The Register of Australian and New Zealand Vessels

The Register of Australian and New Zealand Vessels

Do you have information on a vessel past or present that you would like to add to the register? If so, please use the form provided below. If you give your name, you will be acknowledged as a source on the database. Don't worry if you cannot complete all the fields. Each contribution is valued. Your contribution will be added to others that together will help fill the gaps of information about each vessel. Email to Mori Flapan at mflapan@

|Original name: | |

|Later names & years |Name |Year given |Year changed |

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|Type of propulsion |ОAuxiliary paddle, О auxiliary screw, О cable, О dumb, |О other |

| |О jet, О oars, О ouboard, О paddle, О sail, О screw, | |

| |О screw azimuthing, О stern drive, О stern wheel, О tractor| |

|Number of propulsion untis |О Single, О twin, О triple, О quadruple, О quintuple |О other |

|Type of vessel operation |О Airforce, О army, О barge, О bulk, О cargo, О collier, |О other |

| |О crane, О cruiser, О dock, О dredge, О drogher, О ferry, | |

| |О fishing, О govt, О hulk, О launch, О lifeboat, О lighter,| |

| |О lightship, О museum, О naval, О passenger, О patrol, | |

| |О police, О pearling, О pilot, О racing, О RoRo, | |

| |О speedboat, О survey, О tanker, О tender, О training, | |

| |О tug, О whaler, О yacht | |

|Configuration |О Monohull, О catamaran, О wavepiercer, О trimaran, |О other |

| |О trihull, О inflatable, О RIB, О hopper, О punt | |

|Hull material |О Aluminium, О composite, О ferro-cement, О fibreglass |О other |

| |(FRP), О iron, О polyethylene, О steel, О wood | |

|Rig |О Masts without sails, О masts with sails (rig unknown), |О other |

| |О ship, О barque, О barquentine, О brig, О brigantine, | |

| |О topsail schooner, О fore and aft schooner, О ketch, | |

| |О yawl, О cutter, О sloop | |

|Number of masts | |

|Type of fore & aft rig |О Not applicable, О gaff, О Bermudan, О lug, О sprit |О other |

|Official Number | |

|Designer | |

|Year launched/built |YYYY/MM/DD |

|Name of builder | |

|Place of build | |

|Number of funnels | |

|Type of machinery |О Nil, О steam reciprocating, О steam turbine, О motor |О other |

| |diesel, О motor gas turbine, О motor petrol, О motor | |

| |kerosene, О napha, О electric | |

|Details of machinery & maker | |

| | |

|Tonnages: Gross, Underdeck, Net | |

|Dimensions: Length x Breadth | |

|xDepth | |

|Hull deck arrangement |О 1 Deck, О 2 Decks, О 3 Decks, О 4 Decks, О 5 Decks, |О other |

| |О Cockpit, О Open | |

|Number of bulkheads | |

|Owners + Years + Ports |Port |Owner |Year acquired |Year disposed |

|registered or based | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Fate type |О Operational, О stationary, О existent, О wrecked, |О other |

| |О burnt, О foundered, О explosion, О pirated, О war loss, | |

| |О lost (details unknown), О hulked, О scuttled, О abandoned| |

| |(not at sea), О broken up | |

|Fate date |YYYY/MM/DD |

|Fate details | |

|Type of bow |О Beak, О clipper, О raked, О ramp, О raked  rounded, |О other |

| |О round plan, О spoon, О straight, О swim | |

|Type of stern |О Canoe, О counter, О cruiser, О ramp, О round plan, |О other |

| |О square, О straight (double ended), О transom | |

|Figurehead |О No figurehead, О type unknown, О female, О male, |О other |

| |О animal, О shield or crest, О billet head, О fiddle head, | |

| |О scrollboards | |

|Figurehead details | |

|History, technical details, | |

|voyages, incidents, etc. | |

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|References, sources of | |

|information, artefacts, images, | |

|etc. | |

|Details provided by: Name & | |

|contact details | |

|Photos gratefully received |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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