Our Lady of Walsingham - Corby


Our Lady of Walsingham Primary School 01536 203805: Head Teacher Mrs Hayes

Our Lady’s Catholic Club 01536 264753: Bridie and Bernard

Rick Netherwood youth worker 07940910746; corby@.uk

Sunday, 22nd March 2020, Fourth Sunday of Lent


In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, all public ceremonies in our churches have been cancelled until further notice. Mass will be celebrated by your priests every day, but without a congregation. All Mass intentions booked will be honoured in these private Masses. Your obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is removed until further notice.

Our Lady’s church will be open for private prayer, all being well, from 8am – 6pm each day. This may vary slightly if the priest has to go out for a sick call and needs to close the church earlier for example. Also, there will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Sundays, until further notice, from 10am-12pm. A priest will also be available for confession at this time

When visiting the church, please remain vigilant and observe strict personal hygiene and social distancing.

The advice is to stay at home and join a Mass on “Live Stream” () or on

EWTN TV Channel.

Please take care of those who are self-isolating; keep prayerful; keep faithful.

I enclose the Statement of the Bishops of England and Wales, on this matter.

With prayers and good wishes during these challenging times.

Canon Michael Harrison

Gift Aid

Would you like to add Gift Aid to your weekly offertory to Our Lady’s? If you pay income tax on your wages/salary/pension, then the church, as a registered charity, can re-claim the tax you have paid on your donations to Our Lady’s. This costs you nothing and will not affect the amount of tax you currently pay. The new numbered gift aid envelopes are available for collection from this weekend; please collect them from the back of the church. Now is the time to join.


We are grateful to those who can continue to support the parish financially. If you are able to, please post your envelopes through the presbytery door, 71 Occupation Road. If you are unable to do this, do keep them at home for a later date.

Priest’s Private Mass Intentions Offered This Week

Saturday: Our Lady’s NO PUBLIC MASS Bunty McCluskey Int / Ints of Jordan and Kelly Families

Sunday Our Lady’s NO PUBLIC MASS Philomena Colman RIP / Mary King A

Monday Oundle NO PUBLIC MASS

Tuesday Our Lady’s NO PUBLIC MASS Anna Ostapzcuk (A) / Ellen McKenna (Int)

Thursday Our Lady’s NO PUBLIC MASS Cathy Cassidy O’N eill RIP / Gollogly & McCardie families (Int)


Friday St John Ogilvie NO PUBLIC MASS

Saturday Our Lady’s NO PUBLIC MASS Tim Owen (A) / Bill Dwyer (A)

Sunday Our Lady’s NO PUBLIC MASS Brendan Wilson RIP (A) / Mik King (A)

St John Ogilvie’s NO PUBLIC MASS

May They Rest In Peace

John McGuinness, aged 65, late of Wolongong House, whose Graveside Funeral is on Tuesday,

24th March at 11:00 am at Shire Lodge Cemetery, Corby.

Monica Mary Sims, late of Westfield Road, whose funeral is at Kettering Crematorium on Tuesday,

31st March at 11:00 am. Immediate family only.

Peter Gribben, late of Skaggerak Close, Danesholme, whose Graveside Funeral will be on Tuesday,

31st March at 11:30 am St John Ogilvie’s.

Rosary in Lent

Fr David would like to encourage as many parishioners as possible to make a daily rosary during Lent.

St Vincent de Paul

All the raffle tickets are sold out. Results will be revealed in a couple of weeks. Please see our updated SVP Board at the back of church. The SVP would like to thank everyone for their support, and also thank Rick for his support.

If you need a priest

Canon Michael and Fr David are here to support you at this time. Due to health precautions, we can only visit for essential reasons such as end of life or a pressing need for the Sacrament of Confession, for example. Please contact us at the parish on 01536 203121 or email: ourlady.corby@yahoo.co.uk

May God Bless us All this Lent, Canon Michael & Fr David


Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham

71 Occupation Road, CORBY, NN17 1EE

Tel: 01536 203121

email: ourlady.corby@yahoo.co.uk


Priests: Canon Michael Harrison, Fr David Donaghue

Serving also Thrapston, Oundle, Raunds & St John Ogilvie, Danesholme.

Safeguarding: Joan Currie (Tel 07854 123636)

Safeguarding Rep: Joan Currie. See Joan if you have any concerns. Tel: 07854123636

10:15am Mass Duties.

Readers: This week: -

Ministers: This Week: -


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