from alternation in QRS ComplexT WaveAbout 0.27 Second0.15 to 0.5 mvDue to Ventricular REPOLARIZATIONIt is a BROAD WAVETh Waves of ECG are due to DEPOLARIZATION and not due to Contraction of the HeartElectrocardiogram (ECG) is a record of the Electrical potential changes that occur in the heart during the cardiac cycle.The instrument used to record the ECG is called ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHThe electrical activity of the heart was first recorded by Waller in 1887 and with Strong Galvanometer by EINTHOVAN (1924)RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCENON RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES% OF RECYCLINGGeothermal EnergyWind Tidal EnergySolar EnergyOcean Energy(Ocean Currents)Nuclear FusionGobar GasBio massVegetable RefusePetroleumNatural Gas Fossil FuelsGoalFossil Fuels Provides 95 % of all commercial energy in the worldOresTimberElectricityPercentage RecyclingPaper – 54% RecoveryMetals – 39% RecoveryGlass – 20% RecoverySome – 2.2 % Recoveryforms of Plastics Area Percentage of Ponds in Fish FarmingWBC (Leucocyctes)Number of Amino AcidsProduction Pond : 60%Breeding Pond : 25%Rearing Pond : 11%Nursery Pond : 3%Segragation Pond : 1%60 - 70% : Neutrophiles20 - 30% : Lymphocytes1 - 4 % : Monocytes0.5 - 3.0 % : Eosinophiles0.1% : BasophilsINSULIN : 51GLUCAGON : 29TSH : 211RANGE OF BLOOD CELLS IN MANCount of RBC in Men about : 5.2 Million/mm3 (Range of 4.2 – 5.8 Million) (or) 4.5 – 5.9 Million/mm3Count of RBC in Women : About 4.5 Million/mm3 (Range of 3.6 – 5.2 Million) (Or) 4.1 – 5.1 Million/mm3Count of RBC at Birth : 4.0 – 5.6 Miilion/mm3Count of WBC in Adult : 4,500 – 11,00 mm3Count of WBC in NEONATES : 10,000 – 25,000/mm3Total Volume of PLASMA : 55%Total Volume Of Blood Cells : 45%Life Expectency of Platelets : 5-9 DaysVirus Enveloped Viruses :Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)HIVSARSNaked Virus:Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)VACCINESHBV Vaccine – For Hepatitis (Consists of Purified HBV Ag (or) Australian Antigen)VACCINIA – The Vaccine for Small PoxThy Antigens – New Surface Antigen on Y- LymphocytesRabies Vaccine – Prepared from the Virus (1980) Propagated in cultures of Diploid HUMAN CELLSShare of the Viruses Spherical Adeno Viruses SV 15Polio VirusesSpherical Viruses Blue Tongued Viruses (ISOHEDRIAL HIV VIRUSES)Helical Surface SymmetryTMV – Tobacco Mosaic VirusAnimal Viruses (Measles,mumps Influenza and Rabies causing Viruses)Complex (uncertain) SymmetryPox VirusesT – BacteriophagesTwo TypesAntibiotics Broad SpectrumNarrow SpectrumSphygnomanometer Monametric Type Digital (Modern) TypeDiabetes Insulin – Dependent TypeNon – insulin – Dependent TypeDialysis Haemodialysis Peritoneal DialysisCataracts Dens nuclear CataractPeripheral CataractBronchitis Acute BronchitisChronic BronchitisPlagues Bubonic PlaguePneumonic PlagueThrombosis Cerebal ThrombisisCoronary ThrombosisBioreserves in IndiaGulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve (Hill Biosphere Reserve, Encomposes 21 Small islands) considered as ‘Biologists Paradise’ with 3600 Species of Plants and AnimalsNilgiri Biosphere Reserve (Total Area is 5,520 sq.km, Rich in Plant Diversity Established to conserve in Situ Genetic diversity of Species)Nokrek – MeghalayaNamdapha– Arunachal PradeshGreat Nicobar – Andaman and Nicobar IslandsSunderbans – West BengalOrganisations Involved in Biodiversity Conservation World Wild Life und – WWFResources for the Future – RFFThe Nature Conservancy - -World Resources Institute – WRIInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources – IUCnAfrican Wildlife Foundation – AWFGenetic Resources Action International – GRAINIntenational Science Foundation - -The Biodiversity Support Program – BSPOrganisations Functioning to Preserve and Safegurad Biodiversity in IndiaCentre for Ecological Sciences – BangaloreNational Bureau of Plant – New DelhiGenetic Resources in National Bureau of Animal – KamalGenetic Resources at National Bureau of Fish – AllahabadGenetic Resources in The foundation for the – BangaloreRevitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT) at World Wide Fund for Nature – India Department of Biotechnolgy – Government of India ................

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