Theme Ideas from Abingdon Worship Annual 2021

News sheet for Sunday, 1 August, 2021THIS WEEK IN OUR CONGREGATIONSSunday, 1 AugustPortarlington9.00amRev TemukisaCommunion, Small Change and FoodbankDrysdaleRev Temukisa and Denise’s Team10.30amCommunion, Loose Change, and FoodbankSt Leonards 5.00pmNo ServiceWednesday, 4 August2.00pmRev TemukisaPortarlington Mid-weekCommunion ServiceThursday, 5 August9.30amPortarlington Choir Practice10.30amDrysdale Coffee & Chat Café ZooSunday, 8 AugustPortarlington9.00amRev TemukisaDrysdale10.30amRev Temukisa Café ChurchSt Leonards 5.00pmServiceLECTIONARY READINGSAugust 12 Samuel 11: 26 – 12:13aPentecost 10 Psalm 51: 1-12Ephesians 4: 1-16John 6: 24-35August 82 Samuel 18: 5-9, 15, 31-33Pentecost 11 Psalm 130Ephesians 4: 25-5:2John 6: 35, 41-51Theme Ideas from Abingdon Worship Annual 2021How might we live as people worthy of God’s call in our lives? David faced a cruel reality when Nathan brought to light the error of his ways with Uriah and Bathsheba: Even the greatest of God’s followers can fall from grace if they lose sight of God’s call in their lives; even the wisest can stumble when they shirk the responsibility to live as people worthy of that call. Speaking the truth in love, Nathan brings this reality to David’s attention and calls him back to living in a worthy manner. The letter to the Ephesians, particularly these last three chapters, has much to teach us about how we can live in this worthy manner. Jesus reminds us throughout the sixth chapter of John that God offers us the spiritual nourishment we need in order to live this way. The nourishment and gifts we receive from God are blessings, as they were for David. But these are blessings meant to strengthen us as disciples, that we might bless and strengthen others. In this way, we can indeed live as people worthy of the call we have received.Prayer (2 Sam 11–12, Ps 51, Eph 4) Abingdon Worship Annual 2021Speak truth to us this day, O God.Speak truth to the most inward partsof our hearts and minds,that we might speak your truth in loveand that you might speak your truth through useach and every day.In your holy name, we pray. Amen.PORTARLINGTON / ST LEONARDSNews from the Justice & Mission Ministry TeamCalling all those who knit, crocket or sew or who can donate items for Geelong Mums!We have decided again this year to collect handmade and other goods between now and mid-August for Geelong Mums. There is a box in the St Andrew’s Narthex containing some wool for you to take and create. That box will also be used to accept your finished items.How can you help? If you are sewing, knitting or crocheting please keep the needs of families in Geelong in mind.Items most in need by Geelong Mums NOW are:Single bed blankets Coats for kids Nappies all sizes but not newborn nappies)Wipes and baby toiletries male toiletrieschildren’s toiletries Pyjamas, underwear and socks for kids up to child size 16Other items you may like to knit or sew for Geelong Mums are: children and babies clothing: jumpers, cardigans, bootees, beanies etc (clearly labelled with the size of the garment from 0000 to age 16: boys and girls) knitted or quilted cot/ pram blankets and linen, Bunny rugs Small soft knitted toysNappy change mats Baby towels Items for older children are always in great demandPlease have your finished goods ready by 22 August 2021, for transport to Geelong Mums. For those who don’t knit, why not donate some balls of wool or lengths of useful material or donate something from the most needed list above. Thank you in advance for your generous help. J PorterDRYSDALEBooks, Cakes, Preserves and Craft stall cancellationChurch Council will be discussing the dates of future fetes at its next meeting, after having to cancel the Books, Cakes, Preserves and Craft stall which would have occurred yesterday (Saturday).ALL CONGREGATIONSThank You from Uniting WorldDear?Friends,Like so many of you, today I'm?working from home due to COVID-19 lockdowns.In the midst of that, some really wonderful news: we've just finished tallying donations for our end of financial year appeal to support the work of our partners.This year you've been part of giving that totalled?$482,000!Thank you for responding with such faith and generosity. Together we're making a big difference.?As mentioned above, we're all working from home at the moment and it's difficult for us to access mail or to send printed receipts. If you're in urgent need of a tax receipt that we can email you, please email?us at on 1800 998 122 and we'll send you an electronic one. Hopefully things will be back to 'normal' in the not too distant future?and we’ll get your printed receipt in the post to you as soon as we can. In the meantime, you can still give online or by phoning us on the number above.?Thank you so much for choosing to walk with us and for sharing our belief that together, we’re building the world of justice and hope that God called into being at the beginning of time.In hope of gratitude,Dr Sureka GoringeNational DirectorUnitingWorldCOVID Restrictions UpdateMasks must be carried at all times and must be worn indoors and outdoors unless at home or with a valid exemption.Religious gatherings and ceremonies are permitted for up to 100 people indoors and up to 300 people outdoors subject to the following: ● A density quotient of 1 person per 4 square metres applies ● COVID Check-in Marshals must ensure all attendees check-in.A full list of restrictions can be found on the Synod website using the link below: ................

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