To All Beachplace Owners,

The Comcast Workshop on Friday was very useful and informative. Two Comcast representatives, Melissa LeBlanc, our Sales Representative, and Korwin Wills, our Comcast Service Representative, provided a wealth of information about the upgraded service and answered a large number of owner questions.

The below information is a summary of the information provided and the questions asked:

1. The upgrade will provide hi-definition Cable TV, all the music channels, one large hi-def cable box, two hi-def cable adapters, internet service and internet modem at no cost to our owners. Beachplace receives this at a discount price which is more than 60% below Comcast's retail pricing.

2. Comcast will be sending each owner a letter (to your Comcast billing address) with details as soon as the middle of April. (Note: this is a month earlier than previously scheduled). Do not call Comcast about the upgrade until you receive their letter because they will not have the information until then. When you call Comcast, please make sure that their computer system identifies you by the phone number Comcast has attached to your account. This will ensure that your call is directed to Comcast's bulk customer service office in Ft. Myers. This is reputed to have some of their best customer service agents and fastest response times for answering your call.

3. If you don't respond to the Comcast letter and don't call them, the changes will be made in your bill to stop billing for those services and equipment that Beachplace is providing. However, if you have a Comcast bundle, you might still be charged for it even though you probably no longer need it.

4. If you presently have Comcast hi-definition boxes and a Comcast internet modem, you might not need to upgrade your equipment. When you respond to the Comcast letter, discuss this with them.

5. If your TV is not high-definition, you might still want to upgrade your cable box to the new standard. At some time in the future, you might be upgrading your TV to a high definition one. It will be easier to do if your Comcast equipment is ready for it.

6. If you are not presently using the Internet, it would still be a good idea to have the Internet modem installed. If and when you start using the internet, it will be easier to do if an internet modem is already installed.

7. Unless you already have the high-definition cable box, two high-definition cable adapters and the Comcast internet modem, you will need to upgrade the equipment in your apartment. This can be done in any of three different ways: a. You can request that Comcast ship the upgraded equipment to you and you install the equipment yourself. You would have to ship the old equipment back to Comcast. There would be no cost for this option. b. You can pick up the equipment from the Comcast office on University near I75 and install it yourself. There would be no cost for this option.

c. You can request that the Comcast installer bring your new equipment and install it. At the same time, they will check out your cables and other connections in your apartment and fix any problems. If you have this done in the first 90 days of the contract (estimated at May, June or July), the cost will be a special rate of $30. If it is done later, the cost will be $60. Beachplace will arrange to have one of its employees accompany the Comcast technician when they do the installation. I expect this will be the method selected by most of our Beachplace owners.

8. If you currently have a Comcast bundle, we would think the best choice for most owners would be to drop the bundle. It is not economically advantageous for most owners.

9. If you currently have Comcast phone and want to continue with it, Comcast has a $20/month phone service that should take care of your needs. It provides free calls within the US, Canada, Puerto Rico and several other islands. However, Comcast will charge you extra if you want voicemail and other features. There are other options for phone service with costs as low as $5/month. If you need additional information, please feel free to email me at

10. There are a number of services that Comcast offers including DVR (Digital Video Recording), Sports Entertainment Package, HBO, Showtime, Starz, Netflix and many more. Some of these will require an upgrade to your equipment at an additional cost. You can view them on the Comcast web site at . If you need additional information, you can consult the Comcast Pricing Guide which will be available shortly on the Beachplace Association website ().

11. If you are going to be away for an extended period, there is no need to put your cable TV and/or Internet on Seasonal Convenience plan unless you have upgraded your equipment and are being billed for it.

12. If you are going to be away for an extended period, you might want to put your phone service (if any) on the Seasonal Convenience plan to save most of the monthly charges.

13. Our Comcast representative will be visiting once each month and will be available in the Clubhouse to meet with you to go over any problems you have with your bill or services. His schedule will be on the Beachplace website calendar ().

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at or the Beachplace office (office@).


Michael Gold


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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