For April Fool's day 2009 summary, see below

For April Fool's day 2009 summary, see below.  It all started with Dr. Barmby...

090323 sent a message using the contact form at


RE: Syria: The Limits to Political Theatrics


Dear Sirs,

Stratfor is an excellent source for analysis on current global events from the prospective of geography, and I appreciate very much the work you do. As a professor of political economy, I of course recognize that geography hardly has the final say in international affairs, but by putting current events in their geographic context, Stratfor certainly has been able to explain complex scenarios in simple terms that just make sense.  Even my

wife (who is absolutely dull when it comes to international affairs) is able to take interest in your work.  My hearty congratulations to you!

However, I was disappointed in your latest analysis on Syria and its President.  Aside from your dismissal of Syria’s ability to mediate with Iran and the assumption that TURKEY is now a “resurgent power” (resurgent where, may I ask? Because it certainly isn’t in Europe), your constant use of metaphors is, frankly, becoming quite confusing.

You imply that President al-Assad is engaging in “political theatrics” in the title of your article and again at the very end, but I was extremely frustrated by the fact that at no point in the article do you specify exactly what those theatrics are!  Has old Bashar joined an acting troupe? The theater has been denigrated quite enough in the past 60 years, no need to kick it while it's down.

Then, again, in the second paragraph, you refer to al-Assad as the “popular kid on the block” – what could you possibly mean by this? Al-Assad is the president of the sovereign nation of Syria, securing his role as an important actor in Middle Eastern affairs.  The popularity that he enjoys on his block is irrelevant to his stature as a statesman that the United States and its allies in Israel must accept as fact.  You Americans are constantly fixated on popularity and stardom in politics, as perfectly

evidenced in your half-cocked election of Mr. Obama who is as fit to be president as Denzel Washington with only half the acting ability.    Later on, you refer to Lebanon’s March 14 alliance as “whistling a different tune” which, after reading about al-Assad being the “popular kid on the block” made me chuckle.  My grand-daughter was a dedicated fan of that insufferable “New Kid On The Block” sensation that was

unavoidable in Britain during the 1990s. I’m quite certain that you did not intend to draw this parallel (or did you?) but it was confusing (and completely distracting) nonetheless.     

Quite seriously, however, I am constantly appalled by the over-reliance on metaphors in today’s world and I believe language would be much clearer if we stated flat-out exactly what we mean instead of spewing out whatever childish phrase is in vogue at the time.  As they say, we are, unfortunately, divided from our American friends through a common language. That was all too apparent from reading this article.

Thank you, 

Dr. Timothy Barmby






Subject: What's a Meta for?



This is an interesting response from a reader and, while he clearly has his

own thing going on here and is a Brit besides, he is right about some of the

language in this piece. We try to stay away from this kind of clichéd,

lightweight, newspaperish language.

Such things as "whistling a new tune," "popular kid on the block," don't

belong and are usually an analyst's attempt at creative writing. Sometimes a

little self-expression can be a terrible thing.

Treat these things like cockroaches. If you see one, squash it.






omaro@ sent a message using the contact form at



this lies are shit!!!!!!


Dear Fuckhaeds,

I am writing because you only have a fucking interst in your own stupid asses.  I wish piles of shit reign down from the sky on you fucking quackjobs.  Your article on Obama and Russia is complete slap in face face to the Kazakh people.  Kazakh people and russian people are brother who will fist you americans in your overgrown genetelia.  They need nukes to ram in the asshole of Mr. Bush and that black white man you call


You Americans are losing your powers and will see Russias power in the world once more!!!  As Pyotr Velikiy and his rule they will rise again and claim us countries to make AMERICA EAT THE GENETELIA OF THEIR DOG!!!  You mother fuckers will cry  when you all die of sex diesase and your crackheads kill you in your streets praising the great Kazakh nation of Russia!!

I will hope the people in Stratfor burn when they pee and recieving sex form men when you go to jail for your writing against russia.

Fuck you and eat shit.  I will never read stratfor piece of garbage again!

With total fuck you,

Omarkhan Oksikbayev

Also, your so fucking dumb you put the map upsidedown. 



Peter Zeihan:




this one's a keeper



Rodger Baker:


Ya know, there is a guy in the Kazakh government with this name. he is Chairman of the Estimation Committee for Control Over Execution of the Republican Budget...



Karen Hooper:


Is this Borat???!



Reva Bhalla:


ohhhh my god. first the ukrainians, now the Kazakhs!!!!



Fred Burton:


Very close in content to my resignation letter from the US Govt. Intro is identical.



Lauren Goodrich:


I'm offending each FSU state at a time...

I write so highly about Russia.... shocks me they get so pissed off.

This one is awesome though



Reva Bhalla:


i absolutely adore the formal ending:


With total fuck you,


amazing. i need to start using that.





will fist you americans in your overgrown genetelia.

Wow... do I sense a little bit of insecurity? All that nuclear waste in Kazakhstan didn't lead to any wanted growth? Maybe we can forward him some of the junk mail we get...





this is amazing. i love the p.s. about putting the map upside down.  just wow





We should definitely publish this.  We'll collect them and do our own

version of






Arkhan142@ sent a message using the contact form at


RE: India: Defense Priorities  and Expanding Arms Access


Good day to you Stratfor,


My apologies for not responding in a timely matter to your exhibition on

India purchasing 2.1 billion weapons of massive destruction from the

United States of American on 18 March.  My modem was broken, which forced

me to wait until my brother Punar could visit me and repair it for me.

Now that my modem is repaired, I have only read Stratfor, Stratfor,

Strafor, all day long!


When my modem was repaired and I was once again able to read your very

fine exhibitions, I was happy and danced to my good fortune.  But then I

read your exhibition on India and his purchase of weapons from the United

States of America and I was very, very afraid. I danced no more.


Why does the United States of America sell these weapons of massive

destruction to India?  Does United States of America hate Bangladesh?  The

United States of America must know that when India has these weapons of

massive destruction, he will use them to kill all people of Bangladesh.  I

am very afraid for this day when it will come. 


When the United States sells the Boeing Co P-8I maritime patrol aircraft

to India, ten thousand of my countrymen die.  When the United States sells

Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules military transport planes to India,

twenty thousand more perish. One of these could be my brother Punar!


I love my country and am proud to be a person from Bangladesh. But I am

also very afraid.  India is so large and can kill us whenever he likes.

But when he has weapons of massive destruction, he can kill us even more -

and faster too!  I urinated in my sleep one night because I became so



Does the United States of America want to kill Bangladesh?  Are the people

of United States of America very angry with Mr President Barack Obama for

selling weapons of massive destruction to India?  You are very smart and

you must have the spirit in you which knows the answer to this question.


Thank you for your very intelligent exhibitions,


Ataur Khan







We have GOT to publish this one!!!


Query:  In India, when you call tech support, who do you get??? 



I had to stop reading after he told us about urinating in his sleep.


TMI ..




suparman@ sent a message using the contact form at


RE: East Asia: The Implications of BMD Deployment

Dear sir

North korea piece about BMD is intresting but not importnat. So north

korea shots a little toy in the sky.  Excuse my english but USA easily will

swat this down with fucking strength!  Are these SM-3 fucks big dog in the

pool? yes? Then I Fuck Kim Jong-il and small toy bombs!  Maybe Japanese

business man has a shit in his pants but not USA. Thank you.



Elvis Mannard sent a message using the contact form at




Hi!  What are you wearing?  I'm wearing a Crocs, shin guards, assless

chaps, and a sombrero.  Now that I have your attention, I'd like to thank

you for the FANTASTICAL piece on Iran going to the UN conference.  These

are the things we need to be doing!  If we can engage people around the

world and UNITE then peace can be reached!  America is already in the

process of going green and accepting our fellow gay brothers and sisters

(even letting them get married!  If it wasn't for those Bible-thumping

homophobes in Texas).  It's my hope Obama extends an olive branch, hugs the

world, leads and SHOWS that we're not into war and being drunk and

homocidal. Maybe it is the homo sapiens in each of us that leads us down

the path of hatred.  It is time to let out the glorious HOMO ERECTUS in

each of us!  With Stratfor's help, annything is possible!  Keep up the good


Hugs and kisses,

Elvis Mannard







Aaric: The new, all-time, hands-down winner of the best reader email ever!!!!



I'm wearing a Crocs, shin guards, assless chaps, and a sombrero.


There is no doubt Elvis can be a Cabinet level official in the Obama administration.



AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  This dude obviously has no clue this place is headquartered in Texas!!!  Awesome.  Absolutely awesome.




bible thumping homaphobes in texas! woohoo!

this is good, but it still doesn't come close to crazy ukrainian or crazy kazakh.

also, this guy totally misread the article.



Dude needs a picture of Sledge in his assless chaps, pink shirt and carrying man purse!  Make his day....



jesus aaric.  why?



Oh.  My.  God.


Did anyone check out his email address???    THAT has got to be hands down the best part!



It's probably hard to concentrate while wearing assless chaps.


I wouldn't know. What do you think, Fred?



Oh boy, the glorious Homo Erectus in each of us?




Frankly, you are all missing the boat.  This arsehole is our average reader. 



Our average reader knows about assless chaps?

(This is the part where someone makes an obligatory reference to J. Edgar Hoover.)



When wearing assless chaps, the old notion "Where you stand depends on where you sit" takes on a whole new meaning.


And there should(n't) be a picture of a cat wearing assless chaps



Couldn't find one, and my cats won't let me dress them up.



I agree with Fred... last three days we had a crazy Kazakh, a lunatic Bangladeshi, and apparently an assless chap wearing Madonna fan write to us about our pieces. Start thinking about this demographic.



We didn't have this prior to George's book.  I'm just saying.



Concur.  Most of the responses to my book were from mothers, Baptists, soldiers and Patriots.  Now we are getting assless chap men wearing sombreros...


Suggest we invite them all for a party so we can look at them. 


Kinda picture the Animal House pledging scenario...we could introduce the lunatic Bangi to the assless chaps dude. 




anyway, let's bring this guy back to the top of the social list!  this was gold.




What the hell is Chowderdance anyway? Like Riverdance, but with clams?




Larry.henry2007@ sent a message using the contact form at


China Maritime Focus - Tell me something I don't know

In your article you say that China has always been a land power.  No shit,

Sherlock.  If you had any understanding of Taoist thought at all, you would

know that China had long mastered the elements of earth and metal – even

fire, having invented gunpowder long before the round-eyes invented the

concept of wiping your ass.

But from pre-history to the great battles of the Wu-Tang and Shao-lin, no

known Chinaman has known how to swim, much less drive a boat.  People like

Chao Fung-wu and even Hung Jun-kit might have been powerful, but is there

any possibility that they could have projected this power into the South

China Sea, or beyond?  The answer, of course, is a resounding fuck no.

It wasn’t until they discovered the oft-neglected Fifth Element that

Chinese naval expansion really took off in 1981. Certainly they had

mastered fire, earth, wood and metal by this time.  It took deep inner

reflection for the competing schools to unlock the watery power that lay

deep within China’s borders – the Yangtze.

It was the often maligned Chinese Junk, invented a year earlier in 1980,

that brought naval dominance within Chinese reach – at least on the

Yangtze.  With this power mastered internally (not unlike the Wu-tang of

Chao fung-wu), China is ready to project external power (perhaps like the

Shao-lin of Hung Jun-kit?).  To extend the analogy further, they can now

avenge the death of Yan-ling (commodity imports) at the hand of Qing Lord

(the United States).  Think about that!








The Fifth Element.  good movie




Hilarious response

As a classical lyricist once said,

"Wu Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with"




People like Chao Fung-wu and even Hung Jun-kit might have been powerful, but is there 

any possibility that they could have projected this power into the South 

China Sea, or beyond?  The answer, of course, is a resounding fuck no. 


Classic.  Just classic awesomeness.






yes it would definitely appear that killer bees are, indeed, on the swarm









Ever seen a Chinaman drive in the rain?




Is that a question akin to:   So Joey, do you like movies about gladiator?





kongballs@ sent a message using the contact form at


Can't you see AIDS is destroying the world!


Jane Goodall was killed by the CIA.  It's obvious.  Back when she was

inventing AIDS in Africa, the CIA targeted her because they thought she was

developing a weapon for the commie reds.  So the CIA backed an rebel

indigenous movement that was seriously pissed off at her because she kept

making fun of them for not knowing how to tie shoelaces. THEY DIDN'T EVEN


SHOELACES?!?! It's all bullshit and fortune cookies.  I know this because I

worked for an airline that flew into Nairobi once a week back in the day

and one time a scientist professor was on board and he told me all of this.

The CIA had come to him and offered him a million dollars to kill Jane

Goodall but he refused because he's Hindu and it's illegal for him to kill

people. He showed me Jane Goodall's shoelace and he showed me the

non-existent shoelaces of the people who killed her. It's all about

shoelaces and AIDS and those fucking hairy assed guerillas.  The Taliban

busted their nut a long time ago.


But how does California gangsta rapper Eazy-E, perhaps THE symbol of

American hegemony, figure into this bag of mash potatoes you ask?  The

often repeated lie that E, no stranger to gettin some stanky on his

hangdown, contracted AIDS from a weird fetish involving a urinal cake

cannot account for his frequent trips to both Africa and Russia under the

auspices of his KGB handlers.  I had the misfortune of meating the young

lad once.  And let me just say, you havent seen anything until you've been

berated in Russian by an AIDS infected man sporting a geri curl.  i further

suspect this man, or one of his accomplices in semenal rap group NWA of

spearheading the Russian plot of shooting JFK with the infamous magic AIDS

bullet.  and you wonder why ape feces was discovered in the Texas school

book depository.  And its high time you face up to the plain fact that

Sputnik was crop dusting AIDS spores all over the fucking place which is

why the Challenger exploded.


Its unbelievable to me that Stratfor has been overlooking it, when it is

clear Russia has formulated the original virus as a plan to rid its ranks

of the gay, while the US wallows in the jello pit of queerdom. Unfortunately, while fucking morons like yourself, were busy purporting the

nonsense of the Iraq War, Jane Goodall was in her volcano working on AIDS

virus #2!  Back when I was a freelance dog and cat euthanizer for local

animal shelters is when I discovered all this, as many of the animals I was

relentlessly beating to death with a 2x4 showed symptoms of a cuter form of

AIDS.  AIDS #2 will not be so cute.  Remember when Ebola and bird flu swept

the nation?  What the fuck are you going to do when your cocks rot off and

your immune system shuts down.     For us women it’s even worse:  we grow

malignant AIDS-y peniuses!! When I was 12 my father raped me so I know what

it’s like to have a few good years. And then our immune system shuts

down.  Perhaps the most disturbing part of this is that those fucking camel

riding, schwarma eating, sock-fucking rat-dicks out in fuckin Thunderdome

got a hold of version #2!!!  Where the fuck was Stratfor coverage of THIS




I'm sorry guys ... I just forward the ones I don't publish ... 



This may be the best ever. Look at the e-mail address.



I think I speak for many of us when I say




Why aren't we publishing this?



AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!  I'm dying over here!!!!  Our readers have lost their damn mind!   Seriously WTF!??? 


Best line:

"Russian plot of shooting JFK with the infamous magic AIDS




Would this count as a letters to the editor?



Hmmmm....April 1?



I would think this HAS to be an April Fool's joke, but then I remember some of the other letters we've received & then the possibility of the existence of someone who's this batshit crazy AND has Internet access doesn't seem so far-fetched. [BINGO]



The magnum opus of reader responses:

two of my favorites:

"California gangsta rapper Eazy-E, perhaps THE symbol of

American hegemony"

"Back when I was a freelance dog and cat euthanizer for local

animal shelters is when I discovered all this, as many of the animals I was

relentlessly beating to death with a 2x4 showed symptoms of a cuter form of




I worked an agent once with the codename of KONGBALLS.


This also looks like my last performance review w/the govt.  



"no stranger to gettin some stanky on his hangdown, contracted AIDS from a weird fetish involving a urinal cake"

i don't care if this is a joke or not, but it made my day



I know.  Joke or not I've been in tears.  I really wish I could have come up with this line (but I'm going to steal and use it now):


"fucking camel riding, schwarma eating, sock-fucking rat-dicks out in fuckin Thunderdome"


Thunderdome.  Why didn't I ever think of that HAHAHAHA.


daniel.connally@ sent a message using the contact form at


AIDS #2 Warning

We have reason to believe that STRATFOR employees have become infected with

AIDS #2.  You have already received a communique from my colleague on the

matter. Please refer to this posting for more information:




Read this:



Ha! wow...



Wait, so Easy-E isn't THE symbol of American hegemony?

Nice one, guys. :-D



Nope.  And the Crazy Kazakh wasn't that angry either and neither was our assless chap wearing friend :)



this is like finding out about santa claus and the easter bunny ....



The planning process was long and involved a lot of beer, queso, and burgers.  I think we got a response on every single one we sent it


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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