Fraternal Order of Eagles

Fraternal Order of Eagles

Black Creek Eagles of Middleburg Aerie 4530

4283 County Road 218 Unit 112

Middleburg, FL 32068-4888


Email: eaerie4530@


Aerie Officers for 2014 - 2015

|Position |Name |Phone |E-mail |

|Jr. Past Worthy President |Greg Hall |591-9241 |gahall23@ |

|Worthy President |Danny Palladino |729-0910 |NONE |

|Worthy Vice-President |Bob Meeks |434-8660 |Lionella1941@ |

|Worthy Chaplain |Samuel Miller |413-6205 |NONE |

|Secretary |Jeff Horrocks |626-6660 |thingamadamit@ |

|Treasurer |Billy McKinley |298-8009 |Blackcreek88@ |

|Worthy Conductor |Don Morgan |334-9916 |NONE |

|Inside Guard |Ron Rodman |621-7316 |ronaldrodman@ |

|Trustee |VACANT | | |

|Trustee |Billy Marrs |589-8604 |NONE |

|Trustee |Kevin Hunt |401-5872 |Kevin.hunt1972@ |

|Trustee |Art Martin |214-5698 |ARTPAPER1998@ |

|Trustee |Allen Casey |521-1700 |BOSTONKC8@ |

|Aerie Auditor |Ron Kaulfers |406-9228 |Ron_kaulfers@ |

|District 11 Trustee |Allen Casey |521-1700 |BOSTONKC8@ |

Auxiliary Officers for 2014 - 2015

|Jr. Past Madam President |Ruth Morgan |282-4635 |NONE |

|Madam President |Peggy Palladino |729-0910 |peggypalladino@ |

|Madam Vice-President |Kay Meeks |343-9232 |Lionells1941@ |

|Madam Chaplain |Charlotte Rodman |282-2912 |RRODMAN938@ |

|Madam Secretary |Tammy Ferguson |521-6740 |tammyferguson3@ |

|Madam Treasurer |Judy McKinley |413-6071 |judymckinley@ |

|Madam Conductor |VACANT | | |

|Inside Guard |Cindy Perrotta |993-5777 |CAPERROTTA@ |

|Outside Guard |VACANT | | |

|Madam Trustee |Connie Boyd |7729790643 |SUELA2929@ |

|Madam Trustee |Hollie Snyder |705-5852 |Holliesnyder72@ |

|Madam Trustee |Cathy Martin |505-3391 |VALCTH@ |

|District 11 Trustee |Cathy Martin |505-3391 |VALCTH@ |


|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

|Breakfast |Trustee Meeting 7pm |Aerie and Auxiliary |Beef Stew | | |Pot Roast |

|9 to 12 pm | |meeting @ 7 pm |By WOTM | | | |

|Super Bowl Party | | |6 – 8 pm |WOTM meeting | |Weekly Drawing 9 pm |

|Texas Hold’em |Happy Hour: 2 - 61 | | |8pm |Entertainment |Entertainment |

|2:30 pm | | |Texas Hold’em | |Jerry & Kathy |Jerry & Kathy |

|Billy’s famous Hamburgers &| |Happy Hour: 2 - 6 |7:00 pm | | | |

|Hot Dogs | | |Happy Hour: 2 –6 |Happy Hour: 2 - 6 |Happy Hour: 2 - 6 | |

|8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |

|Breakfast |Trustee Meeting 7pm | | | | |Steak & Shrimp |

|9 to 12 pm | | |Chicken Tenders | | |6 – 8 pm |

| | | |By WOTM | | |Texas Hold’em 4:00 pm |

|District Meeting |Happy Hour: 2 - 6 | |6 – 8 pm | |Entertainment |Eagle Rider meeting @ 1pm |

|Orange Park | |Happy Hour: 2 - 6 | | |Juke Box |Weekly Drawing 9 pm |

| | | | | | |Valentine Party |

|Billy’s famous Hamburgers &| | | |Happy Hour: 2 - 6 |Happy Hour: 2 - 6 |Entertainment |

|Hot Dogs | | | | | |JINXX |

| | | | | | |[pic] |

| | | |Happy Hour: 2 –6 | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Social Room hours

Monday through Thursday: 2:00 pm until 9:00 pm

Friday and Saturday: 2:00 pm until Midnight

Sunday: 2:00 pm until 7:00 pm


The following members have birthdays in December

|1st |Joe Gibson |1st |Robert Spurlin |5th |David Wheeler, Jr. |5th |Shirley Coffey |

|6th |Mike Bible |7th |Michelle Shrum |8th |Ronda Hunt |11th |Darcy Gildersleeve |

|12th |Gerri Carrigg |14th |Ellen Rener |15th |Barry Franklin |18th |Patrick Rogers |

|19th |Randy Johns |20th |Michelle Garrett |21st |Hollie Snyder |25th |Nancy Watson |

| | | | | | | | |



Orange Park #4365


The Aerie is now selling ceiling tiles to members for $10.00 each. Each member can put their own message on these tiles. You can put your name or in memory of a loved one, for example. The money made from selling these tiles will go to the Building Fund.


Sunday is all you can eat breakfast from 9- 12pm. We are also doing dinners Saturday evenings at the Aerie from 6 – 8 pm. Watch the calendar. The Women of the Moose (WOTM) will be doing dinners on Wednesday nights from 6 – 8 pm. Please come and show your support.

We need help in cooking, serving and cleaning so if you would like to help please let the meal coordinator know. All help is greatly appreciated and needed.

The Eagle Rider’s are cooking Steaks the 4th Saturday of every month, ya’ll come on down.

Our new Kitchen Coordinator is Art Martin, contact him with any ideas or constructive input.


You may have noticed the wooden Eagles on the wall at the Aerie. One of our Members, Larry Giggey, is making these Eagles for the Aerie at no charge to the Aerie. The Eagles are being sold for $10.00 each. The money goes to our Building fund. Please consider buying an Eagle, not only to support the Aerie but also to show Larry that we do appreciate his time and effort. SUPPORT YOUR AERIE PLEASE!


I wish you greetings to all our brothers and sisters.Please let me know if you know of any members who are sick so that we can send our good wishes for a speedy recovery. If you hear of a member who has passed away then please share that with me also.

Connie Boyd

1-(772) 979-0643

When stopping by the Aerie to enjoy the company of your Eagle Family, please check out the bulletin board at the Aerie with "News from Sunshine Lady", which includes birthdays of the month and the "Under The Weather Report".


You have probably noticed some of the Aerie members wearing a Polo or T-shirt with the Aerie logo and Black Creek Eagles #4530 on them andthey look good. You may now purchase them from the bartender, if available. If your size is not available let the Trustees know what you need for the next order. The Polo shirts are $20.00 each and the T-Shirts are $14.00. They come in Black, Blue or Red or if you prefer another color that can be done. Any size is okay. Once we have a minimum order of twelve (12) we will order them. Come look in the display case at the Aerie for other merchandise also.


|9/2015 |Diana White |5/2015 |Cliff & Debbie Ghrist |1/2015 |Edna Westerwelle |

|3/2015 |Marianne Fletcher |9/2014 |Freida Harmon |5/2015 |Ron Mallett |

Please consider becoming a newsletter booster and help with the expense of preparing the newsletter each month. It is only $10.00 annually. If you want to be a booster contact the Aerie Secretary. You will be mailed a colorized newsletter each month.

BUSINESS BOOSTER – Would you like to have your business card put in our newsletter? Become a Business Booster for only $60.00 annually. SEE THE AERIE SECRETARY.


The Aerie is doing a weekly drawing every week on Saturday night at 9 pm. Please stop in and sign up. You can sign up anytime the Aerie is open. We are asking for a $1.00 donation to sign the book. Rules are posted in the weekly sign in book. If your number is picked and you signed the book then you win 80% of the pot if you are present,otherwise, 50% if not present. If no one wins the money it is rolled over to the next week.


The drawing is on Monday nights around 8 pm. Do you feel lucky? You do not have to be present to win. Just ask the bartender for a Queen of Hearts ticket at $1.00 each, put your name on the back of the ticket along with the card number you want and if your name is pulled the card will be turned over for a possible win of cash. The rules are posted in the display box at the Aerie and all proceeds will go to the Building Fund. Thank-you for your support!




Friendly reminder to everyone that dues are just around the corner and will be due on February 28th, 2015. Dues for regular Aerie membership are $30.00 a year and for Dual members they are $15.00 a year. . Dues for regular Auxiliary membership are $24.00 a year, Benefit members $25 and for Dual members they are $20.00 a year. You have a grace period until March 15th and then you must pay your dues in order to be in the Aerie.

Is your mailing address, email address and telephone number up to date? If you are not sure then write it down and drop it in the Secretaries box and it will be verified. If you are not receiving a newsletter by email, then you can bet that the Aerie or Auxiliary Secretary doesn’t have a valid email address on file

Please direct all questions to the Board of Trustees who meet every Monday @ 7:00 pm

Be proud to be An Eagle Member at Blackcreek.

Please make sure you show your Bartender your membership card.


The next Eagle Rider meeting will be on Saturday, February 14th at 1:00 P.M. It is only $10 to become a member. February 28th Steak Night. Theme of the night will be NASCAR. Please come dressed as your favorite NASCAR for your chance at the door prize. No purchase nessary.


Lots of things happening in February

Super Bowl Party February 1st


Bowling will be starting February 8th

Questions Please see Ronda or Peggy



February 14th

Steak & Shrimp Dinner $15

Live Music by: Jinxx

Basket Raffles, Sweetheart photos, Cupid Arrow balloon pop, and Hang ups come join the fun and help support our charity of the month : Max Baer Heart Fund

NASCAR Party February 22nd 1:00 pm

Will have free food

Wings, Hot dogs, Chili Dogs, Hamburgers, Vegetable Tray, Pretzel, Chips and Dip

Donations welcomed


[pic] Wheel is back

Come on in for a chance at the wheel on NASCAR days.

You will be seeing a big ORANGE box on the wall which will have all our upcoming events posted.

We had a great month. See your calendar for upcoming events.

Below you will find our new Pledge card. We have these here at Black Creek Eagles of Middleburg.

|Black Creek Eagles, AERIE 4530 | |

|Member PLEDGE Card | |

|I ___________________, pledge _____ monthly, to the | |

|General Fund. | |

|Thank you for supporting our Aerie. | |

|Only a Bartender or Trustee may Punch card. | |

|After having your PLEDGE CARD punched (marked) for 12 months. | |

|You will be entitled to: | |

|$10.00 Per month Pledge 1 Meal of your choice. | |

|$20.00 Per month Pledge, 1 Meal of your choice and a Beverage and a License Tag $50.00 Per month| |

|Pledge, 1 Meal, 1 Beverage, and a free Aerie shirt. The more you | |

|pledge, the more we have to offer you. Be| |

|Sure to start a new PLEDGE CARD for the next 12 months. (904) | |

|406-0539~ 4283 CR 218, Suite 112, | |

|[pic] [pic] | |


| | |


Thank you for your support.


February 2015

February 2015


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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