MS4 Annual Facility Inspection Report - Lake Villa Township, Lake ...

MS4 Annual Facility Inspection Report

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Phase II

Permit Year 10: March 2012 to February 2013

Lake Villa Township Highway Department

Lake Villa Township Highway Department

Annual Facility Inspection Report

Permit Year 10: Mar. 2012 to Feb. 2013


Part A. Changes to Best Management Practices ................................................................ A-1

Part B. Status of Compliance with Permit Conditions .....................................................B-1

Part C. Information and Data Collection Results ............................................................. C-1

Part D. Summary of Year 11 Stormwater Activities ......................................................... D-1

Part E. Notice of Qualifying Local Program ....................................................................... E-1

Part E1. Changes to Best Management Practices ............................................................. E-2

Part E2. Status of Compliance with Permit Conditions .................................................. E-3

Part E3. Information and Data Collection Results ......................................................... E-10

Part E4. Summary of Year 11 Stormwater Activities ..................................................... E-13

Part E5. Construction Projects Conducted During Year 10 .......................................... E-20

Part F. Construction Projects Conducted During Year 10 ................................................ F-1

Table of Contents


Part A. MS4 Changes to Best Management Practices, Year 10

Information regarding the status of all of the BMPs and measurable goals described in the MS4¡¯s

SMPP is provided in the following table.


X indicates BMPs that were implemented in accordance with

? indicates BMPs that were changed during Year 10

the MS4¡¯s SMPP

Year 10

Year 10


A. Public Education and Outreach


A.1 Distributed Paper Material

A.2 Speaking Engagement

A.3 Public Service Announcement


A.4 Community Event

A.5 Classroom Education Material


A.6 Other Public Education


D. Construction Site Runoff Control

D.1 Regulatory Control Program

D.2 Erosion and Sediment Control


D.3 Other Waste Control Program

D.4 Site Plan Review Procedures

D.5 Public Information Handling


D.6 Site Inspection/Enforcement


D.7 Other Construction Site Runoff



Public Participation/Involvement

B.1 Public Panel

B.2 Educational Volunteer


B.3 Stakeholder Meeting


B.4 Public Hearing

B.5 Volunteer Monitoring


B.6 Program Coordination

B.7 Other Public Involvement










Illicit Discharge Detection and


C.1 Storm Sewer Map Preparation

C.2 Regulatory Control Program

C.3 Detection/Elimination Prioritization


C.4 Illicit Discharge Tracing


C.5 Illicit Source Removal Procedures

C.6 Program Evaluation and


C.7 Visual Dry Weather Screening

C.8 Pollutant Field Testing

C.9 Public Notification

C.10 Other Illicit Discharge Controls

Part A. MS4 Changes to Best Management Practices, Year 10


Post-Construction Runoff Control

E.1 Community Control Strategy

E.2 Regulatory Control Program

E.3 Long Term O&M Procedures

E.4 Pre-Const Review of BMP Designs

E.5 Site Inspections During


E.6 Post-Construction Inspections

E.7 Other Post-Const Runoff Controls


Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

F.1 Employee Training Program

F.2 Inspection and Maintenance


F.3 Municipal Operations Storm Water


F.4 Municipal Operations Waste


F.5 Flood Management/Assess


F.6 Other Municipal Operations



Part B. MS4 Status of Compliance with Permit Conditions, Year 10

Stormwater Management Activities, Year 10

The stormwater management activities that the MS4 performed during Year 10 and the status of

each of the BMPs and measurable goals described in the MS4¡¯s SMPP, as of the end of Year 10,

are described below. The MS4¡¯s SMPP can be viewed at .

A. Public Education and Outreach

Measurable Goal(s): Implement, and track progress, of BMPs as described in the SMPP.

The MS4 continues to implement the BMPs described in its SMPP and to track

progress in implementing its stormwater management program.

B. Public Participation/Involvement

Measurable Goal(s): Implement, and track progress, of BMPs as described in the SMPP.

The MS4 continues to implement the BMPs described in its SMPP and to track

progress in implementing its stormwater management program.

C. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

Measurable Goal(s): Implement, and track progress, of BMPs as described in the SMPP.

The MS4 continues to implement the BMPs described in its SMPP and to track

progress in implementing its stormwater management program.

D. Construction Site Runoff Control

Measurable Goal(s): Implement, and track progress, of BMPs as described in the SMPP.

Assist LCPBD with WDO compliance as appropriate.

BMPs for this measurable goal are implemented by the County of Lake, Planning

Building and Development Division (LCPBD). LCPBD efforts were supported by

the Township Highway Department.

E. Post-Construction Runoff Control

Measurable Goal(s): Assist LCPBD with WDO compliance as appropriate.

BMPs for this measurable goal are implemented by the LCPBD. LCPBD efforts

were supported by the Township Highway Department.

F. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

Measurable Goal(s): Implement, and track progress, of BMPs as described in the SMPP.

Part B. MS4 Status of Compliance with Permit Conditions, Year 10


The MS4 continues to implement the BMPs described in its SMPP and to track

progress in implementing its stormwater management program.

Stormwater Management Program Assessment, Year 10

An overall assessment of the MS4¡¯s stormwater management program and the appropriateness

of its BMPs is provided below.

During Year 10, SMC (i.e., the QLP) completed a minor revision of the SMPP template, which

was last revised in April 2009, to provide additional guidance on addressing the annual program

assessment requirements of IEPA¡¯s General NPDES Permit No. ILR40. The LVTHD reviewed

the revised SMPP template incorporated applicable changes into its SMPP. Implementation of

the revised procedures will begin in Year 11.

Part B. MS4 Status of Compliance with Permit Conditions, Year 10



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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