Yahoo! News - Results From Iowa, Minn., Ohio, Wisc.

Yahoo! News - Results From Iowa, Minn., Ohio, Wisc.


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Results From Iowa, Minn., Ohio, Wisc.

Wed Oct 13, 8:50 AM ET By The Associated Press Results of recent polls on the presidential race. Listed above each set of results is the name of the organization that conducted the poll, the dates, the number interviewed, whether they were adults, registered voters (RV) or likely voters (LV) and the margin of error (MoE). Results might not total 100 percent because of rounding.

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Trend, when available from the same polling firm, is in parentheses after the current numbers. IOWA (Gore won in 2000 by 0.3 percentage points) Market Shares Corp.-Chicago Tribune, Oct. 9-11, 500 LV, MoE +/-5 _George W. Bush, 47 percent _John Kerry, 45 percent _Ralph Nader, 1 percent _Unsure, 7 percent MINNESOTA (Gore won in 2000 by 2.4 percentage points)

Market Shares Corp.-Chicago Tribune, Oct. 9-11, 500 LV, MoE +/-5

Latest Headlines:

_John Kerry, 45 percent

? Anti-Kerry Vietnam Vets

_George W. Bush, 43 percent

Launch New Ads AP - 3 minutes

_Ralph Nader, 2 percent


_Unsure/Other, 10 percent

? Bush, Kerry Keep Health Care Debate Going AP - 5 minutes ago

? Gun Issue Plays in Presidential Campaign in Wisconsin Reuters - 11 minutes ago

OHIO (Bush won in 2000 by 3.6 percentage points) Market Shares Corp.-Chicago Tribune, Oct. 9-11, 500 LV, MoE +/-5 _John Kerry, 49 percent _George W. Bush, 45 percent _Undecided/Other, 6 percent WISCONSIN (Gore won in 2000 by 0.2 percentage points) Market Shares Corp.-Chicago Tribune, Oct. 9-11, 500 LV, MoE +/-5 _John Kerry, 47 percent

All Election Coverage _George W. Bush, 43 percent

_Ralph Nader, 2 percent

_Unsure, 8 percent

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