SUBSCRIPTION VIDEO-ON-DEMAND LICENSE AGREEMENTTHIS SUBSCRIPTION VIDEO-ON-DEMAND LICENSE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), dated as of November __, 2011 (“Effective Date”), is entered into by and between Sony Pictures Television Inc. (“Licensor”) and Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, on behalf of itself and its affiliates (“Licensee”).(“Licensee”). [Please confirm that Comcast Cable Communications, LLC is separate legal entity that is a U.S. tax resident.] For good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:DEFINITIONS. All capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below.“Approved Device” shall mean, for access to Licensed Service programs via Traditional System Means (as defined below) and via Internet browsers,), all hardware devices having such access, that (1) supports the Approved Format, (2) satisfies the content protection requirements set forth in Schedule B attached hereto, and (3) enforces the Usage Rules; and for access to Licensed Service programs via all other Approved Transmission Means, each Internet connected television set, personal computerPersonal Computer, Tablet/e-reader, Game Console, Mobile Device, and Approved Set-Top Box, and any other hardware device approved by Licensor for receipt of Licensor’sso long as such television and movie programs via Approved Transmission Means (or similar means), collectively, that, Personal Computer, Table, Game Console, Mobile Device, Approved Set-Top Box and device (1) supports the Approved Format, (2) satisfies the applicable content protection requirements set forth in Schedule B attached hereto, and (3) enforces the Usage Rules. Approved Devices other than Internet connected television sets, personal computers, Game Consoles and Approved Set-Top Boxes shall be deemed “Portable Devices.” “Approved Format” means (x) for distribution via Traditional System Means, in an encrypted format; provided, that for distribution via Traditional System Means to Approved Set-Top Boxes, such format shall be a digital electronic media file compressed and encoded for secure transmission in the applicable resolution(s) set forth in that certain License Agreement dated August 31, 2006 by and between Licensor and Licensee, including, without limitation, all amendments thereto (or any successor agreement, the “Set-top Agreement”), andor (y) for distribution via all other Approved Transmission Means, in an encrypted and protected format using one of the content protection systems (i) approved for UltraViolet services by the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem (DECE), and said implementation meets the compliance and robustness rules associated with the chosen UltraViolet approved content protection system, (ii) approved hereunder, and/or (iii) approved by Licensor for any Other SVOD Distributor with the complianceterms and robustness rulesconditions required by Licensor for such Other SVOD Distributor. The content protection systems approved hereunder are: [Draft note: consider moving to DRM schedule.]a. Marlin Broadband,b. Microsoft Playready,c. CMLA Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) DRM Version 2 or 2.1,d. Adobe Flash Access 2.0 (not Adobe’s Flash streaming product), e. Widevine Cypher ?,f. Akamai HDS,g. Adobe RTMPeh. Move Networks/Secure Mediai. SSL,j. Microsoft Media Room Technologies, k. DTCP-IP/DLNA, l. Pro?Idiom, andm. HDCP over HDMI[ listed in Schedule B: The Approved Format setting shall be set in a manner such that theto maintain all files containing any Included Program shall be delivered in the same resolution as permitted or required hereunder and shall not allow for the capturing or storing (other than caching) of any Included Program delivered via Streaming or the copying or moving of any Included Program delivered via Electronic Downloading (whether within the receiving device, to another device or to a removable medium), except as otherwise permitted hereunder (e.g., via Side Loading). Without limiting Licensor’s rights in the event of a Security Breach, if thean Approved Format is materially altered by its publisher after the Effective Date, such that the security systems or usage rules supported as of the Effective Date are significantly[materially reduced (as generally perceived in the industry), the parties shall discuss in good faith removing the approval of], such Approved Format shall no longer be an Approved Format hereunder; provided, that such approval shall not be withdrawn [so long as such Approved Format is not permitted by Licensor to be used by any Other SVOD Distributor for Licensor programs.][DRAFT NOTE: Under review.] .]“Approved Set-Top Box” means an individually addressed and addressable set-top device (including, without limitation, an equivalent built-in component (e.g., a built-in component that provides access directly to a digital television by means of a conditional access card or similar technology), but not a Portable Device)portable device or a mobile/cellular phone) [approved in writing by Licensor] designed for the exhibition of audio-visual content on a television set or monitor. For purposes of this definition, personal computersPersonal Computers, Tablets, Game Consoles, or any Mobile Devices shall be deemed not to be Approved Set Top Boxes.[DRAFT NOTE: Under review.].“Approved Transmission Means” means (i) the transmissionEncrypted delivery of audio-visual content by means of closed system via wireline (including without limitation, copper wire, fiber optic cable and/or closed system IP/DSL network infrastructure (including ADSL/ADSL 2+/FTTH technologies)) located solely within the Territory and in each case owned, operated and/or controlled by Licensee (but not, for the avoidance of doubt over the Internet (as defined below))(“Traditional System Means”); and (ii) the transmissionEncrypted delivery of audio-visual content via Streaming or (as applicable) temporary downloading or Electronic Downloading over the global, public network of interconnected networks (including the so-called Internet, Internet2 and World Wide Web), each using technology which is currently known as Internet Protocol (“IP”), free to the consumer (other than a common carrier/ISP access charge), whether transmitted over wireline, wireless or other means (the “Internet”). For the avoidance of doubt, an in-home network (whether via wireless, wireline or otherwise), shall be deemed to be included as an Approved Transmission Means hereunder (including as part of the Traditional System Means, if the home network’s initial receiving device received the MVPD Licensed Service via Traditional System Means). For purposes of this definition, any means of Viral Distribution shall be deemed not to be an Approved Transmission Means. “Authorized Subscriber” means an MVPD Subscriber or OTT Subscriber, as applicable. “Authorized Version” for any Included Program, means the Standard Definition version and, as identified in Exhibit A (or, for Included Programs that are not listed in Exhibit A, if available), the High Definition version, in each case in the Licensed Language. “Availability Date” with respect to an Included Program means the date on which such program is first made available for exhibition hereunder as specified in Section 4.1.“Business Day” means any day other than (i) a Saturday or Sunday or (ii) any day on which banks in Los Angeles, California or New York, New York are closed or are authorized to be closed. “Comparable Pictures” means motion pictures that Licensee licenses for SVOD exhibition from any Major Studio (as defined in Section 6.2 hereof) that are of comparable genre, Domestic Box Office, license period and point in license period (e.g., newly available to the Licensed Service) to the Included Programs, critical acclaim, awards won and theatrical release year.“Electronic Downloading” means the transmission of a digital file containing audio-visual content from a remote source, which file may be stored and the content thereon viewed on a “progressive download” basis and/or at a time subsequent to the time of its transmission to the viewer. “Encrypted” means, with respect to a signal, that both the audio and video portions of such signal have been changed, altered or encoded to securely and effectively prevent the intelligible reception of such signal without the use of fully authorized decoding equipment to restore both the audio and video signal integrity. “Event of Force Majeure” in respect of a party means any reasonably unforeseeable act, cause, contingency or circumstance beyond, in each case, the reasonable control of such party, including, without limitation, any governmental action, nationalization, expropriation, confiscation, seizure, allocation, embargo, prohibition of import or export of goods or products, regulation, order or restriction (whether foreign, federal or state), war (whether or not declared), civil commotion, disobedience or unrest, insurrection, public strike, riot or revolution, fire, flood, drought, other natural calamity, damage or destruction to plant and/or equipment, or any other accident, condition, cause, contingency or circumstance (including without limitation, acts of God within or without the United States).“Game Console” means a device designed primarily for the playing of electronic games, which is also capable of receiving Encrypted audiovisual content via?an IP connection, and transmitting such content to a Television or other display device. [DRAFT NOTE: Under review.] “High Definition” means any resolution that is (a) 1080 vertical lines of resolution or less (but at least 720 vertical lines of resolution) and (b) 1920 lines of horizontal resolution or less (but at least 1280 lines of horizontal resolution). [DRAFT NOTE: Under review.] “Included Program” means each television series or feature film specified in Schedule A attached hereto (as may be amended or supplemented upon mutual written agreement of the parties), or as may be included hereunder pursuant to Section 7, and any Additional Programs (as defined in Section 5; it being understood that, with respect to television series, only the specific season(s) and episodes thereof specified in Schedule A are included hereunder). For purposes of clarification and not of limitation, “Included Programs” shall include only the Included Programs licensed by Licensee under this Agreement and shall not relate to any other versions of such films licensed by Licensee pursuant to any other agreement.“Laws” means the applicable laws, rules, regulations, permits and self-regulatory codes of the Territory, and the country (if different) of Licensee’s domicile, including, without limitation, consumer protection, security and personal information management (PIM), privacy and anti-spam laws.“License Period” with respect to each Included Program means the period during which Licensee may exhibit such Included Program as specified in Section 4.2.“Licensed Language” means for each Included Program (x) its original language if the original language is English and, if the original language is not English, the original language subtitled in English, [and (y) Spanish to the extent available and provided hereunder by Licensor][DRAFT NOTE: Sony checking.]..“Licensed Services” means the MVPD Licensed Service and the OTT Licensed Service. “MVPD Licensed Service” means the non-advertiser supported SVOD programming service at all times owned and managed by Licensee and branded “_________” or any other brand designated by Licensee, which will in no event be branded to a traditional linear network (e.g., TBS, TNT, HBO) (a “Licensed Service Brand”). Included Programs delivered from the MVPD Licensed Service to Approved Devices shall be made available only via (i) Approved Devices receiving Traditional System Means, (ii) Licensed Service-branded websites dedicated to the MVPD Licensed Service (e.g., _______), and/or (iii) the websites and other applications owned and controlled by Licensee that offer audiovisual programming over the Internet; provided that if the MVPD Licensed Service is offered through such a website or other application, the MVPD Licensed Service will be branded the same Licensed Service Brand as the version of the MVPD Licensed Service made available by Licensee via Traditional System Means. The MVPD Licensed Service may not be advertising supported, sub-distributed (i.e., commercially licensed to a third party), co-branded (i.e., offered to consumers with a third party brand), or “white labeled” to a third party. For purposes of clarification and not of limitation, nothing herein shall restrict Licensee from providing Authorized Subscribers (with a proper login and password) access to the MVPD Licensed Service via a Licensee-branded embedded player on third party websites.“MVPD Subscribers” means subscribers of Licensee who subscribe to and are authorized to receive the MVPD Licensed Service. For purposes of calculating License Fees, the following shall not be included as an MVPD Subscriber: ([(i) any Licensee employee or customary subscriber not charged for their monthly MVPD services (e.g., public employees, public buildings, schools); (ii) not more than 1% of MVPD Subscribers for any given month that fail to pay Licensee for the MVPD Licensed Service; and (iii)]; and (ii) any MVPD Subscriber receiving the MVPD Service pursuant to a Free Trial.“Mobile Device” means an IP-enabled mobile hardware device of a user, generally receiving transmission of a program over a transmission system designed for mobile devices (including but not limited to cellular technology, 3G, 4G, GSM, UMTS, LTE and IEEE 802.11 (“wifi”)). For purposes of this definition, Approved Set-Top Boxes, Game Consoles, Tablets or personal computers shall be deemed not to be Mobile Devices. [DRAFT NOTE: Under review.] “Other SVOD Distributor” means anotherany party that distributes Licensor’s programs full length television programs or feature films in the Territory during the Term for residential (i.e., non-commercial), not for hotels or other non-theatrical venues)) exhibition via Approved Transmission Means (or other similar means).“Other SVOD Distributor” means an Other Distributor that distributes Licensor’s programs to Approved Devices on an SVOD basis. “OTT Licensed Service” means the non-advertiser supported SVOD programming service at all times owned and managed by Licensee and branded with a Licensed Service Brand. Included Programs delivered from the OTT Licensed Service to Approved Devices shall be made available only via (i) OTT Licensed Service-branded websites dedicated to the OTT Licensed Service (e.g., _______), and/or (ii) the websites and other applications owned and controlled by Licensee. For the avoidance of doubt, Licensee shall not distribute the OTT Licensed Service via Traditional System Means. The OTT Licensed Service may not be advertising supported, sub-distributed (i.e., commercially licensing to a third party), co-branded (i.e., offered to consumers with a third party brand), or “white labeled”). For purposes of clarification and not of limitation, nothing herein shall restrict Licensee from providing Authorized Subscribers (with a proper login and password) access to the OTT Licensed Service via a Licensee-branded embedded player on third party websites. “OTT Subscribers” means subscribers of Licensee who subscribe to and receive the OTT Licensed Service. For purposes of calculating License Fees, the following shall not be included as an OTT Subscriber: ([(i) any Licensee employee not charged for the OTT Licensed Service; (ii) not more than 1% of OTT Subscribers for any given month that fail to pay Licensee for the OTT Licensed Service;;] and (iiiii) any OTT Subscriber receiving the OTT Service pursuant to a Free Trial.“Permitted Use” means the private viewing by one or more persons on an Approved Device in non-public locations, and in public locations, provided that the consumer’s use of Approved Devices in such locations is purely personal, and provided, however, that any such viewing for which a premises access fee or other admission charge is imposed (other than any fee related only to access such public venue for other general purposes, including fees to access the Internet) or, except as required personally to view digital files stored on an Authorized Subscriber’s Approved Device, any such viewing that is on a monitor, television set or other device provided by such public venue (or by a third party under any agreement or arrangement with such public venue) shall not constitute a “Permitted Use.”“Personal Computer” shall mean an IP enabled desktop or laptop device with a hard drive, keyboard and monitor, designed for multiple office and other applications using a silicon chip/microprocessor architecture. Personal Computer shall not include tablets, game consoles, set top boxes, mobile devices or any device that uses Linux as an operating system. “Personal Use” means the private, non-commercial viewing by one or more persons on the conventional television set or monitor associated with an Approved Device in non-public locations and, provided that the consumer’s use of Approved Devices in such locations is personal and non-commercial, in public locations; provided, however, that any such viewing for which a premises access fee or other admission charge is imposed (other than any fee related only to access such non-residential venue for other general purposes) or any such viewing that is on a monitor provided by such non-residential venue (or by a third party under any agreement or arrangement with such non-residential venue) shall not constitute a “Personal Use.”“Promotional Preview” means a video clip consisting of no longer than the first two minutes thirty seconds (2:30) of consecutive footage (“Maximum Preview Duration”) from any Included Program.“Public Areas” means public or common rooms, waiting rooms, lobbies and public meeting rooms, or other similar areas which are open to the general public.“Security Breach” means (i) a Security Flaw that results or may likely result in the unauthorized availability of any Included Program or results in the unauthorized availability of any other motion picture that originated in its compressed form from files obtained from the Licensed Service, (ii) a Security Flaw that results or may result in the availability of any Included Program on, or means to transfer any Included Program to, devices that are not Approved Devices, or the ability to transcode to formats that are not Approved Formats and/or transmit through delivery means that are not Approved Transmission Means; or (iii) a circumvention or failure of the Licensee’s secure distribution system, geofiltering technology or physical facilities, which condition(s), in each case, which may, in the reasonablesole good faith judgment of Licensor, result in material actual or threatened harm to Licensor of which Licensee is notified or aware.. In the event Licensor or Licensee identifies any such threatened harm hereunder, Licensor or Licensee shall notify Licenseethe other party of the potential risk and the parties agree to timely meet and confer to review the issue and establish measures, if any, to address the issue. “Security Flaw” means a circumvention or failure of the Licensee’s secure distribution system, geofiltering technology or physical facilities. “Security Flaw” means a circumvention or failure of the Licensee’s secure distribution system, geofiltering technology or physical facilities.“Side Loading” means the transfer of an Included Program from a personal computer or Approved Set-Top Box to a Portable Device by means of locally connecting (physically via cable or wirelessly via a localized connection, but in no event via the Internet) such personal computer or Approved Set-Top Box to a Portable Deviceportable device for viewing solely on such Portable Deviceportable device. “Standard Definition” or “SD” means (a) for NTSC, any resolution equal to or less than 480 lines of vertical resolution (and equal to or less than 720 lines of horizontal resolution) and (b) for PAL, any resolution equal to or less than 576 lines of vertical resolution (and equal to or less than 720 lines of horizontal resolution). [DRAFT NOTE: Under review.]“Streaming” means the transmission of a digital file containing audio-visual content from a remote source for viewing concurrently with its transmission, which file, except for temporary caching or buffering of a portion thereof (but in no event the entire file), may not be stored or retained for viewing at a later time (i.e., no leave-behind copy – no playable copy as a result of the stream – resides on the receiving device).“Subscription Video-On-Demand” or “SVOD” means the electronic means by which a consumer views an audio-visual program or programs for which there is an ascertainable periodic subscription fee chargeable to subscribers (e.g., made available as an a la carte service for a separate and material fee or as part of a bundled package of services), in exchange for which such subscriber may view such movies and/or television programs an unlimited number of times for a set period of time (e.g., monthly), the exhibition start time of which is at a time specified by the subscriber in its discretion. SVOD shall not include, without limitation, transactional video-on-demand, ad supported video-on-demand, transactional pay-per-view, electronic sell-through (or the equivalent thereof), manufacture-on-demand, or in-store digital download (e.g., kiosks).) or any form of linear television.“Tablet” means any device with a built-in screen and a keyboard, for which user input is primarily via touch screen, that is designed to be highly portable, not designed primarily for making voice calls, and runs on one of the following operating systems: iOS, Android, WebOS or RIM’s QNX Neutrino (each, a “Permitted Tablet OS”).? For purposes of this definition, personal computers, Game Consoles, Approved Set-Top Boxes, Mobile Devicesgame consoles, set-top boxes, mobile phone devices or any devices that run an operating system other than a Permitted Tablet OS shall be deemed not to be Tablets. [DRAFT NOTE: Under review.] “Temporary Dwelling Units” shall mean private or semi-private dwelling units in a hotel, motel, hospital, nursing home, dormitory, prison or similar structure, institution or place of transient residence, not including Public Areas therein.“Term” shall have the meaning assigned in Section 3 hereof.“Territory” means the fifty states of the United States of America plus the District of Columbia, all U.S. territories and U.S. possessions; provided, that Licensor understands and acknowledges that websites and applications containing materials for, or related to, the Licensed Services and the Included Programs may not be geofiltered and thus viewable outside of the Territory, but no video content of the Included Programs shall be available for streaming or playback outside of the Territory.“Territorial Breach” means a Security Breach that creates a likely, material risk that any of the Included Programs will be delivered to persons outside the Territory, where such delivery outside the Territory is likely to, in the reasonable good faith judgment of Licensor, result in actual or threatened harm to Licensor of which Licensee is notified or aware. In the event Licensor identifies any such threatened harm hereunder, Licensor shall notify Licensee of the potential risk and the parties agree to timely meet and confer to review the issue and establish measures, if any, to address the issue. “Trailer” means a scene or sequence or series of scenes from an Included Program approved or separately provided by Licensor to Licensee, and used to advertise or promote that Included Program’s exhibition on the Licensed Service and no other person, product or service. “Usage Rules” means those usage rules set forth on Schedule U attached hereto. “VCR Functionality” means the capability of a subscriber to perform any or all of the following functions with respect to the delivery of an Included Program: stop, resume, pause, rewind and fast forward. “Viral Distribution” means the retransmission and/or redistribution of an Included Program, either by the Licensee or by the Authorized Subscriber (as permitted by the Licensee), by any method, in a viewable, unencrypted form (other than as expressly allowed herein) including, but not limited to: (i) peer-to-peer file sharing as such practice is commonly understood in the online context, (ii) digital file copying or retransmission, or (iii) burning, downloading or other copying to any removable medium (such as DVD) from the initial download targeted by the Licensed Service (other than as specifically set forth herein in the Usage Rules) and distribution of copies of an Included Program viewable on any such removable medium.LICENSE. Grant of License. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a limited, non-exclusive license to transmit, distribute, exhibit and exploit in the Territory each Included Program in its Authorized Version(s) for distribution to residential customers for exhibition during its License Period and for Personal Use only, in accordance with the Usage Rules, solely in the Licensed Language via Approved Transmission Means on a Subscription Video-On-Demand basis through only (i) the MVPD Licensed Service to MVPD Subscribers for Permitted Use and (ii) the OTT Licensed Service to OTT Subscribers for Permitted Use, subject at all times to the Bundling Restrictions (as defined below). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Licensee shall not be permitted to deliver or transmit Included Programs to Temporary Dwelling Units, Public Areas and Commercial Establishments. In addition, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a limited, non-exclusive license to use the Advertising Materials (as defined below) to promote and advertise via all means and media the Included Programs and the Licensed Services in accordance with Section 13 below. The periodic subscription fee charged to MVPD Subscribers and OTT Subscribers must be charged no more frequently than monthly and may not be charged on a per-program(s) or per exhibition(s) basis. The MVPD Licensed Service may be delivered only to MVPD Subscribers and the OTT Licensed Service may be delivered only to OTT Subscribers. Without limiting the foregoing, each such transmission of an Included Program shall be solely by the Approved Transmission Means, in an Approved Format to Approved Devices located in the Territory. For purposes of clarification, nothing herein shall restrict an Authorized Subscriber from viewing an Included Program on a portable Approved Device outside of the Territory so long as the Included Program was received by such Authorized Subscriber on the applicable Approved Device while such Authorized Subscriber and the Approved Device were within the Territory. Licensee shall have the right to exploit the Subscription Video-On-Demand rights using VCR Functionality; provided, that in the event Licensor offers any Other SVOD Distributor additional functionality (e.g., “jump to scene”, chaptering, continuous play) for any motion pictures or television series that are also Included Programs hereunder, Licensor shall also make such functionality available to Licensee for such Included Programs pursuant to the applicablesame terms and conditions (if any).) agreed to by such Other SVOD Distributor.Restrictions on License. Licensee agrees that without the specific written consent of Licensor, or except as otherwise set forth herein: (a) the license granted hereunder may not be assigned, licensed or sublicensed in whole or in part, nor may any Included Program be sub-distributed in any way; (b) no Included Program may be delivered, transmitted or exhibited other than as set forth in Section 2.1 or otherwise permitted in this Agreement; and (c) no person or entity shall be authorized by Licensee to do any of the acts forbidden herein. [Comcast to come back to Sony with its proposal for what it can do to notify us of unauthorized transmission, etc. Sony open to reasonable materiality limits.]Reservation of Rights. All licenses, rights and interest in, to and with respect to the Included Program, the elements and parts thereof, and the media of exhibition and exploitation thereof, not specifically granted herein to Licensee (but for which Licensee would otherwise need a license from Licensor to enjoy with regard to the foregoing) shall be and are specifically and entirely reserved by and for Licensor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Licensee acknowledges and agrees (a) that this Agreement shall not grant to Licensee or any other person or entity any right, title or interest in or to the copyright or any other right in the Included Program, nor any ownership or other proprietary interests in the Included Program; and (b) that Licensor retains the right to fully exploit the Included Program and Licensor’s rights in the Included Program without limitation or holdback of any kind, whether or not competitive with Licensee.[OPEN: DISCUSS “free to the user” availability of Included Programs.] . Marketing Restrictions. Licensee shall cause the Licensed Services to be clearly branded with the applicable Licensed Service Brand on those portions of those websites offering the Licensed Services and the programs therein (e.g., not including webpages that provide a link to the Licensed Service). All Included Programs appearing on a Licensed Service shall be categorized as part of a Licensed Service Brand. Licensee shall communicate a value to the Licensed Service (e.g., listing an list the a la carte price) of each of the Licensed Services to Authorized Subscribers on (1) the rate card made publicly available via the website(s) dedicated to the Licensed Services and (2) in mailings sent out to Authorized Subscribers at least once per year. In the event the Licensed Service is listed as a separate line item on monthly billing statements, the a la carte price shall be listed, [if and to the extent Licensee lists a la carte prices for premium services that are listed on such monthly billing statement and that are included in the same package as the Licensed Service.]. With respect to the MVPD Licensed Service, the parties agree that, subject to each Included Program being identified as being part of the MVPD Licensed Service, nothing herein shall restrict Licensee from listing the Included Program under categories not otherwise a part of the MVPD Licensed Service (e.g., a “free movies” or similar tab), whether via a subcategory or otherwise, in user interfaces so long as such Included Program are accessible for viewing only by MVPD Subscribers. [Comcast to propose what they can do with respect to consultation regarding marketing/promotional plans.]Bundling and Packaging. The following restrictions set forth in this Section 2.5 (“Bundling Restrictions”) shall apply if the MVPD Licensed Service is made available by Licensee to MVPD Subscribers as part of a bundle of multiple cable programming, home security, internet connectivity services or phone services offered by Licensee: the MVPD Licensed Service may not be bundled solely with internet or, broadband services, solely with home security services, or solely with telephony services, or solely with internet and telephony servicesany combination of the foregoing, unless the bundle containing the MVPD Licensed Service has a price differentialis priced materially higher than the price of thesuch bundle of services without the MVPD Licensed Service ([(which may include an increase for an existing bundle or including the MVPD Licensed Service as a replacement for another component of such bundle);)], which bundle price (not including the MVPD Licensed Service) must be listed on (1) the rate card made publicly available via the website(s) dedicated to the Licensed Services and (2) in mailings sent out to Authorized Subscribers at least once per year; provided, that the MVPD Licensed Service shall not be bundled solely with a level of internet or broadband service that is considered entry level speed for internet or broadband services; and the MVPD Licensed Service may not be bundled solely with an analog basic cable programming package, except for the limited promotional offers described in Section 2.5.23.the MVPD Licensed Service may never be bundled with any goods or services other than the type expressly permitted in this Section 2.5.the MVPD Licensed Service may not be bundled with home security unless home security is offered in a bundle with any one or more of multiple cable programming, internet connectivity services or phone services offered by Licensee and offered in accordance with 2.5.2. Licensee may bundle the MVPD Licensed Service solely with analog basic cable service only as part of a bundle available to new customers (customers that sign up for such package after the Effective Date) or to existing subscribers to such bundle as a replacement for another component of such bundle.programming service in such bundle that has a value that is comparable to the MVPD Licensed Service; provided, however, that the price of the bundle containing the MVPD Licensed Service must be priced materially higher than the price of such bundle without the MVPD Licensed Service, which bundle price (not including the MVPD Licensed Service) must be listed on (1) the rate card made publicly available via the website(s) dedicated to the Licensed Services and (2) in mailings sent out to Authorized Subscribers at least once per year;. In no event may the then-current number of Licensee’s customers that are receiving the bundle described in this Section 2.5.2 exceed [500,000] at any given time during the Term. The OTT Licensed Service must be offered on an a la carte basis and may not be bundled with other products or services (except for other over-the-top services), and each OTT Subscriber owned and controlled by Licensee or for which Licensee is the distributor and directly bills the subscribers). Each OTT Subscriber purchasing the OTT Licensed Service on an a la carte basis must be charged a distinct, material, periodic subscription fee for the right to receive the OTT Licensed Service, and such periodic fee must be unaffected in any way by the purchase of other programs, products or services, but not referring to any fee in the nature of an equipment rental or purchase fee, chargeable to such subscriber. If the OTT Licensed Service is being offered bundled with other over-the-top services as described above, the fee for such bundle must be materially higher than the fee for a bundle of such services that do not include the OTT Licensed Service, which bundle price (not including the OTT Licensed Service) must be listed on (1) the rate card made publicly available via the website(s) dedicated to the Licensed Services and (2) in mailings sent out to Authorized Subscribers at least once per year;. The OTT Licensed Service may never be bundled with any goods or services other than the type expressly permitted in this Section 2.5.Except as set forth in this Section 2.5, Licensee shall have complete and sole discretion in (i) determining the tier(s) or level(s) of programming service in which the MVPD Licensed Service is included, and (ii) setting the retail price for (a) the MVPD Licensed Service, and (b) the tier(s), package(s) or bundle(s) in which the MVPD Licensed Service is offered, and (c) the OTT Licensed Service. For clarity, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Licensee’s offering of the MVPD Licensed Service on an a la carte basis may be purchased by any subscriber of any other service(s) without restriction (e.g., nothing shall restrict an analog basic cable subscriber from also purchasing the MVPD Licensed Service). Verification of MVPD Subscribers. Prior to providing any Included Program or other program as part of the MVPD Licensed Service to an MVPD Subscriber over the Internet, the MVPD Licensed Service must first verify that such subscriber meets the definition of “MVPD Subscriber” (e.g., requiring the subscriber to provide their cable account number or other information to verify that the subscriber is an MVPD Subscriber and is authorized to receive the Licensed Service). In addition, Licensee shall periodically re-verify that each subscriber seeking to access the MVPD Licensed Service over the Internet meets the definition of “MVPD Subscriber” before allowing such access. Aggregate Number of MVPD Subscribers Caps. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the Aggregate Number of MVPD Subscribers shall not exceed 20,000,000 at any point during the Term. For purposes of this Agreement, “Aggregate Number of MVPD Subscribers” means the total aggregate number of MVPD Subscribers, measured on average for each month during the Term (calculated by adding the number of MVPD Subscribers at the beginning of the month and the end of the month and dividing by 2).[DRAFT NOTE: Terms of Service for cable are part of the customer agreement, and ToS for the website are for viewing content generally, not just the Licensed Service. Please see ] [Are these terms of service intended to cover the OTT Service and MVPD Service regardless of how the subscriber accesses the service?]TERM. The “Term” of this Agreement shall commence on the date after the Effective Date that is the earlier of (x) March 31February 29, 2012 and (y) commercial distribution of either Licensed Service, and shall expire on the date eighteen (18) months thereafter.; provided, however that the Effective Date may not be earlier than January 1, 2012. This Agreement does not grant to Licensee the right to exploit any Included Program prior to the Effective Date or after the end of its License Period. [Sony is open to starting the majority of TV product after April 1st.] Notwithstanding the foregoing, no termination or expiration of this Agreement, howsoever occasioned, shall relieve either party hereunder of any obligations that are expressly or impliedly created before or that expressly or impliedly continue after any such termination or expiration hereof.LICENSE PERIOD.Availability Date. The Availability Date for each Included Program shall be (a) as set forth on Schedule A for the Included Programs on Schedule A, as determined by Licensor in its sole discretion and set forth on Schedule A and (b) for Included Programs added hereunder as a replacement program pursuant to Section 7, as determined by Licensor in consultation with Licensee, and (c) for Additional Programs (as defined below), determined by Licensor in its sole discretion and as memorialized in an amendment to Schedule A pursuant to Section 5.License Period. The License Period for each Included Program shall commence on its Availability Date and shall expire on the date specified by Licensor in Schedule A attached hereto. [Under review: 18 month license periods.]LICENSING COMMITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS. [For the first 12 months during During the Term, Licensee shall license from Licensor hereunder the Included Programs specified on Schedule A attached hereto. [DRAFT NOTE: Need to address number of titles and number of License Period months (and quality) confirmed under this Agreement.] Licensor shall provide a supplemental availability list for months 13-18 of the Term and Licensee shall select at least 325 feature films and [___] television series from such list to license during months 13-18 and Schedule A shall be amended to add such additional films and series. On or about the ninth month of the Term, Licensor shall deliver to Licensee a list of available Included Programs (which shall contain a mix of content similar in quality as the Included Programs listed on Schedule A, and of no less quality as the list provided to Licensee for the selection of films and television series for Schedule A) from which Licensee may select the Included Programs to meet its licensing commitment during months 13-18 and Licensee must make its selections within thirty (30) days of receiving such availability list. If Licensor does not provide a list meeting the requirements above and/or Licensee does not select a number of programs to meet the licensing commitment described above by such date, then the parties shall discuss in good faith the necessary selections required hereunder. The availability of programs included in an Availability List The availability of programs included in any availability list provided by Licensor is not guaranteed until Licensee makes its selection and such selection is confirmed by Licensor.PROGRAMMING.Program Categories. Licensee shall inform Licensor of the genres or other categories (including “moods”) of programming (e.g., action, comedy, romance) available on the Licensed Service, and shall use reasonable efforts to notify Licensor if it materially modifies such genres/categories (access to the Licensed Service website sufficing as notice) and Licensor may recommend genres or other categories from that list on which each Included Program may appear. Licensee shall provide complimentary access to each Licensed Service website to Licensor throughout the Term. Nothing contained herein shall disallow Licensee from cross promoting the Included Programs across multiple genres or other categories and nothing herein shall require Licensee to utilize genres for promotion of Included Programs. Further, Licensee shall not categorize Included Programs within genres or other categories in a derogatory or grossly inappropriate manner. Adult Programs. Licensee represents and warrants that it currently has no intention of offering Adult Programs as part of the Licensed Services. In the event Licensee elects to offer any Adult Programs via the Licensed Services, Licensee shall notify Licensor in writing and Licensee agrees that the amount of Adult Programs shall be generally consistent with (or less than) the amount included on premium video offerings.(i) the amount of Adult Programs on each Licensed Service shall account for no more than ___% of all programs contained on such Licensed Service and (ii) neither Licensed Service shall incorporate an Included Program and any Adult Program in the same menu interface; provided that the foregoing restriction shall not apply to alphabetical lists, search results or other user initiated categorization of programming. As used herein, “Adult Program” shall mean any motion picture or related promotional content that has either been [((i) rated NC-17 (or successor rating, or if unrated would likely have received an NC-17 rating), other than a title released by an arm of Licensor, Universal Studios, Twentieth Century Fox, The Walt Disney Company, DreamWorks SKG, Paramount Pictures, MGM, Warner Bros., Lions Gate Films, Weinstein Company, New Line Cinema, Summit, or Overture (or other similar mainstream movie studio), or their subsidiaries (each, a “Major Studio”), or a title otherwise deemed not to be an Adult Program by Licensor in its solegood faith discretion,][DISCUSS], or (ii) rated X (or higher), or is unrated and would have likely received an X (or such higher rating) if it had been submitted to the MPAA for rating. Nothing herein shall restrict Licensee from including unrated versions of motion pictures (e.g., American Pie Unrated).Promotional Previews. Licensee shall have the right to exhibit Promotional Previews to Authorized Subscribers on the Licensed Services and as otherwise permitted herein, subject to any contractual restrictions of which Licensor notifies Licensee in advance in writing. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the event that any guild, union, or collective bargaining agreements to which Licensor or its affiliates is or becomes a party requires a maximum duration for video clips that is shorter than the Maximum Preview Duration in order to avoid a residual, reuse or other fee in connection therewith, Licensee shall either (i) shorten the duration of each Promotional Preview on the Licensed Service in accordance with the terms of the notice (“Revised Preview Duration”) as soon as reasonably possible using good faith efforts, but in no event longer than ten (10) business days after receipt of such notice or (ii) cease using Promotional Previews. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Licensor shall have the right to terminate (a) Licensee’s right to use a Promotional Preview for a particular Included Program on a case-by-case basis if Licensor reasonably believes that such Promotional Preview is not appropriate for all audiences or may violate the terms of any of Licensor’s agreements with, or may adversely affect Licensor’s material relations with, any third party [if Licensor withdraws such right from all Other SVOD Distributors,], and (b) Licensee’s general right to use Promotional Previews under this Agreement if Licensor withdraws such general right from all Other SVOD Distributors. Licensor shall give Licensee written notice of any such termination, in which event Licensee shall cease using the applicable Promotional Preview(s) as soon as reasonably possible using good faith efforts, but in any event within five (5) business days after receipt of such notice.MPAA Ratings; Anti-Piracy Warnings. If Licensor provides Licensee, in writing, the MPAA rating information about a particular Included Program as part of the materials delivered hereunder, then Licensee shall display the MPAA rating for each Included Program on the main product page for such Included Program within each Licensed Service for the Included Programs in the same manner and to the same extent (if any) it provides MPAA ratings for other similar content in the Licensed Service from similar Licensed Service licensors (“Similar Content/Similar Providers”). [What does Comcast do?]Licensee shall display anti-piracy warnings in the same manner and to the same extent (if any) it provides anti-piracy warnings for other Similar Content/Similar Providers. [What does Comcast do?]Licensee shall be required to comply with the foregoing only to the extent Licensor requires the same for each of its Other SVOD Distributors. With respect to the MPAA ratings information and antipiracy warnings, Licensee represents and warrants that it shall comply with the governmental rules, regulations and laws applicable to its distribution of the Licensed Services and the Included Programs included therein.WITHDRAWAL OF PROGRAMS. Licensor shall have the right to withdraw any Included Program from a Licensed Service (and as soon as practicable after written notice from Licensor, Licensee shall cease to make such program available on such Licensed Service and shall cease to promote such program’s availability on such Licensed Service) if (i) Licensor believes in its good faith reasonable judgment that it does not have, or no longer has, or there is actual or threatened litigation regarding, the rights necessary to authorize Licensee to distribute Included Programs as provided herein; (ii) Licensor believes in its good faith reasonable judgment that Licensee’s continued distribution of Included Programs will violate the terms of any of Licensor’s agreements with, or irreparably damagewill result in a material adverse effect on Licensor’s material relationship with, any applicable copyright owner, artist, composer, producer, director, publisher, distributor or similar third party rights holder; or (iii) upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice, if Licensor, or an affiliate of Licensor, elects to theatrically re-release or reissue such Included Program or to make a theatrical or television remake, sequel or prequel of such Included Program; provided, that such Included Program in each case is removed from all Other SVOD Distributors for the same or similar Approved Transmission Means to which the reason for such removal is applicable. In the event of any withdrawal of an Included Program pursuant to this section before the last day of the License Period for such Included Program, Licensor and Licensee shall promptly commence a good faith attempt to agree with Licensee as to a substitute program (which shall be a comparable program to the Included Program withdrawn (using the criteria set forth in Section 1.9)) for exhibition pursuant to the terms of this Agreement for the same period of time as remained in the License Period for the Included Program withdrawn. In the event the parties cannot promptly agree upon a substitute program, Licensor shall promptly refund (or offset) a pro rata portion of the License Fee applicable to the withdrawn Included Program. For any withdrawal, Licensor shall pay for, or reimburse Licensee for, all reasonable out-of-pocket costs relating to the removal of the Included Program from the Licensed Services, removal of any marketing materials containing the Included Program, and any replacement costs related to the substitute program (including all delivery costs).. Any substitute program shall be deemed an “Included Program”.” hereunder. Withdrawal by Licensor pursuant to this Section 7 shall not be deemed to be a breach.LICENSE FEE; PAYMENT.License Fee. In consideration of the rights granted hereunder, Licensee shall pay to Licensor a monthly license fee determined in accordance with this Section 8 and this Agreement (the “License Fee”). The License Fee for each month of the Term is equal to the sum of (a) the aggregate total of the MVPD License Fee (as defined below) for such month and (b) the aggregate total of the OTT License Fees for such month. The License Fee specified herein is a net amount unreduced by any tax, levy or charge, the payment of which shall be the responsibility of Licensee. [Comcast to get back to Sony about front loading the License Fee.]MVPD License Fee. Subject to Section 8.1.4 the “MVPD License Fee” for each Included Program that is a film (and not a television series), [and whose License Period includes such month] shall be based on the number of MVPD Subscribers as follows: [DISCUSS: Need assurances that we’re getting the number of “license period months” for the total Included Programs. Discuss.] MVPD License Fee per Included Program (Film) Per MonthNumber of MVPD Subscribers for such Month[$42,500][divide by 12]$3541.670-10,000,000[$60$5,000][divide by 12]10,000,001-20,000,000Once a subscriber threshold is crossed, the higher monthly fee applies to all titles on a prospective basis. [DRAFT NOTE: Placeholder for MVPD License Fees for TV]OTT License Fee. Subject to Section 8.1.4, the “OTT License Fee” for each Included Program that is a film (and not a television series), [and whose License Period includes such month] shall be based on the number of OTT Subscribers as follows:OTT License Fee per Included Program (Film) Per MonthNumber of OTT Subscribers for such month[$15,000][divide by 12]$1,2500-5,000,000[$25,000][divide by 12]$2083.335,000,001-10,000,000Once a subscriber threshold is crossed, the higher monthly fee applies to all titles on a prospective basis.[DRAFT NOTE: Placeholder for OTT License Fees for TV]Licensee shall be required to pay the OTT License Fee for all Included Programs commencing foron the first full month that Licensee makes any Included Program available to any OTT Subscriber. For purposes of clarification, the amounts set forth above in this Section 8.1.2 shall be pro rated for that portion and thereafter for the remainder of the Term that Licensee distributes the OTT Licensed Service.. Incremental Subscriber OTT License Fees. Subject to Section 8.1.4, in addition to the above, for each OTT Subscriber over 10,000,000 in a given month, Licensee must pay Licensor an additional license fee of $.04 for each such OTT Subscriber per month.The number of MVPD Subscribers and OTT Subscribers for a given month shall be calculated by adding the number of OTT Subscribers on the first day of the applicable calendar month and on the last day of such calendar month and dividing by two (2). The parties agree that for purposes of calculation of License Fees, notwithstanding anything on Schedule A to the contrary, the number of Included Programs for the first year of the Term (subject to any withdrawals, replacement and reductions set forth in this Agreement) shall equal [xxx][The parties to calculate the number Comcast is paying (as calculated by the number of License Period months we are getting). Alternatively, we can put the monthly fee in the chart above, rather than a per-program fee.] In the event the number and quality of Included Programs (including the length of each License Period) for months 13-18 vary from the number and quality of Included Programs from Schedule A, the License Fees shall be amended by written agreement between the parties accordingly.Payment Terms. License Fee. Licensee shall pay the MVPD License Fees (and the OTT License Fees, if applicable as of the Effective Date) set forth in Section 8.1 for the Included Programs set forth in Schedule A forty-five days after the end of each applicable month during the Term. [Any incremental MVPD License Fees and/or OTT License Fees that may be due pursuant to Sections 8.1.2 and 8.1.3, respectively, shall be due within forty-five (45) days of the end of the calendar month in which the applicable Licensed Service reached the subscriber threshold that triggered such License Fees.][UNDER REVIEW.]Timing. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Licensor, if Licensee fails to pay any undisputed License Fees when due and payable, interest shall accrue on any such overdue amount until such time as the overdue amount is paid in full, at a rate equal to the lesser of one hundred ten percent (110%) of the prime rate announced from time to time in the U.S. edition of the Wall Street Journal (the “Prime Rate”) or the permitted maximum legal rate.Collections. As between the parties, Licensee shall be responsible for processing all transactions and the billing and collection of all monies due from Authorized Subscribers in connection with the exploitation of the Included Programs on the Licensed Services as permitted herein.Payment Direction. Unless and until Licensee is otherwise notified by Licensor, all payments due to Licensor hereunder shall be made either (a) by wire transfer/ACH to Licensor at Mellon Client Service Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15262, ABA # 043-000-261, Credit: Sony Pictures Pay Television Acct# 093-9923, Bank phone 412-234-4381, Reference: Comcast SVOD Fees; or (b) by corporate check or cashier’s check sent to Licensor in immediately available funds either (i) by US Mail directed to Mellon Client Service Center, Sony Pictures Pay Television, c 500 Ross Street, P.O. Box 371273, Room 154-0455, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-7273, Bank phone 412-234-4381, Reference: Comcast SVOD Fees. PHYSICAL MATERIALS AND TAXES.[Delivery. At least __________Delivery. As soon as reasonable practicable for Included Programs with an availability at the beginning of the Term, and then at least [45] days prior to the Availability Date for each Included Program (or earlier if mutually agreed upon by the parties), Licensor shall, at Licensor’s election, make available to Licensee either a Digibeta tape, HDCam master, or an encoded mezzanine digital file (each Digibeta, HD Cam or digital file, a “Copy”), together with separate 5.1 audio tracks (if available), closed captioning, and separate secondary Spanish audio tracks (if available), all required metadata,metadata required by Exhibit ___ hereto [Sony will provide the exhibit which will list what we customarily provide—we cannot provide anything custom], available Advertising Materials (defined below) and available music cue sheets. All costs to create tape or file duplication copies and Advertising Materials shall be borne solely by Licensee at Licensor’s standard, universally applied rates up to a total cost of [$___] per Included Program; provided, that, subject to Schedule B, the parties agree that any costs related to flags, watermarking, or similar type of embedded software, codes or materials, included for the benefit of Licensor shall be borne by Licensor. Shipping, forwarding, insurance and delivery charges shall be borne by Licensee.] [TBD; but note Comcast is looking for delivery 45 days prior to start of avail period, and in our necessary specifications (including for additional programs after the first year).]Return. Within thirty (30) days following the last day of the License Period with respect to each Included Program, or expiration or early termination (as permitted herein) of this Agreement, Licensee shall erase or degauss all such Copies and supply Licensor with a certification of erasure or degaussing of such Copies upon receipt of such certification request (that includes the applicable Included Program(s)), except for one (1) copy of each Included Program that has an additional License Period pursuant to this Agreement or any other agreement between the parties within one (1) year of the close of the then-current License Period hereunder or expiration or termination of this Agreement.Sales Taxes. All prices and payments mentioned in this Agreement are exclusive of and unreduced by any applicable national, regional, or local sales, use, value added, or similar taxes (“Sales Taxes”). Where applicable law requires, Licensor will add any relevant Sales Taxes to its invoices, and Licensee will pay such taxes without deduction of any kind. Where applicable law requires Licensee to self-assess or reverse-charge Sales Taxes, Licensee shall be solely responsible for complying with such law. If Licensee provides to Licensor a valid Sales Tax exemption certificate, then Licensor shall not collect the taxes covered by such certificate. The parties agree that as of the Effective Date, based on the original contracting parties, currently applicable law does not impose Sales Taxes on the License Fees. However, this conclusion could be affected by changes in the contracting parties or applicable law. Withholding Taxes. All prices and payments stated herein shall be exclusive of and made free and clear of and without deduction or withholding for or on account of any tax, duty or other charges, of whatever nature imposed by any taxing or governmental authority, unless such deduction or withholding is required by applicable law, in which case Licensee shall: (i) withhold the legally required amount from payment; (ii) remit such amount to the applicable taxing authority; and (iii) within thirty (30) days of payment, deliver to Licensor original documentation or a certified copy evidencing such payment (“Withholding Tax Receipt”). In the event Licensee does not provide a Withholding Tax Receipt in accordance with the preceding sentence, Licensee shall be liable to and shall reimburse Licensor on demand for the withholding taxes deducted from payments. The parties agree that as of the Effective Date, based on the original contracting parties, currently applicable law does not require withholding on payments from Licensee to Licensor. However, this conclusion could be affected by changes in the contracting parties or applicable law. If Licensee’s assignment causes an increased rate of tax withholding or deduction to apply to the payments to Licensor, then the gross amount payable by Licensee to Licensor shall be increased so that after such deduction or withholding, the net amount received by Licensor will not be less than Licensor would have received had Licensee not made the assignment.Other Taxes. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Licensee shall be solely responsible to determine, collect, bear, remit, pay, and hold Licensor forever harmless from and against, any and all taxes (including interest and penalties on any such amounts, but excluding Licensor’s corporate income and similar taxestax), payments or fees required to be paid to any third party now or hereafter imposed, levied, or based upon the licensing, rental, importation, delivery, exhibition, possession, distribution or use hereunder to or by Licensee of the Included Programs or any print, Copy of or related to an Included Program including, without limitation, any payments due to any Collecting Societies, but specifically excluding (i) any taxes based upon Licensor’s income or revenue (excluding sales and similar taxes), and (ii) any services, deferments, obligations or claims made for services provided or performed by, or rights granted to, any person in connection with any Included Program, nor any responsibility or liability for the making of payments to or on behalf of any person (including, without limitation, any union, guild, actor, writer, director, producer, craftsman, performer or governmental agency) by virtue of the use made of any Included Program hereunder, any trailer or other elements supplied by Licensor or any non film material supplied by Licensor, all residual and other payments to any such person being the sole responsibility and obligation of Licensor.or Advertising Materials of or related to an Included Program. [Intentionally Omitted.]Loss, Theft, Destruction. Upon the loss, theft or destruction (other than as required hereunder) of any Copy of an Included Program, Licensee shall promptly furnish Licensor with notification of such a loss, theft or destruction in writing setting forth the relevant facts thereof.Licensor’s Property. Each Copy of the Included Program and all Advertising Materials are the property of Licensor, subject only to the limited right of use expressly permitted herein, and Licensee shall not permit any lien, charge, pledge, mortgage or encumbrance to attach thereto.MUSIC AND UNDERLYING RIGHTS PAYMENTS.As between Licensee and Licensor, Licensee shall be responsible for clearing in the Territory, and making the related royalty payments to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC (“Collecting Societies”) for public performance rights for the Included Programs, with respect to any musical compositions and/or sound recordings embodied in the Included Programs, where such clearances and payments arise solely from Licensee’s use of the Included Programs and to the extent the rights to collect such royalties are vested in and controlled by any Collecting Societies (“Collectively Administered Author’s Rights Payments”); and Licensor makes no representation or warranty with respect to such Collectively Administered Author’s Rights Payments. Licensor shall timely furnish Licensee with music cue sheets setting forth all necessary information regarding the title, composer, publisher and performing rights society affiliation, length of use and type of use of all such music. 11.CONTENT PROTECTION & SECURITY. [DRAFT NOTE: Under continued review.]General. Licensee represents and warrants that it has put in place secure and effective security systems, procedures and technologies designed to prevent theft, pirating and unauthorized exhibition (including, without limitation, exhibition to non-Authorized Subscribers and exhibition outside the Territory), unauthorized copying or duplication of any video reproduction or compressed digitized copy of any Included Program that are Generally Accepted in the Industry. and no less stringent or robust than those which Licensee employs with respect to programming licensed from other licensors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Licensee may only use the content protection systems listed in Schedule B hereto. Licensee shall, at Licensee’s expense, maintain and upgrade such security systems, procedures and technologies (including, without limitation, encryption methods); provided, that such upgrades are Generally Accepted in the Industry. and no less stringent or robust than those which Licensee employs with respect to programming licensed from other licensors. Licensee shall, at Licensee’s expense, comply with Licensor’s commercially reasonable specifications for the storage and management of its digital files and materials for the Included Programs and, in any event, provide Licensor with no less effective or robust storage and management arrangements than those Generally Accepted in the Industry. and no less stringent or robust than those which Licensee employs with respect to programming licensed from other licensors. The parties agree that DRM for the Included Programs shall be set to “copy never”.” and shall not allow remote access to Included Programs in the case where this is supported. In the event Licensor embeds, encodes or otherwise inserts, or if applicable, associates content protection or identification information (“Content ID Information”) in or with the Included Programs prior to delivery to Licensee, Licensee shall “pass through” or regenerate such Content ID Information without alteration, modification or degradation in any manner, provided that Licensor shall not include in any Included Program any Content ID Information (i) which impairs the audiovisual quality of the exhibition of any Included Program in a way that is perceptible by the average viewer, and/or (ii) which is not technically compatible with the equipment, software and/or systems of the Licensed Service, and/or (iii) which result in any costs to Licensee. Licensor agrees that the Content ID Information shall be deployed in good faith. If such Content ID Information is altered, removed, modified or degraded as a result of the distribution of such Included Program by Licensee in the ordinary course of their respective operations, such alteration, removal, modification or degradation shall not constitute a breach of this Section 11.1. Licensee shall not authorize any use of any video reproduction or compressed digitized copy of any Included Program for any purpose other than as is expressly permitted herein. Licensor or its authorized representative shall have the right upon advance written notice to inspect and review Licensee’s security systems, procedures and technologies (“Security Systems”) at Licensee’s place of business (including off-site facilities (provided, that if any such off-site facilities are owned by third parties, such review shall only be permissible if granted by such third parties; provided, that Licensee shall use reasonable efforts to secure such permission), if any, used by Licensee) as Licensor deems necessary for a reasonable period of time not to exceed ten (10) Business Days during Licensee’s regular business hours, in a manner that does not unreasonably disrupt Licensee’s business; provided that Licensor provides Licensee with ten (10two (2) Business Days prior written notice of its intent to inspect Licensee’s place of business. Licensor agrees that Licensee shall not be inspected or reviewed more than once in any twelve month period. For the avoidance of doubt, the obligations of Licensee in this Section 11.1 are in addition to and are not intended to limit the obligations of Licensee in Section 11.5. For purposes of this Section 11.1, “Generally Accepted in the Industry” shall mean utilizedrequired by no fewer than three of the top fiveMajor Studios of the Other SVOD Distributors, as determined by market share, that deliver to Approved Devices via the Internet utilizing an Approved Format, or in a manner similarly or more secure than the foregoing. Licensor acknowledgesagrees that as of the Effective Date, the content protection system utilizedrequired by Licensee isthis Agreement shall be deemed to be Generally Accepted in the Industry. as of the Effective Date. [Notwithstanding the foregoing, the copy protection and security requirements in this Section 11.1 shall not apply to distribution of Included Programs to Approved Set-top Boxes, which shall be governed by the provisions set forth in the Set-top Agreement..]Obligation to Monitor for Hacks. Licensee shall take such measures as are reasonably necessary to determine the existence of Security Breaches or Territorial Breaches (that result in actual material harm or in Licensee’s reasonable good faith judgment will likely result in such harm) and shall promptly notify Licensor if any such occurrences are discovered; provided, that any inadvertent failure to notify Licensor shall not be a breach of this Agreement.Suspension Notice. Upon learning of the occurrence of any Security Breach or Territorial Breach, Licensee shall provide Licensor with specific information describing the nature and extent of such occurrence; provided, that any inadvertent failure to so provide shall not be a breach of this Agreement. as soon as practicable but in no event later than 48 hours following such occurrence. Licensor shall have the right to suspend the availability (“Suspension”) of all (but not some) ofof the Included Programs on the Licensed Service or, in Licensor’s sole discretion, only the affected Included Programs on the Licensed Service, at any time during the Term during a Security Breach or Territorial Breach by delivering written notice to Licensee of such suspension (“Suspension Notice”) and such suspension shall begin as soon as commercially practicable, but in any event within 52 Business Days from receipt of such Suspension Notice; provided, for the avoidance of doubt, that Licensor shall exercise such right as against Licensee only insofar as Licensor exercises such right fairly against all Other SVOD Distributors in the Territory that have suffered a Security Breach or Territorial Breach, as the case may be, and are delivering services using the same compromised security solution/DRM for Comparable Pictures and comparable windows (i.e., unless such other service(s) have implemented additional security measures/DRMs that mitigate the Security Breach or Territorial Breach giving rise to the Suspension) and such Suspension Notice shall only be effective if it contains, with reasonable specificity, the reasons for such Suspension. to the extent permitted by any confidentiality obligations to which Licensor is bound. For the avoidance of doubt, if Licensor is not permitted to disclose the reasons for the Suspension, Licensor shall so state in its Suspension Notice and such Suspension Notice shall nevertheless be found to be effective. Upon receipt of a Suspension Notice, Licensee shall have the right to provide Licensor with evidence, if any, that the DRM, DRM configuration or other security measures in use by Licensee are as effective or more effective than those used for Licensor’s suspended content. Licensor shall promptly review such evidence and initiate discussions/further inquiries with Licensee as may be necessary, and shall have ten (10) calendar days from the full receipt of such evidence in which to respond. If after such review, Licensor determines that Licensee’s DRM, DRM configuration or other security measures are not sufficiently effective to mitigate the Security Breach or Territorial Breach giving rise to the Suspension, Licensor shall so notify Licensee in writing, and Licensee shall take steps immediately to remove the Included Programs or make the Included Programs inaccessible from the Licensed Service as soon as commercially feasible (but in no event more than ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such notice).. For the avoidance of doubt, Licensee’s right to provide such evidence shall not affect Licensor’s right to continue the Suspension.Reinstatement/Termination. If the cause of the Security Flaw that gave rise to a Suspension is corrected, repaired, solved or otherwise addressed in the reasonable good faith judgment of Licensor, the Suspension shall immediately terminate upon Licensor’s delivery to Licensee of a notice thereof (“Reinstatement Notice”) (which notice shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) and Licensee’s right to make the Included Programs available on the Licensed Service shall immediately resume. For clarity, no period of Suspension shall extend the Term or any License Period in time, and upon a notice that a Suspension has ended, the Term shall end as otherwise provided herein. If two or more than two Suspensions occur during the Term under Section 11.3 of this Agreement, or any single Suspension lasts for a period of three (3) months or more, Licensor shall have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate this Agreement by providing written notice of such election to the Licensee.Content Protection Requirements and Obligations. With respect to the transmission of Included Programs via Approved Transmission Means other than Traditional System Means and the exhibition of Included Programs on Authorized Devices connected thereto, Licensee shall at all times strictly comply with the Content Protection Requirements and Obligations attached hereto as Schedule B and incorporated herein by this reference. [With respect to the transmission of Included Programs via Traditional System Means and the exhibition of Included Programs on Approved Devices connected thereto, Licensee shall at all times strictly comply with the content protection requirements and obligations set forth in the Set-top Agreement.]. CUTTING, EDITING AND INTERRUPTION. Licensee shall not make, or authorize any others to make, any modifications, deletions, cuts, alterations or additions in or to any Included Program without the prior written consent of Licensor, except as expressly permitted herein. For the avoidance of doubt, no panning and scanning, time compression or so-called “up-conversion” or “down-conversion” (except solely as necessaryif performed automatically by an Approved Device (and not Licensee) in order to optimize the appearance of an Included Program on ansuch Approved Device provided that the aspect ratio is not altered) and similar modifications shall be permitted. Without limiting the foregoing, Licensee shall not delete the copyright notice or credits from the main or end title of any Included Program or from any other materials supplied by Licensor hereunder. No exhibition of any Included Program hereunder shall be interrupted for intermission, commercials or any other similar commercial announcements of any kind, and none of Licensee, Licensor or any third party shall be permitted to insert any commercial messages or promotions before, after or into any Included Program; provided, that for sake of clarity, (i) the exhibition of each Included Program may be preceded and/or followed by a production card which indicates the applicable Licensed Service Brand; and (ii) the exhibition of each Included Program may be preceded by a video clip consisting of (a) the Licensed Service Brand (which may also include a “category open”, i.e., in which “mood” or category the Included Program is included), and/or (b) a promotional asset for: (y) the Licensed Service generally, and/or (z) one or more categories and titles that are then-currently available for viewing on the Licensed Service, and none of the above actions shall be a violation of this Section 12.PROMOTIONS. Without limiting any other provision hereof, Licensee shall comply with this Article 13 for all marketing and promotion of the exhibition of Included Program. For purposes of this Article 13, the portion of the Licensed Service that is subject to this Article 13 shall include only those webpages or other screens that are created solely for the promotion, offering, and/or viewing of Included Program via the Licensed Service. Licensee shall have the right to use or authorize the use of written summaries, extracts, synopses, photographs, box art, trailers or other materials prepared and provided or made available by Licensor or, if not prepared by Licensor, approved in writing in advance by Licensor (“Advertising Materials”), solely for the purpose of advertising, promoting and publicizing the exhibition of the Included Programs on the Licensed Service in the Territory, and the right to advertise, publicize and promote, or authorize the advertising, publicity and promotion of the exhibition of any Included Program on the Licensed Service in the Territory during the time periods specified herein. If Licensor establishes a date prior to which no marketing or promotion may occur for any title (“Announce Date”), Licensee may not “pre-promote” such title, to include, without limitation use of any title-related images or artwork; provided, that Licensee shall always be permitted to market and promote an Included Program during its Availability Period and thirty (30) days prior thereto. If no Announce Date is specified by Licensor, Licensee shall have the right to promote the upcoming availability of each Included Program during the period starting no more than (6030) days prior to the Availability Date of such Included Program, or such longer period as permitted by Licensor, and in each case through the last day of such Included Program’s License Period.Licensee shall not promote any Included Program after the expiration of the License Period for such Included Program and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to not promote any Included Program after the withdrawal of such Included Program.Upon Licensor’s reasonable request, Licensee shall provide to Licensor a copy of printed program schedules or guides that feature any Advertising Materials (provided, that if more than one program schedule or guide includes the same promotion, Licensee shall only be required to deliver one) for the Licensed Service.[DRAFT NOTE: Section 13.9 covered under (old) sections 3.15, 3.17 and 3.18, as agreed to in Vutopia.][DRAFT NOTE: Section 13.10 covered under (old) section 3.16, as agreed to in Vutopia.][TBD Comcast’s deletion of the old 13.5 and 13.6]Appropriate copyright notices shall at all times accompany all Advertising Materials; provided that an inadvertent failure shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement. [DRAFT NOTE: Section 13.12 covered under (old) section 3.20, as agreed to in Vutopia.]Promotions of the Included Programs may position SVOD in a positive light, but in no event shall any such promotion contain negative messages about any lawful means of film distribution, including, without limitation, home video/DVD purchase or rental, provided that Licensee shall be free to promote the bona fide benefits of the Licensed Service (e.g., “No late fees!” or “Order from home!”) without reference to other means of film distribution.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Licensee shall be permitted to offer limited, free previews consistent with industry practice. For purpose of illustration, Licensee may make the Licensed Service, including, without limitation, Included Programs available on the Licensed Service, available for promotional purposes within the Territory, solely via Approved Transmission Means and solely as exhibited on such subscribers’ Approved Devices, at no charge to such subscribers and for a limited trial period not to exceed (a) for the MVPD Licensed Service (x) seven (7three (3) consecutive days to Licensee’s subscribers that do not subscribe to the MVPD Licensed ServicesService, no more than twiceonce during any six (6) month period during the Term, or (y) three (3) consecutive months, no more than once during any twelve (12) month period during the Term, or (y) three (3) consecutive months to potential and/or new subscribers to a Licensed Service (the MVPD Licensed Service or (b) for the OTT Licensed Service no more than 14 consecutive days to Licensee’s subscribers that do not subscribe to the OTT Licensed Service, no more than once during any twelve(12) month period during the Term (in each case, a “Free Trial”). [For the avoidance of doubt, except for Licensee’s limited ability to provide such subscribers access to the Licensed Service (including without limitation Included Programs) as part of a Free Trial, all relevant provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect..]Licensee (i) shall fully comply with all third party restrictions furnished in writing with reasonable advance notice to Licensee with respect to materials used by Licensee in connection with this Section 13 (including size, prominence and position) and (ii) shall not use the same so as to constitute an endorsement, express or implied, of any party, product or service, including, without limitation, the Licensed Service, nor shall the same be used as part of a commercial tie-in. Any advertising or promotional material created by Licensee that incorporates any Included Program(s), any promotional contests to be conducted by Licensee that incorporate any Included Program(s), and any sponsorship of any Included Program(s) (as distinguished from the standard practice of selling commercial advertising time) shall require the prior written consent of Licensor. The rights granted in this Section 13 above shall be subject to, and Licensee shall comply with, any and all restrictions or regulations of any applicable guild or union and any third party contractual provisions with respect to the advertising and billing of the Included Program in accordance with such instructions as Licensor may advise Licensee in advance in writing, to the extent such instructions are applied consistently to all other distributors of such Included Program.. With respect to an Included Program, Licensor shall provide Licensee with any and all promotional materials, Trailers and television spots where cleared and available.Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensee shall not, without the prior written consent of Licensor, (a) modify, edit or make any changes to the Advertising Materials except to remove theatrical date or home video (or similar) references to the extent required for the applicable media, or (b) promote the exhibition of any Included Program by means of contest or giveaway. Appropriate copyright notices shall at all times accompany all Advertising Materials. The names and likenesses of the characters, persons and other entities appearing in or connected with the production of Included Program are not authorized by this Agreement to be used separate and apart from the Advertising Materials, which will be used solely for the purpose of advertising of the exhibition of such Included Program, and no such name or likeness is authorized by this Agreement to be used so as to constitute an endorsement or testimonial, express or implied, of any party, product or service, by “commercial tie-in” or otherwise. Licensee shall not use Licensor’s name or logo or any Included Program or any part of any Included Program as an endorsement or testimonial, express or implied, by Licensor, for any party, product or service including Licensee or any program service or other service provided by Licensee unless Licensee has separately received permission to do so from a party with the authority to provide such permission. Subject to the prior written approval of Licensor, Licensee may use Licensor’s name and logo for promotional purposes on the Licensed Service, and in connection with marketing and promotional activities.Notwithstanding the restrictions contained herein, Licensee may request, and Licensor shall consider in good faith, the inclusion of one or more clips from an Included Program to be included in a promo for the Licensed Service generally. Any inclusion of any such clip shall be subject to all restrictions provided by Licensor to Licensee in advance in writing.Within thirty (30) calendar days after the last day of the License Period for each Included Program, Licensee shall destroy all Advertising Materials for such Included Program which have been supplied by Licensor hereunder except for one (1) copy of each Included Program that has an additional License Period pursuant to this Agreement or any other agreement between the parties within one (1) year of the close of the then-current License Period hereunder.LICENSOR’S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Licensor represents and warrants that:It is a company duly organized under the laws of the state of its organization and has all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder.The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action.This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by, and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Licensor, enforceable against such party in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, except as such enforcement is limited by bankruptcy, insolvency and other similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, and by general equitable or comparable principles.Licensor has the right to grant to Licensee the rights granted herein; and each Included Program, its title and any advertising or publicity materials supplied by or on behalf of Licensor in connection therewith, do not and will not contain any language or material which is obscene, libelous, slanderous or defamatory and will not, when used as permitted hereunder, violate or infringe upon, or give rise to any adverse claim with respect to, any common law or other right (including, without limitation, any copyright, trademark, service mark, literary, dramatic, music or motion picture right, right of privacy or publicity or contract right) of any Person, or violate any applicable law; andAll performing rights in all music contained in each Included Program are either: (i) controlled by the Collecting Societies or any Other Society, (ii) controlled by Licensor (to the extent required for the exploitation of the rights granted hereunder) and granted herein for no additional consideration, or (iii) in the public domain. As between Licensor and Licensee, Licensee shall be solely responsible for the payment of any performing rights royalty or license fee to the Collecting Societies with regard to the exhibition of Included Program(s) hereunder, and as between Licensor and Licensee, Licensor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any performing rights royalty or license fee to any Other Society with regard the exhibition of Included Program(s) hereunder.). “Other Society” shall mean any music performing rights society other than the Collecting Societies.LICENSEE’S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Without limiting any other representation, warranty or covenant of Licensee herein, Licensee hereby represents, warrants and covenants to Licensor that:It is a company duly organized under the laws of the state of its organization and has all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder.The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action.This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by, and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Licensee, enforceable against such party in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, except as such enforcement is limited by bankruptcy, insolvency and other similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, and by general equitable or comparable principles.16. INDEMNIFICATION.Each party (the “Indemnifying Party”) shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party and its affiliated companies, parents, subsidiaries and their respective employees, officers and directors and their respective successors and, additionally in the case of Licensee, its members, owners and Authorized Sites (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all third party claims, demands, actions and liabilities, damages, fines penalties and costs (including reasonable outside attorney’s fees) (“Claims”) related in any way to any breach or alleged breach of any representation or warranty or of any other provision of this Agreement by the Indemnifying Party. In addition, Licensee shall indemnify Licensor’s Indemnified Parties for any Claims relating to (i) failure of Licensee (or its designee) to comply with applicable Laws of the Territory, including, without limitation, consumer protection, security and personal information management (PIM), privacy and anti-spam laws relating to the Licensed Service or the promotion of the Included Program on the Licensed Service, and (ii) the exhibition of any material (other than material contained in Included Programs or Advertising Materials as delivered by Licensor and exhibited in accordance with this Agreement and Licensor’s instructions therefor) on a Licensed Service, (iii) the infringement upon or violation of any right of a third party (including without limitation infringement upon or violation of a third party patent, copyright, trade name, trademark, source mark, trade secret or other intellectual property right by the Licensed Service), other than as a result of the exhibition of the Included Programs in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and (iv) any failure to maintain all licenses and other approval necessary to own and operate the Licensed Services in the Territory and otherwise exploit the rights granted hereunder.In any case in which indemnification is sought hereunder:At the indemnifying party’s option, the indemnifying party may assume the handling, settlement or defense of any such claim or litigation. If the indemnifying party assumes the handling, settlement or defense of any such claim or litigation, the party to be indemnified shall reasonably cooperate in the defense of such claim or litigation at the indemnifying party’s cost and expense; and. If the indemnifying party does not assume the handling, settlement or defense of any such claim or litigation, the indemnifying party shall, in addition to holding the indemnified party harmless from the amount of any damages awarded in any final judgment entered on account of such claim, reimburse the indemnified party for reasonable costs and expenses and reasonable attorneys fees of the indemnified party incurred in connection with the defense of any such claim or litigation.The party seeking indemnification shall fully cooperate with the reasonable requests of the other party in its participation in, and control of, any compromise, settlement, litigation or other resolution or disposition of any such claim. The indemnifying party shall not consent to the entry of any final judgment in any action without the indemnified party’s prior written approval except, in the case where Licensor is the indemnifying party, where such consent involves the agreement not to further exploit an Included Program.17. STATEMENTS; REPORTS; SCHEDULES.Within forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar month, Licensee shall provide to Licensor with the monthly reports for the Licensed Service set forth in the Reporting Requirements chart, attached hereto as Schedule DC, and incorporated herein by reference. In the event that Licensee makes available to any other content provider of similar content for the Licensed Services, reports more frequently or within a shorter period of time, or that contain information that is not specified on Schedule DC, Licensee shall offer to make the same reports available to Licensor on the same terms and conditions (if any).18.AUDIT. Licensee shall keep and maintain during the Term and one year thereafter complete and accurate books of account and records for the number of Authorized Subscribers during the Term at its principal place of business in connection with Licensee’s compliance with the terms hereof. Upon ten (10) business days’ notice, and no more than once per calendar year, Licensor shall have the right during business hours to have a nationally recognized auditor audit and check (but not copy) at Licensee’s principal place of business, such records for the then-current year and the prior year. The exercise by Licensor of any right to audit or the acceptance by Licensor of any statement or payment, whether or not the subject of an audit, shall not bar Licensor from thereafter asserting a claim for any balance due, and Licensee shall remain fully liable for any balance due under the terms of this Agreement. Such audit shall be conducted in a manner that does not unreasonably interrupt Comcast’s normal business and shall last no longer than 3090 days. Licensor shall provide the results of such audit to Licensee within six months of the completion of such audit, and if an examination establishes an error in Licensee’s computation of license fees due with respect to the Included Programs, and upon agreement of the parties and execution and delivery by Licensor of a release that is acceptable to Licensee, Licensee shall promptly pay the amount of underpayment at a rate equal to the lesser of one hundred ten percent (110%) of the Prime Rate and the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. If such error is in excess of ten percent (10%) of such license fees due for the period covered by such audit, Licensee shall, in addition to making immediate payment of the additional license fees due plus interest in accordance with the previous sentence, pay to Licensor (i) the reasonable, out of pocket costs and expenses incurred by Licensor in connection with any such audit, and (ii) reasonable attorneys fees actually incurred by Licensor in enforcing the collection thereof. In the event that the rate of interest set forth in this Section exceeds the maximum permitted legal interest rate, such rate shall be automatically reduced to the maximum permitted legal interest rate, and all other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.19.[INTENTIONALLY OMITTED.] 20. TERMINATION.In the event Licensee breaches any material representation, covenant or obligation of Licensee hereunder (each of the above acts is hereinafter referred to as a “Licensee Event of Default”), and, if such Licensee Event of Default is capable of cure, Licensee fails to cure such Licensee Event of Default within thirty (30) days after delivery by Licensor to Licensee of written notice of such Licensee Event of Default, then Licensor may, in addition to any and all other rights which it may have against Licensee, immediately terminate this Agreement.Except as otherwise provided in Section 20.1, in the event Licensor breaches any material representation, covenant or obligation of Licensor hereunder (each of the above acts is hereinafter referred to as a “Licensor Event of Default”), and, if such Licensor Event of Default is capable of cure, Licensor fails to cure such Licensor Event of Default within thirty (30) days after delivery by Licensee to Licensor of written notice of such Licensor Event of Default, then Licensee may, in addition to any and all other rights which it may have against Licensor, immediately terminate this Agreement.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, no termination of this Agreement for any reason shall relieve or discharge, or be deemed or strued as relieving or discharging, any party hereto from any duty, obligation or liability hereunder which was accrued as of the date of such termination (including, without limitation, the obligation to pay any amounts payable hereunder accrued as of such date of termination.)ASSIGNMENT. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights granted hereunder may be assigned by either party without the other party’s prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld),, except to an entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with such party (in which event such assigneeassignor shall no longercontinue to be liable for such assignee’s obligations hereunder). HEADINGS. The titles of the paragraphs of this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not in any way affect the interpretation of this Agreement.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Except with respect to claims pursuant to Section 16 [Indemnification], Section 29 [Confidentiality], and claims arising out of fraud, willful misconduct or gross negligence, neither party shall be liable to the other for special, incidental or consequential damages, for lost profits or for interruption of business.NON-WAIVER OF BREACH; REMEDIES CUMULATIVE. A waiver by either party of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not, in any instance, be deemed or construed to be a waiver of such terms or conditions for the future or of any subsequent breach thereof. No payment or acceptance thereof pursuant to this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of any provision hereof. All remedies, rights, undertakings, obligations and agreements contained in this Agreement shall be cumulative and none of them shall be in limitation of any other remedy, right, undertaking, obligation, or agreement of either party.NOTICES. All notices, statements, and other documents required to be given in writing shall be by personal (or messenger) delivery, by registered or certified mail or by facsimile (except as herein otherwise expressly provided) and shall be addressed as provided below (or such other addresses as may be designated in writing by either party):If to Licensee:Comcast Cable Communications, LLCOne Comcast CenterPhiladelphia, PA 19103Attention: Senior Vice President, Content AcquisitionTel: (215) 286-3550Fax: (215) 286-8148With a copy separately delivered to:General Counsel at the address and Fax number listed above.If to Licensor:Sony Pictures Television, Inc.10202 West Washington Blvd..Culver City, California 90232-3195Attention: President, DistributionTel: (310) 244-8239 Fax: (310) 244-1798With a copy separately delivered to:Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.10202 West Washington BoulevardCulver City, CA 90232Attention: General CounselTel: (310) 244-4692Fax: (310) 244-0510Notices, statements, and other documents shall be deemed received on the Business Day of receipt, as evidenced in the case of delivery by means of facsimile by written transmittal ERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of New York governing agreements which are wholly executed and performed therein.[DISPUTE RESOLUTION.][Taken from another deal agreed to between Comcast & Sony.].][UNDER REVIEW] THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED UNDER THE SUBSTANTIVE LAWS (AND NOT THE LAW OF CONFLICTS) OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ANY DISPUTES OR CLAIMS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE ADJUDICATED IN NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA. EACH PARTY HEREBY SUBMITS TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS IN NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA AND HEREBY AGREES NOT TO ASSERT (I) THAT IT IS NOT PERSONALLY SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION OF ANY SUCH COURT, (II) THAT THE PROCEEDING IS IN AN INCONVENIENT FORUM OR (III) THAT THE VENUE OF THE PROCEEDING IS IMPROPER.ALL ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE BREACH THEREOF AND/OR THE SCOPE OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION 27 SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO JAMS (“JAMS”) FOR FINAL AND BINDING ARBITRATION UNDER ITS COMPREHENSIVE ARBITRATION RULES AND PROCEDURES IF THE MATTER IN DISPUTE IS OVER $250,000 OR UNDER ITS STREAMLINED ARBITRATION RULES AND PROCEDURES IF THE MATTER IN DISPUTE IS $250,000 OR LESS, TO BE HELD IN NEW YORK, NEW YORK BEFORE A SINGLE NEUTRAL ARBITRATOR WHO SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUALIFICATIONS: (A) BE LICENSED TO PRACTICE LAW IN NEW YORK STATE FOR AT LEAST 15 YEARS; (B) HAVE AT LEAST 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE AREA OF CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENTS; AND (C) HAVE FAMILIARITY WITH THE TECHNICAL SUBJECT MATTER OF THE DISPUTE. IF THE PARTIES ARE UNABLE TO MUTUALLY AGREE UPON THE SELECTION OF AN ARBITRATOR WITHIN 15 BUSINESS DAYS OF THE COMMENCEMENT THEREOF, JAMS WILL SELECT FROM ITS LIST OF QUALIFIED NEUTRALS AN ARBITRATOR WHO AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE MEETS THE ABOVE QUALIFICATIONS. IF THE JAMS ARBITRATION RULES DO NOT ADDRESS A PARTICULAR ISSUE BEFORE THE ARBITRATOR, THEN SUCH ISSUE WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE FEDERAL ARBITRATION STATUTES TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE. THE ARBITRATION SHALL BE A CONFIDENTIAL PROCEEDING CLOSED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. SUBJECT TO THE DISCRETION OF THE ARBITRATOR TO ALLOCATE FEES AND EXPENSES IN ANOTHER MANNER, EACH PARTY SHALL BEAR ITS OWN FEES AND EXPENSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE ARBITRATION AND THE FEES AND EXPENSES OF THE ARBITRATOR SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY BETWEEN THE PARTIES. THE ARBITRATOR SHALL ISSUE A WRITTEN OPINION STATING THE ESSENTIAL FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS UPON WHICH THE ARBITRATOR’S AWARD IS BASED. DURING THE ARBITRATION, THE ARBITRATOR SHALL HAVE THE POWER TO ENTER TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDERS AND PRELIMINARY AND PERMANENT INJUNCTIONS TO THE EXTENT THEY ARE WITHIN THE ARBITRATOR’S JURISDICTION AND RELATE DIRECTLY TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE ARBITRATION. NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE ENTITLED OR PERMITTED TO COMMENCE OR MAINTAIN ANY ACTION IN A COURT OF LAW WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER IN DISPUTE UNTIL SUCH MATTER SHALL HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO ARBITRATION AS HEREIN PROVIDED AND THEN ONLY FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE ARBITRATOR’S AWARD; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT PRIOR TO THE APPOINTMENT OF THE ARBITRATOR OR FOR REMEDIES BEYOND THE JURISDICTION OF AN ARBITRATOR, AT ANY TIME, EITHER PARTY MAY SEEK PENDENTE LITE RELIEF IN THE FEDERAL OR STATE COURTS IN NEW YORK, NEW YORK. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING HEREIN TO THE CONTRARY, THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THE FOREGOING SHALL NOT PROHIBIT EITHER PARTY FROM SEEKING INJUNCTIVE RELIEF IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION AND ANY AWARD RENDERED BY THE ARBITRATOR(S) MAY BE ENTERED IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION.28.FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall in any manner whatsoever be liable or otherwise responsible for any delay or default in, or failure of performance resulting from or arising out of or in connection with any Event of Force Majeure, and no such delay, default in, or failure of performance shall constitute a breach by either party hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall an Event of Force Majeure excuse Licensee from making payment of any amounts due and payable hereunder.29.CONFIDENTIALITY. Neither Licensor nor Licensee shall disclose to any third party (other than their respective employees and legal and financial advisors, in their capacity as such) any information with respect to the financial terms and provisions of this Agreement except: (a) to the extent necessary to comply with law or the valid order of a court of competent jurisdiction, in which event the party making such disclosure shall so notify the other and shall seek confidential treatment of such information; (b) as part of its normal reporting or review procedure to its parent company, its partners, its auditors, its financial advisors, its attorneys and profit participants in any Included Program, provided, however, that such parent company, partners, auditors, attorneys and profit participants agree to be bound by the provisions of this paragraph; (c) in order to enforce its rights hereunder in a legal proceeding; and (d) in connection with due diligence by prospective investors in, and/or prospective acquirers of, all or a portion of (or of the business or assets of), either party or either party’s parent company or owners, provided, however, that such prospective investors and/or acquirers agree to be bound by the provisions of this paragraph. In addition, Licensor acknowledges and agrees that certain provisions of this Agreement may be disclosed by Licensee to other programming suppliers that have MFN provisions that would require such disclosure (to the minimum extent necessary to comply, in Licensee’s reasonable judgment, with the provisions of the applicable agreement with such other programming supplier(s)), so long as such disclosure is made without identifying Licensor.30.PUBLICITY. Neither party shall issue any press release regarding the existence of or terms of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any and all press releases regarding this Agreement may not reference Licensor’s participation in the Licensed Service, but may reference specific Included Program being available on the Licensed Service.31.SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court or arbitrator to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, each of which shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were not contained herein.32.COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and all of such counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 33.NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY. This Agreement is entered into for the express benefit of the parties hereto, their successors and permitted assigns and is not intended, and shall not be deemed, to create in any other natural person, corporation, company, and/or any other entity whatsoever any rights or interest whatsoever, including, without limitation, any right to enforce the terms hereof.34.PRESUMPTIONS. In interpreting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, no presumption shall be interpreted for or against a party as a result of the role of such party or such party’s counsel in the drafting of this Agreement.35.ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING. This Agreement includes the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and all prior agreements (written or oral) with respect to such subject matter have been merged herein. No representations or warranties have been made other than those expressly provided for herein. This Agreement may not be modified, except by a written instrument signed by the parties, and this provision may not be waived except by written instrument signed by the parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.SONY PICTURES TELEVISION CAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, LLCBy: By: Its: Its: Schedule AIncluded Programs[pending final selections]Schedule B[DRAFT NOTE: DISCUSS.]Content Protection Requirements And ObligationsGeneral Permitted Output:As used herein, “High Definition” means any resolution that is 720p or higher.As used herein, “Standard Definition” means a resolution no greater than 480p. Content Security & Service ImplementationContent Protection System.: All content delivered to, output from or stored on a device must be protected by a content protection system that includes digital rights management, conditional access systems and digital output protection (such system, the “Content Protection System”).in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Exhibit. The Content Protection System shall:Approved Content Protection Technology – The content protection technologies listed on Schedule I hereto shall be pre-approved for use by Comcast in connection with Comcast’s distribution of the SVOD content. The Approved Content Protection Technology shall:be approved in writing by Licensor (including any upgrades or new versions, which Licensee shall submit to Licensor for approval upon such upgrades or new versions becoming available), be fully compliant with all the compliance and robustness rules associated therewith, and use only those rights settings, if applicable, that are approved in writing by considered to meet sections 1 (“Encryption”), 2 (“”Key Management”), 3 (“Integrity”), 5 (“Digital Rights Management”), 10 (“Protection against hacking”), 11 (“License Revocation”), 12 (“Secure Remote Update”), 16 (“PVR Requirements”), 17 (“Copying”) of this schedule if the Content Protection System is an implementation of one the content protection systems approved for UltraViolet services by the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem (DECE), and said implementation meets the compliance and robustness rules associated with the chosen UltraViolet approved content protection system, or the Content Protection System is an implementation of Microsoft WMDRM10 and said implementation meets the associated compliance and robustness rules. The UltraViolet approved content protection systems are currently:Marlin BroadbandMicrosoft PlayreadyCMLA Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) DRM Version 2 or 2.1Adobe Flash Access 2.0 (not Adobe’s Flash streaming product)Widevine Cypher ? Encryption.The Content Protection System shall use cryptographic algorithms for encryption, decryption, signatures, hashing, random number generation, and key generation and the utilize time-tested cryptographic protocols and algorithms, and offer effective security equivalent to or better than AES 128 (as specified in NIST FIPS-197) or ETSI DVB CSA3.Other Content Protection Technologies – If Comcast decides to use a content protection technology other than those pre-approved by Sony (including those listed under Approved Format in this Agreement), Comcast shall notify Sony and the use of such content protection technology shall be subject to Sony's prior approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Security Requirements – Comcast shall provide the following content security with respect to the SVOD content:Encryption - Comcast will encrypt content streams using AES-128 (or equivalent) or other encryption that is at least as robust as AES-128. The content protection system shall only decrypt streamed content into memory temporarily for the purpose of decoding and rendering the content and shall never write decrypted content (including, without limitation, portions of the decrypted content) or streamed encrypted content into permanent storage..Keys, passwords, and any other information that are critical to the cryptographic strength of the Content Protection System (“critical security parameters”, CSPs) may never be transmitted or permanently or semi-permanently stored in unencrypted form. Memory locations used to temporarily hold CSPs must be securely deleted and overwritten as soon as possible after the CSP has been used.If the device hosting the Content Protection System allows download of software then decryption of (i) content protected by the Content Protection System and (ii) CSPs (as defined in Section 2.1 below) related to the Content Protection System shall take place in an isolated processing environment and decrypted content must be encrypted during transmission to the graphics card for renderingThe Content Protection System shall encrypt the entirety of the A/V content, including, without limitation, all video sequences, audio tracks, sub pictures, menus, subtitles, and video angles. Each video frame must be completely encrypted.Key Management.The Content Protection System must protect all CSPs. CSPs shall include, without limitation, all keys, passwords, and other information which are required to maintain the security and integrity of the Content Protection System.CSPs shall never be transmitted in the clear or transmitted to unauthenticated recipients (whether users or devices.Integrity.The Content Protection System shall maintain the integrity of all protected content. The Content Protection System shall detect any tampering with or modifications to the protected content from its originally encrypted form.Each installation of the Content Protection System on an end user device shall be individualized and thus uniquely identifiable. [For example, if the Content Protection System is in the form of client software, and is copied or transferred from one device to another device, it will not work on such other device without being uniquely individualized.]Output Protection -The Licensed Service shall prevent the unauthorized delivery and distribution of Licensor’s content (for example, user-generated / user-uploaded content) and shall use reasonable efforts to filter and prevent such occurrences.Digital Rights ManagementAny Digital Rights Management used to protect Licensed Content must support the following: A valid license, containing the unique cryptographic key/keys, other necessary decryption information, and the set of approved usage rules, shall be required in order to decrypt and play each piece of content.Each license shall bound to either a (i) specific individual end user device or (ii) domain of registered end user devices in accordance with the approved usage rules.Licenses bound to individual end user devices shall be incapable of being transferred between such devices.Licenses bound to a domain of registered end user devices shall ensure that such devices are only registered to a single domain at a time. An online registration service shall maintain an accurate count of the number of devices in the domain (which number shall not exceed the limit specified in the usage rules for such domain). Each domain must be associated with a unique domain ID value.If a license is deleted, removed, or transferred from a registered end user device, it must not be possible to recover or restore such license except from an authorized source.Secure Clock. For all content which has a time-based window (e.g. VOD, catch-up, SVOD) associated with it, the Content Protection System shall implement a secure clock. The secure clock must be protected against modification or tampering and detect any changes made thereto. If any changes or tampering are detected, the Content Protection System must revoke the licenses associated with all content employing time limited license or viewing periods.Conditional Access SystemsAny Conditional Access System (including those implemented via the CI Plus standard) used to protect Licensed Content must support the following: Content shall be protected by a robust approved scrambling or encryption algorithm in accordance section 1 above.ECM’s shall be required for playback of content, and can only be decrypted by those Smart Cards or other entities that are authorized to receive the content or service. Control words must be updated and re-issued as ECM’s at a rate that reasonably prevents the use of unauthorized ECM distribution, for example, at a rate of no less than once every 7 seconds.Control Word sharing shall be prohibited, The Control Word must be protected from unauthorized access.Licensees using CI Plus shall:commit in good faith to sign the CI Plus Content Distributor Agreement (CDA) as soon as reasonably possible after this document is available for signature, so that Licensee can request and receive Service Operator Certificate Revocation Lists (SOCRLs)ensure that their CI Plus Conditional Access Modules (CICAMs) support the processing and execution of SOCRLs, liaising with their CICAM supplier where necessaryensure that their SOCRL contains the most up-to-date CRL available from CI Plus LLP.Not put any entries in the Service Operator Certificate White List (SOCWL, which is used to undo device revocations in the SOCRL) unless such entries have been approved in writing by Licensor.Set CI Plus parameters as listed below:aps_copy_control_info = 0x3 (analog protection on, 4 line Split Burst On)emi_copy_control_info = 0x3 copying is prohibited)ict_copy_control_info = 0x1 (ICT (Image Constraint Token) is asserted – HD analog outputs are forbidden)rct_copy_control_info = 0x1 (redistribution controlled)rl_copy_control_info = 0x0 (time shift recording limited to 90 minutes)StreamingGeneric Internet Streaming RequirementsThe requirements in this section REF _Ref251067938 \r \* MERGEFORMAT 7 apply in all cases where Internet streaming is supported.Streams shall be encrypted using AES 128 (as specified in NIST FIPS-197) or other robust, industry-accepted algorithm with a cryptographic strength and key length such that it is generally considered computationally infeasible to break.Encryption keys shall not be delivered to clients in a cleartext (un-encrypted) state.The integrity of the streaming client shall be verified by the streaming server before commencing delivery of the stream to the client.Licensee shall use a robust and effective method (for example, short-lived and individualized URLs for the location of streams) to ensure that streams cannot be obtained by unauthorized users.The streaming client shall NOT cache streamed media for later replay but shall delete content once it has been rendered.Microsoft SilverlightThe requirements in this section REF _Ref251067369 \r \* MERGEFORMAT 8 only apply if the Microsoft Silverlight product is used to provide the Content Protection System.Microsoft Silverlight is approved for streaming if using Silverlight 4 or later version.When used as part of a streaming service only (with no download), Playready licenses shall only be of the the SimpleNonPersistent license class.If Licensor uses Silverlight 3 or earlier version, within 4 months of the commencement of this Agreement, Licensee shall migrate to Silverlight 4 (or alternative Licensor-approved system) and be in full compliance with all content protection provisions herein.Apple http live streamingThe requirements in this section “Apple http live streaming” only apply if Apple http live streaming is used to provide the Content Protection System.Licensee shall migrate from use of http live streaming (implementations of which are not governed by any compliance and robustness rules nor any legal framework ensuring implementations meet these rules) to use of an industry accepted DRM or secure streaming method which is governed by compliance and robustness rules and an associated legal framework, within a mutually agreed timeframe.Http live streaming on iOS devices may be implemented either using applications or using the provisioned Safari browser.The URL from which the m3u8 manifest file is requested shall be unique to each requesting client.The m3u8 manifest file shall only be delivered to requesting clients/applications that have been authenticated in some way as being an authorized client/application.The streams shall be encrypted using AES-128 encryption (that is, the METHOD for EXT-X-KEY shall be ‘AES-128’).The content encryption key shall be delivered via SSL (i.e. the URI for EXT-X-KEY, the URL used to request the content encryption key, shall be a https URL).Output of the stream from the receiving device shall not be permitted unless this is explicitly allowed elsewhere in the schedule. No APIs that permit stream output shall be used in applications (where applications are used).The client shall NOT cache streamed media for later replay (i.e. EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE shall be set to ‘NO’).iOS implementations (either applications or implementations using Safari and Quicktime) of http live streaming shall use APIs within Safari or Quicktime for delivery and display of content to the greatest possible extent. That is, implementations shall NOT contain implementations of http live streaming, decryption, de-compression etc but shall use the provisioned iOS APIs to perform these functions.iOS applications, where used, shall follow all relevant Apple developer best practices and shall by this method or otherwise ensure the applications are as secure and robust as possible.iOS applications shall include functionality whith detects if the iOS device on which they execute has been “jailbroken” and shall disable all access to protected content and keys if the device has been jailbroken.Protection Against HackingAny system used to protect Licensed Content must support the following:Playback licenses, revocation certificates, and security-critical data shall be cryptographically protected against tampering, forging, and spoofing.The Content Protection System shall employ industry accepted tamper-resistant technology on hardware and software components (e.g., technology to prevent such hacks as a clock rollback, spoofing, use of common debugging tools, and intercepting unencrypted content in memory buffers). The Content Protection System shall be designed, as far as is commercially and technically reasonable, to be resistant to “break once, break everywhere” attacks.Tamper Resistant Software. The Content Protection System shall employ tamper-resistant software. Examples of tamper resistant software techniques include, without limitation:Code and data obfuscation: The executable binary dynamically encrypts and decrypts itself in memory so that the algorithm is not unnecessarily exposed to disassembly or reverse engineering.Integrity detection: Using one-way cryptographic hashes of the executable code segments and/or self-referential integrity dependencies, the trusted software fails to execute and deletes all CSPs if it is altered prior to or during runtime.Anti-debugging: The decryption engine prevents the use of common debugging tools.Red herring code: The security modules use extra software routines that mimic security modules but do not have access to CSPs.The Content Protection System shall implement secure internal data channels to prevent rogue processes from intercepting data transmitted between system processes.The Content Protection System shall prevent the use of media player filters or plug-ins that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to content (e.g., access the decrypted but still encoded content by inserting a shim between the DRM and the player).REVOCATION AND RENEWALLicense Revocation. The Content Protection System shall provide mechanisms that revoke, upon written notice from Licensor of its exercise of its right to require such revocation in the event any CSPs are compromised, (a) the instance of the Content Protection System with the compromised CSPs, and (b) any and all playback licenses issued to (i) specific individual end user device or (ii) domain of registered end user devices.Secure remote update. The Content Protection System shall be renewable and securely updateable in event of a breach of security or improvement to the Content Protection System.The Licensee shall have a policy which ensures that clients and servers of the Content Protection System are promptly and securely updated in the event of a security breach (that can be rectified using a remote update) being found in the Content Protection System and/or its implementations in clients and servers. Licensee shall have a policy which ensures that patches including System Renewability Messages received from content protection technology providers (e.g. DRM providers) and content providers are promptly applied to clients and servers.ACCOUNT AUTHORIZATIONContent Delivery. Content, licenses, control words and ECM’s shall only be delivered from a network service to registered devices associated with an account with verified credentials. Account credentials must be transmitted securely to ensure privacy and protection against attacks.Services requiring user authentication:The credentials shall consist of at least a User ID and password of sufficient length to prevent brute force attacks.Licensee shall take steps to prevent users from sharing account credentials. In order to prevent unwanted sharing of such credentials, account credentials may provide access to any of the following (by way of example):purchasing capability (e.g. access to the user’s active credit card or other financially sensitive information)administrator rights over the user’s account including control over user and device access to the account along with access to personal information. RECORDINGPVR Requirements. Any device receiving playback licenses must not implement any personal video recorder capabilities that allow recording, copying, or playback of any protected content except as explicitly allowed elsewhere in this agreement.Copying. The Content Protection System shall prohibit recording of protected content onto recordable or removable media, except as such recording is explicitly allowed elsewhere in this agreement.OutputsOutput hardware/software integrity. If the licensed content can be delivered to a device which has any outputs (either digital or analoganalogue), the Content Protection System must ensure that the hardware and software (e.g. device drivers) providing output functionality has not been tampered with or replaced with non-compliant versions.AnalogAnalogue Outputs. If the licensed content can be delivered to a device which has analog outputs, the Content Protection System must ensure that the devices meet the analoganalogue output requirements listed in this section. The Content Protection System shall enable CGMS-A content protection technology on all analog outputs from end user devices. Licensee shall pay all royalties and other fees payable in connection with the implementation and/or activation of such content protection technology allocable to content provided pursuant to the Agreement.Digital Outputs. If the licensed content can be delivered to a device which has digital outputs, the Content Protection System must ensure that the devices meet the digital output requirements listed in this section. The Content Protection System shall prohibit digital output of decrypted protected content. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a digital signal may be output if it is protected and encrypted by High-Bandwidth Digital Copy Protection (“HDCP”) or Digital Transmission Copy Protection (“DTCP”). Defined terms used but not otherwise defined in this Digital Outputs Section shall have the meanings given them in the DTCP or HDCP license agreements, as applicable.A device that outputs decrypted protected content provided pursuant to the Agreement using DTCP shall:Deliver system renewability messages to the source function;Map the copy control information associated with the program; the copy control information shall be set to “copy never” in the corresponding encryption mode indicator and copy control information field of the descriptor;Map the analog protection system (“APS”) bits associated with the program to the APS field of the descriptor;Set the image_constraint_token field of the descriptor as authorized by the corresponding license administrator;Set the retention state field of the descriptor as authorized by the corresponding license administrator;Deliver system renewability messages from time to time obtained from the corresponding license administrator in a protected manner; andPerform such additional functions as may be required by Licensor to effectuate the appropriate content protection functions of these protected digital outputs.At such time as DTCP supports remote access set the remote access field of the descriptor to indicate that remote access is not permittedA device that outputs decrypted protected content provided pursuant to the Agreement using HDCP shall:If requested by Licensor, at such a time as mechanisms to support SRM’s are available, deliver a file associated with the protected content named “HDCP.SRM” and, if present, pass such file to the HDCP source function in the device as a System Renewability Message; andVerify that the HDCP Source Function is fully engaged and able to deliver the protected content in a protected form, which means:HDCP encryption is operational on such output,Processing of the System Renewability Message associated with the protected content, if any, has occurred as defined in the HDCP Specification, at such a time as mechanisms to support SRM’s are available, andThere is no HDCP Display Device or Repeater on such output whose Key Selection Vector is in such System Renewability Message at such a time as mechanisms to support SRM’s are available.Exception Clause for Standard Definition, Uncompressed Digital Outputs on Windows-based PCs and Macs running OS X or higher):HDCP must be enabled on all uncompressed digital outputs (e.g. HDMI, Display Port), unless the customer’s system cannot support HDCP (e.g., the content would not be viewable on such customer’s system if HDCP were to be applied)Upscaling: Device may scale Included Programs in order to fill the screen of the applicable display; provided that Licensee’s marketing of the Device shall not state or imply to consumers that the quality of the display of any such upscaled content is substantially similar to a higher resolution to the Included Program’s original source profile (i.e. SD content cannot be represented as HD content).Embedded InformationWatermarking. The Content Protection System or playback device must not intentionally remove or interfere with any embedded watermarks in licensed content.Embedded Information. Licensee’s delivery systems shall “pass through” any embedded copy control information without intentional alteration, modification or degradation in any manner; Notwithstanding the above, any alteration, modification or degradation of such copy control information and or watermarking during the ordinary course of Licensee’s distribution of licensed content shall not be a breach of this Embedded Information Section.GeofilteringThe Content Protection System – Comcast shall take affirmative, reasonable measures to restrict access to Licensor’slimit delivery of the SVOD content to within the territory in which the content has been licensed.Licensee shall periodically review thedevices in the Territory using an industry-standard geofiltering tactics and perform upgrades to the Content Protection System to maintain “state of the art” geofiltering capabilities.Without limiting the foregoing, Licensee shall utilize geofiltering technology in connection with each Customer Transaction(and Sony hereby acknowledges that is designed to limit distributionComcast’s use of Included Programs to Customers in the Territory, and which consists of (i) for IP-based delivery systems, IP address look-up to check for IP address within the Territory and (ii) either (A) with respect to any Customer who has a credit card on file with the Licensed Service, Licensee shall confirm that the country code of the bank or financial institution issuing such credit card corresponds with a geographic area that is located within the Territory, with Licensee only to permit a delivery if the country code of the bank or financial institution issuing such credit card corresponds with a geographic area that is located within the Territory or (B) with respect to any Customer who does not have a credit card on file with the Licensed Service, Licensee will require such Customer to enter his or her home address (as part of the Customer Transaction) and will only permit the Customer Transaction if the address that the Customer supplies is within the Territory.MaxMind Geo-IP mapping database is deemed “industry-standard”). Network Service Protection Requirements.:All licensed content must be received and stored at content processing and storage facilities in a protected and encrypted format using an industry standard protection system.Document security policies and procedures shall be in place. Documentation of policy enforcement and compliance shall be continuously maintained.Access to content in unprotected format must be limited to authorized personnel and auditable records of actual access shall be maintained.Physical access to servers must be limited and controlled and must be monitored by a logging system.Auditable records of access, copying, movement, transmission, backups, or modification of content must be securely stored for a period of at least one year.Content servers must be protected from general internet traffic by “state of the art” protection systems including, without limitation, firewalls, virtual private networks, and intrusion detection systems. All systems must be regularly updated to incorporate the latest security patches and upgrades.All facilities which process and store content must be available for Motion Picture Association of America and Licensor audits upon the request of Licensor.At Licensor’s written request, security details of the network services, servers, policies, and facilities that are relevant to the security of the Licensed Service (together, the “Licensed Service Security Systems”) shall be provided to the Licensor, and Licensor reserves the right to subsequently make reasonable requests for improvements to the Licensed Service Security Systems. Any substantial changes to the Licensed Service Security Systems must be submitted to Licensor for approval, if Licensor has made a prior written request for such approval rights.Content must be returned to Licensor or securely destroyed pursuant to the Agreement at the end of such content’s license period including, without limitation, all electronic and physical copies thereof.High-Definition Restrictions & RequirementsIn addition to the foregoing requirements, all HD content (and all Stereoscopic 3D content) is subject to the following set of restrictions & requirements:General Purpose ComputerPlatforms. HD content is expressly prohibited from being delivered to and playable on General Purpose Computer Platforms (e.g. PCs, Tablets, Mobile Phones) unless explicitly approved by Licensor. If approved by Licensor, the additional requirements for HD playback on PCs will include the following:Digital Outputs:For avoidance of doubt, HD content may only be output in accordance with section “Digital Outputs” above unless stated explicitly otherwise below.If an HDCP connection cannot be established, as required by section “Digital Outputs” above, the playback of Current Films over an output on a General Purpose Computing Platform (either digital or analog) must be limited to a resolution no greater than Standard Definition (SD).An HDCP connection does not need to be established in order to playback in HD over a DVI output on any General Purpose Computer Platform that is registered for service by Licensee on or before the later of: (i) 31st December, 2011 and (ii) the DVI output sunset date established by the AACS LA. Note that this exception does NOT apply to HDMI outputs on any General Purpose Computing PlatformWith respect to playback in HD over analog outputs on General Purpose Computer Platforms that are registered for service by Licensee after 31st December, 2011, Licensee shall either (i) prohibit the playback of such HD content over all analog outputs on all such General Purpose Computing Platforms or (ii) ensure that the playback of such content over analog outputs on all such General Purpose Computing Platforms is limited to a resolution no greater than SD.Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, if Licensee is not in compliance with this Section, then, upon Licensor’s written request, Licensee will temporarily disable the availability of Current Films in HD via the Licensee service within thirty (30) days following Licensee becoming aware of such non-compliance or Licensee’s receipt of written notice of such non-compliance from Licensor until such time as Licensee is in compliance with this section “General Purpose Computing Platforms”; provided that:if Licensee can robustly distinguish between General Purpose Computing Platforms that are in compliance with this section “General Purpose Computing Platforms”, and General Purpose Computing Platforms which are not in compliance, Licensee may continue the availability of Current Films in HD for General Purpose Computing Platforms that it reliably and justifiably knows are in compliance but is required to disable the availability of Current Films in HD via the Licensee service for all other General Purpose Computing Platforms, andin the event that Licensee becomes aware of non-compliance with this Section, Licensee shall promptly notify Licensor thereof; provided that Licensee shall not be required to provide Licensor notice of any third party hacks to HDCP.Secure Video Paths:The video portion of unencrypted content shall not be present on any user-accessible bus in any analog or unencrypted, compressed form. In the event such unencrypted, uncompressed content is transmitted over a user-accessible bus in digital form, such content shall be either limited to standard definition (720 X 480 or 720 X 576), or made reasonably secure from unauthorized interception. Secure Content Decryption.Decryption of (i) content protected by the Content Protection System and (ii) CSPs (as defined in Section 2.1 below) related to the Content Protection System shall take place such that it is protected from attack by other software processes on the device, e.g. via decryption in an isolated processing environment.HD Analog Sunset, All Devices.In accordance with industry agreements, all Approved Devices manufactured and sold (by the original manufacturer) after December 31, 2011 shall limit (e.g. down-scale) analog outputs for decrypted protected Included Programs to standard definition at a resolution no greater than 720X480 or 720 X 576, i.e. shall disable High Definition (HD) analog outputs. Licensee shall investigate in good faith the updating of all Approved Devices shipped to users before December 31, 2011 with a view to disabling HD analog outputs on such devices.Analog Sunset, All Analog Outputs, December 31, 2013In accordance with industry agreement, after December 31, 2013, Licensee shall only deploy Approved Devices that can disable ALL analog outputs during the rendering of Included Programs. For Agreements that do not extend beyond December 31. 2013, Licensee commits both to be bound by this requirement if Agreement is extended beyond December 31. 2013, and to put in place before December 31, 2013 purchasing processes to ensure this requirement is met at the stated time.Additional Watermarking Requirements.At such time as physical media players manufactured by licensees of the Advanced Access Content System are required to detect audio and/or video watermarks during content playback (the “Watermark Detection Date”), Licensee shall require, within two (2) years of the Watermark Detection Date, that any new devices capable of playing AACS protected Blu-ray discs and capable of receiving and decrypting protected high definition content from the Licensed Service that can also receive content from a source other than the Licensed Service shall detect and respond to the embedded state and comply with the corresponding playback control rules. Schedule C[TBD][DRAFT NOTE: DISCUSS.]Embedded InformationWatermarking. The Content Protection System or playback device must not intentionally remove or interfere with any embedded watermarks in licensed content.Embedded Information. Licensee’s delivery systems shall “pass through” any embedded copy control information without intentional alteration, modification or degradation in any manner; Notwithstanding the above, any alteration, modification or degradation of such copy control information and or watermarking during the ordinary course of Licensee’s distribution of licensed content shall not be a breach of this Embedded Information Section.ACCOUNT AUTHORIZATIONContent Delivery. Content, licenses, control words and ECM’s shall only be delivered from a network service to registered devices associated with an account with verified credentials. Account credentials must be transmitted securely to ensure privacy and protection against attacks.Services requiring user authentication:The credentials shall consist of at least a User ID and password of sufficient length to prevent brute force attacks.Licensee shall take steps to prevent users from sharing account credentials. In order to prevent unwanted sharing of such credentials, account credentials may provide access to any of the following (by way of example):purchasing capability (e.g. access to the user’s active credit card or other financially sensitive information)administrator rights over the user’s account including control over user and device access to the account along with access to personal information. Schedule IApproved Content ProtectionFlash Access 2.0 in the DECE approved configurationAkamai HDSMicrosoft PlayReady in the DECE approved configurationWidevine Cypher ? in the DECE approved configurationMove Networks Secure MediaSSL as approved by Licensor on a device make and model basisMicrosoft Media Room TechnologiesCableCARDPowerKEYDigiCipherPro:IdiomMarlin in the DECE approved configurationprovided, however, that if Licensee uses Adobe RTMPe, Licensee must migrate from RTMP-E to an alternative Licensor-approved DRM listed above on or before March 1, 2012 and Adobe RTMPe shall not be considered an Approved Format hereunder following March 1, 2012. DRM BUSINESS RULES AND License SettingsMICROSOFT DRM SETTING REQUIREMENTSFor Standard Definition Content Only on PCsWindows DRM Version 10 RightsLicensee shall comply with the following minimum DRM settings on all permitted play-back devices: These rights apply to standard and high definition content. For avoidance of doubt, delivery and playback of high definition content to/on PCs is prohibited. Some rights listed are not available in previous versions of Microsoft DRM. Rights for previous version of Microsoft DRM which have been deprecated by Microsoft DRM 10, must use rights settings consistent with Microsoft DRM 10 settings. Rights for later versions of Microsoft DRM must use rights settings which in combination have the same final result or better as described in the following tables.Licensor acknowledges that third party manufacturers of soft- and hardware (including but not limited to Microsoft and graphic card manufacturers) are not under control of Licensee and Licensee cannot control and/or influence their implementation of the Microsoft DRM output copy protection technology. Therefore, Licensee cannot be held responsible or liable for any such third party implementation.Solely for the purposes of the below tables, the following definitions shall apply:"Analog Protection System (APS) trigger bits (APSTB)" means the bits as specified (a) for NTSC video signals, in IEC 61880 (for inclusion of such value on Line 20) or EIA-608-B (for inclusion of such value on Line 21) or (b) for YUV (525/60 systems) signals, in IEC 61880 (for inclusion of such value on Line 20) or EIA-608-B (for inclusion of such value on Line 21)."Analog Television Output" means such typical consumer electronics analog connectors as SCART, YPrPb, S-Video and Consumer RGB."CGMS-A" means the Copy Generation Management System (Analog) as specified for PAL, SECAM or YUV analog video signals, in IEC 61880 (for inclusion on Line 20) or in EIA-608-B (for inclusion on Line 21) or in EIA-805 (for inclusion on Line 41) for YUV (525/60 systems) signals or in ETSI 300294 for PAL, SECAM and YUV (625/50 systems) signals."HDCP" means High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection ("HDCP") protected output. The HDCP specification and license agreement are available from Digital Content Protection, LLC at ."Output Protection Level" means a number included in WMDRM policy that corresponds to the content protection that must be applied when passing WMDRM Content. The Output Protection Level may be determined by the content owner and may be assigned by the Licensee within the WMDRM implementation."WMDRM Content" means audiovisual content that has been encrypted and recorded using WMDRM.Deprecated rights are not listed and must not be enabled or specified.RightSettingCommentsAllowPlayEnabledThis right allows the consumer to play protected content on a computer or devicePlaycountNot setThis right specifies the number of times the consumer is allowed to play protected content. By default, this right is not set and unlimited playing is allowedAllowCopyNot enabledThis right allows consumers to copy protected content to a device, such as a portable player or portable media, that supports Windows Media DRM?10 for Portable DevicesCopyCount0This right specifies the number of times the consumer is allowed to copy content using the AllowCopy right. By default, this right is not set, and unlimited copies are allowed.AllowTransferToNonSDMINot enabledThis right allows the consumer to transfer the Windows Media file to a device that supports Portable Device DRM version?1 or Windows Media DRM?10 for Portable Devices.AllowTransferToSDMINot enabledThis right allows the consumer to transfer the Windows Media file to a device that supports Portable Device DRM version?1 or Windows Media DRM?10 for Portable Devices.TransferCount0This right specifies the number of times a consumer can transfer a Windows Media file to a device using the AllowTransferToNonSDMI and AllowTransferToSDMI rightsAllowBackupRestoreNot enabledThis right allows the consumer to manage licenses by making backup copies and restoring licenses from backupsAllowCollaborativePlayNot enabledThis right allows consumers play protected content in a collaborative session using peer-to-peer servicesAllowPlaylistBurnNot enabledThis right allows consumers to copy a Windows Media file from a playlist to a CD in the Red Book audio formatMaxPlaylistBurnCountNot enabledThe maximum number of times a Windows Media file can be copied to a CD as part of a particular playlistPlaylistBurnTrackCountNot enabledThe maximum number of times a Windows Media file can be copied to a CD, regardless of what playlist it is inMinimumSecurityLevel.2,000Player applications based on Windows Media Format 9 Series SDK or later with strict security requirements. Included devices Windows Media DRM 10 for Portable Devices and Network Devices.Excludes: Devices based on Windows Media Portable Device DRM v1 or based on Windows CE 4.2 and laterMinimumClientSDKSecurity3000Windows Media Format 7.1 SDK or laterOutput Protection Levels for Digital Uncompressed Video Content250If the Output Protection Level specified in the WMDRM License is greater than or equal to 101 and less than or equal to 250 and an Included Program is Passing the video portion of uncompressed decrypted WMDRM Content to Digital Video Outputs, the Included Programs must attempt to engage HDCP to protect the video portion of uncompressed decrypted WMDRM Content; however, Included Programs may Pass the video portion of uncompressed decrypted WMDRM Content to Digital Video Outputs even if HDCP cannot be engaged.Output Protection Levels for Analog Video Content200For passing the Analog Video Content of decrypted WMDRM Content to Analog Television Outputs of Authorized Set Top Boxes over which Licensee has design specification control or are branded or marketed by Licensee, CGMS-A must be engaged with the CGMS-A field in the copy set to ‘11’ (“no more copies”) Furthermore Licensee shall set this Output Protection Level for WMDRM Content that is delivered to Personal Computers.Output Protection Levels for Compressed Digital Video n/aIncluded Programs must not Pass the video portion of compressed decrypted WMDRM Content to any Output. Schedule DCReportingMonthlyTotal Authorized Subscribers (on average) for such month.Any other non-confidential information upon which the parties may agree. Schedule UUsage Rules[DRAFT NOTE: UNDER REVIEW.]The Licensed Service (regardless of whether the Licensed Service is delivered by Licensee shall be delivered in strict accordance with the following usage rules. The Licensed Service may implement the Streaming model specified in Section 3 and/or the Electronic Downloading model specified in Section 4.Playback Clients. Playback clients are devices or applications that can play or render Included Programs received from the Licensed Service.Each playback client must be uniquely identifiable.Each playback client must be registered with an Authorized Subscriber’s account (each an “Account”) prior to receiving content or playback licenses. Each playback client must be registered with an Account in good standing in order to play Included Programs.Each playback client may only be associated or registered with a single Account at a time.Accounts. Authorized Subscribers must have an active Account prior to viewing Included Programs on the Licensed Service.All Accounts must be protected via unique account credentials consisting of at least a userid and password.An authenticated session must timeout after a reasonable period of time and shall require authentication prior to playback of any Included Program.All Accounts must have purchasing power such that access to the Account credentials (username and password) is sufficient to enable purchases to be made and charged to the Account owner.Use of Account credentials must enable users to change password.Each Account can have a maximum of 56 registered playback clients.Playback licenses may be issued in accordance with either of the two usage models defined below (but not, for the avoidance of doubt both models): Section 3 “Playback Licenses – Streaming Model” or Section 4 “Playback Licenses – Download Model.”Playback Licenses – Streaming Model.Only a single playback license shall be issued per content viewing.Each playback license shall be delivered and restricted to only registered playback clients.Playback licenses shall not be transferable or copyable between playback clients.Included Programs are not playable without a playback license.Included Programs are not playable on a non-registered playback client.Only Licensee can provide playback licenses for Included Programs.Playback licenses must be acquired at the start of viewing an Included Program, and cannot be cached or stored on the applicable Approved Device after the earlier of viewing being stopped or 24 hours after the playback license was issued.Playback licenses are only delivered to Authorized Subscribers with Accounts in good standing.Playback licenses shall expire period within 24 hours of being issued. Resuming playback (after a stop) of a previously viewed (including partially viewed) stream requires acquisition of a new playback license.If a playback client receives a new playback license while it already has a playback license or is playing an Included Program authorized by another playback license, any Included Program playing shall terminate, and the new playback license shall replace any existing playback licenses.Each playback client may only have a single playback license at a time.Only 24 playback licenses may be active at one time associated with a single Account. A playback license is considered active once it is issued, and remains active until it expires, not later than 24 hours after being issued.Prior to issuing a playback license, a playback client must be authenticated with its associated Licensed Service Account using the Licensed Service credentials.Playback Licenses – Download Model.Each playback license shall be delivered and restricted to a single registered playback client per Account.Playback licenses shall not be transferable or copyable between playback clients.Included Programs are not playable without a playback license.Included Programs are not playable on a non-registered playback client.Only Licensee can provide playback licenses for Included Programs.Playback licenses may only be cached or stored on a single registered playback client per Account.Playback licenses are only delivered to Authorized Subscribers with Accounts in good standing.Playback licenses shall expire within the earlier of:the end of the License Period for the Included Program authorized by such playback license; andtwenty-four (24) hours from the end of the Authorized Subscriber’s paid subscription period.Each playback client may only have a single playback license at a time.Prior to issuing a playback license, a playback client must be authenticated with its associated Licensed Service Account using the Licensed Service account credentials.A playback client may be de-registered from an Account only if the following conditions are met:the Approved Device is connected to the Licensed Service delivering the Licensed Service (as applicable) that originally registered the device;the Authorized Subscriber has successfully authenticated with their Account credentials; andthe playback client has not been removed.Upon removal of a playback client, all Included Programs contained thereon are immediately disabled.Recording. Copying or recording of Included Programs by a user for longer than the period specified in Section 4.8 of this Schedule U, including, without limitation, on equipment supplied or controlled by Licensee is prohibited.Fraud Detection.Licensee shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure playback licenses for a single Account are only delivered to a single household.Licensee shall use reasonable and appropriate anti-fraud heuristics to prevent unauthorized access of Accounts. ................

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