JAY OSTRICH - Society for Human Resource Management

Jay Ostrich

Public Affairs Director

[pic] Reading, PA 19541 ( 717.649.6547 ( airmanostrich@ ( [pic]

Public Relations Leader and decorated war veteran with Masters-level military education offering 10+ years of experience in strategic communication development, production and media advisory. Award-winning journalist, leader and team motivator with influential presentation and speaking abilities. Multimedia expert, dedicated spokesperson and superior communications strategist with a track record of cultivating constructive publicity for organizations internationally. Develop comprehensive social media, on-air and print campaigns.

➢ Execute superior judgment enhanced by collaborating with high-ranking officials in making critical decisions with worldwide impacts under intense combat and sensitive political conditions.

➢ Effectively prepare civilians up to generals for high-stake media assaults with proprietary techniques.

➢ Dedicated to serve as a catalyst for progress by building relationships with elite and powerful media outlets and developing strategic partnerships.

➢ Ensure impact of communications is intentional and decisions are influenced by trust and emotion using PHD (Personalize, Humanize, Dramatize) in all publicity efforts.

➢ Think strategically and proactively, looking ahead and accurately analyzing how an action or lack thereof impacts decisions today in alignment with mission.

➢ Maintain high standards encompassing spot-on performance, reputation for responsiveness and clarity and accuracy resulting in being recognized as a go-to resource for media outlets.

➢ Enlisted in the military at age 32 inspired to serve and protect country as a result of 9/11.

Professional Experience


PA Air National Guard

May 2002 – Present

Chief of Public Affairs, 193rd Special Operations Wing, Middletown, PA

May 2002 – Present

Conceptualized and produced strategic PR campaigns as Lead Spokesman for the only airborne broadcasting special operations platform in the world and for Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, involving 19,000 soldiers and 100+ missions. Managed 12+ multimedia specialists who broadcast, publish and distribute internal communications, media relations and community relations for more than 1,700 Airmen.

➢ Applied extensive knowledge of industry and government nuances to rapidly respond tactically and strategically while leading emergency situation with NORAD and media during Presidential visit.

➢ Published more than 100 original feature articles worldwide in military and civilian publications.

➢ Headed public affairs and coordinated press and distinguished visitor escorts for three U.S. President visits to 193rd SOW and local area.

➢ Coordinated Presidential base activities with Senior White House Press Advisors and Secret Service Agents.

Public Affairs Deputy Director, Pa. National Guard, Annville, PA

May 2005 – Nov 2010

Diplomatically led public relations efforts as Lead Speechwriter for officers and public speakers. Oversaw content development activities as Managing Editor of Guardians Magazine. Produced over 100 television interviews, appeared in more than five hours of radio broadcasts and 50+ live local television interviews. Garnered worldwide publicity by publishing internationally in over 50 trade journals and leading publications. Reported to and wrote speeches for Adjutant General, a cabinet-level position on Governor’s staff.

➢ Gained public support for the Global War on Terror by orchestrating multi-year international media efforts and creating unprecedented media coverage that told compelling stories of soldiers and airmen.

➢ Broadcast live from Alabama and New Orleans to promote National Guard Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

➢ Consoled the families of soldiers lost in battle, facilitating and consulting with them through difficult publicized media events within a 24-hour media cycle.

United States Air Force Special Operations

Nov 2009 – Sep 2013

Public Affairs Director, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa

Mar 2013 – Sep 2013

Served as key media strategist and trusted advisor to generals, commanders and leaders for a 4,000-soldier organization based in the combat zones of East Africa. Delivered all social media, broadcast and print publications for command as Managing Editor. Managed logistics for international missions as Lead Planner and key engagement leader for command and public affairs personnel. Developed content as Lead Speechwriter for notable generals. Taught photojournalism workshops in Nairobi.

➢ Designed the first ever public affairs exchange between the Kenya Defense Forces and U.S. military.

➢ Elevated awareness in collaboration with reporters from the NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and National Geographic as Lead International Spokesperson.

➢ Featured in local article for a lollipop drive organized by student government at alma matter Governor Mifflin High School that aided mission to mitigate disease with education on hygiene and food preparation.

➢ Facilitated communications between U.S. military and African partner nation militaries to exchange best practices and gain advantage over terrorist groups in the region.

Media Operations Center (MOC) Chief, United States Forces - Iraq

Nov 2009 – May 2010

Handpicked to lead strategic effects cell for U.S. forces at US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq during the War on Terror. Replaced underperforming superior officer in charge of the media operations cell.

➢ Managed over 200 media queries while under enemy fire and briefed four-star generals, including General Patreaus and General Ray Odierno, commander of the entire Iraq campaign.

➢ Fed high-demand for interaction from The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, Times of London, French Presse and Al-Jazeera with troop safety, timeliness and truth in focus.

➢ Served as spokesperson for over 120,000 troops and their families while protecting national security and the strategic messaging from the President of the United States.

Commonwealth Foundation, Harrisburg, PA

Dec 2010 – Mar 2013

Director of Public Affairs

Managed media strategy and tactical execution for a state policy think tank. Taught Subject Matter Experts from public policy, politics and small business and prepared for media events using proprietary techniques. Provided workshops for beginners and experts to recognize and hone their skills. Trained workshop attendees in delivering impactful speeches to gain support and promote schemas utilizing intense simulation techniques. Directed all aspects of content development/writing, editing and placement of guest columns in multiple local publications as Lead Column Writer and Managing Editor of Commonwealth Sense magazine.

➢ Secured more than 300 live television and radio broadcast opportunities positively featuring people, policies and organizations that generated record viewership and significantly increased the foundation’s endowment.

➢ Successfully lobbied for a controversial prison reform policy, which unanimously passed and saved Pennsylvania taxpayers millions.

➢ Generated attentiveness and response as Lead Spokesperson and Director of Media Outreach to more than 50 Pennsylvania media outlets.

➢ Created LIFELINE mini documentary advocating for a school choice program resulting in over 7,000 children being placed into safer and better-equipped schools.



Defense Information School, Fort Meade, MD

Journalist, Honor Graduate


Public Affairs Officer Course


University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ


Bachelor of Arts, Political Science,

Cum Laude

United States Air Force Academy of Military Science, Knoxville, TN


Leadership and Management

Villanova School of Law, Villanova, PA 1995-1996

Courses in Law

Medals and Awards


Unites States Air Force

Joint Service Commendation Medal


Commendation Medal


Joint Service Achievement Medal


Named USAF Feature Writer of the Year


Humanitarian Medal


Achievement Medal


United States Air Force Academy of Military Science

Elected Commencement Speaker


National Guard Bureau

Company Grade Officer of the Year, Pennsylvania


Named Feature Writer of the Year (Sports)


Best Deployed Publication for US Army/Air Force


Voted Feature Writer of the Year

2007, 2008

Noteworthy Contributions


Member, Vets4Energy, supporting American energy independence and policy development

Lobbyist, American Petroleum Institute for PA natural gas exploration

Elected and re-elected Lebanon County Republican Committee

2007 – 2009


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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