Computer Club Presentation 5­3­2016

Computer Club Presentation 532016

By Dick Evans,


It is important that you remember your usernames and passwords. Many of you have your PC set to not require a password to get into it. It starts and logs itself in because you set it to do that. It is still using your password. You just do not have to key it in.

Jump ahead to a time when your computer must be worked on because it is no longer behaving correctly. The technician may need that password. And there is no way for us to "discover" it from your hard drive. Often the only option is to copy all your data to another disk, format your hard drive and reinstall Windows. And even then we need your Microsoft account username and password to set up all the features in Windows 10.

When your computer is reloaded with Windows any programs you had installed will no longer be there. Somewhere you need to write down the following usernames and passwords. Sometime in the future you will need to have them.

Windows Username and Password to access your PC if you are not on the Internet or have elected to use the local account option.

Microsoft Username and Password to access your live account which contains your OneDrive cloud.

Email address and password (you may have more than one email address) your browser may remember it, but you will need it to sign on with another PC

SSID and key to access (this is for your home system) this will allow access to your internet connection using WiFi

Comcast Username and Password (if you have Comcast) so you can access Xfinity Wifi when you are away from home. this gives you free WiFi anywhere in the country that has Xfinity.

Keep a written list somewhere. A sticky note under your keyboard is better than nothing at all. If you have a smartphone, keep a note on it. Keep them in a document file on your computer. Have them somewhere.

Well those ideas are not very secure you say. Correct. Here are some suggestions for securing them.

Password protect the file you keep them MS Word will let you do this Use Locknote to keep them only need to know one password to unlock. Get it at


Use LastPass to keep them you can access from anywhere. Only need one password to access them. They are available online. Use this link to sign up for LastPass:

File Explorer We use it often, but do we know all we can do with it? Here are a few tips. First of all, to open it we click the file folder icon in the taskbar. We can also the shortcut Win+E. Another is to rightclick the Start button and select File Explorer.

See the down chevron to the right of the line that says This PC? Click it to display the ribbons.

Now it shows the full ribbons with all the possible options. The chevron is now pointing up and clicking it removes the ribbon view. On the View ribbon click Options to change Folder Options.


Let's explore all the tabs. There are many options you might want to check out and some I recommend Here is another shortcut. Alt+P toggles the preview pane on and off. . Use the search box to speed up looking for something on your disks. Two Useful Programs They are not from Microsoft, but work well with all versions of Windows.

MWsnap does a much better job of capturing something from the screen than the Snipping Tool.


EmailSTRIPPER cleans up those messy emails before you forward them on to someone else. Keyboard Shortcuts Shortcuts have been around since the days of DOS. Most have the same function as they did back then. They are included in most programs for compatibility with the past and in case the mouse stops working. These are but a few. You can search for "shortcuts" in Google and get extensives lists for any program you want to find.


These are not hidden, but often ignored. Let's look at where they are hiding so you can locate them in the future. As you pull down menus in various programs the shortcut keys are listed to the right of many of the options.

Also, pressing the Alt key will open up Alt key shortcuts.

Remember that Ctrl+F is used in many programs including browsers to open a Find box even when Find is not an option showing. Also Ctrl+P to open the Print dialog box.

When using shortcuts remember to hold down all but the last key on the keyboard, then tap the last key, and then release the others.

Using Internet Explorer(or any other browser to access web sites on the Internet)

F11 Full Screen (tap it again to turn off full screen) F1 Help Ctrl + Increase size of the page you are viewing Ctrl Decrease size of the page you are viewing Ctrl 0 Return size of the page you are viewing to normal Windows Opens the Start menu Scroll Button Use the scroll button on the mouse to move the page up and down Ctrl Home Top of page Ctrl End Bottom of page

Shortcuts for Most Apps:

Ctrl+X Cut the selected text and copy it to the clipboard Ctrl+C Copy the selected text and copy it to the clipboard Ctrl+V Paste the contents of the clipboard to the current location Ctrl+Z Undo the last operation Ctrl+Y Redo the last operation Ctrl+S Save the current file Ctrl+O Open a file Ctrl+A Select all Ctrl+P Open the print dialog box



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