CSC 010, Computer Applications

MS Excel 2010 Project – Due before start of class in D2L Dropbox on October 15, 2014

Kutztown University, Fall 2014


For this project you are required to look for three (3) individual stocks and track their values at the end of each day for three (3) consecutive business days. You can go to the finance. website to find suitable stocks (see hint at the end of this document). After collecting the data, you are to enter them into a MS Excel 2010 worksheet. You must design the worksheet so that it will calculate the data horizontally only. Save the project as “Excel Project YourName”, where YourName is your own last name.

Your Excel Spreadsheet project must satisfy the following requirements:

1. Enter Title (merged and centered) with Heading 1 cell style

2. Enter stock names and their respective ticker symbols

3. Enter closing stock prices only for the 3 stocks (price at the end of each day)

4. Enter actual date for each stock price.

5. All stock prices must have 2 decimal places

6. Apply the Fixed Dollar sign formatting to a range of numbers

7. Apply the Floating Dollar sign formatting to a range of calculated numbers; negative numbers must be shown in parentheses format

8. Enter three (3) totally different customized formulas, where

a. The formulas must make sense with respect to the stocks

b. Functions that are pre-defined in Excel cannot be used

9. Apply two different types of conditional formatting to two different ranges of cells by using a formula. You must explain the two different conditional formatting rules

10. Apply the Civic workbook theme to the worksheet

11. Create a 3-D Column chart for a range of stock prices along with appropriate column headings and row headings. You must explain the chart with respect to the data used.

12. Change the name of the worksheet to “My Stocks”; apply Purple to the worksheet tab

13. Write an explanation of the formulas used in the worksheet.

a. Describe what the formulas mean in relation to the stocks, not a mathematical explanation of the formula.

14. Use the MS Word Application for all explanations.


Submit your work using the Digital Dropbox in Desire2Learn before the deadline.

HINT: How to track stocks at finance.

• Go to finance.

• In the textbox for GET QUOTES near the top left of the page, enter names of companies that you are interested in, for example Microsoft

• Select from the dropdown list or hit enter

• You should now be at the companies’ portfolio page

• Click on Historical Prices in the left side menu

• Record the appropriate stock prices


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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