St Francis School, Msida Half Yearly Examinations - 2014 Year ...

[Pages:5]St Francis School, Msida

Half Yearly Examinations - 2014

Year 4


Time: 40mins

(Reading Comprehension, Language)

Name: ________________________________

Total: 30 marks

A. Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully.

(20 marks)

The Kitten

Rosie wanted a kitten more than anything in the world. For months, she had dreamt of the day that she and her parents would go to the animal sanctuary and adopt her brand new pet. But Rosie's mother insisted they wait until Rosie's birthday, which was still two months away. Rosie thought of kittens all day. She hoped hers would have blue eyes, fluffy fur and a soft tail that Rosie would feel through her shirt when the kitten curled up on her chest. (par. 1)

Walking home from school one day, she passed a neighbour's house and noticed a big cardboard box. Curious, she moved closer and saw her neighbour, Mrs Spencer, lifting a fluffy kitten from the box! The words "Free Kittens" were written across the side of the box in big black letters. (par. 2)

Mrs Spencer saw Rosie eyeing the box and waved to her to come closer. "Your name is Rosie, isn't it? You live down the block." Rosie nodded and held her arms out for the kitten Mrs Spencer was handing her to hold. It had blue eyes and its fur was as soft as Rosie had dreamt it would be. (par. 3)

"Would you like to adopt a kitten?" asked Mrs Spencer smiling kindly. Before she knew what whe was saying, Rosie blurted out, "Yes!" "Is it allright with your parents?" "It's fine. We've been planning to get a kitten for months." (par. 4)

Though it wasn't the whole truth, Rosie could not help herself. She promised Mrs Spencer that she would take good care of the

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Adapted from The Kitten -

kitten. Mrs Spencer put the kitten in a box and happily, Rosie went home with her new pet! (par. 5)

1. Tick () to show the correct answer.

i) What did Rosie want as a pet?

(1 mark)

a) a puppy


b) a kitten


c) a rabbit


d) a tortoise


ii) Rosie hoped that her pet would have:

a) a fluffy tail


b) green eyes


c) blue eyes


d) pointed ears


(1 mark)

iii) What were the exact words written on the box?

a) "Kittens for free"


b) "Free Pets"


c) "Adopt a kitten"


d) "Free Kittens"


(1 mark)

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2) Tick () to show whether each sentence is True or False. (4 marks)

True False

a) Rosie's birthday was two months away. b) One day Rosie saw a small plastic box. c) In the box there were kittens. d) Rosie decided to adopt one of the kittens.

3) Answer the following questions.

a) What had Rosie been dreaming of for months? (par. 1) For months, _______________________________________________________


(2 marks)

b) What did Mrs Spencer lift from the box? (par. 2) She _______________________________________________________________


(2 marks)

c) Describe the kitten that Mrs Spencer handed over to Rosie. (par. 3) ____________________________________________________________________


(2 marks)

d) What did Rosie tell Mrs Spencer when she asked her about her parents? (par. 4)



(2 marks)

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e) Why do you think that Rosie decided to take the kitten even though it was still not her birthday and her mother did not agree?



(3 marks)

f) What did Rosie promise Mrs Spencer? (par. 5) ____________________________________________________________________


(2 marks)

B. Language

(10 marks)

Read the clues to fill in with the right word. The first one is ready.

Rosie (1) _t_h__o_u_g_h_t_ of telling her mother the whole truth. To Rosie's

amazement, her mother was not angry (2) _________ helped her to

prepare a (3) _____________ basket for their (4) _________ kitten.

Rosie named her kitten Tipsy. On her book (5) _____________ she had

lots of books about cats and she (6) ___________ leafing through

them because she wanted to take good care of her kitten. Tipsy loved

licking its fur with its (7) ___________ and whenever Rosie gave Tipsy

food, the kitten would start (8) _____________ its tail. That's

because the food was always (9) _____________! That week she (10)

___________ Mrs Spencer. Rosie gave her a (11) ____________ of

flowers to thank her for giving her the most adorable pet in the world!

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1) The past tense of `think' 2) A joining word (and or but). 3) An adjective that describes the basket. 4) The opposite of `old'. 5) The plural word of `shelf' (one-many). 6) The past tense of `start'. 7) A word that rhymes with `jaw'. 8) Add ?ing to the verb `wag'. Spell it correctly! 9) A word that means `tasting good'. 10) The past tense of `meet'. 11) A word that describes a group of flowers.


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